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In bad taste...

The Godchild

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15 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

Ah, the awesome COH community strikes again!

These kinds of things aren't unique in this community.  But, sometimes I am a little disappointed that, as a group, we aren't a little more...above all of this, and more atypical of what one would find on any other group site.  We are helpful to each other for the most part, when it comes to game issues.  But, when sensibilities, and sensitivities are discussed, well we still haven't found that balance of compassion, and realism needed to speak on some things without giving offense.  We need to be more diligent on such things.  I'm making it a goal of mine to be better than what I see out there.  Hopefully, others will join in. 



Edited by Abraxus
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What was no more, is REBORN!

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The funny thing is. Here in the UK it's actually the PEOPLE that are treating the situation as kind of a joke. Namely why the hell people are buying literally two years worth of toilet paper when the Virus has virtually no symptoms that would require that much. In fact the general consensus is 'do the basics (if you show symptoms self isolate, carry tissues with you, try not to gather in large numbers), otherwise keep going about your day to day business'. It also helps that I have a sister who works in the medical field and actually HAS the data that was gotten from Italy (who is about a month ahead of us in terms of infection) and all the data points to 'a stronger, more virulent flu that unlike regular flu is actually stable(the reason the flu can't be cured is it's one of those viruses that constantly mutates making it impossible to properly vaccinate against) which means it can probably be actually vaccinated against' that is a danger to the Elderly (which are at danger from REGULAR flu as well) and people with heart problems (also at danger from regular flu).


The media is doing its absolute best to blow the whole thing massively out of proportion. Proclaiming the Coronavirus as though it was the next black death. The situation IS a joke, it's all media hype making a situation out to be MUCH worse than it is...so you know what...you being all "oh it's so bad..", no, you don't get to do that, not for a situation like this. Treat the situation with the level of dignity it deserves and you know what...this doesn't deserve ANY, it's a joke.


"Oh but people have died" the REGULAR flu has already killed more people this winter season among those at danger groups than Corona has by order of magnitude SO MASSIVE that it boggles the mind. Yet people are free to laugh and joke about that...so yeah...screw your "I'm so offended" act, god damn get over yourself. I lost my Granddad to the flu (Pneumonia, which is what the flu becomes when it progresses when it hits the elderly who can't fight it off) but you don't see me acting offended when people make jokes about it. 

Edited by DR_Mechano
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One thing I would like to also point out is that people deal with grief differently, and some people "do" cope with the pain and loss of a loved one through humor. I am in no way saying that these people are doing such, only remarking that it is a thing. As with most things, topics are quite subjective and open to interpetation. 

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1 hour ago, roleki said:

It used to be that a childish joke did not warrant a childish response, but now it's all "Someone take The Bad Thing away!  Someone!  Someone!" and the whole world stops until The Bad Thing is properly scuttled.  


Thank God Mel Brooks peaked in the 70s, you people would have had him executed.

This is wrong. It used to be the internet wasn't as widespread, was less accessible, or didn't exist and therefore people couldn't be heard when something bothered them. The problem you're describing isn't that people are more easily offended, it's that those people now have a voice you can't simply ignore and pretend doesn't exist. 

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2 hours ago, Dispari said:

It's not a "free speech" issue, and the team already cracks down on reprehensible content, so nobody is asking for anything radical or new here. Offensive and copyrighted names are already disallowed. We're not one of those "totally free" servers where every name is a racial slur. The only question is if this current issue meets that criteria, which I would say it does, considering lots of people have died and will die.

Not trying to be insensitive but more people have died from

  • hunger
  • ebola
  • Plague
  • iInfluenza
  • Cancer
  • fire
  • war
  • car wrecks
  • list goes on

so I guess any names with any variation or combination of words that some people somewhere died from should be banned too?  I think some people need to extend social distancing to the virtual world too.  No offense, but I've personally seen way more names on here that I find a lot more offensive than COVID and I do what any adult should do - ignore them. 





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11 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

This is wrong. It used to be the internet wasn't as widespread, was less accessible, or didn't exist and therefore people couldn't be heard when something bothered them. The problem you're describing isn't that people are more easily offended, it's that those people now have a voice you can't simply ignore and pretend doesn't exist. 

This is why there were newspapers, radio, television...

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20 minutes ago, siolfir said:

So does this mean I should scrap my idea of a Storm/Energy Defender named Social Distance?

I would say that's fine, because the joke is about a behaviour that is encouraged rather than about the disease itself. It's even specifically what the power sets do. You can have a character whose sole mission in life is to save old people and encourage proper hygiene and crisis discipline.


