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Everything posted by Megajoule

  1. Used to be the difference was cost and availability. There were several occasions where I "settled" - e.g., Red Fortune instead of LotG - for lack of inf, time, and straight-up ability to get the top performing set(s). HC is a very different environment than Live in those terms. And I was half-joking there; the Paragon crew brought us a fun game, but they often didn't fully understand the innards of it themselves, or some of the consequences of decisions made under great time and budget pressure.
  2. Fantastic timing! I just came to this subforum because I was looking to update the build for my main (see userpic), who goes all the way back to late 2004 on the live servers. She, as Force Redux suggested, already has and will be keeping Leadership, and I'll probably make a few other minor tweaks for my own tastes; but the build looks almost perfect for my/her needs. Thanks!
  3. I'm not certain, but as with your other recent request, I believe that the underlying data structure of the game does not allow this. My hope is that someone else can give a definite answer.
  4. While I'm not opposed to this, I think some of the issue is that Paragonwiki hasn't been updated (for Incarnate content that was part of the game as of shutdown), or can't be updated (to reflect additions and changes post-shutdown). Once the wiki is finally sorted, that will also resolve some of these problems.
  5. For missions (like those in the Apex and Tin Mage TFs) that involve the helicopter parked on top of the Vanguard base in RWZ, one can skip the delay that normally comes with clicking on the guy at the boarding ramp by clicking on one of the roof doors instead.
  6. I presume the OP wants 100% buyback price, to fix "oopses".
  7. Dual Pistols/Martial Combat blaster. Really, folks. We don't need new powersets for every single concept.
  8. Infinitum is opposed to any nerfs, large or small, for any reason whatsoever.
  9. Gonna take my own advice and cut to the chase: IMO, you should put what your question is about right in the subject line. Don't make your audience, including the person who might actually be able to answer it, dig through your post to find out what you're asking. e.g.: "Can Assassin Strike be made auto-hit from Hidden?" Or, since your question seems to be addressed to a specific dev, just send it as a PM. EDIT: "I have a question." [expectant silence] "... what's your question?" "Whether my idea is possible." "... what's your idea?" "(finally explains proposal)"
  10. "Oh, up his *****, but I don't do that trick m'self." -- Adrian Paul
  11. What is this? Are you asking for the ability to craft more slots (and proposing a recipe for them)? Because if so, no. Slots are one of the few remaining limits in this game.
  12. Thread needs a better subject line, IMO. OP has a question, great; what is it? What is the thread about?
  13. Daang. Well! If I can save others from making the same dumb mistakes I did, I'm glad! EDIT: To clarify, I mean that I thought you could only combine enhancements that were BOTH already slotted in a power - not one in the power and one from the tray. As far as I know, you can't combine in the tray and then slot that into the power (but why would you want to?)
  14. Back in '04, leveling my first few characters, I thought you could only combine enhancements that were already slotted into a power. No combining from the tray. Took me at least a month to figure that out.
  15. Yup, half the league crashing out is much better than the alternative... 🙄
  16. In the interest of efficiency, I'd like to note that there is a thread on this very subject over in the Suggestions and Feedback sub-forum, if you would like to provide suggestions and feedback rather than merely "discussing" it.
  17. Sounds like an utter nightmare of redraw, the likes of which Warframe just recently got rid of. Draw katana, swing it, put it away, draw beam rifle, fire it, fire another attack, put rifle away...
  18. Giving this thread a bump, as I've been thinking about it again lately. How do the HC devs feel about giving us an option to turn Threads (which can't be mailed to alts) into Empyreans (which can)? Would a "lossy" conversion be acceptable? Or is this one of those things that just can't/won't ever be allowed?
  19. I too would like to see Super Strength rebalanced into less of a feast-or-famine set, but that's a matter for another thread.
  20. I can concur that old respecs definitely sold everything that wasn't slotted at the end. I was rather surprised, then disappointed, the first time I did it here and saw that they'd simply be cast into the ether.
  21. Because the LFG trial, at least in its current form, has issues that have been documented in other feedback threads.
  22. Girls, girls, you're both right, and you're both wrong: TOs are nearly worthless in how much bonus they provide (if slotted) and how much inf they sell for (if not). They're the equivalent of those loot drops in certain other games *cough* that sell for 5-10 copper or give you a whole +2 to a stat if worn (oooooh). Sell them, slot them, or simply throw them in the trash; it really doesn't make that much difference.
  23. If I may: The OP doesn't seem to be asking for advice, but whether anyone else out there has felt an urge to compete or seek maximum challenge in this game which other games, for whatever reason, do not tend to evoke?
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