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Everything posted by Oneirohero

  1. I suppose it would be nice if some buildings could be redesigned to have direct interiors. Not doors you click to go into a super far-down-the-map box of a room but like, you'd have a coffee shop or cafe and you can see through the windows of all the chairs, tables and the counters/kitchen at the back; entering through an open doorway so you can move inside. So the whole idea is that buildings have a sense of space, depth and purpose and become less of the background boxes they currently are. Or to explain it a bit differently, to have buildings have interiors much like how Wentworth's isn't just a box with clickable doors, it's an indoor space you can move into easily and even has stuff in the back you can explore in. And as far as building with instanced doors is concerned, you don't have to hollow out an entire building, just create a new model with the new interior space and align the doors back into position. And on the subject of what kind of things you could do with this design philosophy. You could have jewllery stores, supermarkets, tech shops, places to eat. Some could even have 'save the citizen' spawns next to them designed to look like they're robbing the place, so when you beat the bad guys it's like you saved a store from being robbed. Such places should have stuff outside to give players a clear indication that a hollowed-out place exists from a distance so all that hard work doesn't go to waste. It could defictionalise various in-world branded areas like the steakhouses and pizza places. Even if zones are just a transitionary environment for the instanced missions, adding these places into buildings could make it feel a bit more like it's actually lived in and of course, give roleplayers more places to hang out than Pocket D
  2. I received this as well just a couple of minutes ago.
  3. I have to admit, this is much better than my suggestion(s). It's not like there's other ATs that have a purely-luck based Inherent either (Scrapper's Critical hits for example). Overpower is the one thing Controllers get that Dominators do not.
  4. Since I used it with my Controller, I can say the T5 is a bit like the counterpart to Sorcery's Rune of Protection. It's a minute long boost to Regen/Recov and Defense with no crash. If you can find use in the other powers in the pool it's useful for any Defense-oriented character much in the way RoP is good for Resist types. I would say it could do with maybe 30 seconds more duration or something because with a 10 minute cooldown, it has less uptime than even RoP at this point.
  5. Very much this! Currently anything that goes on the neck is in the 'shoulders' category (neck chains for example), however that means you can't use shoulder pieces as a result. I wonder if there's any leftover character nodes to put in for shoulder slots that BaBs mentioned all those years ago....
  6. That is true, Sleep and Confuse often get higher magnitudes and duration than most mez powers. However Controllers often don't get use containment in endgame scenarios because of the amount of mez protection enemies tend to have. AVs in their triangle-up phase and giant monsters might as well disable Containment as an inherent with the amount of bonus damage you can do. Whether or not certain mezzes can be made perma or not is outweighed by the fact that Controllers with containment don't do more damage than other ATs on average and it would be better for Controller QoL if there were the least amount of resistance to achieving their potential DPS as possible. It's hardly zero effort, they still have to successfully mez a target before the damage kicks in, that's one more step than any other AT. As for Risk/Reward, Confuse burns XP off any targets they damage, and can eliminate it entirely if they finish their ally off before you can get to them. No other status punishes your rewards for using it, but it gets used because it's super helpful for solo Controllers and makes dense crowds easier to manage. So with that said, Risk/Reward for confuse is entirely fair as-is, confused enemies are the true kill-stealers here, let's contain them!
