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Everything posted by Troo

  1. I have no problem with this as a developer tool. I do have a problem with it being accessible to any player. Surely you can see how this would be abused, Maybe that's why it is being asked for.. Once it's on beta then ask to push to live. Beta is where many bad ideas start.
  2. It is apparent that continued power creep at higher levels closes the gap between archetypes and their associated roles. This is likely as intended and not a big deal in high level content. Maybe expectations are the issue. Should all archetypes be able to solo? Should all archetypes be able to solo at +4/8? Is there a difference in performance expectations for content below level 50 versus level 50+? Should players be using Invention Origin enhancements by a specific level or range? Do players who can solo +4/8 at level 50 have an outsized impact on teams or other players? Maybe this is as intended? Understanding the intention can help set expectations. Having an understanding of the direction the development team is going and plans moving forward even at a high level can keep the community informed.
  3. No worries. If those responsible for pvp changes had made them available at a vendor in all pvp zones or took the time to provide an explanation on how to acquire.. aw who am i kidding..
  4. These would only be available in Siren's if the players faction (hero/villain) had won the zone. It is a short sighted change to benefit a small subset of players over the player base.
  5. this is only troo at high levels with builds that leverage capabilities.
  6. If very similar damage = within 8% then sure, this is sort of troo. (Tankers benefit from being able to hit more targets, not necessarily doing more damage than previous Tanks) I totally made up 8%, it is not based on mathematics
  7. Point of order.. Archetype Origin Enhancements are not Invention Origin Enhancements 🙂
  8. Rudy, The Natural, Unforgiven, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, Indiana Jones, WALL-E, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Apollo 13, Pulp Fiction, Kingdom of Heaven, Dances with Wolves, Ghostbusters, The Matrix, Legend of the Fall, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Goonies, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, Apocalypse Now, Big, Top Gun, Jerry Maguire, Blazing Saddles, The Truman Show, It's a Wonderful Life, Schindler's List, Armageddon, Kill Bill, Office Space, Ocean's Eleven, Catch Me If You Can, Limitless.. I could keep going just remove #10 & #11 to make more room Doug
  9. It would have been a Energy Melee/Regen Stalker.. post recent EM changes, either Stone Melee/Fire Aura Brute (Lazy just hits hard) or Psychic/Mental Blaster (SyFi is aoe yumminess)
  10. Yes, I agree. Typically I would be all about keeping balance at Single Origin levels. This would be in the spirit of prioritizing levels 1-49 character balance over incarnates, min/maxers, & high performers (areas where things are really broken or missing corresponding content). Realistically, as you said, adding just a couple unique global IO bonuses to a build has a big impact. Training Original and Dual Origin have really lost a place in the current game so it make sense that the balance point has shifted up one tier. Especially with all the power creep that has been introduced. Besides balance is a conceptual term.
  11. yep yep. I don't disagree. I like Rune of Protection where I can bookend it with something like Moment of Glory. ( MoG -> RoP -> MoG ) I was building for no incarnates with enough defense to cover melee and absorb some debuffs. Maybe not the uberest, just showing some variety,
  12. Yeah, maybe I'm missing the need for Rune of Protection as well. I liked the adding a slot to Invincibility for the Gaussian's. The rest.. I may have gone is a little different direction ignoring Incarnates. Can we swap out the Panacea in Dull Pain for Preventative Medicine? (gonna need any extra PvPs for all the Shield Walls, etc) Finding a way to add one slot to Health for a Numina Convalescence Heal = +29% regen (Somehow also adding a Regenerative Tissue unique to Health could be another 25%.. Add one more slot to Dull Pain for another Numina = +12%.. I like me some Regen) I swapped Hurl for Cross Punch with a full set of Oblits (can do Armageddons if preferring +Res F/C/T/P and a smidge more recharge) I also swapped the Sorcery Pool for the Concealment Pool. (This gave me slots to use for the above & grab some extra Def running Stealth PLUS let me single slot a couple LOTGs) Leaving one or two power slots remaining for some flavor (Weaken Resolve, Super Speed, Hasten, Fly, etc).
  13. Luckily, using IO Sets is purely optional and not necessary. The suggestion, I believe, is whether IOs (Invention Origin Enhancements) not IO Sets should be the point things are balanced around versus the current Single Origin Enhancements.
  14. ' Ruff ' - an off-worlder, and hero hunter..
  15. 100% agree with more content and challenges. (not to be confused with difficulty)
  16. I may have missed your suggestions? If you don't mind restating them or point to them, I'll read em.
  17. Not to totally dismiss @Brutal Justice could there be something in what they are saying? I don't remember if it was Bopper or Galaxy Brain who showed some graphs on the effectiveness of defense over the cap vs defense debuffs. Maybe dropping self defense cap to 40 with a team defense cap that goes to 45 has some merit or maybe there is an idea in there that is worth a closer look.
  18. How so? Defeating a +1 minion grants more XP/Inf than a +0. Defeating 10 enemies in 10 seconds instead of 1 enemy in 10 seconds increases your drop rates/sec. That's not fallacious at all. It's exactly how the game works. You are not incorrect. The concept of 'higher difficulty should equal higher reward' is what contains the fallacy. First, there are many reward types in CoX (and in life). Not all of them are based on more difficulty. This just.. is what it is. Second, difficulty can be very subjective. Example: Is it really difficult to run a fire farm with a maxed fire farm build? I understand for some folks, the goal of a game is to acquire the highest reward for themselves using any method available. I generally have no problem with it. Just be aware this can naturally leave a reward system open to abuse and exploitation. Sometimes there is a sense of entitlement that comes with reward expectations. If we do something twice as fast or twice as hard we should get twice as much. Yes, sure.. but it is rarely that simple and it is not an endless exponential equation. Game design often leverages diminishing returns to still provide a little more reward and avoid throwing things out of balance. This can be a more elegant solution than caps or curbs. Without diving too deep into game theory, intrinsic motivation, and variable ratio rewards,.. It can be counterintuitive how our brains actually respond more favorably to the chance for something to happening 50% of the time than to a 100% guarantee of that same thing happening. --------not the same thought--------- Reputation and status could also be considered rewards. Not everyone cares about such things, but some games, communities, organizations leverage this for more experienced and higher level folks. It is interesting to note games that provide some type of reputation or status can actually induce more fairness and cooperation in player populations.
  19. My publicist has advised against participation without written questions provided in advance and editorial rights prior to publication.. Joking aside, I look forward to the results of your endeavor. “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” – Voltaire “We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.” – Carl Sagan “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand
  20. Stalkers.. placate is available at level 12.
  21. Base raids worked. At least for Misfit Villains they did. Your mileage may have varied.. 🙂
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