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1 minute ago, MunkiLord said:

Depending on the seeding price, this is exactly what I would do. 

Riiight. I mean seeding of recipes would give people who play the market a brand new playground to make billions upon billions which would result in a lot of enhancements and no recipes.... LOL. 

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7 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

Quite the contrary, there has been zero discussion (or explanation) of why a player would want to buy a crafted IO rather than the recipe.  It's simply been stated as a fact.

I can't help you Doc.  You are dealing with something other than what the OP wants, and my attempts to answer your *quoted* desire for discussion have been met with vague philosophic nonsense.  Some people want to solve problems.  Some want to bitch.  Some want to do neither.


I think I answered your question succinctly, precisely, and irrefutably.  I hope the OP finds the same.  In case you missed it, scroll up a few responses.  Best of luck to you, and I hope that your contributions to future threads are concrete.

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9 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

Taking a quick look at the AH, some Attuned enhancements are much cheaper than a Catalyst + Crafted IO, others are much more expensive...

No, they're not. All crafted IOs are merged internally in the Homecoming AH (this is a SCORE-ism); if I sell a Crushing Impact Accuracy/Damage at level 27, you can buy it at level 20, level 50, or attuned. Hence there is never any price incentive not to buy attuned if that's what you want, and never any price incentive not to buy a level 50 if _that's_ what you want.


(You may have been misled by the AH price display bugs that crop up from time to time, but I think everyone agrees those are bad and it would be nice to see them fixed.)


Editing to fix own error: people often do want to buy attuned (since there is no reason to buy anything but 50 for boosting or attuned for exemplaring and levelling) and since they can only buy attuned as crafted IOs, that's where the demand is.

Edited by thunderforce
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Get rid of the sidekick level malus and the 5-level exemplar power grace.

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6 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

Truthfully, you're missing pretty much everything.  You mostly compared and contrasted the various features of recipes and IO's  (both have advantages and disadvantages).  But you gave no reason why a player would WANT to buy a crafted IO rather than a recipe.

I pick up the following proc recipes at their lowest level range unless they are going to be used in a set, for which they are obtained as Attuned.

Level 10 (slot a level 7)

Panacea (Heath)

Gladiator’s Armor and Shield Wall (the first available slot)


Level 20 (slot at level 17)

Miracle Proc


level 30 (slot at 27)

Numina’s Convalescence 

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1 hour ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

That seems like a waste of clicks.  If they seed it like salvage, are you going to buy 10mm recipes?

That's why pricing would be so important. My assumption is that, at least initially, people would still be buying enhancements for about the current going rate. So there could be a lot of initial profit. Maybe. Rare salvage could possibly spike to 1 million and stay there in such a situation. Plus it's not like I have anything else to spend all that influence on, so if I lost a few billion messing around it wouldn't make any impact.

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6 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

That's why pricing would be so important. My assumption is that, at least initially, people would still be buying enhancements for about the current going rate. So there could be a lot of initial profit. Maybe. Rare salvage could possibly spike to 1 million and stay there in such a situation. Plus it's not like I have anything else to spend all that influence on, so if I lost a few billion messing around it wouldn't make any impact.

I accept donations 😁

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6 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

That's why pricing would be so important. My assumption is that, at least initially, people would still be buying enhancements for about the current going rate. So there could be a lot of initial profit. Maybe. Rare salvage could possibly spike to 1 million and stay there in such a situation. Plus it's not like I have anything else to spend all that influence on, so if I lost a few billion messing around it wouldn't make any impact.

I am mostly concerned about your clicking finger!  I’ve long considered buying every common salvage on the AH.  More than enough inf, but there is no way I am clicking that many times!

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1 hour ago, thunderforce said:

No, they're not. All crafted IOs are merged internally in the Homecoming AH (this is a SCORE-ism); if I sell a Crushing Impact Accuracy/Damage at level 27, you can buy it at level 20, level 50, or attuned. Hence there is never any price incentive not to buy attuned if that's what you want, and never any price incentive not to buy a level 50 if _that's_ what you want.


