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Everything posted by SlimPickens

  1. Personally I think a balanced approach is likely the way ill go. Im not going to chase taking power picks that do not benefit me in any way outside of buffing one powers damage through the to hit % buff. So for instance, I will not be taking tactics because my accuracy buffs are already capping my to hit % for all my powers, and the damage increase for snipes is just not worth the power pick in an already tight build where I can fit in more utility from another pick. i will be slotting the Kismet 6% in maneuvers which I am already keeping for its assistance to getting to def cap, so the one extra slot makes sense to me to slightly overcap my to hit% and also buff the damage of the instant and long activation snipes by the 6%. But in your case, you can seriously consider dropping both tactics and targeting drone to free up 2 powers, the associated slots, and the end cost of running 2 extra toggles in favor of diversifying your build into something more useful than just going all out to buff one powers damage. I think the change adds a welcome choice of both having the instant snipe power, and also getting to choose if you need it at top damage by taking the to hit% power picks to compliment it, or just being happy to have the snipe instant in your attack chain, and adding power picks that otherwise help the build in different ways. Choices are good.
  2. There is indeed the marker under the waypoint. Some of those markers are hard to see when they are directly below the neighborhood waypoints or store icons etc. this one threw me off a little when I went to grab the badges in the Night ward too, but its there in the correct position.
  3. I just ran this again last night to double check if i would get multi dimensional badge as well as shrouded from the arc. The answer is nope, you just get shrouded. I think Multidimensional might be tied in with the instant army story arc i run to get Anti matter as my final AV for portal Jockey, because i usually have both shrouded and multi just form doing the arcs for the AV I think. If the instant army arc is not awarding it, getting multidimensional is as easy as picking the hydra dimension story arc in oro, entering and exiting the map, and you get the badge. You can then quit the oro TF. The cool thing about using these arcs for your accolade is that you get 60 merits for A hero's Hero, and 55 (I think) for Instant Army, so not a bad little take for 2 hours of your time and all that progress for the accolade. you basically just need to click 3 history plaques after doing the arcs, and you are the proud owner of portal Jockey. Edit: Ran instant army last night as well just for fact checking, and did not get the multi dimensional badge from that either. So that one youll have to grab from the hydra dimension Oro mission.
  4. I have BR/Dev, and after yesterdays patch it got even better. you already outlined some of the shortcomings, which is BR likes to play at range, and /dev likes to be up closer to take advantage of the pbaoe toe bombs, but honestly if you just treat those as a little extra to be used when you arent the main focus of mob hate, the pairing works great, and hits like a truck. If you are on Torchbearer, you can also participate in our beam team all beam rifle teaming events to really enjoy what a mass of BR effects can do. Boom. Disintegration everywhere! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/6172-the-beam-team/
  5. much like my real day job, im not a fanatic about it.
  6. I do this arc on every character to get all the AVs for portal jockey (besides anti matter who you need to do the instant army arc for) Its dated, sure, but honestly for 60 merits, shrouded, multidimensional (I think- I seem to always have both shrouded and multi after doing this arc) 13/14 AVs progress towards portal Jockey, and Statesman's pal badge (RIP) theres no better way to progress your accolade than this. set to -1/1, no bosses, Elite only. I can complete this arc in under 1 hour.
  7. Burn helps. big time. Dan Petro posted his ice/fire run using burn early in the thread. he got 1:23 or something like that I believe. Ive gotten some 1.5 min runs on my own ice/fire so i know theres room for improvement on my own runs, but generally I use burn on cooldown.
  8. Dark/Staff Alpha- Cardiac: end problems of running 10 toggles go away, and provides RES boost to cap most of the typed res numbers. Lore- Banished radial for the buffs and the untouchable pet that casts aoe and gathers even more aggro over taunt cap. Destiny- barrier: godmode for a little while and nothing else really was needed. I also have ageless tier 3 to swap out if Im doing content that wants more rech/ability to just spam aoes witout any end worries. Interface- Degenerative. Hybrid- melee radial for the def and taunt aura. Anything you go near sticks to you like glue and nothing can taunt them off you. Also caps defs with just a few mobs in range from an already high def base (35%+) Judgement- Void radial. pbaoe fits my melee scheme and the -50% damage to all mobs hit makes an already insane res set laugh at incoming attacks.