  7. The Problem Controllers often use status effects like Sleep/Hold/Stun..ect which are covered by the condition for containment damage. However they also use a bunch of other effects that certainly impede the victim's ability to act but do not count for containment damage. Two in particular: Fear and Confuse, often both prevent the enemy from attacking you or your allies and in the case of Fear, stops them moving too. One could say that Containment is only for status effects that 'lock down' enemies as the description states, but the effective message and gameplay perception of the inherent is that you get 'bonus damage from enemies under control effects'. The Suggestion Add Fear and Confuse to the list of applicable status afflictions for Containment to deal bonus damage. There's no reason to not include them as they are still strong statuses when used correctly. To denounce Fear because hitting them breaks the status early would eliminate Sleep as a status (and Fear eventually holds the attacked target after a short while too). And while Confuse doesn't stop the enemy from doing things, they might as well not be because aside from skimming off XP, a confused enemy can only be helpful to your team. In the case of a single confused enemy, they might as well be held. I would say straight up that Knock effects shouldn't count, they're not persistent status effects. Taunt and Placate are tricky, while the two statuses and Confuse definitely do change how an enemy behaves, at least Confuse prevents the enemy from hurting you or your team mates, which neither accomplish (Taunt drives them to hurt you, Placate drives them to hurt your team). For them to have an inclusion into Containment's effect it would have to be something like the below suggestion: Other control effects not currently included in Containment could be counted as a mini-crit grouping of damage bonuses, with Fear/Confuse/Taunt/Placate providing a smaller amount of bonus damage and in the event of an enemy having multiple statuses, takes the higher multiplier. An enemy with confuse could have something like +50% damage, while a Sleeping, Confused enemy would take the normal +100% damage. I still would like Fear and Confuse to be considered +100% damage statuses, but as a compromise, I can deal with it being made with mini-critting status effects so long as Containment can benefit from as many CC effects as plausible.
  8. A heavy domed helmet costume piece is a good idea. Just because the Juggernaut has one doesn't mean the character has all sovereignty over that style of helmet. People cry out about copyright infringement forgetting that it's only an infringement if you create something far too similar to the protected work. As I see it, there could be lots of ideas that stem from a helmet such as that. As such, I support the idea.
  9. • A protest of Scrapyarders • A pantheon of Dark Pantheons • A breakout of Prisoners • An outbreak of Contaminated • A Trust and Safety Team of Seers • A Magic: the gathering(tm) of Circle of Thorns • A huge disappointment of Warriors • A frustration of Carnies/Freakshow
  10. My Controller definitely benefited from taking Power of Will over Sorcery, to the point where even the default power customisation fits his colour scheme. I do miss the team utility that Sorcery's [Spirit Ward] had but considering he's primarily a debuffer, Power of Will's [Weaken Resolve] works mechanically with what I was going for too. Considering he has a strong -ToHit debuff power and he's mainly defense-based. the T5 [Unleash Potential] was the icing on the cake, offering a good minute of valuable DEF/regen/recov. The effects for Project Will seem better in my opinion, far more open to interpretation than the overtly magical looking rune effects. I'll be honest, Power of Will was designed almost as if it were made for my Controller, fantastic work!
  11. Excellent stuff! I can only hope one or two of those pages involve stuff about rethinking the restrictive and sometimes underpowered nature of non-meta Power pools.
  12. Staff Fighting, only because there's no 'No Redraw' options for any of them so they can't be used with any other non-staff powers.
  13. Medicine Pool is a joke at the moment, it needs a huge revamp a la Fighting or at least a mechanical polish like the recent Consealment pool. Aid Other and Aid Self do not need interrupts, the only reason this exists is because the old devs lazily applied the Crey Scientist Heal version of the power to players and while interrupting the mobs is always good, it does not make a good experience for the players. All powers root the player when using them but they'd be less annoying to deal with if you didn't have to worry about moving slightly to interrupt your heal applications. Shorter cast times would also help if they're doable. Aid Other and Aid Self should also become AoEs, They may not have the same raw healing power as a proper Defense/Support powerset but it would be more viable as a Power-Pool pick if it affected multiple targets at once. For Aid Self, it could be a small PBAoE and for Aid Other, a cone. I say cone because the animation used does in fact spray a weird gas across an area and it would be thematic to affect multiple allies doing so. Having both of them as AoEs would mean picking Aid Self wouldn't be entirely selfish and picking Aid Other would help out more team-mates then just one. Field Medic needs to be an Auto, even if it's stats have to be lowered to what is acceptable for an 'Auto' power, Field medic being a 1 minute long clickie doesn't make sense. That would be implying that you learned to be a Doctor but can only recall your skills for one minute at a time. If it granted Medicine powers a decent buff in stats it would be a worthy pick to make Aid Other/Self into a viable mini-heal set. And with benefits that don't include removing interrupts from one power and not the other. If it improved Endurance Modification to Medicine powers (and maybe your other powers), this would make it an excellent Power-Pool T5 for any hero/villain. Give Injection a small HoT/DoT and shorten its cast time. Having spent some time with this power, it's ability to be used on allies and enemies is one of the diamonds in the rough of the current Medicine set, but if we're going to revamp the set then Injection's cast time needs to be changed/adjusted, it casts really slowly and the animation used again doesn't make sense. It could do with having an animation similar to Mutation's Origin attack, a kind of quick throw of a dart instead of the drawn out tricorder spray. UNLESS! You turn Injection into a kind of cone that deals the same effect as Injection currently does. Also adding a minor Heal over time for allies and Damage over time for enemies would make this a no-brainer for when you don't just want to self-heal or heal others from the start. I think the only power that isn't 'bad' is Resuscitate. Although I feel that if Field-Medic provides a decent buff to all powers, this could benefit from being able to restore some Endurance whereas the normal power only restores health. It could also restore a bit more health on top of that! That's all my thoughts on Medicine Pool, consider this a secret suggestions thread as a reply.