(You may have been misled by the AH price display bugs that crop up from time to time, but I think everyone agrees those are bad and it would be nice to see them fixed.)


Furthermore this merging means the effective supply of a given crafted IO is much bigger than the supply of the equivalent recipe would be... even if it wasn't normal practice to craft recipes for sale. Only the level 50 recipes can be sold as level 50 recipes; no recipe can be sold to make an attuned IO; but _every_ recipe can be crafted and bought as a level 50 or attuned IO (you always want either a level 50 to boost or an attuned to be good for levelling and exemplaring; there is no reason to buy a non-attuned non-50 IO.)


That's why people prefer to buy crafted IOs; that way all the recipes that drop can be used.

Recipes follow the same rules.  A level 25 recipe can be sold as 50 although normally people buy the lower levels.  The reason the supply of crafted IOs is higher is because converters exist and basic economics.

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34 minutes ago, HelenCarnate said:

Recipes follow the same rules.  A level 25 recipe can be sold as 50 although normally people buy the lower levels.  The reason the supply of crafted IOs is higher is because converters exist and basic economics.

You're right, actually, I'd forgotten about recipe merging. I'll go back and edit. But i think the supply of crafted IOs is also bigger because many people want to buy attuned so that's where the demand is, and once you know this you sell what is being bought.

Homecoming Wiki  - please use it (because it reflects the game in 2020 not 2012) and edit it (because there is lots to do)

Things to do in City of Heroes, sorted by level.   Things to do in City of Villains, sorted by level.   Things only Incarnates can do in City of X.

Why were you kicked from your cross-alignment team? A guide.   A starting alignment flowchart  Travel power opinions

Get rid of the sidekick level malus and the 5-level exemplar power grace.

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39 minutes ago, thunderforce said:

You're right, actually, I'd forgotten about recipe merging. I'll go back and edit. But i think the supply of crafted IOs is also bigger because many people want to buy attuned so that's where the demand is, and once you know this you sell what is being bought.

Don't know how many other people do this, but I delete a ton of recipes as I'm playing if I don't think they'll sell for much. But I rarely delete enhancements. If I took the time to craft it or buy it, I'll likely resell it even if it's only for 1 influence.

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15 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

Don't know how many other people do this, but I delete a ton of recipes as I'm playing if I don't think they'll sell for much. But I rarely delete enhancements. If I took the time to craft it or buy it, I'll likely resell it even if it's only for 1 influence.

At this point, if I have the time and patience, I'll craft every recipe I get under 50 if it doesn't require rare salvage.  Then I will sell it in IO form or more likely convert it.  If I convert it to something I actually need, I will offer it in the AH at the same time as putting in a lower bid on an attuned version.


If it requires rare salvage, I'll check the AH for the recipe and the IO, and will either sell the recipe, craft it and sell it, or vendor it based on what I learn or already know.



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Just wow.


Well, I was cautioned against posting here, I suppose I've learned my lesson.  As you've all demonstrated, it doesn't matter what's proposed or expressed here, it's all automatically 'the enemy' because I'm not a constant poster.  So far lost in your own nonsense that one of you actually posted 'some people just want to bitch', demonstrating exactly what I was told you would do, and who you were.  Holy crap.  Not one actual moment of consideration, not one actual acknowledgement, just post after post of elitist vitriolic garbage.  It isn't even that I posted an issue you didn't 'agree' with, it's the sheer volume of poisonous trash that you responded with.  It would have taken almost no effort to consider the post, almost no effort to analyze, and there wasn't any of that.  Consider me schooled.  


I actually didn't believe you'd all be like this, this far gone already, I mean it's been less than a year.  But here we are.  I wonder how many of you were part of the scam that was laughing at the rest of us behind our backs while you were playing this game and we were donating more than we could really afford to efforts to get it back.  I was told it was the majority on several occasions after I told some folks in my SG that I'd posted here.


I won't be posting further, and along with the half dozen folks that warned me not to, will be cautioning people against doing so in the future. I know without asking that will please you.  I see now what you've already turned the 'suggestions and ideas' forums into.  "Suggestions and Ideas" are evidently the last thing that is welcome here.  Guess that doesn't bode well for the future.  It would be interesting to see what a 'valid person' posts as a suggestion here, but I won't be visiting this forum again.


