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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. I think I'd be a teleporting mind control/time manipulation controller. I probably wouldn't be a hero either, but probably a self serving rogue. Update: I was talking to a client today and they were being unreasonable and tossing out some obscenities. I thought about this post and figured it'd be great to be able to punch the guy, rewind time, stop myself from punching him, but use mind control to have him agree that the change orders for the project were unreasonable given the upcoming schedule for pubic hearings/not going to be approved, and have him apologize to the staff member he insulted. Otherwise the powersets would work great for negotiating contracts and my pay rate. But who am I kidding I'd probably be more diabolical and get into the political arena. I figure I can't be worse than the rest of the politicians we've had in recent years.
  2. Where's Aim and Build up? Those powers greatly add to your tohit/damage, which you can slot a gaussian proc in there for another 100% damage boost. Also what are you fighting? Energy blast uses Energy and Smashing damage which are two of the most resisted damage types in the game. You're chosen power types also have the ability to slot up to 3 -resistance procs in the attacks. Are you an incarnate? If so what incarnate powers do you have? Also what level of mob are you fighting?
  3. On one hand the powers are available in the human version of PBs or WSs to enable someone to have those powers without taking the forms. On the other hand, power customization to allow you to take the forms gaining access to those powers saves you power picks, gives you the benefit of increased damage scale in Nova and, gives you access to mez protection/taunting in dwarf, while being able to see your costume. As the proposed change ultimately is cosmetic in nature and optional via power customization choices, I have no problem supporting the request. That said, Kheldians in general are long overdue an overhaul as those of us that play them frequently enough have requested over the years. +1. P.S. the cosmetic change requested by the OP would also reduce visual particle artifacts and glare from changeling builds and help people, especially team member's rendering with lower spec machines.
  4. Depending on your build....maybe granite. I only took it out of nostalgia for my stone tank to be honest. Everything else is necessary.
  5. The only issue limiting rad armor in my opinion is the persistent FX that you get while using the armor. You can make a lot of things work with power customization and costume choices to be honest. That said I wouldn't discount a Peacebringer either.
  6. I occasionally make myself a build usually to theory craft ideas and variations, but I usually know how I'm going to slot a toon up from the time I decide to pick those powersets. I often have enough funds/IOs that I slot the character with them organically as I go if I'm leveling via missions or what not, or all at once if I'm farming myself a new alt. I then like to test what it can handle, whether that is +4*8 content, some 801 series stuff or just some speed runs or whatnot. I typically don't bother with SO's unless I'm actively trying a SO only build.
  7. Try and alt tab out and back in next time it occurs. I've seen that help me when my primary power row becomes unresponsive.
  8. There's a rare bug when entering a base that can forcibly disconnect you from a map. It happens every now and then and has been around for years. Aside of a map going offline where your character iswhich would also forcibly disconnect you, the only other common option for forcibly disconnecting is if your account is logged in while you're actively using it (but that only happens if you share your login information with someone, or you juggle multiple accounts/characters and log one on while forgetting which accounts your already using).
  9. First your build is difficult to read as there's not a lot of contrast. If the build works for your needs than your ultimately set. I really like to proc Short Circuit out myself and for an end mod IO in there, but that's just me. Also dual provocs in Benumb is going to really ramp up the cost of the build for you unless you're not opposed to running a ton of HM Aeons/Lady Gray's.
  10. I did it intentionally because you said it would likely happen.
  11. I definitely concur on this. Taking mez protection as soon as available is important especially on a tank that relies on an active heal for mitigation. Also slotting in some KB protection with IOs helps quite a bit as well.
  12. Whether to use foot or feet is how the distance is used in a sentence. For example take a look at these: I am six feet tall // I am six foot tall. When we read it aloud it's apparent that the first one is 💯% correct. Next up: The shed has a six feet setback from the fence // The shed has a six foot setback from the fence. Read them aloud again. In this case the second one is 💯% correct. Oftentimes reading out loud will help guide you on how to write it. Now I need some powersets ideas on how I should make a character based on Grammar.
