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Everything posted by Troo

  1. right?!
  2. at least this was third. defense just melts on my regen characters. i'd rather have -tohit and some incidental def that happens chasing regen, recharge, +hp, and damage.
  3. excellent. darkest night, it is a great power. -tohit can be very effective. adding another heal to Regeneration is glorious. these are good points
  4. I see where you are going. Understand that without any defense debuff protection the attacks that caused the HP to drop would likely have defense debuffs that could easily cancel out any scaling defense. That's one of the advantages of resist. Your idea could potentially be applied to recharge to help heals come back faster or to some of the debuff holes to provide some debuff resistance to mitigate that which can cause regen trouble. [edit] I see some other responses were similar. Didn't mean to pile on but rather acknowledge that the idea could be potentially applied elsewhere and have a more beneficial impact.
  5. Siphon Speed doesn't get you perma?
  6. I won't use fire or ice swords.. yuck (numbers be damned) Stone hammers.. different story (i dunno why)
  7. you've inspired Rat-a-tat-tat Ratatattat.costume
  8. plus.. "some days i just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock and roll"!
  9. nah.. folks get to toss ideas around, even bad ones. no one stops us. no one is gonna keep us down,
  10. so you're saying it is a very popular response @blue4333?
  11. Wooo. That's cool huh? I taught him everything he knows.. Okay sure, hold this.
  12. 80s sing-a-longs
  13. can we get beer belly and muffin tops?
  14. but why? it works really good. maybe I'm confused about what is broken with Dull Pain that needs fixing.. you're totally right. Dull Pain is what I meant is essentially perma. (but looking at Mids maybe not for everyone) (I'll make an edit) I did address Revive and MoG as clicks IH was a toggle but is now a looong recharge click available on my build about once every 4 minutes.
  15. great, now I want waffles.. but not those kinds of waffles..
  16. look, I made the gif because it showed I put more time into saying "no" than just typing no.. while still simply saying no in a glib manner. using confused without explanation is much worse than /jranger.
  17. FYI Chasing Defense softcaps on a Regeneration character could be a mistake. There is no Defense debuff resistance. If a player doesn't like playing Resistance power sets they are likely not going to like Regeneration. You're gonna get hit, you're gonna take debuffs, this is baseline. Using Dull Pain before taking damage could be sub optimal. It is a reactive power.
  18. LOL "all the clicks" Stalker = toggle, auto, click, click, toggle, auto, IH (4-10 min click), Revive, MoG Brute/Scrapper = auto, click, auto, click, toggle, atuo, IH (4-10 min click), Revive, MoG IF the beef is the number of clicks, Homecoming could return IH to a toggle. [edit] Dull Pain can be perma. (I don't use it that way even though I have the recharge) [/edit] Not gonna count Revive as a click. MoG is a click but many folks use it as a 'oh shit' button or skip rather than a frequent used power. (I use it lots solo, not so much teaming) It is a REACTIVE power set. Not everyone has to enjoy that. It doesn't need to change drastically to become more like other powersets. Variety is good.
  19. mwhahaha hehe
  20. This is an interesting thought, using the proc mechanic. It could be that: Powers have to wait for the animation time to complete before using another power. Animation time can be different from the hit time or the application of effect. That could open the opportunity for application during an animation.
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