Incidentally, I tested my own issues again about twenty minutes ago, completely proving my original post correct, though from reading your responses, you would obviously fabricate some reason to find fault with that, too, until one you 'chosen ones' has the same issue or one of the others undermines your efforts to 'play the market' by making it inaccessible to you along with the rest of us.  Just like in the old days.  


The one thing that always drew me back to this game was the community.  Years I kept looking for another game like it, with one like it.  Thanks for finally killing that for me.  I needed to see this, that this is what came along with the 'rebirth.  Since relaunch, it's pretty evident that that good community has evidently passed like the old game did.  Now I've got elitists that brag about how they played it while it was  down and talk mad shit about the rest of the 'scrubs' while they deign to move around servers lamenting the state of things since L was forced by the only one of you with a conscience to open the game.  I can see how much that has bothered the lot of you folks I've read responding to my original post here.  


You have fun out there.



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2 hours ago, TheLastEmirate said:



Just wow.


Well, I was cautioned against posting here, I suppose I've learned my lesson.  As you've all demonstrated, it doesn't matter what's proposed or expressed here, it's all automatically 'the enemy' because I'm not a constant poster.  So far lost in your own nonsense that one of you actually posted 'some people just want to bitch', demonstrating exactly what I was told you would do, and who you were.  Holy crap.  Not one actual moment of consideration, not one actual acknowledgement, just post after post of elitist vitriolic garbage.  It isn't even that I posted an issue you didn't 'agree' with, it's the sheer volume of poisonous trash that you responded with.  It would have taken almost no effort to consider the post, almost no effort to analyze, and there wasn't any of that.  Consider me schooled.  


I actually didn't believe you'd all be like this, this far gone already, I mean it's been less than a year.  But here we are.  I wonder how many of you were part of the scam that was laughing at the rest of us behind our backs while you were playing this game and we were donating more than we could really afford to efforts to get it back.  I was told it was the majority on several occasions after I told some folks in my SG that I'd posted here.


I won't be posting further, and along with the half dozen folks that warned me not to, will be cautioning people against doing so in the future. I know without asking that will please you.  I see now what you've already turned the 'suggestions and ideas' forums into.  "Suggestions and Ideas" are evidently the last thing that is welcome here.  Guess that doesn't bode well for the future.  It would be interesting to see what a 'valid person' posts as a suggestion here, but I won't be visiting this forum again.


Incidentally, I tested my own issues again about twenty minutes ago, completely proving my original post correct, though from reading your responses, you would obviously fabricate some reason to find fault with that, too, until one you 'chosen ones' has the same issue or one of the others undermines your efforts to 'play the market' by making it inaccessible to you along with the rest of us.  Just like in the old days.  


The one thing that always drew me back to this game was the community.  Years I kept looking for another game like it, with one like it.  Thanks for finally killing that for me.  I needed to see this, that this is what came along with the 'rebirth.  Since relaunch, it's pretty evident that that good community has evidently passed like the old game did.  Now I've got elitists that brag about how they played it while it was  down and talk mad shit about the rest of the 'scrubs' while they deign to move around servers lamenting the state of things since L was forced by the only one of you with a conscience to open the game.  I can see how much that has bothered the lot of you folks I've read responding to my original post here.  


You have fun out there.



And yet you have still not posted what specific recipes you are having trouble finding after being asked by at least 2 people to be more specific.  Most people are not having the same problem you are having so without any clarification on your part we cannot help.  You say you still are having the same problem but have refused to be specific as to what exactly the problem is.  So it really sounds like the problem is you until you can point to what specific recipes you are having issues getting. 


The 2 that you did mention, Unbreakable guard has 1 that is in short supply.  However, you can always buy one of the others and use converters until you get what you need or use merits for those if you feel like going that route.  The Obliteration proc is the same.  The rest of the set can be found easily so you can convert or use merits or wait.  Either way you can still get what you need. 


