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Streaming embargo during quarantine


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With the recent events around the world, many of us are forced home, and some with no kind of financial buffer to help.  With that being said is there a way we can get a temporary lift of the streaming/video embargo?  I would love to stream my time playing COH, especially since I am forced home for an unknown amount of time, and streaming would help recoup this loss, some, but something is better than nothing.


Just a thought, that I know others are feeling as well.

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It would be nice, but the decision isn't really coming from the homecoming team. I imagine HC want to allow people to be recording and streaming the game as soon as possible, but that needs to be part of the agreement with NCSoft.

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8 minutes ago, Chris943 said:

With the recent events around the world, many of us are forced home, and some with no kind of financial buffer to help.  With that being said is there a way we can get a temporary lift of the streaming/video embargo?  I would love to stream my time playing COH, especially since I am forced home for an unknown amount of time, and streaming would help recoup this loss, some, but something is better than nothing.


Just a thought, that I know others are feeling as well.

It's in the best interest of homecoming you don't stream due to unresolved legal issues with NCsoft

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Just now, Obus Form said:

It's in the best interest of homecoming you don't stream due to unresolved legal issues with NCsoft

Oh I haven't, and I have obeyed the announcement made earlier this month.  That's why I posed this question.

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Sorry to hear about your situation.  I believe the economic effects will have a bigger impact on most people then the virus itself before this is over.  



Edited by Shred Monkey
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On 3/19/2020 at 4:25 AM, Chris943 said:

With the recent events around the world, many of us are forced home, and some with no kind of financial buffer to help.  With that being said is there a way we can get a temporary lift of the streaming/video embargo?  I would love to stream my time playing COH, especially since I am forced home for an unknown amount of time, and streaming would help recoup this loss, some, but something is better than nothing.


Just a thought, that I know others are feeling as well.

Play on one of the other CoH servers and use footage from there?

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Given the situation, I think streaming from any server of City of Heroes has the potential to jeopardize the negotiations, if only because the whims and fancies of corporate executives are a difficult thing to gauge.  But generally, any affront to their ego is a bad move, unless you have the capital to squelch them at the table (which Homecoming definitely doesn't).

I'm not privy to any additional details, mind you.  This is just a few thoughts that I'm musing out loud.

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I say do what you want, HC has no legal authority and the other servers are happy to have you stream, TS is having a charity stream soon.


Why people are allowing themselves to be controlled by these server runners is ... interesting to say the least.

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33 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

I say do what you want, HC has no legal authority and the other servers are happy to have you stream, TS is having a charity stream soon.


Why people are allowing themselves to be controlled by these server runners is ... interesting to say the least.

You know what’s going to be “funny”? When people with your attitude end up getting the C&D hammer dropped on everyone because you have to keep pushing some agenda.


The reasons we prefer HC and its requirements are;


A) the 64-bit client is the only long term path forward (the current apple OS no longer supports 32-bit and the same is almost assured for the next iteration of Windows). It also massively improves performance, the same system that couldn’t run ultra mode in 2012 using the old 32-bit client was able to run the game at max settings smooth as butter using the 64-bit client.


B) A dedication to quality. I don’t know if you saw Positive Gamers recent stream where he decided to try out Rebirth, but in making a character, a glitched option for shields put a full sized green training dummy that duplicated his animations on his arm. That bit right there made that whole outfit (as in the Rebirth servers in addition to the costume) look like amateur-hour. HC would never allow half-assed coding like that to go live.


Their improvements aren’t as “flashy” as some of the other servers, but the 64-bit client and massive backend clean-up they’ve been doing will pay dividends for years while the other servers eventually fail as hosting server OS’s start to drop 32-bit support alongside the mainstream desk/laptop OS’s. 


C) They’re at least trying to make this endeavor legitimate so we need not fear some new management at NCSoft deciding to make their mark by C&Ding all the illegal servers. At this point, having it taken away again would almost be worse than losing it the first time. HC is trying to remove that possibility. The odds are high that policing the streaming is another stage in the NCSoft negotiations and that those negotiations are the reason no ban-hammers have been coming down on any illegal servers so far.


Put short, HC is run in a fashion that I can expect in a year or two from now with a new Win11 laptop that I’ll still be able to log in and play my characters. None of the others have any assurance they won’t disappear like a popped soap bubble in the next 24 hours, much less the next 24 months.

