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It's unOfficial - SUPER SOON!! (semi-official?)


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Who's excited for Issue 27, Page 4 - Beta ?


Issue 27, Page 4

Second Chances

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[                                           Soon™©℠® Super Soon!!                                               ]

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[                                               Details: still murky                                                    ]

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Clues collected so far, see below

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Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Though his bark cannot be lost,
Yet it shall be tempest-tost.

When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air.


And it does, in fact, signal the approach of a monster – a monster that the they have themselves created, the monster that it has become.



Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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In no particular order, the rather mysterious hints, clues, teasers.. and one, outright fabrication.

Warning: Possible SpOL13rz

Here's what we have gleaned so far: (did I miss any?)


7 hours ago, GM Impervium said:

You want teasers?

I'll give ya teasers!

No plot-adjacent fanfic this time, folks, just straight up


(and oh yeah, short of something apocalyptic happening, we're pushing to open beta SUPER SOON!!)



On 7/1/2022 at 8:38 AM, Cobalt Arachne said:

Hello to all UNDEFINED_ORGANIC_TARGETS waiting in here!

We're hurdling towards- <TWITCH CLICK>  All hail Lord Nemesis!  ...Issue 27, Page 4's reveal!

In the meantime, seems like this thread could use a- <CLICK WRRR> ...little pick-me-up, so enjoy this early preview of one of the new rewards from the upcoming ERROR:TEASE_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND system being added with Page 4:



On 3/31/2022 at 9:54 AM, GM Impervium said:

We normally keep things close to the vest, but since this already kinda slipped, I'll mention it here:

There's a new Incarnate Cimerorean arc is in the works (Am I even spelling that right?). There's currently a badge for defeating 100 Incarnate Cimerorean traitors that got pushed out last update by accident, but the only enemy in the game that applies to is the version of Romulus that appears in Sister Solaris's part of the Dark Astoria story. So, you either have to run that last mission of her arc 100 times, or wait for the new arc to come out. When that'll be, I have no idea.


On 4/14/2022 at 6:44 AM, Cobalt Arachne said:

Sounds like we're in need of an infusion of TEASE! 😏










On 4/15/2022 at 10:40 PM, Troo said:

we may not realize how much we need or want a thing until a thing becomes available then we gotta have a thing.


On 5/5/2022 at 7:27 PM, Cobalt Arachne said:
On 5/5/2022 at 6:40 AM, Troo said:



Fiiiiiiiiiine; Only one more though! 🤔

Me walking to go post a teaser:
Also me when my walking IS the teaser... 👀





Development is still fully underway!

The original plan was that we were going to release a small 'Page 3.1' update in January that would've included the almost done things that missed Page 3's release date. However due to circumstance and availability on our dev team changing unexpectedly, it had to be delayed and it was rolled into Page 4 instead.

Page 4 is nearing completion and everyone on the team is very excited to pull back the curtain and show you guys what's coming. It's already looking to be a massive update with a plethora of long-time feature requests. This upcoming Page 4 update is a full blown page, and includes a huge amount of stuff beyond what would've been the Page 3.1 update if it had happened in January.

The reason we can't commit to dates/reveal things until they're closer to release is because our timetables are not directly under our control. We're all unpaid volunteers who donate our time and expertise to work on the game for free, but how much time we can donate varies a huge amount on a day-to-day basis. We can't commit time that would cause our personal lives to suffer, as that's not long-term sustainable, so we work on the game as much as we possibly can as unpaid volunteers. Our love for this game/its community is the passion that continues to fuel us to work on it, and I can promise you there is no shortage of it on the dev team.

Homecoming prides itself in the consistency of our updates, operations, and running the game in a very professional manner, comparable to the game's quality when it was a retail service backed by a publisher. That being said, oftentimes that gives players the impression that our content output should also be equal to a professional development studio, but unfortunately that's not possible since we're not able to work on the game full-time, 40 hours a week, like a paid team would.

We thank everyone for their patience, it's not easy waiting sometimes, but we are doing our utmost to ensure it's worth that wait! 💙" - sources




On 6/3/2022 at 1:32 PM, Number Six said:



On 6/22/2022 at 12:51 PM, laudwic said:

On March 25, 2020, Troo made the stated the following in the Huge Announcement -End Game and PVP Thread


Clown Summoning Power Set

Clown summoning sized.png

Short Description: Grants you access to the Clown Summoning Mastermind Set.

