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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. I checked your build out a bit, and just sent you a variant of an ice/ice tank via a message that I built for incarnate content that uses a high level of typed defense, moderate resistances, decent absorb, capped hp, and lets you play between cycling rebirth for more regen, melee for more res/regen, and demonic. You can use it as a basis and play with it how you want.
  2. That's actually great, so as someone is grabbing the exploration badges for Atlas and Freedom Phalanx reserve they're also working on passport.
  3. I tend to very it up as much as I can and typically rotate my toons I'm playing throughout the week for the limited playtime I do get. I do like task forces, but having the time to do them is often problematic with the toddler randomly deciding to wake up half an hour or so after going to bed. Thanks btw @DougGraves for taking these over. You're doing a great job with it.
  4. I'm in full agreement here. I have taken it to 50 now on all 4 ATs and haven't had an issue with it (maybe aside of Hail of Bullets having the standardized 90 second base recharge on Sents and it not being proportional to the recharge relationship between hail of bullets on other ATs when compared against most nukes, but since the OPs DP experience is limited to lvl 15, I'm not sure if he's ready to discuss the nuke yet).
  5. Swapping MotT to Frost will probably work well enough at lvl 16, because then the only time you wouldn't have access to it while exemplaring would be going below lvl 11 which wouldn't be often. you have Ragnarok in Frost above which won't fit in Frozen Aura, but you could use Armageddons if you really wanted to. Personally I'd probably probably have Frost sooner if I was playing ice melee myself but that's just me as getting to 16, you are probably still using sands of my and nemesis bolts to round out your attack chain up to that point. That said looking over the slotting choices of your proposed build seem to me that you're just slotting in the most expensive set you can for each power. Doing so without a plan for what you're building for is a waste of influence and likely doesn't get your performance to where you want it. What do you want out of your tank? Do you have any particular build goals that you want to accomplish? Do you have any particular power must haves? I like the fact that you took effort to try to make your own build, but now that you've experienced mids a bit, it's time to start looking towards build efficiency. Are you playing a leveling build and plan to slot this toon out as you go, or are you planning to just build it with IO sets from the get to? I can take a look at your build in more depth tonight and see if I can help you improve some efficiency if you have particular build goals as I like helping people get better at making builds (not to say I'm necessary an authority on how to make a toon but as Sovera said there's a number of us that all have our own way of building them to get the job done).
  6. You definitely want your MotT chance for res way earlier in your build than in a lvl 44 power pick. That's usually used in a single target attack in your rotation to try and get 2-3x stacks of it. At 44 you're missing out on that buff for a significant amount of times and when you exemplar.
  7. Yeah on live it was not uncommon to hear about 12 billion influence builds. Here most expensive builds end up around a billion, so it's definitely better than live. There's also more ways to make influence, so it seems easier across the board to build characters out. That said the game was tuned for SO's so IOs and Set IOs are just icing on the top of the cake.
  8. I've suggested it before, but if the Golden Giza casino machines/games worked I'd argue you'd get a decent of people there, whether gambling or role playing a weekend in Vegas. Otherwise some better weather cycles could be interesting, especially expanding the idea of seasonal variants of zones that Atlas has. Better lighting could be useful too. Like why do I feel I need a flashlight to see where I'm going in an Arachnos base? In a CoT cave I fully get should be dark, but a giant tower with ample electricity should be able to put a few 60w light bulbs in.
  9. Good news though you can do Steamboat Willie costumes now.
  10. Yes it is, I managed to extract all his important documents and scanned family photos, bookmarks/favorites, and backed up his outlook email. Then I reimaged his machine, applied updates, got him set up with antivirus and a VPN, and brought back over his files for him. Then he said that the machine is slow and he wants a new one. So luckily I already have his documents and photos backed up on my external for when he gets a new laptop probably as I'm typing this as he's not one to typically wait long on any purchases.
  11. Great job. I wanted to make this one but I got waylaid on the way home from work as my dad got his laptop infected with a keylogger, and an extortion scare tactic from a phishing email that he ended up talking to the guy on the phone. so I went over and cleaned up his PC for him.
  12. I have taken both sets to 50 multiple times, albeit not together. I am a big fan of building towards 100% slow resistance, because a lot of your survivability is based on clicks and your recharge speed. Using tools like Rune, Melee Core, and Demonic to cycle your resistance up is a great idea on regen Brutes. The added resistance pairs well with resilience and MoG to help ensure that you survive alpha strikes. Regen can even pair well with the rebirth destiny for more Regen goodness. I'd suggest testing core and radial on the test server to evaluate your maximum HPS that you regen. Staff as Hetty said isn't going to win you a blue ribbon for DPS, that said it leverages knockdown, and can have a decent melee defense from guarded spin (even though it only lasts 10 seconds, it doesn't require stacks of perfection to get the bonus). Sky splitter when having a 3 stack of perfection and using form of the body can give you a decent resistance buff for 15 seconds, but in order to maintain that, you'll be locked in to saving stacks to use sky splitter at 3 stacks, so it's less reliable. Through slotting you might be able to get great regen, with pretty good resistance that Betty showed, while res capping slow resistance and getting a decent pad of melee defense just as a by product of slotting, using guarded spin, the +def res IOs, and weave/maneuvers. You wouldn't have any def debuff resistance, but you'd have a strong layered approach behind it with resistance and regen that it would probably be pretty effective in practice.
