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Posted (edited)

Figured a good way to know who is who and who they are on, lol.  Obviously you don't have to participate, but figured it could give folks ways to seek or not seek folks out. I'll start and feel free to add yours if you want.


My Global is my Forum name, though I'm sure many of you know that by now.  While I have toons spread out on all servers, this X, so I'll list my toons & what not here.  If I say Retired, just means I've cleared all lvl 50 contacts.  This also doesn't cover all other 50s and toons I have on other servers either. While T4 means I have all incarnate powers at T4 range.



Name              Lvl.                   Any other additional Info


  1. Shield Spider (Melee Tank Crab)              50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired.   Badger: 949(no rush on this)

  2. JJDrakken (Range Bane)                          50+3 Incarnate,  T4. Retired

  3. Hotdog Cart (Merc/Thermal MM)           50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

  4. Hyoketsu Shogun (Ninja/Cold MM)         50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

  5. Soundstone (Earth/Sonic Controller)        50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

  6. Eli Electric( Elec/Rad Armor Sentinel)        50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

  7. Bully Goat (Rad Armor/SS Tanker)             50+3 Incarnate. T4. Retired

  8. Ionized Force( Elec/Energy Blapper)          50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

  9. Kadrak Flinteye (Axe/Ninjitsu Scrapper)     50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

10. Lucha Libre( SJ/WP Scrapper)                    50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

11. Toiletbreaker (SS/Regen Brute)                  50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

12. Mockingbow (TA/Archery Defender)          50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

13. Space Penguin( Squid/Lobster PB)             50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

14. Trapmaster Voltas (ELC/Traps Controller)   50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

15. Goblin Layer (Invuln/Kin M. Tanker)           50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

16. Metal Mage (Siesmic Blast/FF Corrupter)  50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

17. Pansexual Pagan (BS/Shield Stalker)          50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

18. Ol Doinyo Lengai (FA/IM Tanker)               50+3  Incarnate T4.

19. Inquisitor Minima (BR/Regen Sentinel)      50

20. Synthwave Clockwork (SC/RE Controller)   50

21. Magnetic Mite (GC/SA Dominator)                      50

22. Vengeance Reaver (TW/DA Brute)                        50

23. Vinsaell Einn (Beast/Empathy MM)                      50

24. House Rules (SR/Staff Tanker)                              50

25. Professor Serotonin (EA/RB Defender)                 50

26. Kickin Chicken (MA/EA Scrapper)                        50

27. Darkmire (DB/DM Defender)                              50

28. Detective Necro (Necro/DM  MM)                      50

29. Azule Frostbinder (Demons/Cold MM)                50

30. Rimesnap (IC/SA Dominator)                              50

31. Evolved Devourer (WB/DM Corrupter)               50

32, Lavamancer (FB/DM Corrupter)                          50

33. Night Pouncer (Claws/EA Scrapper)                     50

34. Sigewulf Isvindor (Storm Blast/Cold Corrupter)   50

35. Ser Reverence (Invuln/WH Tanker)                      50

36. Trauma Hound (ELA/EM Tanker)                         50

37. Halcyon Dream (Illusion/Kin Controller)             50

38. Syllogistic Elegy (MC/SA Dominator)                  50

39. Street Beat (Thugs/Sonic MM)                           50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

40. Silvered Clockwork (Robots/FF MM)                  50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

41. Colton Rayzer (Fortunata)                                 50

42. Cold Phusion (IA/RM Tanker)                            50

43. Blackfire Drake DB/FA Sentinel)                        20

44. Savage Harvest (Plant/SM Dominator)             12

45. Incendiary Shadow (FM/Invuln Stalker)            10

46. Doctor Looney  (Psi Blast/Devices Balster)         8

47. Bobbiecue (FM/ELA Brute)                                6

48. Hersveit  (AR/TA Corrupter)                              5

49. Vespa Spider (Arachnos Soldier)                        5

50. Mud Mage (Earth/SA Dominator)                     5

51. Assault Lad (AC/TA Controller)                         6

52. Lizzard of Oz (IB/SR Corrupter)                        6

53. Jasper Tappingbutts (SJ/EA Stalker)                  5

54. Greystar Hegemony (Mercs/Time MM)           5

55. Shifty Shell Shocked (RB/DA Sentinel)              5

56. Fabius Flamestar (Demons/Thermal MM)        5

57. Silverback Crow   (SS/WP Brute)                      5


My Brother's Account(Dude plays like 3-5x a year for about two days, so I use it as a Secondary account sometimes)