Clown Summoning: With the Clown Summoning Power Set for Masterminds, you will be able to command and control your own circus of clowns. The minion pets are three traditional happy clowns, with squirting flower ranged attacks and balloon-sword melee attacks. The lieutenant pets are of the sad clown variety, and finally the boss clown is a vicious mime with a very powerful self-containment attack that puts himself inside of an invisible, shrinking box. Clowns arrive on the battlefield via a single tiny car that they all pile out of.


I think he is holding back on us, time to start lighting those torches and sharpening the pitchforks!


most culled from the following 10 page topic.


Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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it's alive!.. in beta



Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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  • Troo changed the title to It's unOfficial - SUPER SOON!! (semi-official?)

I can't believe Jimmy is coming back!

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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It's soon, guys, gals and nonbinary pals. Soon.

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Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
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8 hours ago, Troo said:

 We're all unpaid volunteers who donate our time and expertise to work on the game for free, but how much time we can donate varies a huge amount on a day-to-day basis. We can't commit time that would cause our personal lives to suffer, as that's not long-term sustainable, so we work on the game as much as we possibly can as unpaid volunteers. Our love for this game/its community is the passion that continues to fuel us to work on it, and I can promise you there is no shortage of it on the dev team.

This snippet ought to be pinned in the Suggestions and Bug Reports forums.

Edited by Andreah
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   Thanks for the post & update Troo. I for one am very excited about that is to come, but as I am feeling a bit silly atm, from the image you posted I believe I can extrapolate what is to come "Super Soon". So without further adu, from top to bottom, left to right, I believe these pictures mean...


1: We are getting the ability to hold our weapons, especially swords and such, on our backs now; hopefully without cutting off our wings in the process (if we have any that is). Either that, or a Final Fantasy mini-game is being added to CoH somehow, for better or worse lol...

2: Firefighters! Yes we are getting a Firefighters class finally! And it's about time too if ya ask me (seeing as how many fires are going on in the game and all lol)...

3: We are getting a new set of hammers and maces to play with, with the possible addition of a emote that intails using them in a mixing bowl, like we are beating some eggs or something. Though, it's gotta be a big bowl that's for sure I would think, wouldn't you agree?

4: Death. I am not sure about this honestly, but maybe if we die in game, our bodies balloon up for a time, or are placed in a new nature themed hall of sorts for a while for all to see. Yeah, I am just guessing, but hey I actually don't know where this picture comes from, so yeah (sorry)...

5: Giant Robots and/or Sentinels! Yes, we are actually going to be getting something some of us have been asking for a while now, and that is a Giant Robot invasion (event?)! One that will spawn in every zone randomly, or all at once, and "Terminate" anything that moves. And if your origin just so happens to be Mutant, well I am sorry to say that your gonna be boned hard, as these are going to do at least x2 damage on your butt. Hey, it's what we all get for choosing the next stage in human evolution after all, right? Just ask Magneto if you don't believe me lol...

6: The Dark Crystal IS coming to CoH. Mark my words folks; very soon we're going to be knee deep in Muppets and Dark Crystals, which btw are going to kick our collective ass (forcing us to make a Dark Crystal character to fight them obviously)...

7: Magic! A specific spell casting class is coming to CoH, and it's going to be very, very cool imho (so long as we don't need to use magic wands to cast the spells). Either that, or the magic power pool is getting an upgrade AND specific magic based missions are going to be added to the game. So ya better learn your spell words quickly (https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_spells), before its too late...

8: Ok, this might be a "weird" one. Specific Witches are coming to the game (in missions or what not), and we are going to be able too cook them in a skillet. Either that, or they are coming and are going to be vulnerable to fire and/or electric energy, but as a trade are gonna be able to do all sorts of nasty things with their spells...


   So that about wraps it up for my guess work on these 8 images I see. Of course, I could be very wrong here on some if not all of them, but overall I would say I am closer than some would think. What ya all think? Me? I am looking forward to the new expansive update Super Soon too, so thank you again Troo for creating this post and stirring up the excitement for it (again)....