  9. Dark armor being rated only above average makes me think you havent seen what a fully IOed incarnate level dark tank can achieve stat wise. Capped resist to all but en,toxic- which can be capped with just a few mobs in your ATO resist proc aura. Def in the high 35%+ to all which can easily be capped with just a few mobs in your melee support aura. A full 0-100 heal on about a 10 sec cooldown with just 2 mobs in range. The ability to tank Psi damage better than any other set in game makes dark very strong for main tanking end game content with its prolific psi typed mobs. I personally rate dark very high on the list, perhaps #1 overall after significant investment of purple sets and proper slotting. out of the box its got holes that need filling, but once you address those, I think its the king of the RES based sets.
  10. godmode: Ice/fire/mace being def softcapped to s/l/e/c/f on a blaster that has a HoT damage aura sustain is almost unfair. Top notch: Ice/mental/ice Water/temp/mace Fire/ built with these secondaries also melts content very quickly.
  11. Been a looooooooong time since Ive run this trial. Back when those Hydra-Os were actually worth something, and the lvl cap was 40. Might be fun to revisit it for nostalgia sake. Next time you run it send me a tell.
  12. Exactly. 100% of the holds/stuns/sleeps etc that dont hit dont mez you. I also find this to be true on stalkers and scrappers etc where a lower total res cap means you can only take resist so far and the mitigation is never going to be enough to really prevent "oh shit" moments as well as a defense set or build will because the def cap of 95% means only 5% of hits affect you at all. the gain is far greater to have 95% of not getting hit vs 75% of damage reduction.
  13. Very cool. Wish I had something like this when I first came back to the game, I struggled hard to figure out the system the first time through.
  14. I beg to differ. I mainly farm and have 2 characters I have had to trim their stockpile when it reached the 2 billion cap. Easily 5+ billion from farming alone. I rarely craft and convert or sell my good drops- I never sell purples or PVP IOs, I just kill mobs and stash IOs in my base for alts. Ive managed to outfit over a dozen 50s and fill 8 bins with IOs from fighting mobs.
  15. Its like warm apple pie. and it's... and you feel it and... it feels like a bag of sand when you're touching it. wait. what are we talking about?
  16. Farming is not only where the money to fuel the conversion market comes from- its where all the fuel itself comes from- the yellow convertible recipes. I for one as a main farmer over converter am a little disillusioned with getting lowballed on every recipe I list, so im at the point of just vendor trashing everything instead of spending my time listing it and it being sold for less than the vendor will give me. I dont mind the bulk of the profit margin going to the converter, but bidding 5k each on recipes makes it not worth my time to list them for you, so if I dont see the price of all the convertible sets come up to at least 25k+ im just not bothering to list them or white/yellow salvage anymore. My times better spent getting back to farming than dragging crap into the AH windows. TLDR- stop being so damn cheap on bids for your recipes.
  17. Reminder tomorrow aug 17 @ 3pm PST/6pm EST we be beamin' Looking forward to seeing those of you who have already confirmed, and hoping anyone else whos interested can make it as well. Depending on what lvls everyones characters are, Im thinking either weekly strike target Yin TF, or a higher lvl TF like maybe market crash or whatever suggestions we get by the group. Something fun, fairly fast, and rewarding. See you all then!
  18. I wonder would it be possible to unlock the origin title options for all characters regardless of origin choice? That might also help ease the pain of choosing an origin that you later find the title or theme didnt exactly fit what you had in mind. just a thought, because the title choices are one of the only real differences now between the origin picks, since you can access all the origin powers through PTW vendor, so unless someones just a stickler for theme or RP, then origin has no real effects aside form the titles you can select for the character.
  19. I missed this post when you first made it. The person who may or may not have "accidentally" chose to kill them may or may not have been me. Got this run down to 10-12 mins depending on what character I use now, I rarely even run incarnate trials anymore because of how effective this mission is in getting salvage instead.
  20. Nice, Ive never seen that consolidated effects page before. Pretty cool to have it all at a glance.
  21. suppressive fire is also a proc monster. Slotted with damage procs it can easily go well over 300 dam/activation. I wouldnt skip it.
  22. Its a race. If you aint first, you're last.
  23. When I read this thread all the maths make me wish there was a procs per minute for dummies thread for people who skipped math class to play sports in school.
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