1. Jack O' Radtern (FA/RM Tank)                         50+3 T4 (Farmer)

2. Halcyon Blues (Illusion/Sonic Dominator.        50

3. Sir Scruffy (SM/SA Scrapper)                           50

4. Siberian Eclipse (RoboticsFF MM)                   50 (Technically brothers, but he's not a fan of MMs, so I leveled it)

Edited by JJDrakken
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While I have too many alts to count across a few servers (levels 2 to 50+ Incarnates), I've refocused on my top mains.  My global is @Twilight Walker.  They are, in no particular order:


Name                                                       Lvl.                      Any other additional Info


1.  Dawn's Requiem (Dark/Dark/Soul Tank)              50+ Incarnate             Badger (Only 600+ right now)

2.  ActiveX (Kin/Rad 'Fender)                                    50+ Incarnate

3.  Slayer of Monsters (Traps/BR 'Fender)                 50+ Incarnate             Badger, Too (700+ right now)

4.  Agelenopsis (Crabbermind)                                 50+ Incarnate

5.  Nuclear Bull (Fire/Rad Tank)                                 50+ Incarnate             Sole Farmer, Gladly Helps Sitters & Hitters (Semi-Retired)


  • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
Posted (edited)

My characters are mostly lowbies, but here are most of them;

Hero 2

El Otro Fantasma

Sly Old Fox

Johnny Rocketboots


Ray Beam

Roger Beepover

Lightning Quickness

2 Quick

Cosmic Truth

(The) Poseidon Avenger

Heaven's Reaperman



Inferno Contraption




The original Hero 2 in 2008...

Edited by Herotu
  • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

Boycott American.

  • 2 weeks later
  • 1 month later

My characters are also easy to identify and have a system to their names - when you right-click on the character and get the global, they all say macskull or one of my other accounts!

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"If you can read this, I've failed as a developer." -- Caretaker


Proc information and chance calculator spreadsheet (last updated 15APR24)

Player numbers graph (updated every 15 minutes) Graph readme (now with Victory support!)

@macskull/@Not Mac | Twitch | Youtube

  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

My alts are all  the same supergroup: New Order Of Bold Superheroes.


If anyone wants more detail, here's the full /sgwho dump of names. Yeah, I've got altitis.



Lady Beatdown
Dual Caliber
Meteor Shower
Dragon Quill
Tensor Flux
Charging Cattle
Three Body Problem
Mr A. Rachnos
Electron Torrent
Oxidane Fury
Flashing Arc
Rough Water
Blue Dauber
Bella Parum
CDF Commander
Stormied Annuals
Dragon Tooth
Snow Blindness
Miasma the Fairy
Loe Ping
Chainsaw Bravado
Fallen Zenith
Guiding Blade
Mt. Kilimanjaro
Pitch-black Perfect
Sudden Valley
Gratuitous Windup
Chunky Cherub
Nether Maw
Amp Farad keV
Dragon Horn

Rosa Azul
Ninjas Akimbo
El Arbol Furioso
Resonant Cascade
Shoots and LADDERS
Otto Ignition
Cryogen Commando
Duchess of Duress
Shadow's Sight
Brains Over Brawn
Midnight Basketball
Tectonic Trebuchet
Gray Justice
Hammering Wind
Soaring Thunder
Briar Storm
Steam Punker
Woods Warden
Arctic Sabre
Midnight Fister
Unionized Ninja
Kill-Aid Man
Prismatic Pugilist
Dragon Barb
Venomous Vapors
Shiny Metal Arsenal
Fists Galore
Brain Force
Dog Whistle
Frosty the Clown
Dr. Concoction
Flaming Lava Spike
Inferno Snowball
Knuckles and Witch
Compelled Gymnastics
Little Red 'Vette
Protean Fist
Bobby Q

Eyes on the Prize

Crimson Snare

Malus Dart

Dragon Swoop

Dragon Lash

Mighty Thews

Spicy Stone



Edited by Random Axis
The list has gotten larger...
  • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
Posted (edited)

I'll bite


My main is also my global:


White Blanket- 50 fully kitted Psi/Atom Blaster


Alts in no particular order:


(Edit: Forgot one have two new ones)

Glitch-Tech- 50 Fully kitted Claws/SR Scrapper (was Framerate, such a better name, but lost it when i transfered here.  If anyone has it, I promise I wont stalk your account...all the time)


Two new tankers, both 50 working on end game prep. One is a single target nigh unkillable and the other is pure AoE mayhem.


