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5 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

BTW: just going away from this for a minute, how do SW fans feel about a batch of entirely new characters set in the same universe with few or no reference points?

That's what Taika Waititi's planning. Filoni made it work with Rebels but had a whole series to play with - can it be done in a single tentpole flick?

I'd actually be accepting of new characters with new stories, so long as it felt like Star Wars and not some fan's pipe dream of inserting his own disconnected characters and ideas into the canon universe.  I fear dragging up the Skywalker/Palpatine storyline will have it grow quite stale, and indeed has grown stale by the time of the Sequel Trilogy, though I admit the new appearances of Luke have been fresh.   It's the same problem in Star Trek: here you have a vast galaxy, but somehow your key stories all revolve around Spock and his family. 


Moving back to your comment, it's the few or no reference points that's the puzzle.  


Rogue One was an entirely new batch of characters core to the story, with the possible exception of Grand Moff Tarkin.  But it did have a lot of reference points including well-known characters in short roles: Mon Mothma, Bael Organa, Leia, Saw Guererra, and of course Vader.  It also had reference points:  Red 5, the Ghost, , Yavin, the whole Deathstar plans thing, etc.

I'm one who really liked Rogue One.


The Mandalorian, likewise, began with few reference points and shot through the roof on popularity, though some very powerful ones have since been made.


It would really have to be the few reference points, rather than none, because you're working with an extensive universe.  It would be hard to move around without seeing a Twilek or Ugnaut, or a droid.  I suppose he could set it in the Unknown Regions, where far less familiar details will be seen, and where entirely different technologies and peoples exist.  The problem there is that you risk people feeling it is disassociated with Star Wars.  You saw how people struggled to accept the "Mod Squad" of Book of Boba Fett because they were so different than all seen before in the SW universe.


That said, I think the time is ripe to finally do the history of Star Wars before Palpatine.  The Old Republic, the first Jedii and Grey Jedi eras come to mind.  A dark side movie or miniseries with a canon take on the Darth Bane story might be interesting, though casual fans would need to be cautioned ahead of time that it would be much, much darker than anything brought to screen so far.


Can any SW show entirely separate itself from light sabers of any color, and still succeed?  Well, that may be the real question.

Posted (edited)
On 6/20/2022 at 10:49 AM, Techwright said:

 It's the same problem in Star Trek: here you have a vast galaxy, but somehow your key stories all revolve around Spock and his family. 


This is because the "writers" for modern Star Trek - I use that term for them very loosely - are nothing more than third rate hacks who lack imagination, creativity and any iota of cohesive story writing ability.  Love him or hate him, while Trek was under Berman's watch, they were able to create all new characters and series from TNG to DS9 to Voyager to Enterprise by building upon the existing universe.  They did not need all of the nonsensical fan service of having someone from TOS on the crew.  Star Wars has the same problem for the most part.   JJ Abrams is a talentless hack in my opinion.  Kurtzman is just incompetent and lazy and his team of writers lack a basic understanding of Trek lore.  I will bet real money none of them watched Star Trek other than one or maybe two episodes and one of the TNG films. 

Edited by ShardWarrior
  • Thumbs Up 1
Posted (edited)

So, our finale turned out to be about 20-40 minutes less feature-length than promised.

But... yeah, that worked.


