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Weekly Discussion 65: Build Your Own Powerset

GM Miss

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So, slightly biased perspective and all, but I think I'm seeing quite a few people calling for three things in particular:


- Natural Origin-friendly Control Set (or at least Tech-friendly)

- Mixed Damage Type Attack Set ("Elemental," Ranged or Melee)

- Some kind of flashy BANG POW Set ( . . . honestly, I think we have a lot of those in-game already, but I can't fault anyone for wanting -more- either)


Here's hoping that the foremost efforts are put toward a Natural Control Set.  That's been a gaping maw as far as representation since the very beginning of the game.

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New Blaster Secondary:  Illusory Combat

You manipulate light, creating complex and convincing illusions, blinding and confusing your foes, and even healing yourself.  You can focus your illusions  offensively, or defensively.  Offensive illusions will have a chance to deal additional "illusory damage" that is so convincing foes will truly suffer damage, but the wounds will heal over time if the enemy is not defeated.  Defensive illusions will have a chance to instill brief fear in your enemies as you attack.  You can only switch the focus of your illusions when not in combat.  Certain powers help your illusions become more potent, and the more potent your illusions are, the stronger the effects of your focus.  


Tier 1: Spectral trap:  Foe Immob/Moderate Psychic damage over time.  You convince a foe they are being wounded with each step they take, locking them in place and inflicting psychic damage.  Builds one stack of potency.

Tier 2: Blind:  Foe hold/Moderate energy damage. You painfully blind a single foe, rendering them helpless and inflicting damage. Builds one stack of potency. 

Tier 3:  Illuminate: Self +dmg, +tohit, Grants 3 stacks of potency. You gather the light from around you, making your attacks appear even more powerful.  The damage of your next few attacks is increased greatly, as is your chance tohit. 

Tier 4: Master of illusions:   Self +Stealth, +def (all), +special.  You are able to bend and focus light around you, making you virtually undetectable except in very close range, and also harder to hit once detected. You will be detected if you attack. Even if detected, you will retain some of your defense.  This ability also grants you the ability to focus your illusions, choosing to use them offensively to boost your own attacks or defensively to weaken your foes. Grants the Offensive and Defensive focus modes.   

Tier 5:  Deceptive Flare: Targeted AoE, Moderate dmg smashing/psychic, for Knock down.  You channel your illusions tightly, making them appear to erupt from the very earth around your target, blasting all foes within radius and having a chance of knocking them off their feet.  (This is basically Solar Flare from Khelds)  This power consumes all stacks of potency, and the amount of damage it will deal is increased with each stack consumed.


Tier 6: Light Therapy:  click Self +Res Status Affect (all), moderate heal, +Endurance.  You use the power of light to energize yourself, heal your wounds, and even free your mind from the influence of others.  When you click this power you heal yourself of damage and gain a moderate boost to Recovery for 2 minutes.  If activated when under the control of any status affect power, you trade half of that healing and recovery boost for strong status affect protection for two minutes. 

Tier 7: Kaleidoscope (or alternately, Vertigo):  Single target Stun (vomit emote)/High psychic damage.  You trap a single enemy in a kaleidoscope of light, rendering them so dizzy they become sick and unable to attack you momentarily, and dealing psychic damage.  This affect has a slight chance to spread the dizziness to up to two nearby enemies, causing them to momentarily become ill as well.    This power builds one stack of potency if the user has less than 3 stacks. If they have three stacks the duration and magnitude of the illness, and its chance to spread are increased by 50% and all stacks are consumed.  

Tier 8:  Abject Terror:  You create a cloud of illusions at a targeted location so horrific it instantly terrorizes enemies within range, and leaves their chance to hit and attack speed diminished.  This power grants one stack of potency. AoE Foe Terrorize, -tohit, -recharge speed.

Tier 9: Radiant Explosion:  Melee AoE Superior dmg, Foe KD.  You strike a foe with a burst of light and sound from your first so powerful, the target is knocked to the ground and suffers superior energy damage. The illusion is so effective that nearby foes will also be knocked down and both they and the primary target will suffer illusory psychic damage over time.  Radiant Explosion consumes all stacks of Focus.  The strength of  this illusory damage will increase with each stack of focus consumed.  