While the recipes can be hard to find, the IOs (which is really what you need) can be easily obtained.  I just purchased a bunch of random Multi Strike lvl 31 recipes for 55k each.  I crafted them (48k) and used converters on them and just threw up 10 Obliteration proc IOs on the AH.  Given the fact that there were 0 for sale before I figure they can probably sell for 5 mil.   I was able to do this within just a few minuets of figuring out which recipe you were talking about.  Update, sold a couple already so feel free to grab them or you can just as easily duplicate what I did.


Just did basically the same with the Unbreakable Guard trio IO.  There are 7 IOs for sale now just a few minuets of making an effort to make some.  So the issue appears still to be you. 

Edited by HelenCarnate
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I don't understand what the issue is.  I have never not been able to get the IO I wanted.  The AH might not have the recipe, but the IO itself is usually posted.  And if not, every IO recipe can be bought with merits.  Worst case, make one in set and use converters to convert to what you want.


I have a feeling that OP is doing something wrong with the AH interface.  It makes no sense that the can't find any of the IO that they want.  I have basically never seen 0 of something listed, let alone "everything".  

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OP:  I count "not one" but several people who offered to help and asked for more information from you.  Perhaps you could do them the courtesy of responding to them?  Someone may be able to solve your problem - perhaps not in the same manner that you expected or were used to back on live, but another way that accomplishes the same result.


If you have been discouraged from posting publicly, I invite you to message me privately.  I'd like to see this resolved to your satisfaction, if that's possible.

Edited by Megajoule
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It's pretty clear to me now that the OP is not actually reading the responses or is doing so with such an intense preconceived idea of what horrible people we all are that confirmation bias is turning all the responses into youtube comment vitriol. The conspiracy theory stuff leans me toward the latter.

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I sympathize with the original poster as many of the responses were critical of the poster as if their was a right and wrong opinion on this.  However I think most of the posts give positive suggestions that have not been responded to that the original poster should be open enough to considering.  I personally think that seeding the AH isn't required (but I did consider it as this isn't a problem that I have thought about before) if the recipes can be bought with merits which can be earned by doing the most fun things in the game. Merits really aren't difficult to accrue.  


The alternatives are buying IOs on the AH or enhancement conversion.  Most of us do a mix of crafting, buying and converting.  Some people are doubtless much smarter about how they do this than I am but still after you get your first tricked out incarnate character it's easy to support alts (although it can seam expensive if you neglect your 50s while obsessing with a new alt, and I say that from experience). 


My conclusion is that although their are areas that I'd like to change in the game (but too few people agree with me) this isn't one of them.

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Also a bit confused; I think OP might be misreading things as more hostile than they actually are. Besides a few chilly phrases, I don't think anyone was aiming at being alienating here, but the prevalent response seems to be that not many people have the same issue as the OP. There's good discussion here about the effects of seeding the market with recipes (dunno if anyone mentioned how easy it would make playing the market with converters, but that was my first thought). Some have pointed out that the inf to merit conversion basically means this exists anyway. Folks have recommended looking at crafted IOs rather than recipes, and given good reason why. Finally, some have expressed that IOs are an unessential luxury anyway, which I agree with. I like having to earn mine over time.


I've also never had a problem buying what I need off the AH, though I sell on it a lot more than I buy off it.


Maybe if the game population lowers dramatically, this might become necessary. I think this was a valuable thread, and I'm a bit sad the OP didn't see it that way.

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I tried crafting by buying recipies like back on live at first, 


But i found in general it was just easier to buy the crafted enhancements.


If you aren't in a hurry you can usually save a fair amount by bidding 50%/75% of the most common sell prices listed.


It just takes a few days.


I recently bought the two complete stalker ATO sets for 50%.  


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On 11/20/2019 at 2:47 AM, Bionic_Flea said:

When a player first looks up an item the numbers in the info box that lists the last five sales, the number of the item for sale, and the number of open bids is sometimes blank or is showing incorrect numbers, perhaps from a different item.

I use a specific, odd number for the last three digits of all of my bids (my birthday, to be specific), and after that first purchase, that number keeps showing up in the "recent bids" box for nearly every subsequent item I look at. That has to be a glitch.