  • Everything proceeded (mostly) as I had foreseen it - including the well-known internet spoiler - but better than I could have expected.
  • Obi-Wan does the self-sacrifice thing...
  • ...but I didn't expect him not only defeating Vader, but going full-on Stone Scrapper badass. Vader pulling down the ship had impact because you expect that power but you've never seen it in action. You've never seen Obi-Wan, powered by not by rage but the intense desire to protect - that mama-bear courage I've felt sometimes - unleash his power.
  • Speaking of which, Owen and Beru taking on an Inquisitor: and Owen being smart (and dirty) enough to take a shot to the injured stomach. Luke'll be just fine from here on in.
  • Two incredibly powerful moments in this show. And neither is about what you see, it's about what you hear.
    • The first is when - speaking in both Hayden and the Respeecher'd* James Earl Jones voice - Vader tells Obi-Wan to his face that he has, to coin a phrase, betrayed and murdered Anakin Skywalker. And Obi-Wan believes it. His friend, to all intents and purposes, is dead.
    • The second is our last look at a newly-accessorised Lil' Leia, when Obi-Wan tells her a little more about her parents. And that music kicks in for the first time. Space onions. Must have been space onions.
  • Reva's moment of clarity wasn't just leaked on the Internets, it was pretty well telegraphed by the show. Bad she was, terrible things she has done, angry she is. A monster she is not. Without giving too much away, I've dealt with plenty of people who've done the first three without stepping over that line. And there is a line. Scene didn't work out as strong as it could have been, but decent enough.
  • Obi-Wan letting go of two things: both his guilt over Vader, and his need to watch over Luke to assuage that guilt - which will only bring Luke into more danger. An ordinary kid in the middle of the desert is not something the Empire is looking for.
  • Internet fanservice moments: Obi-Wan doing the METAL HORNS challenge, and popping up with a cheery hello there!
  • Parent/auntie moment: Leia completely ignoring Obi-Wan in favour of her droid. That scans.
  • Two nice tiny cameos too:
    • The unmistakable buttery tones of Ian McD, warning Vader to stop screwing around with side gigs or be replaced.
    • That Neeson cameo everyone wanted - as some of us guessed, until Obi-Wan resolved his issues and achieved zen inner peace an'all that, it wasn't going to happen. Now he can move forward. I'm presuming Liam was on Jack Nicholson money for those 30 seconds...

Where do we go from here? If we get a Season 2 - which everyone seems pretty amenable to:

  • Obi-Wan is free to live his life now, commune with the Force properly, and go off on other adventures...
  • ...with, of course, that risk that Vader will show up again and again any time he pops his head up offworld. 
  • We've set up some good characters. Roken the reliable and Haja the trickster sound like useful additions to a nascent Rebellion.
  • Do we expect the Imperial Inquisition? Arrogance and ambition are encouraged in the Empire... up to a point. I suspect that might be the GI's final undoing.
  • Reva: who knows? Maybe she's a one-shot. Maybe all that anger will lead her to the Rebellion and help them infiltrate the Empire. She did it once, she can do it again.
  • Strong Internet Rumours that Cameron Monaghan has signed on the line to play Cal Kestis live-action. OWK-S2 would be quite a good way to introduce him to a non-gaming audience.
  • With some of the Ghost crew going live too for Ahsoka, it's quite possible they could show up as their earlier selves for OWK-S2.
  • Andor is another possible route to see more of the side characters - including, of course, Bail and Leia.
  • We still don't know what the Jedirassic Park amber tombs were for, if anything. It's quite nice leaving that unresolved, though, and doing something totally new next season. An evil trophy room is enough.


All in all, a surprisingly tightly presented finale that left me wanting more - both in an S2, and in the episode itself (that rumoured additional 20 minutes would have allowed for one more event of some kind... maybe they're saving something for later?)


Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver
*Just to say cnaba ykpaiha to the crew from Respeecher for completing this work while under bombardment from the Empire. May the Force be with them. (And that firebird Rebellion symbol does kinda-sorta look like a trident...)


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.



The widely reported extra time was from a Canadian theater which was showing it and included cast/crew interviews. There's no 20 cut minutes of story.


I liked the show overall despite the various plot holes 


which I guess we can now blame on Vader or Obi-Wan's earth dom powers. The glaring one in the finale is that for plot convenience they all seemed to forget star destroyers have TIE squadrons for taking out lone ships with broken hyperdrives, which would've left the destroyer itself to follow Obi-Wan. Or, y'know, just keep doing what it was doing and Vader can take the ship he took anyway to the nearby planet.


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Mr. Vee said:

The glaring one in the finale is that for plot convenience they all seemed to forget star destroyers have TIE squadrons for taking out lone ships with broken hyperdrives,

True, though seemed the idea was "capture" rather than "destroy". Would guess Darth ordered the increase in firepower because they were pulling their punches: wear them down enough to take out the shield and engines but not blow up the whole thing, like Leia's blockade runner in Ep4.


(That said: would Vader going in himself in a dogfight, first with a ship and then with Obi-Wan, have been a good addition or just stretching the point a bit? In two minds about that.)


And Vader/Anakin is a combat pilot. I'd have taken a TIE rather than a shuttle, scanned for Obi-Wan's ship and blown that up first, leaving him no way of rabbiting off that rock without going through me.