  13. Hmmm I tend to pug about 90% of my time, when during live, I'd run about 90% of my time with my SG. A guilty secret of mine is that I had never leveled up my own mastermind past lvl 20 on live. At the time the AT didn't really appeal to me, even though I knew about @Sandolphan's bind system back then. Since HC came back in 2019, I have maybe 8-10 lvl 50 masterminds, where I've even experienced triple boxing them in content to great effect due to seeing @Neiska do it one time like 3 years ago, which caused me to strike up a conversation on the logistics of it. It's still not my favorite AT by any means, but I finally get it after all these years.
  14. That power I linked does have a stacking heal resistance it gives you which lasts for 70 seconds on a base 3.5 second recharge. So that's going to likely neuter even healing through the attacks. It's probably still a better option. I was thinking a well built Bio Armor tank might be a good option. No matter what EOEs are gonna be a must for the MT as they'll partially resist those debuffs from the electrolytic beams.
  15. Whoever is tanking Hami and mito fire, I'd recommend having dull pain, hoarfrost, high pain tolerance, earth's embrace, etc. for the the extra HP. Essence of the Earth are going to be absolutely essential. This power is gonna be a PITA: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=devouringearth.hamidon_powers.electrolytic_beam&at=boss_hamidon as it stacks it's -regen on its target. So relying on self regeneration like say Willpower might be difficult. Is this tonight?
  16. Looks like your forum profile is a week and a half old. I've played on Everlasting since the server was created back in 2019, and when I play I'll chat in general chat quite a bit. I've never seen anyone request for base building to require prestige once. I'm not saying your a liar by any means, but I've been there for a long time and can't say I've seen the same requests. Most of the people over on Everlasting that I know, enjoy the freedom to design their bases, so that they can use them to be functional like my personal base, express their artistic design, be a tribute to someone or something, or further a role playing story by providing a new and interesting setting.
  17. 1. This thread should be in the suggestions/feedback section. 2. It's not a good idea to tie base construction to anything that requires teamwork at this point in the game development as base building is a creative work for our fellow players and to restrict their creativity behind new gates they'd have to overcome just doesn't make sense from a pragmatic standpoint.
  18. Your chart looks accurate, and your absolutely right about short circuit, it's the bread basket filled with Cheddar Bay biscuits of Electrical Blast, it has great end modifiers and works well with procs.
  19. Sapping yes, but they can be built out similarly to how you have your dp/kin. The new shocked mechanic helps do bonus damage the less end a target has.
  20. God damn, this idea is worth it's weight in gold.
  21. SS/Rad can be pretty powerful. It's all how you make it, and what you're going after. Out of the box rad armor does a pretty good job helping with resistances and absorb. I personally don't try to res cap any of my resistances without the use of say: meltdown, demonic, melee core, or rune of power. Cycling those powers can help get you to your resistance caps, and give you more flexibility for slotting for damage. I recommend damage proc slotting rad therapy and ground zero as that significantly helps with your AoE damage where you're just using Footstomp. Also when slotting for sets, resistance is important, make sure to cap slow resistance, and aim for a reasonable amount of recharge. It's not necessary to build for defense if you run capped res, 100% slow resistance, and cycle your clicks rad therapy/ground zero.
  22. I moved to Everlasting as soon as it went up due to its name being a reference to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I was a big Roald Dahl fan growing up reading many of his books. That was before any kind of server designation stuff. Realistically if I had joined once Everlasting and Indomitable had designations I probably would of made characters on Indomitable, but by that time I had maybe 15 or so lvl 50s on Everlasting. I don't play that often having a 1 year old here, but I guess the few times I've logged on this week after putting my daughter to sleep I've noticed the Everlasting Hami raid fill quick. But then again I've never really had much difficulty forming a TF, or trial there over the years.
  23. /showtime 1 to turn on or /showtime 0 to shut off. Displays in-game time to help with things like Vamp hunts. Otherwise if I'm hunting vamps in striga and it's day I'll boot up a moon fire set for say -1x8 and the first mission is around 100 vampires by itself.
  24. As a real life archer I've I used field point, broadhead, spring loaded broadhead, fish point, blunts, and bodkin arrows. One time I even got drunk and taped a firework onto a field point arrow to give it a rocket assist (wouldn't recommend). I'm definitely alright with archery having different arrow types to change their effect.
  25. Personally I rather liked building for Perma Soul Drain. I am alright with it being a targeted AoE, but I wish the buff duration would remain at 30 seconds. As means to be fair I'd support soul mastery's soul drain getting its recharge changed to 120 and giving Dark Melee users a 90 second base recharge to differentiate between primary/secondary and epic/app.
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