  13. At 22 you can slot Numina/miracle/panacea into health, power transfer into stamina. You can also do a theft of essence proc in dark regen, or throw one in siphon life since your dark melee. Also slotting end reduction in attacks/armors. Also getting stat boosting accolades like Atlas medallion and Portal Jockey. And if you really need an extra boost from time to time you can pop a recovery serum as well.
  14. @Uun is right here, but they didn't mention that those debuffs will lost effectiveness the higher level the mobs are above you, also mobs have degrees of resistance to THD, especially AVs, and hard mode they have higher tohit. So enhancing that THD value you can pump out as high as you can and pair things t with some sort of power boost or clarion radial can help you maximize the potential debuff you can put on mobs. That said flooring their tohit, they are clamped to a minimum of 5% chance to hit.
  15. NPC MoG duration should match player MoG duration. Other than that, I fully support mobs to have access to tier 9 abilities. I honestly wish they had the same amount of powers based on their lvl that players of that lvl do.
  16. @cranebump, Despite thinking "The Magnificent Asshole" sounds like a funny toon name. The player behind it sounds like a n00b for running by objectives. It's one thing for a player to rush ahead, especially if they are benefitting the team by completing objectives, but it sounds like they weren't even doing that. Did the team leader not trying to reign in the tanks/PB (especially if others on the team were dying)?
  17. On a resistance based toon I pump the resistance as high as I reasonably can. Dark Armor has some decent mitigation in Oppressive Gloom, and some more with cloak of fear's fear effect (if you can fit it in and give it enough slotting to reasonably hit). I typically skip Cloak of Fear most of the time but I have it on a couple dark armor toons and it has its use. Once I have my resistances sorted, I build for slow resistance so dark regen doesn't get slowed down if necessary. Then I pad defense typically. Which I do that more for pretty much one reason, to dodge debuffs. Sure it won't stop them all, but it helps smooth out the ride. Recently my dark/stone tank took harmonic mins and that power is a godsend. I'd suggest looking into it if your having end issues.
  18. Pairing this with the removal of negative level shifts for mm pets would go a long ways towards helping masterminds out. Perhaps even a pop-up on loading in a new mastermind to direct them to a forum guide about mastermind macros/binds for learning about advanced pet commands (vets would just click the button to dismiss the pop-up).
  19. I prefer to use powexec_location cursor as it saves me a mouse click. Otherwise an up:max is useful outdoors for getting the hell out of range quickly, or back:40 for giving yourself some breathing room if you're a ranged player.
  20. NoPhase was not just a PvP design, it was also implemented for PvE so that a character couldn't just sit in phase forever (phase shift used to be a toggle that you could keep on indefinitely if your end could support it, if memory is correct the end cost was something like 0.65 end/sec) and get rewards for not being in any risk. And yes hibernate was too strong without NoPhase condition given its recharge. They could remove the NoPhase aspect of it if they compensated and increased the recharge of the power but that would reduce the effectiveness of hibernate overall. That said many ice tankers don't just sit around in hibernate anyways.
  21. Are we only counting influence totals on hand, or estimating the amount of influence we'd have if we'd liquidate our assets? First scenario I have more than 1 influence. Second scenario I have more than 10 influence.
  22. I can't say this enough. I played Fire/EM, Ice/EM, AR/EM and later Psi/EM. Sure all except the AR were toons I used in PvP, but it just goes to show how powerful /EM is.
  23. The reason for this is venomous gas was originally ported over from MM's Noxious Gas. Noxious Gas is a ranged AOE that is anchored onto an ally and poison was originally a MM exclusive set then later proliferated to Corruptors, Defenders, and Controllers. The power was reworked into a. Pbaoe for Corruptors, Defenders, and Controllers. So it's possible that each of those ATs is allowing to slot ranged enhancements by error.
  24. That's an understatement. If I didn't meet my wife when I did, I would of likely took a job offer that would of had me working for a different government agency.
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