Actually, embodying the practice of social distance with a costumed crusader is a very old-school thing to do. Very Saturday morning cartoon PSA.

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I don't find it offensive.  Frankly, it doesn't matter a lick to me.   I credit my indifference to knowing that some people deal with scary things through comedy, some through defiant behavior, yet others through avoidance or even abject denial, i.e not dealing with them/acknowledging them at all.


Which is 'right' or more 'correct'?  The ones that work for you.    

Which are 'wrong'?  The ones that don't work for you.


This declaration of it being 'in bad taste' is really just you saying that you don't like it and trying to frame your preference as the objective truth.

I'm more offended by your pretention than the people that aren't being sensitive enough for the avoiders and the deniers' preferences.

Edited by Uruare
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33 minutes ago, siolfir said:

So does this mean I should scrap my idea of a Storm/Energy Defender named Social Distance?

I guess it depends on your motives!


If you want to name it that because you want to turn to humor to help yourself get through an uncertain time, go ahead.  Just expect some people to get uptight.


If you want to name it that because you want to see how many people you can piss off, go ahead.  But you're being a dick.

Who run Bartertown?


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19 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

So? Could just anybody get on those and share their thoughts, opinions, and feelings to the world anytime they wanted? I'm not sure how that is relevant to anything I said.

why couldn't they?  there was no law banning anybody from writing a letter to the editor or dear abby or any columnist.  sure not all got published, but not everyone reads every social media post of every person either.

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39 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

This is wrong. It used to be the internet wasn't as widespread, was less accessible, or didn't exist and therefore people couldn't be heard when something bothered them. The problem you're describing isn't that people are more easily offended, it's that those people now have a voice you can't simply ignore and pretend doesn't exist. 

You may be surprised to see photos, some of which have no coloring to them whatsoever, and the people in those photos may be seen standing very close to each other, may even appear to be marching, and the looks on their faces - if the photo is close enough to show such detail - will seem to indicate they are very passionate about whatever issue is agitating them.  Many of the slogans on the signs they carry would indicate they are all gathered in support of one particular ideal. The preponderance of such gatherings actually lead to changes in legislation across the entire country.


You would be shocked to find out that all of this transpired without the benefit of the internet, or even fax machines.  


You people didn't invent beer, food, or communications, or condescending shit comments.  And while you certainly didn't invent complaining, you are without a doubt absolute masters on the subject.



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Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
That will be all.

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47 minutes ago, siolfir said:

So does this mean I should scrap my idea of a Storm/Energy Defender named Social Distance?

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd consider that one to fall under "clever and amusing" rather than being in poor taste.


I know that line is going to be in different places for different people, but humor really is how a lot of people cope with stress, and no matter how seriously (or not-) you may take the current situation, it does involve a lot of that. XP 

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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I leave for one afternoon and miss all the good stuff. 😕


I'm not much of a fan of censorship of any kind. I think a good ole fashioned social shunning is a better message for these kind of twits. This thread is actually a pretty good start to that.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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36 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

why couldn't they?  there was no law banning anybody from writing a letter to the editor or dear abby or any columnist.  sure not all got published, but not everyone reads every social media post of every person either.

And now there are fewer gatekeepers, people aren't dependent on newspapers or dear abby to give them a voice. 

26 minutes ago, roleki said:

You may be surprised to see photos, some of which have no coloring to them whatsoever, and the people in those photos may be seen standing very close to each other, may even appear to be marching, and the looks on their faces - if the photo is close enough to show such detail - will seem to indicate they are very passionate about whatever issue is agitating them.  Many of the slogans on the signs they carry would indicate they are all gathered in support of one particular ideal. The preponderance of such gatherings actually lead to changes in legislation across the entire country.


You would be shocked to find out that all of this transpired without the benefit of the internet, or even fax machines.  


You people didn't invent beer, food, or communications, or condescending shit comments.  And while you certainly didn't invent complaining, you are without a doubt absolute masters on the subject.



Let's not pretend this is somehow unique to any generation, those protesters you speak of didn't have access to the tools we do now. They used what was available to them, and those methods are still used today in addition to the internet. But with the internet, it's harder to ignore.


You sound very much get off my lawn with your take, which is fine. So I'm clear, when old people complain about kids these days being too sensitive, I like to point out that it's coming from a generation of people that protested going to Vietnam, yet had no problem sending their kids(my peers) to die in other wars.


So to sum up, OK Boomer.

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Somehow I have awakened into a Paradise where meetings are banned, social gatherings are also gone, and all sports are cancelled.  What good and generous god gave me this wondrous gift? 

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