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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. The character I have been using to check has been at 8 tickets since before the weekend, and I probably didn't play her more than 2-3 hours intermittently over the weekend. She is still at 8 tickets. My guess is that for us mere mortals, it takes an uninterrupted 24-hour cycle of being logged out to increment a ticket. Vanden you seem to be in a Superman IV/Office Space type situation where everyone else's fractional coupon progress is being rounded off and dumped into your account. I'm kidding of course.
  2. I have made similar observations over the last couple of months, although my sales volume is a fraction of yours. I was going to post my own thread but given that my methods and results are similar I hope you don't mind if I just post my results in here. My inspiration came from several posts by Shinobu, Zolgar, and Robotech_Master (linked at the bottom). My method was to buy level 31 uncommon recipes, craft them, convert to rare, then convert that rare to another rare. I would convert until I found something that sold reliably for over 1 million inf, except in the case where I landed in a category with one or more particularly lucrative sets (like LotG in Defense), in which case I'd convert by type until I landed on something that sold for several million. I almost never converted in-set unless I happened to land on the dog of a set which otherwise had lucrative members. My dataset consisted of 160 total enhancements, sold between August 3 and Sept 22. I crafted & converted in lots of 10 and kept track of them by lot but the overall results are all I present here. I estimated my total recipe, crafting, and salvage cost at 50,400 inf and my cost per converter at 85,000 inf. On average each enhancement required 4.96 converters, and the average sale price was 2,640,000 inf. Average profit was 1,905,000 inf. I priced each item individually, depending on the apparent demand for the item and my own experience with how well it sold. I had to relist 10 of the 160 enhancements. I was (and still am) quite patient with the market, so I'd normally wait at least a week (including at least one weekend) before relisting. I don't necessarily know if my method maximizes profit, but overall I am happy with the results. My goal is to be able to afford good sets, and is not necessarily to get super rich. At the moment I don't outfit my characters with anything more expensive than ATOs or the odd PVP IO (like the Panacea proc), mostly because I don't yet have a character that I love playing exclusively enough to justify buying purples or other expensive IOs. This also isn't my only marketing method. I also like to craft and sell dropped recipes that look like they will turn a profit based on salvage and crafting cost. I strategically convert a few of these if they are in lucrative sets (like Defense), but for the most part I just craft and sell. I am still collating data (as they say) on that practice. The guides I used were: Shinobu: Zero to 100 Million in a Week Zolgar: A quick and dirty crash course in Enhancement Converters Robotech_Master: How to Make Millions on the Market in Minutes By the time Shinobu posted the excellent Craft & Convert: Detailed Step-by-Step Guide, I had already more or less settled into my craft and convert method, but that guide gave me confidence that I was definitely on the right track.
  3. I tried logging there for a few hours but didn't see an increase in my coupons. I tried a few other Wentworth's too with the same results. If it is a bug I don't seem to be able to replicate it. You must just be living right to get those special perks!
  4. The most comprehensive list is this one: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Sets The rarity of each set is shown in the set piece table for each set. (Deleted a bunch of stuff that was confusing or no longer true)
  5. I don't think you are required to make the other enhancements in each category. It's been my experience that any of the enhancements in each category will progress the counter. For example, either Damage or Knockback will count towards that particular badge category. What you do need to do is make an equivalent amount of enhancements from the level pair. In the case of the level 50 badges, these require an equivalent amount of level 45 enhancements. In some cases there is an extra "floating" required enhancement that can come from either level.
  6. Is there a specific Wentworth's where you are logging out? As I noted I normally log in a store but I tried logging out in a Wentworth's (the one in Talos) for several hours and the number of coupons did not increase.
  7. I load my options via a keybind as well, but this slider still gets reset to zero no matter if I set it by loading my options file or if I set it manually. In my case the game doesn't consistently warn me about level differences when grouping. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but to be fair I have not grouped many times since I realized this was a bug so I don't have many data points yet. As you said, though, reloading the option settings via a saved file would be a good work-around until they can get this fixed.
  8. This is incorrect. I've encountered this bug many, many times over the past few months and it's not a visual glitch. There is a separate bug that will sometimes result in two completely different listings alternately appearing for items, but this is not that glitch. The bug addressed in this thread cannot be remedied by clicking off and back on a few times. While I cannot say for certain that it is caused by a mixup of records, it appears that way and that's why I have continued to post examples as I find them. And I'm aware that it happens everywhere. I've posted examples from recipes and enhancements because that is what I spend 95% of my time on the AH buying and selling. I don't deal with salvage or inspirations very often so I haven't encountered many, if any, examples of same. I don't think this particular bug can be abused in the way you describe, because I think the mechanics behind the trading of these items works the same as it does for all other AH items. It's just that the last 5 auctions is reporting bad data for these items, and if anything I think that might be causing some people to lose money in the form of auction fees because they are lead to believe an item is trading for more money than it actually is.
  9. I've experienced this exact issue (except the prompts after zoning) since the last patch. I've tried setting to 50 and saving but it always resets the sliders to zero.
  10. Man I wish I had had this advice a week ago. I've been leveling a TW/Bio scrapper up through 22 and it's been brutal trying to find that sweet spot in the level/team size settings between "too easy" and "faceplant". Sounds like this AE mission might help me find that.
  11. I've experienced the opposite, in fact, and this thread reports similar experiences. but I have been logging out in a store. I get about one per 24 hours logged out, which GM Sijin confirmed (in that linked thread) was correct.
