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Black Zot

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Everything posted by Black Zot

  1. The KISS principle should apply to task force design. The more missions and general running around you tack on, the less people are going run it - they simply won't have the time or stamina. Zone-hopping, kill-alls, and street hunts are especially egregious in the "tacking on extra time for no benefit" department and should be kept to a minimum if not eliminated. As people have pointed out, only the team leader (usually) sees the exposition text blocks, so the general plot of a TF/SF needs to be straightforward enough for people to get the gist of it simply by following along. Penny Yin is pretty much the gold standard where this is concerned; pretty much anyone capable of navigating from one end of a mission map to the other can figure out what's going on. On the opposite end you have stuff like Lady Grey - ok, we can infer from the NPC giving the missions that the Rikti are up to something, but why the blueberry fuck are we taking on 2/3rds of the enemy groups in the game that scale to level 50?
  2. Robot animations in particular use a different skeleton from the default "human" shape that player characters and most NPCs work off of. Beasts use the (somewhat kludgy) quadruped skeleton. Not sure about demons. IIRC thug, necro, ninja, and merc henchmen all use the human skeleton.
  3. Surprisingly enough, the devs did find time to change some other stuff when they weren't busy with eviscerating rad/fire brutes.
  4. I wouldn't call it trash, but it'd be nice to have an actual single target hold instead of that mag 1 placeholder.
  5. As in a sharpshooter or a man who works for someone named Mark?
  6. And now stating facts is called playing victim. Gotta keep those gaslights burning.
  7. How exactly do you propose to nerf the weakest resist toggle in the game any further?
  8. Dude, if the mods had any intention of shutting down the vitriol towards farmers and anyone else who dares disapprove of their shiny new hardmodes and epeen-fluffers, they would have done it years ago.
  9. If the devs really want to convince people they're not acting out of malice, they can start by deleting that little shit from the game.
  10. Nice that we no longer have to go suck up to the guy who destroyed pet AI back on live to level up.
  11. So with Page 5 now moved ahead to the staging server, is there any point to further testing or is it a formality?
  12. Especially when that company is based in a country where voice acting is a highly-respected profession.
  13. I guarantee you that bit of code was added specifically because you weren't the first person to try that.
  14. What the blueberry fuck did they do to that cat?
  15. The devs have already said they know the T4 price is absurd and the don't care. This was literally made for the sole purpose of giving elitists something to wave around over people's heads and say "I'm better than you".
  16. That's kind of a thing across all MM powers. Up until recently, you needed at least one blue candy to fully summon and buff your pet complement, because the pet and upgrade skills literally added up to more than a full blue bar even after end reduction IOs.
  17. Good to know. Watching the tier 1 pets effectively bounce off enemies at the difficulty settings most groups run at is demoralizing. I don't envy you that to-do list, but on the bright side removing the level shifts will should make the math involved in future balance efforts a shade easier. EDIT: Should, not will. Standard Code Rant and all that.
  18. If there's even a miniscule chance for an EB to pop out and eat my face with no recourse on my part, I'm not touching that door. I don't care if there's 3 full leagues locked and loaded, I'm not stepping on that landmine.
  19. Well that's the last time I click ToT doors on a pet class of any stripe.
  20. I find various ways to skip story missions (usually MSR) because every time I try to play story stuff, I'm reminded of why I don't play the story stuff. Very few arcs in this game have writing worth the space it takes up in the text boxes, and if it was shit the first time, subsequent times are going to suck even harder. So really, why bother?
  21. That's what happens when you gate RP-centric goodies behind a grind aimed at hardcore minmaxers.
  22. That's 1.5x (or more) the max hp of most ATs. And it clearly bypasses the oneshot protection. I stand by what I said. Never running it again. If putting up with that bullshit would save the world, the world can burn.
  23. Who do we blame for the attack doing enough damage to oneshot people right through an active Ambrosia buff?
  24. Lucky you. I dreamed of playing Dr Mario, only the game was cheating - changing the color of pills after they land, refusing to vanish matches even when six or eight of a color got lined up, dropping pills super fast. Kinda like what the "challenge" people want to do to this game, really.
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