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No rep makes me sad.


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10 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

Sometimes a high forum rep indicates the individual knows what they're talking about.  Other times, it means they say a lot of things that are popular (or amusing), or that a lot of people agree with.

Having a high forum rep means they have a high forum rep.  It is not reliable indicator of anything but having a high forum rep.


Yes, it does.  But, it's a data point that aids one user to identify another user IS that user and not a parody or spoof, and to give further context to the comment in question.  Think of it like 2-factor (3-factor?) authentication; I see a post I agree with, who wrote it?  I recognize that name. I recognize the avatar/signature.  I recognize the count/rep.  Yep, that's the guy alright.  He's alright.  But, it's probably also used to keep track of people who can eat shit.


4 minutes ago, Troo said:

@Doc_Scorpion the ratio of posts to reputation was typically helpful for me at least as a gauge.


@roleki you may be spot on regarding self policing..


Well, we haven't done the best job even with visible reps.  


And it fucking bums me out that I have to explain that I was - and am - fully cognizant that accumulated rep isn't going away, was never going away, and that people could see it by viewing their profiles. 


But only weirdos look at people's profiles. 


When I discuss the concept of lack of accumulated forum rep, I mean the visual representation of which I can examine immediately without further interaction with the UI.

Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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9 hours ago, roleki said:

On the one hand, no accumulated forum rep will make it more difficult for newer users to develop an assurance that the person they tend to agree with most frequently actually knows what the hell they are talking about.



A wise man once said "Let Experience Guide You"



There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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Rep, while I know it isn't going away, never really held up with me.


No offense to anyone in particular but I've gotten to a point where I know what works and doesn't work for me in CoH. As such, I am less(well, not influenced at all actually) by anyone with a high rep count. I honestly thought people just got that because they post on the forums a lot. I've seen some erroneously misinformed post from folks with high reps on a regular basis, so that may have molded me into the way I am now.


I'm sure people will be validated, as they always should have,  solely by their post on subject matters. While you may know a lot about X, you could be spewing ignorant crap about Y. High reps were, imo, very misleading for new players.

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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On 2/2/2023 at 3:39 PM, Scarlet Shocker said:

I actually have an active dislike of things such as rep - it can quickly become a way of trolling and is inherently divisive. Worse it often has a negative impact on newcomers who come to a forum and see a tonne of people with big reps and they have nothing. It can lead to a sense of elitism; us vs them.


Getting rid of it is a verygoodthing(tm) in my book

Says the N008 with zero friends and no retweets from a brand new Twinker account!
I've been on Twinker for a decade and have almost a hundred friends (none of whom actually follow me), therefore I'm a Big Deal!


This sort of self-aggrandizement always made me laugh.

Edited by Hyperstrike
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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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My attitude is that white numbers mean you have a lot you want to say, while green numbers mean that what you said resonated with other people to some extent.  I like the forums because it's generally a pretty organized system.  I particularly like learning new things, or even seeing new opinions.  If I were a newcomer to this forum, and I saw opposing opinions on a topic of interest, and one person had an order of magnitude or two more posts or reputation, I'd still test it out myself but be more inclined to listen to the one who seemed more fact based.  At this point, I've learned a lot and some of that is what specific forumites are good at.  Some have good levels of expertise; some are funny; some are asshats; some are useless; and most (including me) are a combination of all of the above depending on the time and the subject.  I have to think that any new member to the forums has the same ability to figure that out as I do.


I think I'm pretty free with the like or thumbs up.  It doesn't cost me anything to validate someone else if it's a real validation.  We're all more or less on the same team, after all.


I don't think rep as it was was discriminatory in any way, just like I don't think life discriminates against 5-year-olds when compared to 25-year-olds.


On 2/2/2023 at 11:21 PM, Troo said:

the ratio of posts to reputation was typically helpful for me at least as a gauge. Alone both are basically useless.


This is Trooth.

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Who run Bartertown?


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3 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

My attitude is that white numbers mean you have a lot you want to say, while green numbers mean that what you said resonated with other people to some extent




Exactly!  I mean...


Are you saying I have A BIG MOUTH?


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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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On 2/2/2023 at 9:24 PM, Troo said:

image.png.f0f49af85d84b543609fcf890b93965b.png Never did make it to my goal of 200 thumbdowns sooo.. wat evah..


Counts were at least indicative of participation as opposed to: image.png



Meanwhile, the "Posts" count has never been correct,

it's actually showing "Content" count. I've presumed it also includes image uploads, file uploads, etc..

image.png.878ffcd035989841f6e01ed31dc94c93.png ( posts as of today, not 4.5k )


I do miss my "Above the Law" title



You’re welcome. 😉

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3 hours ago, Astralock said:


You’re welcome. 😉

You can please some of the people all of the time.
You can please all of the people some of the time.

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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Don't worry, Rep is still there. It's just not displayed by default and requires an extra step (or two, depending on how accurate you want those numbers to be).


In my experience, most Rep systems just get "farmed" by people posting nonsense in off-topic sections of the boards (or posting off-topic nonsense in on-topic sections). That will continue to happen and is the primary reason I put zero stock in a Rep value. I'd rather it just be hidden wholesale, if not disabled entirely, but oh well.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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Better to build quality of character than count; otherwise we will all just get dragged into Madness together! 

That is how you become legen-

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I really never followed rep.  I mean, for some reason certain people just do not understand me.  Different culture? Different manners? They are uneducated and/or stupid?   Who knows.


But i still dont follow.  Prob because i havent read it much.  Does this mean every thumbs down i have gotten over the years just goes into a general “reaction pool”.   Evil grin slowly spreads

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As someone who "won the day" several times in a row a couple years back, I am happy the rep system is gone.


Almost all I did was post costume designs and got plenty of likes for it, and I was beating out everyone.  That's not normal, and it was very off-putting.

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12 minutes ago, Player2 said:

As someone who "won the day" several times in a row a couple years back, I am happy the rep system is gone.


Almost all I did was post costume designs and got plenty of likes for it, and I was beating out everyone.  That's not normal, and it was very off-putting.

could you post some vampire costumes?

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1 hour ago, Player2 said:

As someone who "won the day" several times in a row a couple years back, I am happy the rep system is gone.


Almost all I did was post costume designs and got plenty of likes for it, and I was beating out everyone.  That's not normal, and it was very off-putting.

That's how I've won almost all of my days. As recent as... January 31st. 3 days after my birthday!

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Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!


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Idk the icons could mean things for different people as well? Ik I thumbs down when I disagree with someone but have no interest in fighting over it. Is that why everyone thumbs down?  


I thumbs up alot of the time just to let people know I have seen there post or they answered my question. Does not mean a agree just to let them know I saw it.   


I doubt we all see the rep the same way. I did not even know it tracked and still don't care I just see it as a easy way to let people know you red there post and not have to post back to them filling in the form with a derailing  convo.

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