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28 minutes ago, TrelNargil said:



   Thanks for the post & update Troo. I for one am very excited about that is to come, but as I am feeling a bit silly atm, from the image you posted I believe I can extrapolate what is to come "Super Soon". So without further adu, from top to bottom, left to right, I believe these pictures mean...


I believe your descriptions went Left to Right, Top To bottom...


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   Awesome! I can't wait to try it out when I can. I just read the entire update on the new issue, and I am totally floored by how much work had to be put into it; way cool, and big time applause on all your hard work! 🙂 On a side note, I also can't believe that I actually got a couple of my interpretations right, specifically #1 (about weapons on our backs now) & #3 (about new weapons being added to our weapon list); Way cool...



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Spoilers (Beta)



What's New in Issue 27, Page 4?

Marquee Features

  • New Incarnate Mission Content: Sister Valeria
  • New Powersets - Symphony Control, Sonic Assault
  • Name Release Policy - Phase 1: Warnings
  • New Advanced Difficulty - Imperious Task Force
  • Advanced Difficulty Improvements & New Reward Currency
  • Permanent NPC Costume Power Rewards

Powers & Gameplay Adjustments

  • Enemy Aggro Revamp
  • Attack Typing Adjustments
  • New Tech: Power Toggle Suspension

Character Customization Improvements

  • Sheathed Weapons System
  • Custom Weapons Expansion
  • Costume Part Proliferation & Fixes
  • Arachnos Widow Costume Update
  • Parkour and Blitz Movement Stances
  • Walk Animation Customization

Various Additions & Enhancements

  • New Badges
  • Cimerora Tour Guides
  • Proliferated Emotes
  • New Roleplaying & System Commands
  • New AE Adjustments, Mission Maps, NPCs, Custom Enemy Powersets, and new Advanced Enemy Customization
  • Fort Trident & The Crucible Revamp
  • Roleplaying Pub(V) and Luau(H) Area Additions
  • ...and much more!


if folks feel the urge to help Beta could use some testers. (granted this is testing for bugs and such, not so much major tweaks.. unless something is wrong)



Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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   Ohh btw, could anyone direct me to a/the link that teaches how to copy a character one has on a main server to the Beta one please? I have researched it, but can only find such info on how to transfer characters across the main servers; nothing on the test servers or copying your character(s) to it. Thank you...

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  • Retired Lead Game Master
6 minutes ago, TrelNargil said:

   Ohh btw, could anyone direct me to a/the link that teaches how to copy a character one has on a main server to the Beta one please? I have researched it, but can only find such info on how to transfer characters across the main servers; nothing on the test servers or copying your character(s) to it. Thank you...

It's on this forum page, under the account tab.


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Its been so fun listening to the Doomsayers lose their minds in chat yesterday afternoon about impact on farming.  I am excited for my back sheaths and musical control and badges and the fun of experiencing the new stuff.

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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24 minutes ago, Gobbledygook said:

So, anything for Sentinel AT?

If so, I missed it.


   Nope, nothing really for Sentinels specifically at this time, other then power sets that have been adjusted "slightly" (+ & - wise) from other AT's which Sentinels share in (like Invulnerability for example)...



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11 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

Guess which Beta thread I'm reading...


Here's the list of current feedback threads: ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/57-homecoming-beta/ )

  • Focused Feedback: Sonic Attack Revamp
  • Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment
  • Focused Feedback: Toggle Suspension and Suppression
  • Focused Feedback: Attack Typing Adjustments
  • Focused Feedback: Sonic Assault
  • Focused Feedback: Name Release Policy - Phase 1: Warning Mode
  • Focused Feedback: Advanced Difficulty - Imperious Task Force
  • Focused Feedback: Stance & Walk Customization
  • Focused Feedback: Symphony Control
  • Focused Feedback: Sheathed Weapon System
  • Focused Feedback: City Zone Adjustments
  • Focused Feedback: Sister Valeria Story Arc
  • Focused Feedback: Ice Control Changes
  • Focused Feedback: Enemy Aggro Revamp
  • Focused Feedback: Costumes
  • Focused Feedback: Toxic/Psionic Mitigation Changes
  • Focused Feedback: New Commands
  • Focused Feedback: Custom Weapon Expansion
  • Focused Feedback: Badges & Emotes
  • Focused Feedback: Permanent NPC Costume Power Rewards
  • Focused Feedback: Task Adjustments
  • Focused Feedback: Enemy Group Adjustments
  • Focused Feedback: Advanced Difficulty Improvements & New Reward Currency
  • Focused Feedback: Repeatable Cimerora Incarnate Missions
  • Issue 27, Page 4: General Feedback

