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Rewards Beyond Vet 99+ (Relates to Inf Nerf - but not)

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I don't mean to oppose Widower's closing, but rather I think the suggestion has merit to continue logical discourse and conversation. I have no reward in terms of many of my characters who are vet 99+, which has always been my counter-argument. I'm not necessarily for or against the inf change being rolled back as much as I am for some form of rewards being granted to someone who levels up beyond those thresholds. Had I known on my main that the inf gain would be nerfed, I wouldn't have chosen the 2x Inf option, I would've continued doing the Vet levels to demonstrate how much I've enjoyed and played the game. 


-- I really did not intend on this thread to become a "flame war." This isn't meant to bash anyone or any GM, this is meant to come up with suggestions for vet 99+ who have no rewards and feel really left out now that no one recognizes their vet levels due to having the feature before vs. now.

Edited by Zeraphia
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3 minutes ago, Greycat said:

I wouldn't think reopening a new thread as soon as the old one on the same subject was closed is really a good idea....

Except my intent with this wasn't to just post silly memes or have people just "/jranger" everything. It's meant to actually bring about discussions on what can be done as a reward to vet level 99+'s who have legitimately no reward whatsoever for leveling above that threshold. Many as well do not feel like the market had any significant change to merit the nerf. 

Edited by Zeraphia
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2 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

It's meant to actually bring about discussions on what can be done as a reward to vet level 99+'s who have legitimately no reward whatsoever for leveling above that threshold.

*Looks at thread title.*  *Looks at statement of purpose.*

I'm seeing a mismatch here.

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24 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

*Looks at thread title.*  *Looks at statement of purpose.*

I'm seeing a mismatch here.

You're right, there is probably a better title for this, I will rename it.

Edited by Zeraphia
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12 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

Except my intent with this wasn't to just post silly memes or have people just "/jranger" everything. It's meant to actually bring about discussions on what can be done as a reward to vet level 99+'s who have legitimately no reward whatsoever for leveling above that threshold. Many as well do not feel like the market had any significant change to merit the nerf. 

You may want to change the title then.


EDIT: And just caught up. A forum title rename really would be a nice feature.

Edited by golstat2003
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1 minute ago, Zeraphia said:

I actually meant to and wrote an edit on how I couldn't, as in actually tried to...

just edit the first post. it's not super intuitive.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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20 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

I just didn't know... I've never really had to rename any topic before or edit my first posts on threads, please stop attacking me.

Whoa there. No one is attacking you.


Your attempt to revive a closed topic in an open forum, in my opinion, deserved the two memes. One for an exhausting topic and the other for restarting it. That's my opinion.


When you mentioned renaming the title "Reinstate Influence 2x at 50 (Cont'd)", I merely guessed it'd appear we can't edit the title because "it is not super intuitive" how to do that.

I then provided quick directions on how to rename the thread. ( just edit the first post and you can change the title there )


So to be clear, no one is attacking you. I am giving you grief. Please keep the accusations accurate.


Next time you're in game, look me up, we'll team, have fun, take down some bosses and AVs, it'll be great.

Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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1. Merits multiplier
2. More storage slots
3. More inspiration slots
4. More incarnate salvage
5. Better salvage?
6. All above

There are really multiple ways to do this without giving afk farmers any more power.

and maybe veteran level topscore? So you can brag.


Edited by Darkneblade
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1 minute ago, Troo said:

Whoa there. No one is attacking you.


Your attempt to revive a closed topic in an open forum, in my opinion, deserved the two memes. One for an exhausting topic and the other for restarting it. That's my opinion.


When you mentioned renaming the title from "Reinstate Influence 2x at 50 (Cont'd)", I merely took a guess it would appear we can't edit the title because "it is not super intuitive" how to do that.

I then provided quick directions on how to rename the thread. ( just edit the first post and you can change the title there )


So to be clear, no one is attacking you. I am giving you grief. Please keep the accusations accurate.

It came off really rash, you are right, I changed the title already. I really did not mean to bring up the exhausting topic (it was really badly named...) it was more meant to be what my response to the topic would've been, and continue that aspect of the conversation and the "old meme" took up the conversation instead. It was genuinely not my intention. I guess it took what you wrote as an attack on my intellect for not knowing how to do something rather than "giving grief."

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I do have boundaries.

No name calling.. okay that's my only boundary.. and it's more a loose guideline.

I don't really have a leg to stand on if I attack someone's intellect. This is known.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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1 minute ago, Troo said:

I do have boundaries.

No name calling.. okay that's my only boundary.. and it's more a loose guideline.

I don't really have a leg to stand on if I attack someone's intellect. This is known.

*Hands out peg leg*


There, a leg to stand on.

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I'm thinking maybe a good post vet 99 reward could be getting things like a single enhancement catalyst, maybe 6 enhancement converters, a charge of experienced, a charge of windfall. Basically the miscellaneous stuff you get out of booster packs, and by having them be awarded to your account it would mean you're able to earn some things for your other characters that could be helpful as they level up. These prizes would probably come at the same level 3 level intervals and be randomized from a pool.

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3 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

Except my intent with this wasn't to just post silly memes or have people just "/jranger" everything. It's meant to actually bring about discussions on what can be done as a reward to vet level 99+'s who have legitimately no reward whatsoever for leveling above that threshold. Many as well do not feel like the market had any significant change to merit the nerf. 

I would argue that you won the game.  Why do you need additional rewards?  To make your 99+ vet better?

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Who run Bartertown?


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1 hour ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

I would argue that you won the game.  Why do you need additional rewards?  To make your 99+ vet better?

When you get 100 it should roll the credits.  With some inspiring musak. 



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I feel like if you've got a character to vet level 99+ then either a) it's a farm toon and it's already generating plenty of rewards, or b) you really, really enjoy playing that character, which again is pretty much its own reward.  Just let the steadily increasing vet number stand as a measure of how awesome that character is to play.

Edited by Grouchybeast
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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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My girls need more freebie empys to build more stuffs.  Or maybe after vet 99, every third lvl you get a convert threads to empy tool so you can pass them to alts.  


Interesting to think on but prolly not high on dev list.

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I look on it as encouragement to play other characters.
If you're playing because you love the character, Vet levels don't mean anything.
If you're playing for rewards, there should be no problem farming on another character.

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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