Edited by Puma
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10 hours ago, Puma said:

I like this.  Im a little confused about the tier 9. Is it not an AoE nova type power?  IF so...that would need to change.  A blast set with a single target tier 9 would...not go over well. 
The only other thing I'd change is altering the tier 9's chance to stun amount with Kinetic charge to increased -dmg per stack.  That would make it a truly unique tier 9 and also give it a great utility as an opener.   

Yes, the Tier 9 is a ranged AOE attack, similar to Geyser, Blizzard, Thunderous Blast, etc.  I should have made it a bit more clearer. As for the suggestion, that would be a better idea and it would give it an unique ability that would make it stand out from other sets.

10 hours ago, Puma said:

 I would also maybe turn kinetic syphon into "Kinetic transference field" which would be a placed field like water's whirlpool, but that does slow, -dmg and-end, on foes in the patch, while giving allies in the patch +rech, +end., +regen. Have the strength of the buffs dependent on stacks of Kinetic Charge you have when you place it.  It would be a very unique power that helps set the set apart.  


Overall though, I like the concept here and it's one I could see fill a niche not currently filled.  

I also like this suggestion as well. Thanks for the feedback. 

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Personally, I wish there was a Teleportation set.

My teleporter (Grav/Time in this incarnation) has literally every teleport power in the game, and he's a blast to play. Wormhole is particularly satisfying.


Still want Propel to throw the same objects for me and my teammates, though.

Smacking a bad guy down and crowing, "Eat Buick, beeyotch!" loses something when your teammates are seeing gargoyles and mailboxes.


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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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Okay I'm gonna be cheeky and add one more submission from my thread, only because I thought of this late into the night and was pretty proud of the results. 😜



Pain Blast

You have control over pain itself, projecting bolts of agonising psychic energy that can cause lasting physical wounds. Pain Blast powers have a variety of different debuff effects, allowing you to torment your foes with different debilitating effects.


Awakened PsionicDart.png - Psionic Shock: A power from The Awakened, works as a simple moderate damage attack with -end effects similar to electric powers.

Awakened MentalBlast.png - Psionic Lightning: A power from The Awakened, serves as a simple high damage attack with a chance to stun.

Awakened PsionicShockwave.png - Psionic Pulse: A power from The Awakened, good PBAoE attack that has the potential to knock foes back.


PsychicBlast Aim.png - Aim: Your standard aim power.


Awakened PsionicWounds.png - Psionic Wounds: A power from The Awakened, a high DoT effect that improves DPS output.


Awakened PsionicVoid.png - Psionic Void: A power from The Awakened, this power is now a targetted AoE, dealing good DoT to anyone in the area.


Awakened MentalBreakdown.png - Mental Breakdown: A power from The Awakened, a solid debuff power that also has the added bonus of healing the user.


Awakened PsionicTorment.png Psionic Torment: A power from The Awakened, this special debuff power that also deals a high amount of damage.


Awakened PsionicFlow.png Psionic Flow: A power from The Awakened, a great candidate for a T9 blast power, dealing extreme damage and debuffing all foes in the area.



Pain Manipulation

You can manipulate the pain of yourself and others, creating psionic blades that can torture your enemies, while also twisting and attacking their minds.


PsionicMelee TelekineticBlow.png Mental Thrust: Similar power to Ki Push, uses the Telekinetic Blow Animation/FX


PsionicMelee MentalStrike.png - Mental Strike: Taken from psionic melee, this power works well for the initial melee power for the set.


Awakened PsionicCrush.png - Psionic Prison: A power from The Awakened, works as a good ranged hold power.


PsionicMelee PsiBlade.png - Psi Blade: Taken from psionic melee, this melee power serves nicely as a higher damage ability.


PsionicMelee Concentration.png Concentration: Taken from psionic melee, your standard damage boosting build up power.


Awakened Consume.png Endure Pain: A simple click power for +Absorb, +Resist, +Recovery. Uses the 'Unleash Potential' FX from Force of Will.


PsionicMelee Boggle.png - Boggle: Taken from psionic melee, this works perfect for a light mez power similar to Dark and Mental manipulation.


