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Guys, we need more kilts. We need draping, robe like lower garments, and a lot of them! Ornate tunics, elegant and long Grecian chitons, practically anything of Arabic inspiration, things that are cool! 


The kilts are maybe the one lacking aspect of customization in this game, and the only ones we really get are the plain tunic and the circle of thorns kilt. These are cool, but obviously not fit for every villainous or virtuous vision. It might not be a competition, but we can't let something like DCUO one up us on this, they are but CoHs disciple. 


We need more drapey leggings. Particularly for males. Who's with me!

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17 hours ago, Emperor Cole said:

Why can't we have the druid robes!

Knock down/back a Tsoo Sorceror or Carnie illusionist. You'll see they don't have feet. For the models of all mobs that have robes/skirts that go all the way to the ground, the robe/skirt is the lower half of the model. This interferes horribly with the animations for powers, and was the reason why player characters never got full-length robes back on live.

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6 hours ago, srmalloy said:

Knock down/back a Tsoo Sorceror or Carnie illusionist. You'll see they don't have feet. For the models of all mobs that have robes/skirts that go all the way to the ground, the robe/skirt is the lower half of the model. This interferes horribly with the animations for powers, and was the reason why player characters never got full-length robes back on live.

That's cool and all but yeah let's get long robes/kilts for men.

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More long coats! More dresses! More frilly costumes! More cool anime stuff!


And this may be a long shot but maybe add a broader color palette? The reds to yellows look awful in the deeper shades. There isn't even much in the way of desaturation. Oh heck, the yellows themselves look bad.

Edited by mamozen
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Well, we luckily aren't in the business of ruling out suggestions just because it might be difficult. Might not be too. Besides, color palette overhaul and adding/designing new pieces aren't really the same thing. Either way, it'd be cool to put might to right and put it out there to see how many are in favor of it.


And even if it is arduous, we might still get it eventually. Might as well show the good devs how much we want it!

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On 4/25/2020 at 2:38 PM, Monos King said:

I'm just gonna post the desirable now. I want this.

[-clip for space-]


This is a good post. I like this post. 


Many of these would just be new kilt options.  Wouldn't even require new physics bull-*freem*



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8 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

You volunteering to rig models for it and then make new animations for each power in the game just for long robes?


I'm pretty sure you'd only need to do that if you were doing a full "wings" style rig where the dress/robe is a special model that has it's own set of animations in response to yours.  So a flowing animation when you walk, a flair up when you kick, etc. But you'd have to add in animations for everything where your legs moved... that's... a lot.


There's actually few "Robe" models in game already that are actually just two large leg/pant models fused together with a texture that warps and deforms between them.  I think that's what the Tsoo Sorcs do? The old CoT too.  When they do the kick you can see it 'cause the center strip of their robe deforms pretty bad.


If everyone is ok with kind of terrible robes we can do that easily.  They'd look okish when standing around but any kind of kicks or serious movement would look weird or bad.


If you want to use the cape/trench coat tech could do it hypothetically.  Just have a wrap around cape.  But OG Devs said it looked bad and the physics broke all the time.  Like how sometimes your trenchcoat butt will flip around on you and cut you in half?  Like that.  Apparently there was a lot of "Umbrella in a hurricane" type effects that happened everytime you walked or jumped.


Honestly I think fixing up the physics engine is the best bang for the buck. It would (likely) be a lot of work but we could use that in other parts of the game too afterwards.  I imagine, anyway. 


In the mean time more short skirt/robe options! (Also kilts/skirts for monstrous legs!)

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The short skirts we do have already look pretty terrible when the character is moving.  I have a female Street Justice tank that uses one of the knee-length skirts, and it looks awful when she does any kicks.

Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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