  14. First off: I love the new Roleplaying tag, even has the word 'Roleplaying' up above the title and everything! However I'm making this because immediately after using it I've notice how...dark it is! I like the purple but it really does make it harder to see the names of people compared to the lone cyan, helper yellow, teamed green and even the Helpme! pink. I think what all those statuses have in common is that they're all on the brighter end of the spectrum and the subtle dark outline and gradients used are optimal for brightly coloured text. Again, Purple is fine but it looks like it's a bit too dark a purple to be readable at a glance, bump up the brightness a bit and it should be perfect!
  15. I agree with this suggestion! I found it weird that attacks/powers that supposedly have a KD/KB element have a chance when the damage part of the power connects so long as you meet the ToHit check. Knock with a chance is RNG with an RNG. Though with that said, without some kind of knockback cooldown (although one exists, it's not reliable), it could be possible to juggle targets endlessly and thus reduce the threat to trivial levels. I wouldn't be surprised if the chances were put there to prevent that kind of scenario. Knocking Minions and Lts around is fair game since there's so many of them, if Bosses can resist powers with less than 1.0 magnitude knockback then this could be balanced to remove chances entirely. As a rule that many CC characters know, Bosses have Mag 3 protection against statuses to make sure double the normal applications of status effects are required to affect them. It should make sense that KD/KB powers should in fact have a base magnitude plus an additional magnitude that's chance based. Therefore Lts and below will always be knocked but Bosses only have a chance to be knocked. So the teal-deer is: Lts and below don't have base knock protections, bosses have 1.0 knock protection, make all powers have a base magnitude less than 1.0 but with a chance for additional magnitude knock so it may affect Bosses occasionally.
  16. Animation speed definitely does affect things, one extra example is that Ninja run also behaves differently in the way you run and even spin when releasing the jump key for its unique animation. Larger characters will have more sweeping, deliberate movements while smaller ones remind me of a certain blue hedgehog, right down to the jumping spin. Even larger characters would end up having even slower and more sweeping movements in the legs while running and a slower spin in the air while tinier ones might as well have speedlines for special effect. Your point about the 80ft Tahquitz has merit although the fact he WAS 80ft tall instead of 12ft is why it is only a concern not an issue. The slowing effect of animations at that size is still not severe enough to break the suggestion. It's probably more of an issue for adding smaller sizes to the mix, the 4ft versions are already pretty nightcore already without dropping it to 3ft or 2ft. But players are creative, they could explain how and why their character is super speedy while tiny easily enough. Also props for making an 80ft tall toon, you should be the next Atlas/Talos! It was explained in the proposal and some posts that doors and other transition clickies are not affected. The worst would be your head clipping through the top of the doorway for a frame or two which you wouldn't necessarily notice. There is virtually no collision with the upper half of their body and can even slip through normal sized doors in the way that some existing max-size huge characters can pass through the frame.