PsionicMelee GreaterPsiBlade.png Greater Psi Blade: Taken from psionic melee, this power fits well as a high damage final melee attack.


PainDomination AnguishingCry.png - Anguishing Cry: Taken from pain domination, I decided to add a debuff power as the T9 similar to plant manipulation.



Pain Assault

You have control over pain itself, projecting bolts of agonising psychic energy that can cause lasting physical wounds. Pain Assault powers have a variety of different debuff effects, allowing you to torment your foes with different debilitating effects.


Awakened PsionicDart.png - Psionic Shock: A power from The Awakened, works as a simple moderate damage attack with -end effects similar to electric powers.

PsionicMelee PsiBlade.png - Psi Blade: Taken from psionic melee, this melee power serves nicely as a higher damage ability.


PsionicMelee PsiBladeSweep.png - Psi Blade Sweep: Taken from psionic melee, this melee cone fits into the assault powerset formula.


Awakened MentalBlast.png - Psionic Lightning: A power from The Awakened, serves as a simple high damage attack with a chance to stun.


PsionicMelee Concentration.png Concentration: Taken from psionic melee, your standard damage boosting build up power.


Awakened PsionicShockwave.png - Psionic Pulse: A power from The Awakened, good PBAoE attack that has the potential to knock foes back.


Awakened PsionicVoid.png - Psionic Void: A power from The Awakened, this power is now a targetted AoE, dealing good DoT to anyone in the area.


PsionicMelee GreaterPsiBlade.png - Greater Psi Blade: Taken from psionic melee, this power fits well as a high damage final melee attack.


Awakened PsionicTorment.png - Psionic Torment: A power from The Awakened, this special debuff power that also deals a high amount of damage.



All of these powers were borrowed from Psionic Melee, The Awakened NPCs, and both versions of Penny Yin! (except that one self-buff, which I had to figure out myself).

Edited by Tyrannical
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I see a lot of people asking for or explaining that a given powerset (existing or invented here) is for a given origin or only certain origins make sense.  I don't agree.  Every single existing powerset and the vast majority of whats listed here make sense with every origin.   Perhaps not every origin story though.  Everyone is free to give themselves whatever constraints they want in writing character origins, but please take a moment to recognize not everyone will use those same constraints.  I especially see constraints being added around the Natural origin.  Almost any powers can be explained with any origin with even minimal footwork, of course not every story will suit you. Here are a few examples:


Natural is more than having no super powers.  Electric Eels emit electricity, they are natural.  Asps, certain frogs, spiders, and platypus produce poison naturally.  Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon is using his own inner power with the Glow, Wolverine naturally has claws (hot take!).

Also things associated often with natural origin can just as easily be anything else. 

That rifle? Inside it is the spirit of a dead ancestor that's why It can be used to super powered foes (also infinite ammo!) - Magic Origin. 

The Super Reflexes Tank?  She got her super reflexes through a combination of good old fashioned hard work and scientific research and discovery.  She follows an evidence based diet and uses the most scientifically efficient exercises in addition to a special "super supplement".  Perhaps her mother was a famous scientist who did the seminal research on the topic. - Science Origin. 

The Bow and Arrow Blaster may seem to be using an archaic weapon, but in reality the Bow he uses is made from an unbreakable allow and fitted with nanomachines and artifical aiming intelligence(with an attitude!).  The quiver uses replecation technologu - technology

The shield brute was accidentally doused in toxic ooze.  As a result she was mutated to be able to extend her senses of touch and proprioception into metal objects allowing her to be "One with the Shield".  - Mutant Origin


Anyhow, this is just a friendly request to consider ways that every origin can in fact be used with every powerset.

Edited by zenijos10
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4 minutes ago, zenijos10 said:

I see a lot of people asking for or explaining that a given powerset (existing or invented here) is for a given origin or only certain origins make sense.  I don't agree.  Every single existing powerset and the vast majority of whats listed here make sense with every origin.   Perhaps not every origin story though.  Everyone is free to give themselves whatever constraints they want in writing character origins, but please take a moment to recognize not everyone will use those same constraints.  I especially see constraints being added around the Natural origin.  Almost any powers can be explained with any origin with even minimal footwork, of course not every story will suit you. Here are a few examples:


Natural is more than having no super powers.  Electric Eels emit electricity, they are natural.  Asps, certain frogs, spiders, and platypus produce poison naturally.  Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon is using his own inner power with the Glow, Wolverine naturally has claws (hot take!).

