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Everything posted by Pzn

  1. Yes insp are great. The normal strategy for farming is to invest in IOs to cover your accuracy, defenses, and resists while using your inspirations primarily to boost damage. The more resilient your farmer gets the less you'll need to rely on them to survive. You can right click on an inspiration that you have 3 of and convert those to 1 of any other type. Don't disable too many inspiration types at p2w because you can convert the ones you don't need and disabling reduces insp drop rate. Awakens are good to block since they are annoying to clear.
  2. Definitely my favorite part of your suggestion. I think simplifying the activation of them could really help the feel of how they play. Being forced to fire off your weakest attacks in order to trigger the effects of the inherent is disruptive to the flow as a damage dealer. I find myself using strong attacks to finish a sliver of HP to avoid wasting opportunity and saving t1/t2. Which is counterintuitive to how you would normally use those attacks to fill out chains or finish off enemies.
  3. Pzn

    Mo Aeon Badges

    Please don't do this. This is the badger equivalent of adding a DPS meter to the team
  4. I find it highly valuable for certain builds that rely on a quick recharging power and draw a lot of aggro. Capping out slow resistance with dark armor and fire armor tanks seems more useful against certain content than investing in more defense without any DDR to protect it. That capped slow resistance can guarantee a consistent cooldown on healing flames or dark regen.
  5. I think the only thing that would reduce acid arrow's effectiveness would be level difference. It's reducing their debuff resistance directly, not really a "debuff".
  6. Speeding up short circuit makes the aoe feel a bit stronger than fire blast as well. Definitely my favorite set for them now.
  7. It's the other way around. Thrust can't be slotted into sprint powers so it's a unique category by itself now.
  8. You could try filling with ball lightning if your endurance can handle it. It does the same DPA as charged bolts. When I have an odd gap on my chain with a sent like that I'll alternate filling with a decent AoE, aim, or the nuke. Since sent nukes recharge so fast I don't feel bad about spending them on a single target if the fight is prolonged. Thunderous blast is pretty fast after the buff so it's DPA is fairly good.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if this is on the backburner for now at least. With the advanced difficulty options in Aeon my proc heavy builds are struggling. Min/max suddenly has issues when the necessary minimums have been shifted. All that overkill accuracy most people have from set bonuses suddenly matters when the enemies are buffed.
  10. It's weird but it's the same reason you can slot preventative medicine absorb proc anywhere and still receive the affect. Some unique enhancements show up as set bonuses and always work whether the power is active or not. You can look at your personal info (Menu>J). If it shows up under set bonuses there it'll get zapped by the new setting. They aren't technically procs (Programmed Random Occurences) since there is no randomization. There's just a check every 2 minutes to see if you've activated the power it's slotted in.
  11. I had this problem with a dual monitor setup. The only way I was able to solve it was to switch to a single monitor while I'm playing CoH and then gamma works again. If it's the same issue then Windows key+P is a useful shortcut to quickly disable your extra monitor.
  12. I see what you're saying. I missed that the % was comparative to damage procs.
  13. It's the same against AVs. You will get a literal 20% increase in killspeed vs an even level AV if you maintain 100% uptime on one of the -res procs. Against higher level foes the purple patch will reduce the effectiveness of -res, but that goes for every other type of debuff as well. If you're fighting a 54 AV while alpha shifted you'll still see nearly a 10% increase in kill speed with 100% uptime. Even if the AV has resistance to resist your debuff you'll still see the same comparative increase in kill speed due to the way they interact.
  14. I didn't realize they still got toxic proc, I thought that was attached to the auras. All I can say is to make one for yourself and test it out with the same attack chain. The extra damage added from -res and procs is hard to calculate with all the different variables.
  15. Sent bio only has a 30% damage buff and no damage aura, toxic damage, or -res. 10% damage boost does close the gap some.
  16. I definitely think so for sentinels. It has a +10% damage toggle (with some fire proc damage) to close the gap with bio. Sentinel bio also lacks a -res aura while burn gives you a strong fury proc placement.
  17. No. Are you accounting for the huge amounts of -res? Achilles, fury, screech, dreadful, opportunity. If I remember the math right the attack chain was pushing close to 300 DPS in raw numbers(before hybrid) and then the -res did the rest of the work. Burn might be the missing factor since it double procs and hits for a ton.
  18. I don't understand how the stone skin/granite changes make a difference. You still take stone skin either way on a granite build and end up with the same stats.
  19. In the end all my favorite builds are like this. I might post a bunch of complicated attack chain ideas but that's exhausting to play all the time. Claws, katana, and dual blades are my favorites on scrappers for keeping it simple. You can make a solid chain out of 3 attacks with lots of crits using good ATO placement. The lower damage (but high DPA) with those sets stops you from overkilling with giant crits.
  20. Good placement and use of the critical strikes proc in your chain let's you have a lot of control over crits. If you start your chain with it firing off then that +50% crit chance means that within 2 attacks you've got at least 1 crit on average. There's always going to be some random chance to it. You can also avoid intentionally overkilling by skipping over your critical strikes attack when the enemy HP is low and saving it for a new target.
  21. Scrapper ATOs get you a bigger DPS boost. Only because the stalker chance to hide has a 10s lockout while scrapper's critical strikes can be spammed way more. The build up refresh is definitely nice.
  22. Seconding that this is how I remember it. Fire/kin didn't pick up in popularity until after aggro caps and containment were added. Which came after the imp nerf. If you pull up the issue 5 patch notes you can see where they were still making balance adjustments to controller pets when they added the aggro cap in.
  23. Pzn

    Claws/Fire Brute.

    The base slots are always on those powers. So really he is only using up 1 slot on each of them to get those bonuses, which is a pretty good tradeoff for some builds. You can also see it as picking up a "free" slot on that power that would be left vacant otherwise. Investing 1 slot for 2.25% s/l resistance is as efficient of a return on resist bonuses as you can get. Likewise 1 slot for 15% slow resist is pretty good assuming you've already slotted the 20% unique.
  24. Have you tried capping slow resists with that combo? I know right now you can only get to 95% (5 winter set bonuses+winters gift) but once they add that other slow unique from beta you'll be able to get 100% immunity. I recently rebuilt my fire/SS to cap slow resist and being able to guarantee healing flames cooldown seemed to hold up better than defense without any DDR. Dark regen is way stronger than HF so it might be worth considering.
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