I agree



A pool could be started on which get most and least views. (reply counts would be tough due to moderation)

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I am dreading it. The only positive I see in it is the distance to target. Other than that, they could drop the whole thing and I'd be fine. 

I am neutral on the new powersets. They don't sound interesting to me. Sure, I'll make them to see if there's anything to them, but I'm not a fan of either playstyle for those ATs. But, I'll see soon enough. 

The mechanics on the Hard Mode ITF are interesting, but this new currency will be worthless after the badges are acquired on my badge characters. After that, then there will be no reason to run them. I don't see the reasoning for a new currency. Not to mention the pain of participating in these with a pug. Well, it could give a transcendent merit and I would never do a hard mode itf with a team of folks I never heard of. That's just asking for trouble, I think. TFJ or CC, yeah, I can do that. Other groups..I'd have to know at least someone on the team. 

I am indifferent to costumes. 

The AE change makes me feel like cattle, being herded from my comfortable green pasture that was suddenly poisoned, into a new pen with other cattle I don't know and don't really want to know. There's not as much grass and I can't get enough to eat. 
I am trying to keep my mind open, but I just don't like change. I can adapt, but I don't think I should be corralled to do things the way others would have me do them. My way works. Their way left me with insufficient loot to build my characters. My way worked for me. I tried it their way first. Doesn't work unless you have a lot of free time to game. (Well, it can work, but it takes too damn long. I don't want to take 5 months to kit out a 50.) 

It sucks, because I know it's a free game. I know that a tremendous amount of work and creativity went into this, and I feel like an ungrateful brat. And I don't want to feel this way. But right now, I don't know how I'll adjust to being forced to do DA story arcs through Ouro and iTrials for 12 vet levels. They're just not that much fun anymore. And some of the players make it even worse by rude comments in chat or even vulgar names that I'd rather not see. 

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Lots of really cool stuff. With commentary in red-ish.


What's New in Issue 27, Page 4?



Marquee Features

  • New Incarnate Mission Content: Sister Valeria (<--- NEW CONTENT!!)
  • New Powersets - Symphony Control, Sonic Assault (nope, no wind control. who wanted that anyway?)
  • Name Release Policy - Phase 1: Warnings (<--- Name Releases, I'll provide a note on how to defend against this injustice!! 🙂 )
  • New Advanced Difficulty - Imperious Task Force (meh..)
  • Advanced Difficulty Improvements & New Reward Currency (meh..)
  • Permanent NPC Costume Power Rewards (awesome, wait, need special new loot..)

Powers & Gameplay Adjustments

  • Enemy Aggro Revamp (interesting)
  • Attack Typing Adjustments (interesting)
  • New Tech: Power Toggle Suspension (interesting, some details being worked out)

Character Customization Improvements

  • Sheathed Weapons System (nice)
  • Custom Weapons Expansion (nice)
  • Costume Part Proliferation & Fixes (nice)
  • Arachnos Widow Costume Update (Oooo nice)
  • Parkour and Blitz Movement Stances (meh)
  • Walk Animation Customization (ERPers rejoice!?.. (im not sure what erping is but it sounds wrong))

Various Additions & Enhancements

  • New Badges (Oooo, it'll be interesting to read the uproar)
  • Cimerora Tour Guides
  • Proliferated Emotes
  • New Roleplaying & System Commands
  • New AE Adjustments, Mission Maps, NPCs, Custom Enemy Powersets, and new Advanced Enemy Customization
  • Fort Trident & The Crucible Revamp (interesting)
  • Roleplaying Pub(V) and Luau(H) Area Additions
  • ...and much more! (there's more?! holy smokes)





Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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