  • Thumbs Up 1


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

My comments in orange - Techwright

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  • Everything proceeded (mostly) as I had foreseen it - including the well-known internet spoiler - but better than I could have expected.  Somehow I avoided or missed that spoiler. It wasn't deliberate, but I'm glad I did.
  • Obi-Wan does the self-sacrifice thing...
  • ...but I didn't expect him not only defeating Vader, but going full-on Stone Scrapper badass. Vader pulling down the ship had impact because you expect that power but you've never seen it in action. You've never seen Obi-Wan, powered by not by rage but the intense desire to protect - that mama-bear courage I've felt sometimes - unleash his power.  This goes back to what I said before, about the power creep, to use game terminology.  How do guys that shatter earth and fling boulder storms end up as two old men in one of the dullest saber fights in the franchise.  Sorry, "dullest" is undeservedly harsh.  It was the first saber dual, after all.  But greatly powered down from what we just saw.  There's one, subtle silver lining:  the victory in this fight underscores that Vader didn't win the fight in Episode IV: Kenobi chose the sacrifice play.  (All that said, I did enjoy the fight this time.  And there's that mask melting callout to "Twilight of the Apprentice" in Rebels.)
  • Speaking of which, Owen and Beru taking on an Inquisitor: and Owen being smart (and dirty) enough to take a shot to the injured stomach. Luke'll be just fine from here on in.  Yeah, I liked that Owen exploited that pain.  Beru, though, should have taken a moment longer to land that first strike shot properly.
  • Two incredibly powerful moments in this show. And neither is about what you see, it's about what you hear.
    • The first is when - speaking in both Hayden and the Respeecher'd* James Earl Jones voice - Vader tells Obi-Wan to his face that he has, to coin a phrase, betrayed and murdered Anakin Skywalker. And Obi-Wan believes it. His friend, to all intents and purposes, is dead.  Did JEJ do none of Vader's speech?  I had been of the understanding that he did the voice to gain the cadence and such, and they used the respeecher to filter out his aging.
    • The second is our last look at a newly-accessorised Lil' Leia, when Obi-Wan tells her a little more about her parents. And that music kicks in for the first time. Space onions. Must have been space onions.  As a Star Wars fan I should know this but...what was up with the holster and the boots?  I know who used to own the holster, sure, but did both come up later in the Original Trilogy or something and I just missed them?
  • Reva's moment of clarity wasn't just leaked on the Internets, it was pretty well telegraphed by the show. Bad she was, terrible things she has done, angry she is. A monster she is not. Without giving too much away, I've dealt with plenty of people who've done the first three without stepping over that line. And there is a line. Scene didn't work out as strong as it could have been, but decent enough.  Yeah, that moment when she is briefly shocked by Vader terrorizing a neighborhood: that's when I realized she would end up more than a one-dimensional villain.  But it was the only clue I had as I didn't know the internet leak.
  • Obi-Wan letting go of two things: both his guilt over Vader, and his need to watch over Luke to assuage that guilt - which will only bring Luke into more danger. An ordinary kid in the middle of the desert is not something the Empire is looking for.
  • Internet fanservice moments: Obi-Wan doing the METAL HORNS challenge, and popping up with a cheery hello there!
  • Parent/auntie moment: Leia completely ignoring Obi-Wan in favour of her droid. That scans.
  • Two nice tiny cameos too:
    • The unmistakable buttery tones of Ian McD, warning Vader to stop screwing around with side gigs or be replaced.  I'd wondered if he'd show up.  Glad he did. The prosthetics and makeup looked different too.  Not as distorted as Episode III.  He almost looked...kindly.    Naaaah.
    • That Neeson cameo everyone wanted - as some of us guessed, until Obi-Wan resolved his issues and achieved zen inner peace an'all that, it wasn't going to happen. Now he can move forward. I'm presuming Liam was on Jack Nicholson money for those 30 seconds...  Well, they did need his special set of skills. 😁  Ahem...actually I'm very surprised I've not seen a certain comment in the sites I've checked so far:  Quigon appeared in form.  This is huge.  When last his ghost "appeared" it was his voice only, accompanied by a bit of nature fluttering around Yoda.  At the time, Quigon explained he could not appear in form because he'd not completed his training at the time of his death.  (Yoda and Kenobi had finished their training. Other canon force ghosts pre-Sequel Trilogy appeared because they were in a powerful force node, such as a Jedi temple acting as an amplifier.  So I fully expected Quigon's voice only.  With his full appearance here, it establishes that a force ghost can continue to learn and grow in ability after death.

