Machariel Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 (edited) My main, Blightfire, is a Plant/Fire/Fire dominator. Now, a big part of her character concept is that she has exactly one core skillset: indiscriminate, fiery, vine-based destruction. RP-wise she is pretty useless or counterproductive in all other situations and is accordingly misanthropic. And, I love my main, so my favorite CoX memory is the one where I felt most like my main. I remember one Lambda Sector Trial where the rest of the league wanted the XP so they decided to clear all the IDF on the streets, but I was cheeky and jumped the walls and started working on the mobs inside. Confused IDF do tons of damage to each other especially when tightly grouped up and there's no other teammates to interfere with things like holds or debuffs 😳 so Blight's just absolutely giving them hell, and as I'm jumping from mob to mob I'm watching the rest of the team steadily circle around the map. I don't know if everything just clicked for me or if the rest of the team just had relatively slower composition, but I finished clearing the last group inside just as the outer ring was cleared. This story stands out for 2 reasons for me: 1) The sliding doors opening to reveal an empty courtyard and my character there just /e waiting, just tapping her feet 😎 2) someone chiming in chat, "Well, looks like SOMEONE ate their Wheaties today!" 😆 And just for a second I felt like my character had the spotlight 🙂 Edited June 16, 2020 by Machariel 260 words don't look here 4 3
Nemu Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 (edited) Back on live before IOs made everyone gods, I had started to really learn and embrace how to play blasters aggressively. On the forums the anti-healer sentiment about empaths was strong. There was a thread that talked about how to play empaths and I got into an argument with a gentleman whose name I sadly forgot. I argued that a good emp should give an aggressive blaster all the buffs while the gentleman made the generalization that blasters die too quick and emps should buff other ATs to help them stabilize each engagement while the blaster should hang back and engage only when aggro has been established. I got cocky, said a few incendiary things and the argument went downhill between us for the next few replies. “L2P” was used and the usual online rhetoric of L2Read and all that. Finally I get a private email from the gentleman that said “Stop! Let’s play together and understand each other’s perspectives.” I have never had anyone do that before and I was taken aback by the invitation. We both played on Liberty and we made time to team up with my SG mates, and it turned out I was able to change his opinion once he saw what skilled blasters can do. Because of a simple email I made a new friend and he became good friends with our SG coalition. However I’m not the protagonist here, the way this gentleman handled the situation is the real learning opportunity. Edited June 16, 2020 by Nemu 4 Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting Jezebel Delias Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster I am the Inner Circle!
Olly Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 My best memory is probably my first. Was in college way back when and was visiting a buddy of mine. We'd hung out a lot in high school and we'd spent hours reading comic books and playing video games together. (He had the cool Sega system, so you know how long ago that was.) Anyways, he tells me I "have to" try this new game he bought. So he sits me in front of the computer and loads up CoH. The login screen with the heroic music comes up. Dum-dum. Dummm....(trumpets)... type in a name (cool keyboard beep sound heard for the first time), choose a Hero archetype. What! I get to choose a hero type! Next.. costume creator... what! I can choose how I look! Heroic! 2 hours later he tells me he's off to sleep.. I mumble gnite, still stuck in AP. 8 horus later, he wakes up, sees me still bleary-eyed in front of his PC. Yeah... I bought CoH as soon as I got home. 3
SuperPlyx Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 You know it's funny since the games been back I think I can count one 1 hand the number of times I have pvp. But some of my best memories from Live was pvp. Hitting RV with a bunch of SG mates just taking over the zone. The trash talking and friendly(mostly) insults. I still remember that jolt of excitement when the call went out over SG chat,.."heroes in RV" Woohoo I don't believe my widow ever left RV after it hit 50. So many good memories. "you cry alot" 1
Giocondi Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 (edited) 23 hours ago, Glacier Peak said: This is a great story! Do you remember what GPU it was? I had a similar experience, albeit with increased memory capacity instead of graphical fidelity lol I wish I did. I can't even tell you the cost (thanks dad!). My very dark and fuzzy memory wants to say it was some $60-$75 Nvidia card in 2004-2005. Edited June 16, 2020 by Giocondi Added the year It was most likely purchased!
