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Obviously I’d like to see the game as free to play but if it became a “pay to win” through micro-transactions, that would kill all interest in continuing to play for me. I’d sooner pay for a subscription (knowing everyone was on an even playing field).

Micro-transactions for cosmetic options or even for items or tertiary powers/power sets would be fine so long as players could choose to purchase these things early or earn them through game play at their leisure.

The game is kind of dated and could use a facelift but even without this it’s awesome and super fun to play. The absolute best feature that all other MMO’s I’ve played have completely failed on is CoX’s sidekick options (& all the other names used for the lvl adjusting feature)!

I would love to see more city zones opened up for all levels to increase options of where to level and new stories to explore.

As for costumes more choices are always good and the backpack options are severely limited. But having the ability to have a character’s left and right sides be non-symmetrical would be awesome. 

I’d like more room in a character’s ID to write their backstory.  And even an option to have your characters bio’s be linked like a family tree with extended branches for both family relationships and friends and enemies, (all from the same player’s character list) so that if you mention another one of your characters people can follow a link to that character’s bio. (Star Wars: The Old Republic had the “family tree” like this. But you guys could be the first to have the ability to link a player’s character list bios.)

Sorry about the length of this.

Thank you to everyone who has had their hands into making this such an amazing game to play.

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I would like to see all of Paragon Studios' unfinished work to continue and to be completed like the Batallion story arc, the unfinished Incarnate powers table, the moonbase, and the powers that didn't get released or got developed, etc. Especially the lore, I want the story to continue and have an ending...I love the lore in this game the most ❤️

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Focus on new areas like Kallisti Wharf, revamp old content that is showing its age (Synapse and Shadow Shard TFs), add Origin Power Pools, continued refining of powers and systems that aren't necessarily working the way they were originally intended.


Add more Incarnate-level content for those seeking to play their characters who have already reached level and want a sense of further progression.


I have no problem with income generation via cosmetics and even alternate powersets, but would prefer individual purchases rather than subscriptions and no content sold that gives an in-game advantage over people who don't have the money to spend (P2W).

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I wouldn’t mind paying a small subscription, but would NOT pay micro transactions. I want the p2w store to remain free. 


The biggest deal for me would be keeping ,y existing characters. Poured a lot of time and effort into them. 


New content, costumes, archetypes would be nice!

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A powerset to morph into animals like DCUO has would also be neat although I'm not entirely sure it fits with how things currently work.


New animations for powersets/origins. If I'm magic origin maybe I have a floating tome that I can channel my attacks from. I think it'd make origins feel a little more unique instead of just a different starting power. Of course that's all they are to me rn because character creation is very fun so I have a bunch of low levels characters and don't actually know everything my origins have to offer.


A Steam release would be amazing so I don't have to tell my friends to go to this random forum and download an exe file from it. My friends are all boosted and are gonna resist trying a free game anyways but maybe I could get one more online if it was on Steam.


Whenever streaming becomes an option (not that my viewers aren't all chat bots or my friends I've given mod status) ping the Discord or something because I want to spread my favorite game to date.


Aside from that, just modernizing the game with some higher res textures and models and I'm sure there's a few QoL changes that I just can't think of rn.


To all the devs, you're doing awesome work and I truly wish to support your endeavors in some way but the donations fill up in like 15 minutes while I'm at work.


Some major powerset balancing. Especially for the defensive powersets. Some taunt auras are far more effective than others, some power sets give far more protection than others, and there is a rather obvious difference in tiers there. Others that could use some tweaking would be the support sets. Trick Arrow for example is heavily shunned. Even though it debuffs so many different things, the debuffs don't have the same impact as other sets.

Basically, go back to the Stats you posted a while back and figure out the reason that certain powersets are so unpopular. If those reasons can be fixed, that would be awesome.


Hire me! You're going to need teams of people: writers, editors, artists, and coders. As I look over comments submitted so far, I agree with most, and I see three main themes emerging. The three C's: content, community, customization. With legitimacy, I expect to see employment opportunities. I'll be looking for posts on where to submit my resume. Thank you, Homecoming team! 


Content, not just endgame but also more use of existing zones for all levels including zones that don't have a lot going on in them. More story about existing characters and places.


More Task Forces/Trials/Story Arcs for group content. Additional archetype/origin-specific solo story content.


I would be fine paying for a subscription to support the game, regardless of how much that subscription costs (cheap or on par with modern games) as long as content and AT/character content was being added regularly.


Microtransactions are ok, as long as it never becomes pay-to-win/pay-to-enjoy. Aesthetic/cosmetic/convenience microtransactions, but never pay to get inf/powers/level 50s, etc.

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I'm assuming that this would allow the staff to be paid and thus able to focus on the game.  So I'm fine with a subscription or, if need be, microtransactions, to support you guys at that point.


Big things I'd want to see are the continuation of the storyline and other things the devs had been working on but never finished, like the rest of the origin-based power pools.

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I would love better costumes and accessories like swords on back and hips, same as guns.


A better level scaling. When you do a lower level mission it doesn't make sense to lose your power. Logically it doesn't make sense. If I am a hero doing a lowly rescuing cats out of trees, why would I suddenly forget how to shoot a electric bolt? 