Where do we go from here? If we get a Season 2 - which everyone seems pretty amenable to:  I know I am, but not everyone is.  There's a lot of prejudice out there, and I'm not referring to what was done to the actress Moses.  I was disturbed at the number of YouTube "reactors and reviewer" declaring doom and destruction on the Star Wars franchise because of this miniseries, when clearly they'd formed a biased mindset against the miniseries before it even aired.  Every one of their "reviews" declared how bad it was. Some men just want to watch the universe burn in the flames of their own stoked egos, I suppose.  What really annoyed me is that these creeps actually had notably higher view counts than positive reviewers and balanced reviewers.

  • Obi-Wan is free to live his life now, commune with the Force properly, and go off on other adventures... This will likely be his training period towards proper force ghost.
  • ...with, of course, that risk that Vader will show up again and again any time he pops his head up off-world.  (Spoilers from the animated shows ahead)

    Actually, let me suggest another possibility: Maul.  At this time, Maul is the head of the criminal underworld (Solo: A Star Wars Story).  Maul continues to search for Kenobi, an ultimate battle he'll face around 1 BBY or so.   That doesn't mean he and Kenobi don't have another round before Maul tracks him to Tatooine.  It may also explain Maul's loss of control of the Underworld, which, unless it was mentioned in new canon comics or books, is a bit of a mystery, because Maul is something of a wandering hermit by the time of Rebels.  Also, if they go this route, it may mean another appearance of Qi'ra, Emilia Clarke's character.


  • We've set up some good characters. Roken the reliable and Haja the trickster sound like useful additions to a nascent Rebellion.  Seeds for another Suicide Squ...er, Dirty Doz...um, Rogue One? Except a few years before?
  • Do we expect the Imperial Inquisition? Arrogance and ambition are encouraged in the Empire... up to a point. I suspect that might be the GI's final undoing.  Hoo boy, how to answer that one cautiously?  Hmmm...“Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our viewpoint.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
  • Reva: who knows? Maybe she's a one-shot. Maybe all that anger will lead her to the Rebellion and help them infiltrate the Empire. She did it once, she can do it again.  I can't see Reva being left as a dangling thread.  We're getting more and more force users running around towards a time when Luke was supposed to be the only Jedi left.  Some make sense:  Ahsoka is technically not a Jedi during Return of the Jedi (we believe) and a certain young Jedi with an affinity to purrgil was lost in the distant parts of the galaxy.  The only thing that makes sense at the moment regarding Reva is that she might be becoming a Grey Jedi.  Of course, if she is to die before the Battle of Yavin, becoming a hunter of inquisitors might be interesting, though I suspect Vader would want to personally correct his mistake in leaving her alive.  There's also the matter of a large hole in her gut.  The G.I. was key to cluing her to survival: revenge does wonders.  That said, she's let go of revenge.  What's keeping her alive? And does Ben happen to know any good cybernetics doctors on Tatooine?
  • Strong Internet Rumours that Cameron Monaghan has signed on the line to play Cal Kestis live-action. OWK-S2 would be quite a good way to introduce him to a non-gaming audience.  Yes please, though it will need to be based on the timing of Jedi: Survivor.  If Cal is to die in the game (unlikely) then he'd need a live appearance set before the game releases, lest it be a spoiler.  If he lives in the game, the game would need to be released before Cal appears in live action.
  • With some of the Ghost crew going live too for Ahsoka, it's quite possible they could show up as their earlier selves for OWK-S2.  Bit of a stretch.  Using in-universe calendar numbering, the events of Obi-Wan Kenobi are set in 9 BBY.  The events of season 2 of The Mandalorian are set in 10 ABY.  The miniseries Ahsoka is apparently set after that.  So we're looking at least at a 19 year stretch (that number keeps coming up in Star Wars).  Of course it might be a couple of years less if season 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi takes place a couple of years after season 1.
  • Andor is another possible route to see more of the side characters - including, of course, Bail and Leia.  Good point, and of course, Mon Mothma will figure prominently.  I wonder...might this allow for additional clone appearances by Tem Morrison?  The soldier clones were aged more than Boba, so Tem's current age might not matter.
  • We still don't know what the Jedirassic Park amber tombs were for, if anything. It's quite nice leaving that unresolved, though, and doing something totally new next season. An evil trophy room is enough.  I still think it goes back to the mandate that Favreau and Filoni were given to make the backstory for the Sequel Trilogy work as a means of mitigating at least some of the damage created.  Still, this and other secrets (Where's Quinlan Vos?  What's up with Fourth Sister? Will the Empire ever reinforce the glass hallways of the underwater Inquisitorium?) make for tantalizing potential.