Also things associated often with natural origin can just as easily be anything else. 

That rifle? Inside it is the spirit of a dead ancestor that's why It can be used to super powered foes (also infinite ammo!) - Magic Origin. 

The Super Reflexes Tank?  She got her super reflexes through a combination of good old fashioned hard work and scientific research and discovery.  She follows an evidence based diet and uses the most scientifically efficient exercises in addition to a special "super supplement".  Perhaps her mother was a famous scientist who did the seminal research on the topic. - Science Origin. 

The Bow and Arrow Blaster may seem to be using an archaic weapon, but in reality the Bow he uses is made from an unbreakable allow and fitted with nanomachines and artifical aiming intelligence(with an attitude!).  The quiver uses replecation technologu - technology

The shield brute was accidentally doused in toxic ooze.  As a result she was mutated to be able to extend her senses of touch and proprioception into metal objects allowing her to be "One with the Shield".  - Mutant Origin


Anyhow, this is just a friendly request to consider ways that every origin can in fact be used with every powerset.

Agreed. I twist the origins about to fit the concept of my character. I understand where others are coming from for their desire to see more "natural" type sets, and I'm not opposed to seeing some of those sets come about, but the natural origin can be used for more than just someone who uses gadgets (which, as  you mentioned, can arguably be science or technology origin). 


Characters that are not of a human species may have a natural origin for their "powers" because it's just something they're able to do as part of their species (i.e. your electric eels example).

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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2 hours ago, zenijos10 said:

I see a lot of people asking for or explaining that a given powerset (existing or invented here) is for a given origin or only certain origins make sense.  


While I 100% agree, most every group of sets has at least one "a normal guy could use this" style power be it guns, traps, melee weapons, or good old punches, except for the control sets. They're all essentially super-human past a certain point, and having one that is Trap/Tech based can add a lot for concepts too.

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1 minute ago, Galaxy Brain said:

While I 100% agree, most every group of sets has at least one "a normal guy could use this" style power be it guns, traps, melee weapons, or good old punches, except for the control sets. They're all essentially super-human past a certain point, and having one that is Trap/Tech based can add a lot for concepts too.

One of the many reasons I decided to make 3 or 4 'natural' inspired control sets at this point.

I know it can be argued that natural origin characters can pick any powerset they please, since it's established that psionic powers can manifest through training alone, and then refined into different forms, but having some more options for controllers and dominators that fit the 'no metahuman abilities' style of character would be a welcome addition.

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43 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

While I 100% agree, most every group of sets has at least one "a normal guy could use this" style power be it guns, traps, melee weapons, or good old punches, except for the control sets. They're all essentially super-human past a certain point, and having one that is Trap/Tech based can add a lot for concepts too.

At which point do traps or devices constitute technology or science?  A sword, strictly speaking is technology as is a bow and arrow, as is a wheel. To a society who has never seen a wheel wheel might be consider magic.  The origins are far more flexible then they might seem on first glance. 


That said, I do like the idea of power sets thematically based around strategy or tactics, but I think you can make a case for nonmeta, natural explanations for all controls sets. 


On the otherhand, nonmeta or non super powered is a player/story contraint and it too can fit among any origin.  And it would be nice to extend powersets AND ATs to fit more stories like this.  I think its important to differenciate between origin type and character flavor/ story.   

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3 hours ago, zenijos10 said:

At which point do traps or devices constitute technology or science?  A sword, strictly speaking is technology as is a bow and arrow, as is a wheel. To a society who has never seen a wheel wheel might be consider magic.  The origins are far more flexible then they might seem on first glance. 


That said, I do like the idea of power sets thematically based around strategy or tactics, but I think you can make a case for nonmeta, natural explanations for all controls sets. 


