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America's Angel

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28 minutes ago, Beta968 said:

Whats your global, you're lucky I'm feeling forgiving today (- the 82M the AH got and 8.2M for the enhancement)




Oh wow! Thank you!


My global is: @America's Angel

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Just found this thread and I think it is another shining example of what I so like about this Game! Applause!👏 


On a separate note:  

Who here of you busy Guys&Gals from Sales and Purchasing did NOT have this happen to him or her at one time?


I have been both on the giving and the receiving end of something like this a couple times. Albeit basically an order of magnitude below the original posting. So for me it probably equalled out okay 😎

That incident involving a nuclear accelerator and a banana… You know… I REALLY don't wanna talk about it!

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I have both received and given a surplus amount of influence.  I want to say I have donated MUCH MUCH MORE to lucky individuals. The reasons vary. Sometimes it is fat fingers, sometimes the result of amounts carrying over from other bids, sometimes the result of just tooooo much pot or tequila. 


My favourite is when I am curious how cheap I can buy things. I often do this with Ultimates in sets of 10. "Ok...filled quickly at half a million lets play.  476000...seconds...420000...just as fast...358000...crazy how low people set their price...288000...WTH insta filled.  Oh thats why...an extra 0 on all of them."


So yeah...both ways. Funny part is I almost never use them...just like to collect. 

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I once found some poor guy that had put a stack of bids on unbreakable constraint res recipe i think it was with an extra 0 on the end (so around 26M a piece) when there was 0 listed. I posted it in our discord and we rinsed the poor guy 😁





Edited by Black_Assassin

@Black Assassin - Torchbearer

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14 hours ago, Black_Assassin said:

I once found some poor guy that had put a stack of bids on unbreakable constraint res recipe i think it was with an extra 0 on the end (so around 26M a piece) when there was 0 listed. I posted it in our discord and we rinsed the poor guy 😁





I have ZERO sympathy for low-ballers like this. It's common that Unbreakables are worth, and sell for 3-4m. Curse these lowballers! Be a bid creeper for one item if you must, but for multiples? Shame! You know what they're selling for. Pay the price, or bust out your own converters. 



When I say lowballer, I refer to the intended bid price of 2.6M instead of the standard price of 3-4m, usually much closer to 3m. 

Edited by Ukase
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1 hour ago, Ukase said:

I have ZERO sympathy for low-ballers like this. It's common that Unbreakables are worth, and sell for 3-4m. Curse these lowballers! Be a bid creeper for one item if you must, but for multiples? Shame! You know what they're selling for. Pay the price, or bust out your own converters. 



When I say lowballer, I refer to the intended bid price of 2.6M instead of the standard price of 3-4m, usually much closer to 3m. 


Heh!  I don't think that's (intended to be) such an egregiously low bid.  Say it costs 600k for the salvage and crafting costs, so you have Unbreakable: Resistance IO at a cost basis of 3.2mm.  Sell it for 5mm and that's 1.3mm profit; sell it for 4mm and you're down to 400k profit.  Seems like a lot of work for the inf to me.

Who run Bartertown?


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3 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


Heh!  I don't think that's (intended to be) such an egregiously low bid.  Say it costs 600k for the salvage and crafting costs, so you have Unbreakable: Resistance IO at a cost basis of 3.2mm.  Sell it for 5mm and that's 1.3mm profit; sell it for 4mm and you're down to 400k profit.  Seems like a lot of work for the inf to me.

I'm missing something. The cost of crafting is as you say, about 500k. The salvage is always free, or you don't craft it, until it comes from the rng. Or are you crazy enough to buy salvage? No wonder you're broke. (j/k - I know you deal in bulk, and who has room in inventory for 50-100 of each salvage) 

Seriously, the only price I pay to craft anything is the cost of crafting at the workbench. (490,400k unless it's a purple, but I don't sell those, just stash 'em.) 