  17. What level is the character and how long ago did you last log into them? You have to remember the Name release policy, even on a very specific name like that. If it's Lv1 or something it has the least time left before you have to log in again to keep the name locked down. The only way to make the name permanent is if you get it to Lv50.
  18. Although I don't tend to go for dictionary words, sometimes adding an adjective can make an otherwise taken name free again. But assuming you did that and you have run out of variations... uh... maybe a thesaurus will be better? People have polarising opinions on this, I heard CO had a system similar to what you are suggesting so there is a basis for it. I imagine some will argue the opposite because of reasons. I'm not against the idea on a conceptual or mechanical level in any case.
  19. Probably the most simple suggestion/request to date, just one thing: No Redraw power customisation for Staff Fighting. It kinda sucks how weapons without NoRedraw ruin the fun of other powers and it's great that most sets did get this option. Staff Fighting was out with the flu on that day and needs to reschedule their NoRedraw appointment. On another point, is there any other weapon sets that have yet to get a NoRedraw option? I don't think there's many but it would be ideal to get these all sorted in a update in the near future.
  20. I'm guessing like how some games let you run faster by moving diagonally or with strafe-jumping in certain physics-enabled games like TF2, the reason for jumping giving you more speed is a combination of two sources of motion stacking on each other and physics retaining some of the momentum of your movement which adds onto the stackability of movements. Another way to think of it is that instead of moving diagonally on the ground, you're moving diagonally in the air and so the combination of running AND jumping are stacking on each other. And considering that holding space will always make you jump the moment you touch ground, there is virtually no physics gap between jumping and landing on the ground to reset your momentum again. Another example is when you holding space to move upwards while flying and turning your flight power off, making you seemingly shoot up into the air before gravity catches up with you. Turning it on while holding space and turning flight off again gives you another burst of upward momentum. So the teal deer is: Physics and modes of mobility stacking on top of each other is why Jumping is faster than merely running.
  21. First thing, if you're using the character builders like I am, the Absorb value will be bugged anyway, you don't really get 6000+% absorb, that's impossible. The real number may not be obtainable except in game by reading the power display. You can assume that if you have an Absorb of 10% that using a 32% Heal enhancement will get you about 13.2% absorb instead, for example. As for powers that constantly give Absorb like [Spirit Ward], it can be quite powerful as it will refresh its base value every three seconds about four to five times, thus granting your target 12-15 seconds of Absorb for about 19-20% of their max health (assuming you slot it past it's softcap) . But I do not know of any Auto or Toggles that have Absorb, that would be broken by design. All Absorb powers I've seen are Procs or Clickies so you will have to tell us which power(s) exactly are Auto/Toggles with Absorb for me to follow up on that question. Absorb really is just temporary HP that is consumed before your real HP does, and can in fact help your character's natural regeneration give you a chance to heal back some of your real HP while Absorb is in effect. Absorb values will usually have a duration like a buff, if it's not consumed by taking damage it will disappear soon enough. And in the case of Spirit Ward, it will actually overwrite it's own Absorb value to ensure it doesn't stack on top of itself.
  22. Absolutely correct!
  23. All servers function the same but there are unofficial designations. Everlasting for example is the 'RP server' so expect folks to be a bit more whimsical and in character (usually not to the detriment of doing missions/TFs of course). As ZemyaSoldat said, those three zones listed are the only PvP flagged zones, no player can engage PvP with you in other zones, at most you get teleported into the Arena only if you agree to duel. You are permitted to transfer characters to different servers, 4 per 2-3 days I think.
  24. I'm playing a Sentinel (just like anyone else) and I noticed a problem with the text of Sentinel's Ward stating you needed to be Lv50 to equip despite being a Standard (from the Vendor/AH). I double checked with a few folks in #help and discovered it's actually a text error (copy/paste) from the Superior version to the Standard. Only the percentage is different and both have the same PPM. So the bug is that the Standard version is displaying Superior's text and makes it confusing, not to mention hiding important info like the Standard's PPM. Screenclips are posted below.
  25. How about these ones I found in my local University?
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