On the otherhand, nonmeta or non super powered is a player/story contraint and it too can fit among any origin.  And it would be nice to extend powersets AND ATs to fit more stories like this.  I think its important to differenciate between origin type and character flavor/ story.   

I think we can safely draw the line past "simple machines" to be the tech origin, especially in the game's setting where tech usually = super tech.

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I mean, if they want to make it so all the other Control Powers can be animated optionally as being fired from a gun, or cast from a wand, that would be absolutely stellar!


But for an entirely new Control Set, per the topic of discussion in this thread . . . yeah.  I want to see one built from the ground up which really strikes that thematic style of Assault Rifle, Willpower, Street Justice, Martial Assault, et cetera.

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2 hours ago, FoulVileTerror said:

I mean, if they want to make it so all the other Control Powers can be animated optionally as being fired from a gun, or cast from a wand, that would be absolutely stellar!


But for an entirely new Control Set, per the topic of discussion in this thread . . . yeah.  I want to see one built from the ground up which really strikes that thematic style of Assault Rifle, Willpower, Street Justice, Martial Assault, et cetera.

Additional animations of this kind would be super awesome. 

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I haven't seen this thread brought up yet


Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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18 hours ago, zenijos10 said:

I see a lot of people asking for or explaining that a given powerset (existing or invented here) is for a given origin or only certain origins make sense.  I don't agree.  Every single existing powerset and the vast majority of whats listed here make sense with every origin.   Perhaps not every origin story though.  Everyone is free to give themselves whatever constraints they want in writing character origins, but please take a moment to recognize not everyone will use those same constraints.  I especially see constraints being added around the Natural origin.  Almost any powers can be explained with any origin with even minimal footwork, of course not every story will suit you. Here are a few examples:


Natural is more than having no super powers.  Electric Eels emit electricity, they are natural.  Asps, certain frogs, spiders, and platypus produce poison naturally.  Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon is using his own inner power with the Glow, Wolverine naturally has claws (hot take!).

Also things associated often with natural origin can just as easily be anything else. 

That rifle? Inside it is the spirit of a dead ancestor that's why It can be used to super powered foes (also infinite ammo!) - Magic Origin. 

The Super Reflexes Tank?  She got her super reflexes through a combination of good old fashioned hard work and scientific research and discovery.  She follows an evidence based diet and uses the most scientifically efficient exercises in addition to a special "super supplement".  Perhaps her mother was a famous scientist who did the seminal research on the topic. - Science Origin. 

The Bow and Arrow Blaster may seem to be using an archaic weapon, but in reality the Bow he uses is made from an unbreakable allow and fitted with nanomachines and artifical aiming intelligence(with an attitude!).  The quiver uses replecation technologu - technology

The shield brute was accidentally doused in toxic ooze.  As a result she was mutated to be able to extend her senses of touch and proprioception into metal objects allowing her to be "One with the Shield".  - Mutant Origin


Anyhow, this is just a friendly request to consider ways that every origin can in fact be used with every powerset.

Ya had me until wolverines claws were natural. xD

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Might be doable just with alternate animations, but I’m not sure how well weapon sets play with those so it might need to be its own power set, but...


Tactical Grenades: Literally just Tactical Arrow with grenade animations in place of the bow.


The reason is simple and two-fold... First, you can only have two weapons as part of your costume. If you’re Dual Pistols, the bow is invisible (but the arrows are not) so all of the bow attacks look ridiculous. Using a grenade means there’s no third weapon.


Second, grenades are more generic and don’t have redraw issues when combined with other blast sets. They thematically work better with Assault Rifle and Beam Rifle and are easier to fluff as other things (they can be magic flasks for a Magic origin character) for other sets and are easier to justify pulling from utility belts or similar as a supplement to your primary attacks vs. whipping out a bow.


Finally, if we’re in for a penny, may as well go for the pound... if you can use a grenade animation for them... you could also do a forearm launcher animation too for those who want a more “power armor” look.


So there’s my suggestion... Tac Arrow and Trick Arrow variants using grenades or arm launchers to better allow their use with a broader range of concepts.