Techwondo- 50 Shield/MA Tanker


MadCappin'- 50 Rad/Staff Tanker

(i got this guy headless with shrooms growing from his missing dome. Its fantastic.)


Criticalibur- 50 fully kitted Claws/Bio Scrapper


Trixshotz- 50 fully kitted Trick Arrow/Archery Proc Defender


Braverman- 50 fully kitted SS/Invuln Brute


Soulestial- 50 fully kitted Human Warshade


Regenesis- 50 fully kitted Human Peacebringer


Myth Master- 50 fully kitted ill/time Controller


Antipodeman- 50 Ice/Fire Blaster


Okamaru- 50 Savage/Nin Stalker


Thunderman- 50 Elec/Elec Blaster 


Pyremaster- 50 Fire/Fire Scrapper


Gangmind- 50 Thugs/Poison MM


Ventex- 50 DB/Elec Scrapper


Star Braver- 50 Enrg/Enrg Blaster


Silent Protagonist- 50 TW/Bio Scrapper 


Arkade- 50 Elec/Shield Stalker


Neo-Atomic- 50 Rad/Rad Scrapper


Dinobot- 50 Robot/Traps MM


Atmosphyr- 50 Storm/Sonic Defender


Prince Rizzix- 50 Fire/Fire Dominator


Arbiter Chronos- 50 Beam Rifle/Temporal Blaster


Sword Soul- 50 Katana/Regen Scrapper


Every other toon is between 45 and 2:


Agent Exer


Blue Blanket

Samurai Solaris


Born Dead


Gaia Titan


Lord Leo




Edited by Thc3po
Updated list
25 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

I am Goddess Laucianna the Peacebringer ❤️ 

We all know and worship the Goddess!


Most of mine have Thrax or maybe Thraxen in the name. Main is Thraxen. He was ma/sr scrap on live but is sav/inv on this. I’m the one in lfg complaining about people wanting minimum levels on random mish teams. 


I have 4 accounts. @ukase @ukase2 @ukase3 and @ukase? 

I have a spreadsheet with level 50 characters, and their vet levels, and the t-merits, emp merits and astral merits. But I haven't updated it since I started just emailing all the surplus loot and pulling it out by one character to hold them. Not sure which is method is more tedious. 

But in any event, I figure if anyone wants to know who a character is, they just right click and get the global name from "Add Note". 

But, if you see anything with Ukase, Gordian, Apache in the name, those are likely mine. The 4th account doesn't have a naming convention yet. I had thought about names of various medicines and other drugs, but that seemed too weird. Then I thought about famous Economists. Then I got distracted and found something else to do. 

I'll get around to it at some point. I really only made the account to hold more influence, but lately I've been using it to create utility characters for Mayhem missions, AM-Siege, Multidimensional-Shrouded on Indom instead of just Excelsior. 

2 hours ago, Ukase said:

I had thought about names of various medicines

methimazole, prednisolone, mirataz, cerenia, metronidazole. augmentin, fortiflora, cobalamin (Riboflavin sounds better), clavamox, gabapentin, doxycycline, trazadone,  GS-441524, might get me to be more confident about their spelling...    (Cat shelter related meds, though many used in human medical)


Well, the other thing is - the names are likely trademarked. I don't think anybody would care in this context, but why risk it? 


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4 minutes ago, Ukase said:

Well, the other thing is - the names are likely trademarked. I don't think anybody would care in this context, but why risk it?

I suppose, though depends if you go with the marketed name like Cerenia or the compound name of Maropitant.


And looks like I'm due for another culling of names on Everlasting.

  • 1 month later

Though my list is small compared to others, I've too many to list.  Many of my most-played ones can be found in the costume thread and include:


Ace Barnstormer, Major Ray Gunn, Sea Sentry


Control Tower


Vincent Poe


Aged of Aquarius


Grill N. Chill




Watch Commander, Patriot Protector


Thistle Wylde


Lesser Saint


Polar Cola Man


The Rainforest Revenant


The Eggsterminator


Dr. Nightlight


The Walking Red




Thunder Moon


Styxian Stone


Loony Lid


Will Begone


Red Skies Rogers


Storm Seller

  • 3 weeks later

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