  12. I found some other name mismatches between the spreadsheet name and the in-game name. I hesitate to call them typos because they are mostly just cases where capitalization is slightly different. If this is too "in the weeds" just let me know and I won't post these anymore. There's a fine line between being helpful and being a nuisance, and I don't want to cross it! Name in Spreadsheet Badge Type In-Game Name D.U.S.T. In The Wind Defeat D.U.S.T. in the Wind Life Out of Death Exploration Life out of Death Master At Arms Defeat Master at Arms Cliche Ouroboros Cliché Phoned It In Ouroboros Phoned it in Dead But Dreaming Exploration Dead but Dreaming You should see the other guy Accomplishment You should see the other guy. They are Still Among Us Accolade They Are Still Among Us
  13. Another helpful wiki page is the Invention Cheat Sheet page. I don't know how helpful it might be but I've attached a Word doc with some tables that I created with the salvage requirements for all the common invention IOs in the 10-25, 30-40, and 45-50 level ranges. It's basically a printer-friendly version of some of the tables on that cheat sheet page, along with another table to keep track of salvage quantities for each range. The first table in that doc is another I created to help me keep track of the number of IOs required per badge, and of the recipes I had on hand. My approach was to squirrel away the appropriate recipes as they dropped during normal play, and once I had enough I'd craft them into the badge. This table is set up for the level 35-40 set of badges but it can easily be adapted to the other sets using the info from the wiki pages previously posted. crafting_recipes.docx
  14. Any chance this is related at all to the option_set Cursor Scale issue I posted about a few days ago?
  15. Those high visibility cursors linked above are great. There is also a slider under Options > Window to let you enlarge the cursor up to 200%, which makes it easier to see.
  16. I love the high-visibility cursors, thank you for uploading those. I have settled on Set B as my favorite, however it is just a tad small. Is there any way to post a version that is 50% larger?
  17. Thanks, but I'm going to stick with TW/Bio. Its been highly recommended in several places, and its been fun so far. If ultimately it doesn't work out, no big deal.
  18. I never would have thought that I would enjoy farming but I created a spines/fire brute just to see what it was all about and I wound up finding it challenging fun. It's not something I'm going to do for an extended period, and not something that I am overly concerned about maximizing efficiency, but I can see myself doing 1-2 comic con arcs a week just to do something a bit different. I'm tinkering with a titan/bio scrapper at the moment to give myself a farmer that can do other stuff too.
  19. Try: /bind <key> powexec_name Combat Jumping$$powexec_name Super Jump Because the two powers are mutually exclusive, turning one on will turn the other off.
  20. I think it is just really slow, to the tune of maybe 24 hours per token. It seemed to take forever to get two on my character but during Hurricane Dorian I didn't get to play as much and when I finally got back to the game I had gained 5 or 6 tokens.
  21. I'm a fairly novice base builder and I added a similar park room to my base, complete with rocky pool in the middle. If you need any advice just let me know. I did have a slight issue with the grass floor in that if I overlapped parts of it, I would get some serious flickering. I resolved that by making sure that I used the correct tile sizes to get total coverage without overlapping tiles.
  22. Thanks for bumping this, it motivated me to search through and prep some other examples that have been languishing in my screenshots folder. I'm also re-posting an image from the other thread that used to show up in the OP but appears broken now. I found a couple of other less-obvious examples but I couldn't be sure it wasn't just a case of someone bidding with one too many zeroes, so I didn't include them. I agree with your sentiments, Hedgefund. This bug certainly cost me a decent amount of influence back before I had some market experience under my belt, and it would be nice to see it fixed because it still vexes me on occasion.
  23. I have a pair of keybinds for increasing/decreasing the size of my mouse cursor for when I am teaming: CTRL+C "option_set CursorScale 1.000000" SHIFT+C "option_set CursorScale 2.000000" These have stopped working since the 9/10 patch. When I press these keys, the system reports back as it always has: 2019-09-12 00:49:06 Set option CursorScale to 2.000000. 2019-09-12 00:49:09 Set option CursorScale to 1.000000. But the cursor does not change. I can still change it via the slider. I double-checked a fresh export of the options.txt file to make sure that the name of the CursorScale option variable did not change, and it does not look like it has.
  24. Not sure if these are worth adding to the spreadsheet or not but over in DocLiah's chatlog parser thread, BovineAvenger, using my /settitle keybinds files, found what appear to be some as-yet-unnamed badges for rejecting certain types of recipes and inspirations. I found a few more running those /settitle files last night. The ones found so far are: Reject Protection Inspirations Reject Resurrect Inspirations Reject Defense Inspirations Reject Resistance Inspirations Reject Common Recipes Reject Uncommon Recipes Reject Rare Recipes There was no reward text that appeared in the chat (at least not for the ones I found). These only showed up when using the /settitle command. Who knows if they will ever become actual badges or not, but considering that there are similar badges for rejecting various amounts of recipes/inspirations, it doesn't seem unreasonable that they might become named badges. On an unrelated note, I noticed a small typo in the spreadsheet. On the 'Achievement' tab, under 'Souvenir Badges', for all the badge notes the word 'collect' has an extra 'L'. Edit to add one more minor item/typo (if you want to call it that). On the Defeat tab, under 'Praetorian Enemy Badges', the badge named 'Resistance Is Futile' appears in-game as 'Resistance is Futile' (the I in 'is' is not capitalized in-game).
  25. Those 'Reject' badges are interesting. I just ran my /settitle binds last night and a couple of them show up in my list too. They do not appear in the badge tracker spreadsheet, although it does list eight Issue-25 badges for rejecting various numbers of recipes and inspirations. The ones above appear to be as-yet-unnamed badges for rejecting specific types of recipes and inspirations.
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