Edited by Techwright
12 hours ago, Mr. Vee said:

The widely reported extra time was from a Canadian theater which was showing it and included cast/crew interviews. There's no 20 cut minutes of story.


I liked the show overall despite the various plot holes 

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which I guess we can now blame on Vader or Obi-Wan's earth dom powers. The glaring one in the finale is that for plot convenience they all seemed to forget star destroyers have TIE squadrons for taking out lone ships with broken hyperdrives, which would've left the destroyer itself to follow Obi-Wan. Or, y'know, just keep doing what it was doing and Vader can take the ship he took anyway to the nearby planet.


Yes!  Thank you for pointing out that pair of big plot holes.  I would add...


Vader had the Star Destroyer in proximity to the planet.  How did it not grab Kenobi with a tractor beam or shoot him to stardust when he left the planet?


  • Thumbs Up 1
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Techwright said:

Did JEJ do none of Vader's speech?  I had been of the understanding that he did the voice to gain the cadence and such, and they used the respeecher to filter out his aging.


Non-spoilery stuff: I'm not sure. For Mandalorian, Respeecher completely rebuilt Hamill's younger Luke voice, with only the lines he performed on set with Rosario to sync to rather than a clean ADR. But it was noticeably a little robotic.



JEJ's performance here feels more like his performance. So what I suspect they did was call JEJ in to record a base performance track (or double-bass performance track in his case). Then used it the same way as animators record an actor's physical performance when recording lines - take that as a template, note any particular tics, and build onto that. We'll find out when they do the Gallery episode.


Back to spoilery stuff:


What was up with the holster and the boots?  I know who used to own the holster...

I don't think it's that specific, but there are small callbacks/forwards to the Hoth outfit and hair specifically  (hang on a minute... why didn't Carrie get a holster? It's got pockets, sure, but NO DAMN HOLSTER...) I think the bigger thing is that Leia is now a smol warriorry person. If you've ever been an Auntie who's been away for a while or picked someone up from university after The Change, you'll know that series of expressions Breha and Bail go through very well.


Bit of a stretch.  Using in-universe calendar numbering, the events of Obi-Wan Kenobi are set in 9 BBY. 

Rebels is 5BBY. And prior to Rebels, Kanan dropped out of the Jedi, went into hiding, and became a smuggler for a while, then teamed up with Hera for the Gorse conflict  (A New Dawn, around 11-10 BBY, Filoni-blessed as canon). So Kanan and Hera are active in the very, very early days of the Rebellion now - and could well have been on that escape transport. It might have been a touch much to have them show up flying it...


What's keeping her alive?

Ben is, for a bet. Force Healing's mostly seen in books and games, but referenced more strongly in Clone Wars: particularly as Anakin doesn't have the knack for it as he's angry and conflicted. It's also a strongly plot-sensitive power: it works just fine whenever writers want it to and not when they don't. So don't hack off the writers. 😜


How did it not grab Kenobi with a tractor beam or shoot him to stardust when he left the planet?


  • Vader told them quite specifically that Obi-Wan was his to deal with and not to interfere. They had no further orders to intercept Kenobi when he left the planet: and if Vader's comms gear is screwed along with his life support, he might not be able to give any further orders. With the GI left in charge, an unspoken "your mess, you asked to deal with it, you clean it up" is a perfectly valid military response.
  • Star Destroyers are big damn things. Big enough to see with the naked eye from the ground, let alone for a ship's sensor array to pick up. Obi-Wan just has to fly in atmo over the horizon, with all that backscatter from the canyons confusing Imperial sensors. Then there's a whole planet between him and the Star Destroyer. And they haven't got anything that can take out a planet... yet. 


Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver
  • Thumbs Up 1


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.



Hitting a planet with a tractor beam does strange things to it's digestion.


  • Haha 1


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

11 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:


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Bit of a stretch.  Using in-universe calendar numbering, the events of Obi-Wan Kenobi are set in 9 BBY. 

Rebels is 5BBY. And prior to Rebels, Kanan dropped out of the Jedi, went into hiding, and became a smuggler for a while, then teamed up with Hera for the Gorse conflict  (A New Dawn, around 11-10 BBY, Filoni-blessed as canon). So Kanan and Hera are active in the very, very early days of the Rebellion now - and could well have been on that escape transport. It might have been a touch much to have them show up flying it...  Oh, my apologies.  I misunderstood the original statement.  I thought you were suggesting taking the actors in Ahsoka back to the Obi-Wan Kenobi time.  That's why I was pointing out the nearly two decade difference.  The characters themselves, yes, absolutely.