Morgahn Posted June 21, 2020 Posted June 21, 2020 Of all my memories involving City, one of my favorites will always be running Dr. Q with my friends. We had gotten to a closed door (I was on a PB at the time, Scott was on a tank and Kevin a scrapper), and they were both at the door, with me hanging back halfway down the hall. Well, the door opened, and about 20 Crey came swarming out. They bypassed Scott and Kevin completely, despite the taunt and attacks. Ran straight at me, and slaughtered me. I mean, single-minded "You gonna die" focus. Then they dropped all aggro, turned and walked back to the door. We were all laughing so hard at what happened, Scott and Kevin didn't even try to avenge me. Crey really hate Kheldians, apparently. 1 2
Panthonca7034 Posted June 21, 2020 Posted June 21, 2020 One of all my favorite memories of CoH was when I was running the Warden Resistance Arc on goldside as one of my Merc/Dark Miasma toons, when I spoke to all the Warden Resistance contacts I helped just before crossing the portal into Primal Earth, including one of my faves: Katie Douglas, and working on several AE Arcs shortly afterwards. It was the only way to endure the hard moments I had going in real life, by being creative and putting emotions into story arcs. 1
Abraxus Posted June 21, 2020 Posted June 21, 2020 My absolute favorite memory is one of the first I have of CoH. A group of my friends, who had been playing Everquest together for years, told me that they had been in the Beta for CoH, and that after years of me telling them I wasn't interested in their fantasy genre game, and having to listen to them talk about it whenever we got together; that I could finally join them in playing this game! They knew I loved the super hero genre, and this was our chance to finally be able to play together, and have discussions that were inclusive of ALL of us for a change. Two weeks after it went live, I had the game, and was preparing to play with my friends. I spent no less than 3 hours in the character creator (even as it was back then, with much less in the way of choices), because I had a picture in my head of what I wanted to see in my first hero. After all that time, it took me another hour to pick a name. What I came up with was what you see here as my user name, and the avatar is today's equivalent of that first character. I recreated him on Homecoming, albeit in a slightly different power configuration. But, when that first iteration first stepped foot in Atlas Park, and heard the theme, my heart soared as if in some way, a real hero was born. He is still a part of my pantheon of L50/Incarnate characters, and I don't play him as much. But, I still consider him my "Lead" character, now, and forever. 3 What was no more, is REBORN!
Skyhawke Posted June 21, 2020 Posted June 21, 2020 (edited) So, this was back on live during a Synapse TF. I was running my FF/Dark defender and was looking forward to a good run through the TF. We started as a full team, but people fell off as it went on. This was back when a TF was a looooong endeavor. This was also during the days of "You are too far from your mentor" while sidekicking and everyone on a TF was usually in the level range and not packing fully slotted powers. Finally, we got to the final mission with myself, a scrapper, a blaster and a controller. The controller said we couldn't do it with just 4 and quit the team. Just as I was figuring I'd wasted several hours of my Saturday, the scrapper pipes up and asks if we'd be game for trying it. We all agree and fight our way though the Clockwork until we finally find the King. It definitely wasn't the prettiest or quickest fight in COH history, but we got him. I've yet to have a "Mission Complete" feel sweeter. Edited June 28, 2020 by Skyhawke to get rid of that weirdo white background the text had 4 Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute Alts galore. So...soooo many alts. Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior
mereman Posted June 22, 2020 Posted June 22, 2020 My favourite moment was finding CoX. This was back in the live days and PC Gamer had a free trial on the disk. I fell in love with the game from the start. I kept mine and my wife's sub going even after it went free to play. Many happy times were had. Plus one very sad time when NcSoft killed the game. 1 Ex Defiant and proud Norfolk OldBor
EmperorSteele Posted June 22, 2020 Posted June 22, 2020 Back on Live, before Incarnates and before IOs, I had my Mind/Kin rolling with a PI puG. The team consisted of a Fire Tank, an Invuln tank, and a few more Defenders and Blasters, iirc, some of whom were SK'd up to 49. We came across a map I hadn't seen before, but that many are familiar with by now: The Clockwork King's dimension. We did well enough as we fought through the Psychic Clockwork, though the Tanks were struggling. Finally, we got to the Clockwork King AV (who was +2, I think?). The team charged in, and within MOMENTS, both the tanks were dead. The Defenders tried to rez them, but they were either taken down, or the Tanks fell again before they could re-buff. We were close to a wipe, so I called a retreat so we could regroup, but I'd stay back and hold them off. I popped Indomitable Will and an orange, and went