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Teleport travel?


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It sucks...lol. Seriously though it is to me very situational, great for /stone melee types who cannot use other travel powers. Team TP, recall friend, tp foe are great but actual TP isn't very good.

If you check the Beta notes on the revamp of the TP pool it looks phenomenally better.


The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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In my experience (and personal preference) out of the three original travel powers, teleport has always been my last pick. It can be faster to traverse long distances especially if you have a range or two enhancement in there.


However I do enjoy the ease of flight and even super jump when it comes to navigating with line of sight issues.


Re It just comes down to personal preference and whatever theme you're running with.


Happy travels!!

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Yes, there's a revamp coming.


That said, it was the travel power of my first 50 way back in issue 3. I even used it in Dark Astoria. It's got its quirks, you don't need to have it fully - or even partially - slotted, other than (early on) an END reduction, and even then that's normally if you're going LONG distances (N to S IP, for instance.)


I like it, but use depends on character concept, basically.


(And yes, I used it through old - now Echo - DA without issues.)

Edited by Greycat

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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Teleport in comparison and in my experience to Super Jump and Flight and Super speed is a good travel power but a bit mixed in utility


flight slowest of the 4 but the most utility and mobility of all of them not having to worry about gravity unless you get - flyed or run out of end  is a handy thing and with a couple flight speeds it zooms along as a good pace and lets face it its THE iconic comic book power


super speed ostenisbly the fastest of the 4 has a minor stealth component but has no vertical game forcing one to use a jet pack temp power or take a power like hover or super leap which could be used for something else and runs into the issuie of having to weave in and out of traffic buildings trees its a nightmare in perez or TV if you arent practiced with it


Super leap a great power and one of the fastest in its own way only limits are it has a veritcal ceiling unlike flight or teleport and like all things that go up it must come down its the only travel power where you actually take damage jsut by using it


Teleport is actually in practice the Fastest of the powers if you bind it right and set it up with ranges. it covers wide distances pretty darned fast can go end of zone to end of zone with no maneuvers needed but as others said its not much utility in combat save for short jumps which even with a bind are a pain and it eats end fast if toggles are running still it has the only zone to zone power in game in its pool so theres that


all told as others said its your prefernce so go with what you think your character would have


for teleport i reccomend binding the power to P for sake of ease  you press P the reticle appears activate the power and repeat for fast travel P click BAMF P click  BAMF

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My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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For teleport binds, I personally use "/bind lctrl+lbutton powexec_name Teleport".


Hold down Ctrl and click, and you go to where you were pointing.  And for whatever reason, that *particular* syntax doesn't leave the targeting recticle active if you hit Ctrl without actually clicking.


I also us it for stuff like Phantom Army (I want the invulnerable minions to appear overe *there*), Freezing Rain, Ice Storm etc. etc.


If you want to go deep into the (current version of the) Teleport pool -


/bind lctrl+lbutton powexec_name Teleport

/bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name Group Teleport

/bind lalt+lbutton powexec_name Recall Friend$$team $target, prepare for yoink!


Sets up three binds, when you use Ctrl to travel, Shift to travel with friends, and Alt to yoink an ally to you.  I've never tried to set up a bind with more than one chord key, but I suppose /bind lalt+lctrl+lbutton powexec_name Teleport Foe *might* give a 'yoink that thing over there to over here', if anyone ever used TP Foe, but as I said, I've never tried that particular combination.

Edited by Li_Sensei
Got crosseyed and mixed up terms.
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I took teleport on my toons on live. My thinking was that it's the fastest travel power, at least in theory.


I haven't taken teleport on any of my many, many alts on Homecoming. Every toon I roll has four power pools accounted for by non-travel powers: Fighting, Speed (for Haste), either Leadership or Concealment, and one power pool with a defense or resistance power (Leaping for Combat Jumping, Flight for Hover, Sorcery for Rune of Protection). Teleportation is the only travel power that doesn't come in a pool with a defense-boosting or resistance-boosting power. So I don't have room in a build for it.


If I could have superpowers in real life, the two powers I'd most want are long-range teleportation and invisibility. Either power is great by itself. Together, they're extremely useful (and extremely dangerous). I'm too much of a min-maxer to take that combination in the game.

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Flight is slower but a lot more convenient. Super Jump is slightly slower but a little more convenient and you can play silly jumping games with it. Both are also more endurance-friendly.



If there were in-mission barriers that could only be teleported through that'd be great but as it is, Teleport is somewhat lacking in utility. If you want to teleport then it'll work. I've taken it on one character because of theme and I'm fine with it. Not like travel powers are super optimal anyway.

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1 hour ago, Blastit said:

If there were in-mission barriers that could only be teleported through that'd be great but as it is, Teleport is somewhat lacking in utility.

Well, as long as you can see where your reticle is, you can teleport there - avoiding walls, just popping up (or down) a level, going through (some) windows, etc.


Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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When I first saw this I was like "Wowzer cool!" but never took it because I ran Brutes.  Back in the day Brutes had to struggle to get stamina and fighting pool and travel powers were a post 30 luxury.


then i ran a Dominator and took it.  And it sucked.


your short range 'travel tp' is situationally useful tactically and a true pain to cross zones, needing hover or a real smooth UI trigger finger to do well


your long range zone tp is almost useless since you always pop to same location.  Maybe, Maybe, if they let you choose a quadrant of destination map.  but no, take it where it lands.  and back to short range TP across zone looking like a drunken bumblebee

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Frankly, for combat use currently on the live servers, I find Speed of Sound from the Experimentation pool, combined with Combat Jumping and maybe Super Jump, to be the most high mobility option.


Runspeed cap from SoS, Jaunt from SoS bound to Ctrl+click, and CJ/SJ for vertical.


The main reason I say so for SoS/Jaunt is that Jaunt doesn't have the hover.


On my Pistols/Devices blaster, I can (while invisible, courtesy of Field Operative and a stealth proc in SoS) blip into the middle of a spawn, place a Time Bomb, Place a Trip Mine, drop caltrops under my feet, Hit Hail of Bullets, then blip out of whatever is left and start the normal AoE/ST attacks to mop up.  And even if Time Bomb/Trip Mine are still recharging, being able to Ctrl+click somewhere over there, where there *isn't* something wanting to claw my face off, is useful.


And regarding Long Range Teleport, my ideal version of that power would let you place a waypoint on the map and teleport to the waypoint.  But there's no way that'd ever happen...

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2 hours ago, Li_Sensei said:



And regarding Long Range Teleport, my ideal version of that power would let you place a waypoint on the map and teleport to the waypoint.  But there's no way that'd ever happen...

This to me would actually be true teleportation, especially if you could do it in missions. 

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The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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19 hours ago, Li_Sensei said:

/bind lctrl+lbutton powexec_name Teleport

I have a bind similar to this in my 'generic keybinds for all characters' file:


/bind lctrl+lbutton "powexecname Translocation$$powexecname Teleport"


This will try to fire off both Translocation (from Mystic Flight) and Teleport, whichever one the character has; since I don't have characters with both, it will fire off whichever one the character has.

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43 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

I have a bind similar to this in my 'generic keybinds for all characters' file:


/bind lctrl+lbutton "powexecname Translocation$$powexecname Teleport"


This will try to fire off both Translocation (from Mystic Flight) and Teleport, whichever one the character has; since I don't have characters with both, it will fire off whichever one the character has.

You may want to add $$powexec_name Jaunt in there too, for any Speed of Sound users you may acquire in the future...

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The biggest issue with TP is simply that you have to keep clicking where you want to teleport to. With flight, super jump and super speed, you can use the travel time to chill a little. Too much button mashing for me!

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Retired, October 2022.

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I can only recall using it on one character back on live - and as soon as I was able I respec'ed and took superjump instead.  Other than once or twice dipping into it for group TP and recall friend (again back on live) I haven't touched it since, and certainly not in playing on Homecoming.

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On 10/31/2020 at 4:45 AM, Li_Sensei said:



And regarding Long Range Teleport, my ideal version of that power would let you place a waypoint on the map and teleport to the waypoint.  But there's no way that'd ever happen...

Back on live, I thought this is how the power would work - took it on my very first character.  Boy was I disappointed.


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On 10/30/2020 at 1:53 PM, The_Warpact said:

It sucks...lol. Seriously though it is to me very situational, great for /stone melee types who cannot use other travel powers. Team TP, recall friend, tp foe are great but actual TP isn't very good.

If you check the Beta notes on the revamp of the TP pool it looks phenomenally better.

The POOL looks much better, but the Teleport power is not being changed.


On 10/30/2020 at 2:17 PM, catsi563 said:

Teleport is actually in practice the Fastest of the powers if you bind it right and set it up with ranges. it covers wide distances pretty darned fast can go end of zone to end of zone with no maneuvers needed but as others said its not much utility in combat save for short jumps which even with a bind are a pain and it eats end fast if toggles are running still it has the only zone to zone power in game in its pool so theres that

As part of the revamp of the pool, the zone to zone power (Long Range Teleport) is being REMOVED from the set and replaced with a power that has some similarity to Wormhole.  Long Range Teleport will become an accolade power.



I have Teleport on several characters.  Of course, my stone tank has it, but I also have it on a scrapper, invuln tank, defender and stalker.  When you need to go a long distance, absolutely nothing is faster except one of the mission teleporters (which is only useful if you're going to a door mission).  Drop one end reduction in it and you're good to go.  On my defender, I have two set pieces (range and range/endred) and it's REALLY fast.


Two caveats:

1) If you're going less than 400 yards or so, you're better off with ninja run or most other travel powers.

2) If you have lag or latency issues, you will HATE teleport.  I have always had a fast computer and good internet so it's fine.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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