Edited by Chris24601
Clarity about amateur-hour outfits
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55 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

I say do what you want, HC has no legal authority and the other servers are happy to have you stream, TS is having a charity stream soon.


Why people are allowing themselves to be controlled by these server runners is ... interesting to say the least.

You're correct they don't have any legal authority, HC can't send a DMCA take down notice. But they can restrict or ban people from the servers. 

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I, for one, will not be controlled by a group of gamers running a rogue server using stolen property, full stop.


There is a small group gamers right now that are literally the tail wagging the dog here, IMO, having convinced a large group of people that their way is the One True RIght Way and "The Talks", with no proof, at all, it's facinating from my POV.


Everyone here is right in that only time will tell what happens.


I choose not to allow random people on the Internet to tell me what I can and cannot do.


They run the servers, the don't run me. 🙂 


You can all stay as high and mighty as you like, looking down on anything not HC sucking up to HC as much as you like.


Have fun, do what you want, don't let the FUD of others stop you! 🙂 

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37 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

I, for one, will not be controlled by a group of gamers running a rogue server using stolen property, full stop.




I choose not to allow random people on the Internet to tell me what I can and cannot do.


They run the servers, the don't run me. 🙂 

I, for one, don't give the other servers much thought. I started on HC, I'm happy on HC, and I think I'll just run with that. I'm happy to let the other servers do what they want.


The cost of admission for HC is the code of conduct, which currently doesn't allow streaming, etc. I love making videos - sucks I can't make any right now. If that ever makes me unhappy with HC, I'll go elsewhere because I would no longer be willing to pay the cost of admission. I don't see it as HC telling me what I can and cannot do. I can still make those videos and keep them on my personal hard drive, and perhaps do a mass upload later. But I don't see where HC is asking too much of me to hold off on videos and streaming for awhile, considering what they can provide for me.

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The original point of this topic was to see if there was a way to alleviate some restrictions on the code of conduct during this abnormal time.  This was not about should I play on Homecoming or not.  If they can’t do so, because of legal reasons then so be it, I won’t stream.  I don’t think it’s unusual to play a game, and even a private server, by the rules.  

i don’t know how asking this warped into a thread about the legal restrictions of the server, as in ability to send CaD’s.  That was not anywhere in my thought process.  

I have put in to much time with my characters to reform on a server where I don’t have an established community.

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9 minutes ago, Chris943 said:

The original point of this topic was to see if there was a way to alleviate some restrictions on the code of conduct during this abnormal time.  This was not about should I play on Homecoming or not.  If they can’t do so, because of legal reasons then so be it, I won’t stream.  I don’t think it’s unusual to play a game, and even a private server, by the rules.  

i don’t know how asking this warped into a thread about the legal restrictions of the server, as in ability to send CaD’s.  That was not anywhere in my thought process.  

I have put in to much time with my characters to reform on a server where I don’t have an established community.

Passions run high, and sooner or later, things like this that touch on sensitive issues, eventually morph into something that encompasses the larger issues around the topic, as well as expressions of personally held beliefs on it.  We all know where we stand, and we know what the established policies are.

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1 hour ago, jubakumbi said:

I, for one, will not be controlled by a group of gamers running a rogue server using stolen property, full stop.

Well, if you wish to continue using their servers, then you kind of have to abide by their ToS.

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1 hour ago, jubakumbi said:

They run the servers, the don't run me. 🙂 

If you’re quitting, can I have your stuff? 😎

4 minutes ago, Chris943 said:

The original point of this topic was to see if there was a way to alleviate some restrictions on the code of conduct during this abnormal time.  This was not about should I play on Homecoming or not.  If they can’t do so, because of legal reasons then so be it, I won’t stream.  I don’t think it’s unusual to play a game, and even a private server, by the rules.  

The answer is there’s not a way to change it, because the restriction didn’t actually come from HC. 


It’s been all but stated without actually stating it that it’s a condition of the negotiations with NCSoft.


Frankly, the fact that the code was leaked at all was probably a loss of face for someone. Touting that with livestreams using the leaked code only adds to the loss. By moving to restrict it as they as are, HC is showing respect to those they are trying to get a favorable result from and that they can ne trusted to not cause any further loss of face.