to town. I used Siphon Power, Fulcrum Shift, and Siphon Speed to neuter the King, while using my AoE hold and confuse to keep his minions at bay. This went on for several minutes, when something occurred to me: "Where's my team?" I took a moment between attacks to pan my camera around, and saw them standing on a nearby hill, watching and cheering! That's when it occurred to me: Holy crap, I'm soloing an AV! Mind you, this was a time when it seemed like only select powersets or builds could do so, so it was a pretty nice feeling! Sadly, my moment of awesome ended there, as I realized that while the CK couldn't hurt me, I wasn't hurting him, either. So I called everyone else down, and we soundly committed regicide! (That's probably more than 250 words but that's about as brief as I could make it, w/e) 2
Zeraphia Posted June 22, 2020 Posted June 22, 2020 On 6/15/2020 at 10:49 PM, syntaxerror37 said: I've been thinking for awhile what my best CoH memory was. It was the summer of 2009 and I was attending Otakon, in costume as my main AR/Dev blaster Joe Insanity. I was approached by a pair of people who recognized my frankengun. They explained to me that a friend of theirs played CoH, and had just been diagnosed with cancer. They asked if they could record a video of me to send to their friend. Having a chance to do something good in the real world because of the game makes that my best moment. Not to say others don't have some amazing memories as well, but wow this was especially heart-warming. Thank you for being a part of the community to make memories like this come true for all of us! 1
Myrmidon Posted June 22, 2020 Posted June 22, 2020 My absolute favorite memory was back in Issue 6 when I took part in a Shard Taskforce marathon (that took 18 hours straight through to complete on Single Origins) with a Champion coalitioned supergroup called the Pingu Coalition. This was a small group of very fun and skilled players that just did not care about debt or dying (their leader, Ping, died over 200 times that night), which made for some hilarious antics. We entered one of the giant caves full of Rularuu (about 10 hours in) and they proceed to aggro the entire room, causing everyone to wipe except for me, to which I respond: “Pingus. When you absolutely, positively need to aggro ever M***** *****r in the room.” Ping had that as his forum signature until the servers went dark.🤣 2 Playing CoX is it’s own reward
starro Posted June 22, 2020 Posted June 22, 2020 My favorite memory is at launch when I tried to share a computer and an account with my husband. This lasted about through the end of the pre-release and we realized this was unstainable and picked up a second copy of the game, second PC and I think even a desk to share in our office. The thought of a game where we both experienced the same game from TWO computers blew our mind. We fought crime and robbed banks. We were both misty eyed and elated with the games untimely departure and later return on Homecoming. 2 Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up.
FrauleinMental Posted June 23, 2020 Posted June 23, 2020 8 hours ago, Myrmidon said: My absolute favorite memory was back in Issue 6 when I took part in a Shard Taskforce marathon (that took 18 hours straight through to complete on Single Origins) with a Champion coalitioned supergroup called the Pingu Coalition. This was a small group of very fun and skilled players that just did not care about debt or dying (their leader, Ping, died over 200 times that night), which made for some hilarious antics. We entered one of the giant caves full of Rularuu (about 10 hours in) and they proceed to aggro the entire room, causing everyone to wipe except for me, to which I respond: “Pingus. When you absolutely, positively need to aggro ever M***** *****r in the room.” Ping had that as his forum signature until the servers went dark.🤣 Pingus...there's a blast from the past! 1
Myrmidon Posted June 23, 2020 Posted June 23, 2020 43 minutes ago, FrauleinMental said: Pingus...there's a blast from the past! They were some of the most enjoyable players to run with.😃 1 Playing CoX is it’s own reward
Riverdancer Posted June 23, 2020 Posted June 23, 2020 Back on live, a friend and I each had a character with confuse (mind and illusion trollers) so we decided to have some fun. Group invis, and we entered the mission where Diabolique and Infernal were both there. We each confused one, and after a few applications, and constant spamming of it, we got them to fight! It took a while, but Infernal won. We were laughing so hard over teamspeak I thought I would have an asthma attack. 3 2
syntaxerror37 Posted June 23, 2020 Posted June 23, 2020 22 hours ago, Zeraphia said: Not to say others don't have some amazing memories as well, but wow this was especially heart-warming. Thank you for being a part of the community to make memories like this come true for all of us! Wow, I wasn't expecting this waiting for me after I finished my yardwork 🙂
bros Posted June 23, 2020 Posted June 23, 2020 On 6/16/2020 at 12:59 PM, Giocondi said: I wish I did. I can't even tell you the cost (thanks dad!). My very dark and fuzzy memory wants to say it was some $60-$75 Nvidia card in 2004-2005. sounds like the GeForce FX 5200?