Granted, there is opportunity cost of about 600k in salvage (current prices of rare salvage being higher than 500k for buy now prices), and another 490,400k to craft. So, on the high side, the cost of IO production is 1.1M. 
Sell for 3m, less 300k fee = 2.7M net proceeds, less the cost of production of 1.1M =1.6M   

How are you only getting 400k profit? (remember, converters are free, too)

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27 minutes ago, Ukase said:

I'm missing something. The cost of crafting is as you say, about 500k. The salvage is always free, or you don't craft it, until it comes from the rng. Or are you crazy enough to buy salvage? No wonder you're broke. (j/k - I know you deal in bulk, and who has room in inventory for 50-100 of each salvage) 

Seriously, the only price I pay to craft anything is the cost of crafting at the workbench. (490,400k unless it's a purple, but I don't sell those, just stash 'em.) 

Granted, there is opportunity cost of about 600k in salvage (current prices of rare salvage being higher than 500k for buy now prices), and another 490,400k to craft. So, on the high side, the cost of IO production is 1.1M. 
Sell for 3m, less 300k fee = 2.7M net proceeds, less the cost of production of 1.1M =1.6M   

How are you only getting 400k profit? (remember, converters are free, too)


Salvage is never free, it's an opportunity cost (although usually a very small one.)  If I'm going to craft up 50-100 Unbreakable Guard: Resistance, I'm not going to wait until I pick up 50-100 Reactive Gas, and neither are you.  Nor am I going to hold onto an Alien Blood Sample when I can sell it to "the market" and buy it back at roughly the same price.


Of course there is a bid-offer spread, but I'm working on the pretty valid assumption that I can buy as much white salvage as I want at any time at 250, as much yellow as I want within a day at 1,000, and as much orange salvage as I want within a day or two at 500-600k.  I can also rely on being able to sell at those levels (at least).  That's the economic and accounting way to look at it, and that's generally how I use it in practice.


Let's assume lvl 20 UG: Res to minimize crafting costs:

Cost of recipe: 2.6mm

Cost of salvage:  2*250+1*1000+1*500000 = 501,500

Crafting cost:  34,500


Total expenditure to make lvl 20 UG: Res IO = 3,136,000.  I rounded that up to 3.2mm because it's not a slam dunk to buy rares at 500k, but we'll use this number.


Sell it at 3mm, net 2.7mm, take a 436k loss.

Sell it at 4mm, net 3.6mm, make a 264k profit.

Sell it at 5mm, net 4.5mm, make a 1.364mm profit.


Your profit tanks if you use a higher level recipe.


I think you are looking at the recipe as free.  Well, it's definitely not free to whoever is spending the inf on it!

Who run Bartertown?


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"Cost of recipe: 2.6mm"

The cost of the recipes are free! At least, for me. That's the whole point of having the afk farmer. But, at least I see where your numbers differ from mine. Granted, everything has an opportunity cost, I'm in agreement on that. 

We both get where we're going, just use slightly different methods to get there. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 9:19 AM, Beta968 said:

Whats your global, you're lucky I'm feeling forgiving today (- the 82M the AH got and 8.2M for the enhancement)




Don’t forget to deduct the charitable contributions from your taxable income 🙂

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So this happens to me again... Just bidding 6000 on 10x some uncommon salvage, twice, only to see that the price still kept the 250 I spent on some commons before, for a total of 6.000.250 Inf EACH for 20pcs 🥳


There goes 120mil of my (thanks to Reading Up here easily earned) money... 😑

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That incident involving a nuclear accelerator and a banana… You know… I REALLY don't wanna talk about it!

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Oh yes, those bids of course went instantly. I should have put the 20 things (don't even remember what it was) on a shelf somewhere! 🙂 

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That incident involving a nuclear accelerator and a banana… You know… I REALLY don't wanna talk about it!

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5 hours ago, Bananiac said:

Oh yes, those bids of course went instantly. I should have put the 20 things (don't even remember what it was) on a shelf somewhere! 🙂 

I started keeping mine as cautionary tales. 70 million LoTGs, 300 mill Cytoskeletons, 40 million Steadfasts, a host of rare salvage in the 10 million range. Always figure it would help but sadly, much like life, I tend to ignore cautionary tales. 

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