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On 8/24/2020 at 1:39 PM, GM Miss said:

Weekly discussion 65 - Week 8/23/20-8/29/20:


⚔️YOU VOTED: Let's build our own powersets! ⚔️ 


Things to think about:

>Work by yourself or in a team! 
>Make sure to give all the details you can! List powers, animations, numbers, etc! 
>Think about balance and not making it to over or under powered.
>What powersets would you like to see from Homecoming?


Let's Chat 😄

Duplication/cloning. And I would make it a pool power (hear me out).
We know the capability is available, because we fight our duplicate (with our powers duplicated) in a series of missions in Faultline in the teens/early 20's. 
If you make it a Mastermind, it takes up one of the power sets to do it, so a real duplicate with both primary and secondary abilities can't be done, as the cloning process takes up the primary power set. 
So, my thought is, make it a pool power.  Whereas flight as 5 different levels (hover, fly, group fly, afterburner, air superiority), the pool levels would be number of clones available, and would grow in power with the character .  
This process also allows for players to choose the number of clones they want exactly (i.e. - with phantom army, i have to have 3.  if i just want a twin, i can buy just the one clone).
And please, in the name of all that is good and fun, please make them costume customizable, so I can have a red, a white, and a blue for Independence Day! 

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Since it's been mentioned a few times, I figured I'd drop some of my 'natural' themed powersets here in the thread.


Blast Sets


Throwing Blades

You are trained with deadly throwing blades, armed with an assortment of martial weaponry to attack your foes from afar.

MartialAssault ShurikenThrow.png - Shuriken Throw: Taken from Martial Assault. This fits well for the low damage/quick recharge attack.


WeaponMastery Shuriken.png - Throwing Dagger: An NPC power used by a multitude of enemies, ideal for a moderate damage ranged attack.


MartialAssault TrickShot.png - Trick Shot: Taken directly from Martial Assault. this ability works well as a nice AoE ability.


WeaponMastery ExplodingShuriken.png - Shrapnel Shuriken:  A renamed version of Weapon Mastery's Exploding Shuriken. This works as a basic AoE power.


FireBlast Aim.png - Aim: Your basic blast set 'Aim' power.


MartialAssault MasterfulThrow.png - Masterful Throw: Also taken from Martial Assault. This works perfectly as a snipe ability.


MartialAssault SpinningKick.png - Fan of Blades: NPCs like Chance McKnight have a similar ability called 'Shurikens', which is a cone version of the standard Shuriken power. Though I would perhaps give it the Eviscerate/Ripper animation.


MartialAssault ExplosiveShuriken.png - Explosive Shuriken: Taken from Martial Assault. this power works well as a low-range/high-damage attack


MartialManipulation DragonsTail.png - Blade Storm: The T9 for this set would likely be a mix of projectiles thrown in all directions, likely using the same animation as Typhoon's Edge.



Urban Warfare

You are adept at using your street smarts to improvise all means of weaponry, from the environment around you or through makeshift explosives.


FireBlast Flare.png - Throw Rock (Destroyers)


FireBlast FireBlast.png - Throw Scrap (Dockworkers/Scrapyarders)


FireBlast ArcOfFire.png - Spit Fire (Arsonist)


FireBlast FireBall.png- Dynamite (Destroyers/Scrapyarders)


FireBlast Aim.png - Aim


FireBlast RainOfFire.png - Molotov Cocktail (Arsonist/Destroyers/Scrapyarders)


FireBlast Blaze.png - Hurl (Destroyers/Super Strength)


FireBlast FireBall.png - Firebomb (Arsonist/Scrapyarders)


FireBlast Inferno.png - IED (new power that uses the bomb 'glowie' prop to deal extreme smashing/fire damage)


Control Sets



You are capable of employing tricks and traps in order to control your foes, subduing and misdirecting them with ease.


NinjaTools Immob.png - Immobilizing Dart: Taken from Ninja Training, this power works nicely as the immobilize power.


NinjaTools Hold.png - Choking Powder: Taken from Ninja Training, this power works nicely as the hold power.


Ninjitsu Caltrops.png - Poison Caltrops: A modified version of Caltrops, this power has a chance to immobilize any enemy entering its patch.


