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An (almost) Snarkiesh PuG experience

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Was on two YIn teams last night. 


On BOTH teams, the leader instructed the team NOT to click the glowies in the reactor room until the room was cleared from Clamor's first appearance. The leader had to do this to stop someone (never found out who) who'd already started the process. BOTH times.


Now, after receiving said instruction, someone clicked the last glowie anyway.


On BOTH teams.




rarely get upset by this kind of thing. But, by the second run, I was a bit tired of my poor little Arse/Arse Dom getting ganked by the next wave. Didn't quit, though. And, thanks to some big insps, I'm pretty sure I was one of 2 people actually targeting a "I'm hidden in waves of Freaksh*t" Clamor during her return (that beeyotch hits hard, man).


(Probably good for me, though. I'd been cruising on that character all the way through her current level before being reminded just how squishy I still am).

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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Re: Yin TF and the Reactor Room.


If a leader specifically asks us to NOT click them, I won't click the PCs


If it doesn't come up, and the team is manhandling the enemies, I am inclined to resummon Clamor ASAP.


If a team leader says they want speed, I expect that the team leader wants us to resummon Clamor ASAP.


If a team leader makes a fuss about how we need to wait for the ambush before clicking the PCs... I am leaving the reactor room to intercept the ambush.

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Most teams seem to be able to handle it, but unless it's a stupid directive, I follow the team's lead.  (Occasionally there's a directive that is no longer applicable, but I usually just mention that, but still follow the leader's lead)

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Speed runs - click asap
Other runs - no need to click asap. Just clobber until things are clear. 

Team lead says otherwise. Then follow team lead's directions, even when they're wrong or I think they're wrong. It's like a learning moment for them and the more pain that comes with the mistake, the easier the learning happens. 


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2 hours ago, cranebump said:

Was on two YIn teams last night. 


On BOTH teams, the leader instructed the team NOT to click the glowies in the reactor room until the room was cleared from Clamor's first appearance. The leader had to do this to stop someone (never found out who) who'd already started the process. BOTH times.


Now, after receiving said instruction, someone clicked the last glowie anyway.


On BOTH teams.




rarely get upset by this kind of thing. But, by the second run, I was a bit tired of my poor little Arse/Arse Dom getting ganked by the next wave. Didn't quit, though. And, thanks to some big insps, I'm pretty sure I was one of 2 people actually targeting a "I'm hidden in waves of Freaksh*t" Clamor during her return (that beeyotch hits hard, man).


(Probably good for me, though. I'd been cruising on that character all the way through her current level before being reminded just how squishy I still am).


Had similar Yin TF experiences yesterday.  On one of them, a team heavy on light-defense archetypes was getting the job done slowly, admirably, but just barely hanging on, and it was crystal clear they could not take on more at the time.  They were in the entryway fighting two groups, their backs turn to Clamor's re-entry point, and some chucklehead decides to run to the consoles and activate her group without alerting the team.  Half the team died in the next 15 seconds.   I demanded to know why they were so impatient they couldn't have waited just a few more seconds. No answer, but the guilty party very quickly exited the team after the eventual finish.


The one I ran after that, would have been a duplicate situation, but I was ready for it this time.  I ran over to the farthest console from the door and acted like I was interacting with it.  The witless chaos lover trying to activate the consoles got three of them but backed off when he saw I was "dealing" with the fourth, and instead jumped back into the fight.  I waited until he was well clear then rejoined the fight.  Once we cleared them, I sauntered back over and activated the console. 😉

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Posted (edited)

Been seeing a few folks last week due to yin being the weekly that were intentionally ignoring people asking to wait to click the comps and then having the team overwhelmed and wiped and with comments eerily the same as some who commented they get their jollies by clicking and making their teams have trouble in this thread.


I guess some people just have to go out of their way to be contrarian to their teams in an almost selfish manner.  Its a shame but at least when folks see it happen just have the rest of the team know and agree to global ignore em.   Eventually they'll be essentially self marginalizing themselves....

Edited by Sanguinesun
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44 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

This is gonna sound funny, but I have (had?) no idea what clicking those does, other than "it needs to be done to complete the mission."  Seriously, every time that I've run that, not one leader has ever said "wait to click!"  I think I've only ever seen one run go kind of south too though, and we did still complete it.


Also in my defense, the wiki page doesn't really say anything about that other than

  • 4 computers to activate at the same time to stop Clamor's device!
  • ...
  • There are no simultaneous objectives on Homecoming. They can always be completed sequentially, allowing for solo play; the mission text may not yet reflect this.

a careful (or drunken) read of the original post will give hints as to the point of the glowies.  That it brings ambush and the AV back.  But.  You may not read that.  Or this.  And will forever more be mystified.