Shocktacular Posted June 24, 2020 Posted June 24, 2020 During the shutdown, when the devs were RPing as various important NPCs... Tyrant: What the... ?! Tyrant: What's this seagull doing on my throne?!?! I laughed SO hard! 😄 Keep on flyin', devs! And don't let anyone kick you off of "their" throne! 1 Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far. Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55, or via a truck in Nova Praetoria.
Myrmidon Posted June 24, 2020 Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/21/2020 at 1:02 PM, Abraxus said: My absolute favorite memory is one of the first I have of CoH. A group of my friends, who had been playing Everquest together for years, told me that they had been in the Beta for CoH, and that after years of me telling them I wasn't interested in their fantasy genre game, and having to listen to them talk about it whenever we got together; that I could finally join them in playing this game! They knew I loved the super hero genre, and this was our chance to finally be able to play together, and have discussions that were inclusive of ALL of us for a change. Two weeks after it went live, I had the game, and was preparing to play with my friends. I spent no less than 3 hours in the character creator (even as it was back then, with much less in the way of choices), because I had a picture in my head of what I wanted to see in my first hero. After all that time, it took me another hour to pick a name. What I came up with was what you see here as my user name, and the avatar is today's equivalent of that first character. I recreated him on Homecoming, albeit in a slightly different power configuration. But, when that first iteration first stepped foot in Atlas Park, and heard the theme, my heart soared as if in some way, a real hero was born. He is still a part of my pantheon of L50/Incarnate characters, and I don't play him as much. But, I still consider him my "Lead" character, now, and forever. Just for that story, I will attempt to save you for last in any Comic Con missions that I run. 1 Playing CoX is it’s own reward
Abraxus Posted June 24, 2020 Posted June 24, 2020 1 hour ago, Myrmidon said: Just for that story, I will attempt to save you for last in any Comic Con missions that I run. Oh, don't feel bad if you take him down. I've done it myself quite often. It's somehow weirdly cathartic! 🤣 2 What was no more, is REBORN!
Jacktar Posted June 24, 2020 Posted June 24, 2020 My favourite CoH memory..... A beautiful sunny day in Los Gatos September 2009 and being signed into the Cryptic Studio where I was meandered around the offices, meeting all the folks behind those ingame Dev alts, every one of whom gave me a lovely friendly welcome. Then it was off to luncheon with as many of them as could squeeze into two cars when I was priviliged to be included in all the general chit chat about game direction and why stuff like foes turned out as they did by the guys who designed them in the first place. Then finishing that off outside with an ice cream purchased by Back Alley Brawler whilst some of the others had a quick smoke. Back to the Studio to finish up my visit then leaving with my complimentary copy of the CoH “Good versus Evil” edition (12 extra character slots!) given to me by the knurled hands of BAB himself. YIN YANG My saddest CoH memory was a year later (07 October 2010) hearing that 9 of the genuinly nice people I had met on that visit (including BAB) had been let go! 1
Retired Lead Game Master GM Miss Posted June 24, 2020 Author Retired Lead Game Master Posted June 24, 2020 You guys have until July 1st to post your favorite CoX memory! Contact me on Discord (Miss#1337) for a faster response! Want more information on lore pets? Want to get involved in our weekly discussions on discord or the forums?
nihilii Posted June 24, 2020 Posted June 24, 2020 Silly one but it is the memory I'm most fond of for some reason. Back on Live, I had a bit of a reputation for being a bunnyhopping speed freak in my group of friends. One day, we were doing one mission in a Crey lab and I was hopping ahead to the next group with Combat Jumping + Hurdle, as usual. Now, if you're familiar with the blue tech lab maps, sometimes you get those long legs to the right and once you've defeated the enemies there, you have to go back all the way to the left to get the elevator. I kept bunnyhopping, but instead of turning my character as you would expect, I started orienting myself with the automap. So I'd jump left while my character was looking the other way, like a robot, still at top speed. Then at the next turn, facing the complete opposite direction. Jumping like that the whole mission. After a few moments, one of my friends made a comment in chat. Then another one joined in. Then everyone started laughing, in a "I can't believe the nonsense nihilii is up to, AGAIN" way. This was a subtle but fun, great bonding moment. But also, an illustration of freedom in CoH, the way we can do all sorts of absurd things and still be awesome.
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