Anyway, when it comes to putting recipes on the AH, I frequently find myself torn over the simple fact that, for the overwhelming majority of uncommon and rare recipes, I'll get more inf by vendoring them. That's completely backwards from WoW and the few other MMOs I've tried. So when I look at the going price for a particular recipe, and see that people are bidding around 1,000 inf, but I can vendor it for 5,000 ... do I take the better price from the vendor, or do I be a nice guy and help propagate the recipe into the community?


I think part of the problem is also people taking advantage of the way the AH awards winning bids - giving the highest bid to the seller with the lowest asking price. People like me who know about this start posting things for 1 inf, and eventually, buyers who also know the system start making stupid low bids. I've posted a lot of recipes for 1 inf, and they end up selling for 1 inf. The amusing thing about this is the minimum 5 inf auction fee: I post for 1 inf, a buyer gets it for 1 inf, and then I get charged the 5 inf fee, so I'm basically paying 4 inf to get rid of it.

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To the OP: If you considered the replies here hostile I am not sure what to say to you. People addressed your issue with the limited information you gave and provided other methods to obtain recipes/IOs. Your posts come across very negative and frankly you are the one being hostile and accusatory. As far as your (mis)perception on the gaming community of CoH - you will find that 99.9% of people who play this game genuinely try to help others - we may not hold your hand or play into your victimization, but we will tell you what is what and offer advice/alternatives to help you. Use the forums...don't use the forums... your choice. 

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On 11/23/2019 at 9:39 PM, TheLastEmirate said:



Just wow.


Well, I was cautioned against posting here, I suppose I've learned my lesson.  As you've all demonstrated, it doesn't matter what's proposed or expressed here, it's all automatically 'the enemy' because I'm not a constant poster.  So far lost in your own nonsense that one of you actually posted 'some people just want to bitch', demonstrating exactly what I was told you would do, and who you were.  Holy crap.  Not one actual moment of consideration, not one actual acknowledgement, just post after post of elitist vitriolic garbage.  It isn't even that I posted an issue you didn't 'agree' with, it's the sheer volume of poisonous trash that you responded with.  It would have taken almost no effort to consider the post, almost no effort to analyze, and there wasn't any of that.  Consider me schooled.  


I actually didn't believe you'd all be like this, this far gone already, I mean it's been less than a year.  But here we are.  I wonder how many of you were part of the scam that was laughing at the rest of us behind our backs while you were playing this game and we were donating more than we could really afford to efforts to get it back.  I was told it was the majority on several occasions after I told some folks in my SG that I'd posted here.


I won't be posting further, and along with the half dozen folks that warned me not to, will be cautioning people against doing so in the future. I know without asking that will please you.  I see now what you've already turned the 'suggestions and ideas' forums into.  "Suggestions and Ideas" are evidently the last thing that is welcome here.  Guess that doesn't bode well for the future.  It would be interesting to see what a 'valid person' posts as a suggestion here, but I won't be visiting this forum again.


Incidentally, I tested my own issues again about twenty minutes ago, completely proving my original post correct, though from reading your responses, you would obviously fabricate some reason to find fault with that, too, until one you 'chosen ones' has the same issue or one of the others undermines your efforts to 'play the market' by making it inaccessible to you along with the rest of us.  Just like in the old days.  


The one thing that always drew me back to this game was the community.  Years I kept looking for another game like it, with one like it.  Thanks for finally killing that for me.  I needed to see this, that this is what came along with the 'rebirth.  Since relaunch, it's pretty evident that that good community has evidently passed like the old game did.  Now I've got elitists that brag about how they played it while it was  down and talk mad shit about the rest of the 'scrubs' while they deign to move around servers lamenting the state of things since L was forced by the only one of you with a conscience to open the game.  I can see how much that has bothered the lot of you folks I've read responding to my original post here.  


You have fun out there.



Since I am at the stage where 90% of recipes that drop don’t matter in the slightest to me, I tend to just give them away to anyone that wants them. After reading this drivel, that’s now anyone except you.

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Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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