Presumably, if an amicable arrangement can be found and HC becomes legitimate, the restriction on live-streaming could be lifted. The notice of the change itself did include such temporary indicators (I believe the ban was “for now.”).

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2 hours ago, jubakumbi said:

I, for one, will not be controlled by a group of gamers running a rogue server using stolen property, full stop.

Bit of a silly statement.  They're not trying to control you.  They just have rules about what you can and can not do on the servers they run.  Break the rules severely enough and they prevent you from playing on their servers.  You don't get to choose whether or not they enforce their rules on their server.  Full stop.

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On 3/19/2020 at 4:25 PM, Chris943 said:

With the recent events around the world, many of us are forced home, and some with no kind of financial buffer to help.  With that being said is there a way we can get a temporary lift of the streaming/video embargo?  I would love to stream my time playing COH, especially since I am forced home for an unknown amount of time, and streaming would help recoup this loss, some, but something is better than nothing.


Just a thought, that I know others are feeling as well.

I get it. I get your sentiment.

My two bits:

It's valid and understandable. You created a toon or toons you're proud of; you're playing a game that you like; and you'd like for others to share your (obviously positive) experience via streaming. It can and will probably invoke interest in the game to invite others to try it out. All the while, it translates to a source of (I have no idea of the current rates) considerable income for you. You're having fun, earning, getting other people to play as well. Win-win.

However, as legitimate as it is, it is rather one-sided. I'm apprehensive to use the word inconsiderate... maybe lacking empathy... whatever... You're only seeing your needs. It has been stated that there were precedents and certain circumstances that pushed such an embargo. If you can take a minute to see the situation from HC's point of view, maybe asking such a request or query would have been moot.

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17 hours ago, jubakumbi said:

I say do what you want, HC has no legal authority and the other servers are happy to have you stream, TS is having a charity stream soon.


Why people are allowing themselves to be controlled by these server runners is ... interesting to say the least.

People are allowing themselves to be advised because they want what is best for the game and these servers. They understand the HC team have not made this decision lightly. Basically they are acting responsibly putting the good of the community above any personal needs.

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One of my favorite quotes that seems relevant here "When you're walking on eggs, DON'T HOP!" (Comes from an 80's movie called "Blue Thunder").  In this case, when running what, for all intents and purposes, is an illegal server in the strictest sense, you don't go advertising the fact, and flaunting the fact to the world.  Mainly, because that world includes NCSoft, who have stood by so far, and not done anything of a threatening, or legal nature up to this point.  But, I'm sure if the players post their game play in a manner that gets undue attention, we run the greater risk that we could cross a line we didn't even know existed, and things will change in ways nobody would like.  Might, or might not happen.  But, do we REALLY want to take that chance, when the possibility exists that the negotiations could be successful, and this restriction goes away?  Can't we just be a little more responsible, and self-disciplined than that, waiting until we hear something, one way, or the other?  I don't think it's a lot to ask, if it means taking less chances in a situation that's been dicey since the beginning.

People can say "You're not the boss of me!", and they are right.  The HC team can't get videos taken down.  But, they can restrict your ability to play here.  Is your desire to post videos so overwhelming that it makes it worth the risk?  Is it really so much to ask to just not do that until there is no need for the restriction?  Granted, it would help if we knew, or had a rough idea of when to expect something like that, but to keep our game free of further scrutiny by the legal powers that be, it's in our best interest to tread carefully.

Edited by Abraxus
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I think people are trying to reason the wrong way here. Sure community and others matters, I don't disagree. But I think people need to ask themselves, what they want? If they want to keep playing here because they enjoy and that is what they want, then following the embargo makes that more likely as NCSoft is less likely to get pissed and just shut this all down. Is it any guarantee? Absolutely not. To me, this decision doesn't require thinking of others or being considerate, it just takes a slightly longer term outlook for one's own wants.


So between thinking of others, or only about oneself, to me the most logical step to take is to not post videos or stream HC for the time being. Personally I don't care what a person's motivation here is, because both lead to the same action. 


edit: I was working and on the phone when I wrote this, please ignore the absolutely terrible sentence structure. 

Edited by MunkiLord
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