Y'all got any more of them Memes - Imgflip

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1 hour ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I did read and gather I had missed something, as noted, which I posted.  Now I'm wishing I hadn't bothered.

Always post, always!  Life life like there is no tomorrow.  (There might not be one!)


was just teasing btw

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"Life life" forever

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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18 hours ago, MoonSheep said:

i’m sorry to say that i click them every time immediately, and if i was told not to it would encourage me even more


i yearn for the chaos


Excellent. When I run Yin I always tell people not to click the computers to ensure that someone will click them and I can enjoy my glorious sea of freakshow.

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I’ve actually caught and kicked people before for activating the computers after I asked everyone not too.

Not sure why someone would want to intentionally make a mess of things.

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39 minutes ago, Ghost said:

Not sure why someone would want to intentionally make a mess of things.


I read that as "internationally" make a mess of things.

I think it's a good motto.

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10 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

This is gonna sound funny, but I have (had?) no idea what clicking those does, other than "it needs to be done to complete the mission."  Seriously, every time that I've run that, not one leader has ever said "wait to click!"  I think I've only ever seen one run go kind of south too though, and we did still complete it.


Also in my defense, the wiki page doesn't really say anything about that other than

  • 4 computers to activate at the same time to stop Clamor's device!
  • ...
  • There are no simultaneous objectives on Homecoming. They can always be completed sequentially, allowing for solo play; the mission text may not yet reflect this.

Same.  After a gazillion runs I don't think I've ever seen anyone say anything in chat.  But I've certainly noticed how sometimes there are a whole lot more Freaks running about.

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By the time a team gets to the reactor room, everyone on the team should have a very good sense about what a team can handle. In case there is any doubt specifically about Freakshow (because maybe players were sleepwalking through the first two missions?) the first large room + doors gives a team the opportunity to see how they do(*1) against multiple spawns of Freaks. A team that has steamrolled the second mission in the Yin TF should be able to handle a near-instant resummon of Clamor.


The primary difference in the reactor room is that Clamor applies Radiation Infection. The player who gets that toggle really has to pay attention that they aren't debuffing their teammates. Standing next to teammates while suffering Radiation Infection is a far bigger behavior problem IMO than dealing with a couple of extra spawns.


(*1) The most typical problems I see PUGs having on a Yin TF are

  1. Not being able to hit the enemies
  2. Constantly getting hit by enemies

The first is primarily because of poor slotting choices. For an exemplared team of level 50s this is only seen when applying atypical settings to the TF. The second is more common, but as I wrote above... if Clamor is debuffing a whole team (because players are not paying attention) yeah, things can go pear-shaped.


The Endurance loss against Freaks can be a PITA, but Endurance management is a key feature of the game.

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3 hours ago, Zect said:

Excellent. When I run Yin I always tell people not to click the computers to ensure that someone will click them and I can enjoy my glorious sea of freakshow.


So you're saying this is the mistake we're all making in Posi 1 by telling people NOT to go near the City Hall steps? 🤪

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2 hours ago, tidge said:

By the time a team gets to the reactor room, everyone on the team should have a very good sense about what a team can handle. In case there is any doubt specifically about Freakshow (because maybe players were sleepwalking through the first two missions?) the first large room + doors gives a team the opportunity to see how they do(*1) against multiple spawns of Freaks. A team that has steamrolled the second mission in the Yin TF should be able to handle a near-instant resummon of Clamor.

This was NOT us. We had good support, but not a great deal of DPS. Nor did we have a bulletproof tank. Had a decent Brute, but that Brute often needed our heals and Trolls. It was slow, and fairly smooth, but not the usual cakewalk. Leaders were on point to ask that glowies be left alone. 

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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2 hours ago, ZemX said:


So you're saying this is the mistake we're all making in Posi 1 by telling people NOT to go near the City Hall steps? 🤪


That one irks me even more than the yin clickers.

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On 5/1/2024 at 7:52 AM, Snarky said:

And never spell check!  Great things happen.  It is how languages evolve

Can't help it... Whenever I read anything by Snarky I hear it in the voice of Roger from American Dad...



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"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well I have others.”

― Groucho Marx

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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, it is unusual when nobody clicks on all the computers in Yin before clearing the incoming ambushes. This week Yin is WST and I called out "do not click the computers" and somebody did, they then ran to the doors and got taken down by the ambush + Clamor group then said "Oh, that makes sense now!". May be it was the 3-4 other team members also taken down that swayed them in to that response, never know if the bad act was on purpose or not.


At least no-one gets upset now when BOTH doors are opened! SMH as though that ever made a difference or didn't make it harder for no reason.


Same thing with Posi 1 after I call out "clear steps before rescuing 4th hostage" always someone who ignores me.



Edited by Digirium
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