NinjaTools BlindingPowder.png - Blinding Powder: Taken from Ninja Training, this power is a nice combination of debuff and confuse.


NinjaTools Placate.png - Smoke Flash: Taken from Ninja Training, however this ability grants stealth afterwards that lasts until your first hostile action just like 'Placate'.


FireTrap Flashfire.png - Pyrotechnics: A modified version of the 'Firebomb' ability above, which instead deals low damage and stuns enemies, with an added FX similar to the 'Fireworks' aura.


WeaponMastery ExplodingShuriken.png - Blast Shuriken: A modified version of Exploding Shuriken, which deals low smashing damage, but has a high chance to knockback and lower defense.


Poison Poison Trap.png - Choking Trap: A modified version of Poison Trap, which instead only has a chance to hold. The animation is the 'choke' hold instead of the 'vomit' hold.


FireTrap FireImps.png - Enenra: Pets are hard, but I think if there is a chance of creating a similar entity to 'Haunts' or 'Unseelies', though instead using the Toxic Vapor and Smoke auras as its main body. It would have access to the 'Char', 'Smoke' and 'Cinders' powers from Fire Control, as well as the Demonling/Hellfire Gargoyle version of 'Corruption'.





You possess a highly tactical rifle designed for riot suppression and crowd control, possessing a variety of functions and special payloads.


TrickArrow Immobilize.png - Electrified Net Launcher: Reworked version of 'Electrified Net Arrow' from Trick Archery


MunitionsMastery CryoFreezeRay.png - Cryo Freeze Ray: Taken from Munitions Mastery.


ArachnosSoldier WideAreaWebGrenade.png - Wide Area Web Grenade: Taken from Arachnos Solider.


Temporary FlashbangGrenades.png - Flashbang Grenade: Taken from PPD SWAT.


MunitionsMastery SleepGrenade.png - Sleep Grenade: Taken from Munitions Mastery.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBeanbag.png - Rubber Bullets: Reworked version of 'Heavy Burst' from Arachnos Soldier. This power is a low smashing DoT cone with a disorient effect.


IceManipulation Shiver.png - N2 Cannon: Taken from Crey Scientists


Temporary TearGas.png Tear Gas: Taken from PPD SWAT.


Gadgets Turret.png - Gun Drone: Taken from Devices.



Utility Grenades


Gadgets WebGrenade.png - Toxic Web Grenade (Taken from Devices)


BaneSpiderTraining WebCocoon.png - Web Cocoon Grenade (Taken from Bane Spider/Mace Mastery)


ArachnosSoldier WideAreaWebGrenade.png - Wide Area Web Grenade (Taken from PPD/Arachnos Soldier)


Gadgets SmokeGrenade.png - Smoke Grenade (Taken from Devices)


TrickArrow Slow.png - Glue Grenade (Taken from PPD)


MunitionsMastery SleepGrenade.png - Sleep Grenade (Taken from Munitions Mastery)


Temporary ChromaticGrenades.png - Stun Grenade (Taken from Malta/Temporary Powers)


Temporary TearGas.png - Tear Gas Grenade (Taken from PPD)


Gadgets Turret.png - Grenade Mortar (Repurposed Acid Mortar, fires Frag Grenades, Incendiary Grenades, EMP Grenades and Toxin Grenades)


Assault Sets


Urban Assault

You are experienced in urban warfare, using your street fighting prowess mixed with improvised weaponry.


FireBlast Flare.png - Throw Rock: A simple attack used by many low level NPCs, it fits nicely as a low damage/fast recharge ranged attack.


Brawling HeavyBlow.png - Heavy Blow: Taken from Street Justice, this power is ideal for the first melee attack in the set.


FireBlast ArcOfFire.png - Spit Fire: A power used by Thugs' Arsonist, and an ideal cone attack for this set.


SuperStrength Hurl.png - Hurl: Taken from Super Strength, and a good fit for a heavy ranged attack that acts much like Earth Assault's version of this power.


FireBlast Aim.png - Aim: The usual 'Aim' power as expected


Brawling SpinningStrike.png - Spinning Strike: Taken from Street Justice, this power works as a nice AoE melee power.


