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Everything posted by zenblack

  1. Currently, if you time putting in a base code when the teleport menu is popping up on Base Transporter(P2W)/Long Range Teleporter (only ones I've tested personally) then the cooldown of the associated power is not triggered and it can be used immediately. This can be done through any method whether it is keybind, macro, popmenu or other. Steps to Repeat: Activate Long Range Teleporter While Teleport menu is loading immediately press macro for enterbasefrompasscode for any base When you arrive at said base you will see the power is off of cooldown Rinse Repeat Enjoy duty free champagne and unlimited porting Tested on both Excelsior and Everlasting. Please fix as quick as you can since this defeats the purpose of removing the old ebfp behavior. Thank you. All credit and potential Bug Hunter badge goes to @Cirque
  2. The market can decide. Since there are multiple ways for people to get them there is no need to change it outside of reward variety on mission/TF/GM/Badges.
  3. So previously I was using the raw .json to find the internal names for use for Power Ready but now City of Data has most of this information. Check the box at the top that says Match Internal Names" then search for the power(s) you are looking for. For Temporary Powers do a search for "Temporary Powers" then on the right click on the category Temporary Powers and it will list what CoD has. The last category is where most of the obscure/popmenu friendly ones are. Once you are in the power screen there is a checkbox for Show Raw files, check that then at the bottom you can get the internal power name.
  4. Any server you put online is going to be attacked almost immediately. Don't go online until you're ready to jump in those waters. I've seen servers have intrusions in less than an hour.
  5. I support and like the change to Lady Grey Taskforce, it fixes a real problem. It's the gold equivalent of the Ms Liberty Taskforce and Lord Recluse Strikeforce. It contains an endgame enemy type and difficulty level (though I would support a more "rikti supergroup av fight" at the end. Perhaps with 1 extra AV at each pylon or buffed up Riders or something). The one thing that might help distinguish this would be changing it's Incarnate component reward and swap it with a Synthetic Hami-O, but even if not it seems fine. I also appreciate the fix to Emp Arrow and Arcane Bolt/power. I would like the strenuously suggest having an alternate effect for Arcane Bolt though, please, it's terrible. Perhaps a Psychic Blast projectile to simulate a Magic Missile.
  6. Looking over this set as where it is right now worked a bit I have to say I think the duration on the CC effects seem far too long. Also in part this sets is a child of dark/illusion and I wonder if there isn't an opportunity to do more with it than just be a "PBAOE control set" as it seems the intent. Since light is energy there seems like an opportunity to have unique control play-style with that as the basis. This may not be helpful feedback at all since it's not specific feedback about individual powers.
  7. @JimmyAs someone who didn't look at this thread until now I was wondering if you could give us a framework of what HC would like if that doesn't cause you problems legally. Things like subscription, microtransactions (please no), pay to win (please no). Not set it stone but maybe things that HC feels is their vision of the game.
  8. If you are going to adjust merits for MLTF then equate it to redside LRSF. Currently without the extra flier merits MLTF gives 12 more merits than the equivalent redside TF. You complete them roughly in the same amount of time on less than world record speedrun timings.
  9. Editing after someone has quoted your initial post and looking like a dunce is one of the great traditions of the internet.
  10. This is a great suggestion and should be implemented ASAP.
  11. There is so much going on and so many things to do that I can completely understand that HC overlooked or low prioritized this. Even things that are reported and consistently have bug reports put in take time to get done.
  12. It's even worse on uneven ground where the entire ground effect disappears. I'm not a fan of where they left it and wish they would have considered usability a little more.
  13. This a million times. Also port the arachnos mace to and from normal maces in weapon customization and stop Spiderlings (and other spiders) from constantly firing off their VFX and SFX crackle.
  14. When using the Windfall temp power the warning text (before you use the power) states it gives 25% influence. The power itself no longer provides an influence bonus (and verified with CoD) so this text should be adjusted or even better it could be reinstated now that the AE double inf bug has been fixed. Either way it should reflect what the actual values are. Thanks.