One comment in orange.


I felt that the entire series, out of possibly a few moments, was a character assassination of Obi-Wan and really more of "The Reva & Leia show, with guest appearance by Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and member-berries"...


Posted (edited)

Non spoilery thought from James SA Corey (the Expanse writing hivemind):


...how does someone with the catlike* speed and precognitive ability to use a magnetised plasma sword to deflect a speeding bolt of plasma (which does seem to travel a bit slower than a bullet in atmosphere at least, but nonetheless)...


...get felled by a punch? 


There's all kinds of things inconsistent if you start suspending your disbelief in the whole space wizard movie thing. But what works for a plot works for a plot, much like many of the hardware solutions at my old work. If something works for you, you don't notice the gaffer tape, string, and that it might be slightly on fire.


*not actually catlike, or you'd paralyse any Sith with sunbeams and/or hypnotic dangly string

Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


3 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

*not actually catlike, or you'd paralyse any Sith with sunbeams and/or hypnotic dangly string

Are we sure this doesn't work? It's possible lightsabers are just laser pointers with enough OS updates that they've completely lost their original effectiveness.

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, Mr. Vee said:

It's possible lightsabers are just laser pointers with enough OS updates


According to ancient legends, the Sith gained their powers from suffering... through one too many Powerpoints.


Also, I do love that the Sith really know how to co-ordinate their look.




Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.



I had that same shade but lent it out it at an Evanescence concert. It's been in the wild ever since.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper


The last ep surely left the opening for S2, but I'm not sure the series itself gave it enough momentum.

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7 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

The last ep surely left the opening for S2, but I'm not sure the series itself gave it enough momentum.


I'm not sure "momentum" is what season/series 2 needed.  What it did need is to free Obi-Wan from the twins, at least for a time, to pursue other adventures, like figuring out what a Krate dragon sounds like and how to use it to scare Sandpeople.


Personally, I think the series started better than it ended.  I did not care for this being an obvious setup for a Reva series.  Overall I still enjoyed it.  It was nice to see Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen reprising their respective roles.  I think Christensen got a bad rap for the prequels and I am glad to see he has been redeemed now that fans know what real garbage is after the last 3 awful steaming piles of shit Star Wars INO films. 


So the finale posed the three questions: will Leia make it back to her family, will Luke or his aunt/uncle be killed, and will obi wan or darth vader be killed.  All of which we knew the answer was no.


The only outcome we did not know was what happened to Third Sister.  


But the main thing I got from the episode was 



in the battle between Obi Wan and Vader, Obi Wan was weak. But then he thought of Leia and became powerful enough to defeat Vader.  Because we know that Jedi get their power from attachment to others.


  • Haha 2

Quick thing that popped up on the SW twitter: as mentioned earlier, Krystina Arielle (The High Republic Show) got snuck in as a background actor (are they not called extras these days? ah well), and made a lovely, very illustrative little EPK on how being on set works for actors. And geeked out. A lot. Which is adorable. Don't deny you would too.




Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

(are they not called extras these days? ah well)


Dunno if this is still the case, but the difference used to be based somewhat on if there was dialog or "business" (non-dialog actions written into the script) for that actor or not.  Extras might have a line; Background was usually reserved for non-speaking parts, mostly crowds, restaurant patrons, characters that are there to fill the environment.


At this point there are probably multiple levels, non-speaking extras, featured extras, whatever.  Like a character that silently hands one of the leads a prop of some sort.


Background I am pretty sure still refers to literal background though.



Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

10 hours ago, InvaderStych said:


Dunno if this is still the case, but the difference used to be based somewhat on if there was dialog or "business" (non-dialog actions written into the script) for that actor or not.  Extras might have a line; Background was usually reserved for non-speaking parts, mostly crowds, restaurant patrons, characters that are there to fill the environment.



I can see that.  If I remember correctly from my armchair readings, if one has a line of dialog, they have to be registered with the actors' guild or some such, which involves a fee.  I don't remember where the tale came from, but I recall a movie where some famous person had a cameo appearance, originally not saying anything, and when it was decided they should say a line or two, the director paid the fee to register them so all would be on the up-and-up.


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