FireBlast RainOfFire.png - Molotov Cocktail: Taken once again from Thugs' Arsonist, this power acts much like Caltrops or Thorntrops, but as a Fire DoT.


Brawling LowKick.png - Shin Breaker: Taken from Street Justice again, this serves as the heavy melee attack iconic to most Assault Sets,


FireBlast FireBall.png - Fire Bomb: And another Thugs' Arsonist power, it serves as a similar power to Explosive Shuriken and Fissure, a high damage/low range AoE attack.



Rifle Assault

The Assault Rifle is a state-of-the-art piece of hardware. It is equipped to handle an impressive arsenal of munitions and firing modes.


AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png - Burst: Taken from Assault Rifle.


ArachnosSoldier Pummel.png - Pummel: Taken from Arachnos Soldier.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunSlug.png - Slug: Taken from Assault Rifle.


BaneSpider BuildUp.png - Build Up: Standard Build Up power


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png - Buckshot: Taken from Assault Rifle.


AssaultWeapons ARFlamethrowerIgnite.png - Ignite: Taken from Assault Rifle.


AssaultWeapons SniperRifle.png - Sniper Rifle: Taken from Assault Rifle.


ArachnosSoldier Bayonet.png - Bayonet: Taken from Arachnos Soldier.


AssaultWeapons ARFlamethrower.png - Flamethrower: Taken from Assault Rifle.


Manipulation Sets


Tactical Rifle

The Tactical Rifle is a handy piece of hardware designed for riot suppression and crowd control, possessing a variety of functions and special payloads.


TrickArrow Immobilize.png - Electrified Net Launcher: Reworked version of 'Electrified Net Arrow' from Trick Archery


ArachnosSoldier Pummel.png Pummel: Taken from Arachnos Soldier.


BaneSpider BuildUp.png - Build Up: Standard Build Up power


Temporary FlashbangGrenades.png - Flashbang Grenade: Taken from PPD SWAT.


TrainingandGadgets MentalTraining.png - Combat Training: A toggle power that gives you Regeneration, Recovery and a slight Defense bonus.


IceManipulation Shiver.png - N2 Cannon: Taken from Crey Scientists


ArachnosSoldier Bayonet.png - Bayonet: Taken from Arachnos Soldier.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBeanbag.png - Rubber Bullets: Reworked version of 'Heavy Burst' from Arachnos Soldier. This power is a low smashing DoT cone with a disorient effect.


Temporary TearGas.png - Tear Gas: Taken from PPD SWAT.



Weapon Combat

MartialManipulation KiPush.png - Stagger: Single target knockback/repel, same animation as Pendulum/Slice/Crowd Control. Deal little damage but has high mez potential like Ki Push


BattleAxe Chop.png - Strike: Renamed version of Beheader/Slash/Bash, makes for a good opening melee power


Sword BuildUp.png - Build Up: Standard build up power


MartialManipulation BurstofSpeed.png - Battle Charge: Identical power to Burst of Speed, though instead uses the 'Assassin's Slash' animation.


Sword Parry.png - Deflect: Identical power to Parry, except this power also grants a substantial boost to recovery and a big chunk of absorb


BattleAxe WhirlingAxe.png - Whirl: Renamed version of Whirling Axe/Sword/Mace, a traditional AoE seen in most manipulation sets.


Manipulation Provoke.png - Challenge: This power taunts a single target while inflicting fear on those around it, creating a sort of one-on-one challenge.


BattleAxe Swoop.png - Punish: Renamed version of Swoop/Disembowel/Jawbreaker, a good final melee power with a bit of bonuz mez in the form of knockup


Fitness Quick.png - Athleticism: Autopower that increases movement speed and recharge. Not unlike Trick Archery/Time Manipulation


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@Tyrannical I really appreciate the work you and others have done creating "new" powersets for perusal by utilizing mechanics/sets/powers we already have in game. Many of those sets make me wish we had access to them right now! :classic_laugh: Thank you and the others for the time you've put into these and I hope the devs may take some of them into serious consideration!

Edited by TygerDarkstorm
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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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  • Retired Lead Game Master

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone that spent so much brain power on this week. Some of these were honestly breath taking. 🙂

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