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  15. No I wasn't aware it was going to be fixed. But assuming that is a bit counter productive. If I did I wouldn't have wasted the time or the respec on my 2 Trick Arrow characters.
  16. Just for posterity sake a respec did not fix my EMP field. It is still broken.
  17. I am having the same type of problem. My Trick Arrow characters previously had coloration on their EMP arrow and certain others, now it's reset to pure white (not the normal bluish) and there doesn't seem to be any way to get it to change. Do you think a respec would fix it?
  18. Except that this change is not going to promote KM play but rather detract from it. You are not enticing any KM stalkers to play and provide testing data when you further negatively impact an under-performing set. However if you do it when you actually revamp a set you will see a large amount of testing and because you can patch the beta server you can test both iterations at 100% and 50% within it's new set balance without negatively impacting anyone on live who is playing an under-performing set.
  19. You can take the flight power and use the backpack options. Personally I'd love it if the Goldbricker would be a backpack option.
  20. I feel that this is a direction that the HC dev team is taking. There have been a slew of changes that have a negative impact on the current while being said that "WHEN we do a balance pass on this set, then maybe we'll look at changing X". I don't like this. If you want to maximize your time and do sweeping changes only (getting away from cherry picking for example) you need to consider the amount of time it will take for you to get to that balance pass. If it's not breaking anything it is far, far better to keep the current balance consideration for things that are not negative changes and wait until you do the balance pass to put them in line with where you want them. HC has proven they can revamp sets to be much better (in gameplay as well as upgrading their power if it lacks) but it requires time investment (for animations in particular). Don't tax the player-base because there is a time consideration. Please.
  21. You keep saying this like it's real. It's absolutely false. If you need a "Tray full of Breakfrees" your problem is playing the game, not the powers in the game.
  22. Build 4 EvMa Feedback: With the fixes in place I have been able to properly test EvMa both in conjunction with Fly and Hover as well as without (assuming a Fly, Air Superiority/Group Fly, EvMa build). EvMa with Hover and Fly is a pretty high endurance hog out of all the travel powers. I feel Hover is the main offender here, though it could be split between EvMa and Hover due to having the split protection of defense and combat protections in 2 powers instead of a single one. EvMa's in combat movement speed is noticibly less zippy than in the previous builds. I'm not sure if this is a factor of how the additional speed in EvMa interacted with the unsuppressed value. I assumed that if your Fly speed reached the same point (no matter which portion of it comes from Fly or EvMa) that you would retain the same combat speed. My preference would be for it to regain it's Build 2 value as that felt fair for it's endurance/slot investment. EvMa's combat protections I feel are slightly undertuned for the power and investment. This may change in the future when -fly actually has an all-or-nothing value or is used by more than a few isolated instances. This is also due to the Defender values of kb protection being slightly under where you would want it at L50 and as you level much less valuable. This also plays into having to choose 3 powers to get Immobi protection low enough level for it to be useful as opposed to just taking Fly (or more appropriately Mystic Flight) + CJ at a much lower level with a significantly lower endurance cost while getting the better parts of protection/defense when it's actually useful. Of course this is all better than Live is currently but I don't feel it matches the build investment and could be nudged a bit with the choice being: 1.) 2 Pools, 2 powers, significant benefits with low endurance usable at lower levels vs 2.) 1 Pool, 3 powers, worse benefits, higher endurance, sacrifice to use at lower levels.
  23. This is your own bias speaking not anyone else. They have not said they don't want to hear feedback negative or positive, but people are not providing feedback they are providing opinion, being verbally abusive, making incorrect assumption, demanding more information than has been given, etc. There is a very clear distinction and whether you want to see it or not has nothing to do with this. I'm glad there is another thread for "Commentary" as I myself am not interested in hearing more of the same about RoP when I look to this thread for feedback and new testing parameters.
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