Better graphics. I believe that people are working on this. But not sure.


Better character creation if possible. I know it is an older game, but better control on this like faces and body scaling would be awesome.


Love this game and I thank you all for all you do.

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Just more of what you're doing!  You guys are doing a stellar job!


Also no fresh start.  Just a seemless transition into it please.


I'd also be happy to sub again if needs be, anything that helps keep the game up.


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Outside of new content or at least badges for Khalisti Wharf  how about taking a look at revamping the AT scalars and the PPM system


1. The PPM system divides the damage sets into those that can abuse them and those that can't. Those that can have an enormous advantage over those that can't and it's much larger than the problem PPM was to fix aka Buzzsaw builds. Currently you can have 4 procs triggering in every activation  that's fired off nearly as often as it would be under the old system, but under the old system there would be an expected value of a fraction of a proc activating.


The old system helped equalize out the sets as the faster firing ones in general had lower damage abilitie. Percentage chance of procs allowed them to boost damage at the expense of set bonuses.


2.  Currently you can build a tank that will outdamage about 80% of the blaster combinations, and just about everything a sentinel can do. You can do the same with the epics. Something is out of line and it was even on live. For some reason the original devs had an insane fear of range. Why ? who knows ? It might just be another case of Positron and the Empath badge, or a case of Castle fixing melee mastermind pets by destroying the value of recharge. Either way it sticks out like a sore thumb.


New Content,  new costume parts (or access to NPC costume Parts, new base building elements  (you all have been doing stellar work in that already, thank you SO MUCH! )



Posted (edited)

Incarnate nerfs for level 50 pre-incarnate stuff.

Hamidon merits nerfed, otherwise (too high merits / time with incarnates and removal of player caps, don't need to do mechanics, just rush in)

Fix Wormhole!

More  Dean MacArthur.

Content release of CoV content with parity of CoH content.

Edited by RubberDougie
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I don't think this can be stated often or strongly enough: NCSoft has no control, no ability to shut down, no directive control, no input, nothing whatsoever. 

Making the game a sub model would, IMO, be a death knell. Frankly, that game model has long since been dead and in the ground. If given the choice between the lights staying on as it is now, or the possibility that NCSoft (or anyone else for that matter) getting a wild hair and shutting everything down again (but having the possibility of further development), I'll take the lights staying on as they are now.

Anything else, literally anything else, is bonus beyond that,

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Quality of life updates.  Better mail systems with larger or stacks of attachments.  general convenience updates like the hunt zones in croatoa and striga.  the hunt zones are narrow and the spawn population is ridiculous, making hunts take forever when kills don't count.  really any modern game features that exist in most games now.

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I just want to be able to play. I would like to see more content, not just end content.. The Wharf looks like a great co-op zone. 


I guess my mind more quickly goes to "what I don't want to see" because honestly, the HC shards? Are amazing.

I don't want to see a return to loot crates (that's what super packs were, and it was gross to hide costume pieces/ATOs behind it) or to merits being effectively useless. That wasn't something aggregious at the time, but let's face it: it's easier to make a build now, and that doesn't make me want to play LESS. It makes it so an alt isn't as stressful to level because hey, I can get them good enhancements without needing to spend years grinding.

I don't really see a point in bringing out the batallion. Yeah, I know, it'll mean a bunch of things in game reference an event that never comes... but either A) They stick to the AMA lore, or B) they make new stuff and everyone endlessly whinges over it. Read the AMAs if you want to see more of that.

I would love more AE options. Give me each enemy group scaling 1-50, every map, more placable items, etc etc etc. More costume pieces. Customize AE powers! More base items!

Don't make player contributions canon. Let us make our own RP canons as we choose to. They were going to sell being a member of the nuclear 90 at one point, and this would have been the *worst*. I don't want anyone's RP lore to superceed anyone else's. Let us just have fun and make our own path.

We already have the paid features, prestige powers, vet badges, etc, all available in game. Don't take anything away behind a paywall when so many are willing to support the game, and more will even without more functionality. Allow those with more flexible funds to support everyone else having the most fun we can.

Basically, I think the game is in a great place. Fixing weak powersets *cough*energymelee*cough* would be cool, new powersets is nice, new ATs is even nice (even if Guardian seems... poorly thought out to me personally), and even new stories seems fun... but I feel like leaning too much into trying to make it like the game never ended is iffy.

If we get more incarnate powers, AE stories become even harder to do a lot with because of more of a power hike. Incarnate leveled AE would be neat! I guess I just care a lot more about the RP scene, and don't want people endlessly obsessed with if HC got the batallion right or wrong.

I also think CoX should be a game for its community, as the dedicated community is what always kept it going. It wasn't the most subbed game, but it was adored, and savored. I'm kindof not super pro doing anything cuddling up to the WONDERFUL PEOPLE at NC who shut us down, but if we gotta, I feel like doing as much as possible to keep things as open and welcoming as they are should be key, or why even bother?

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In order of importance:

  1. Balance passes and revamps on powersets (Assault Rifle, Trick Arrow, Poison, Empathy, Stone, Energy Melee, non-Sentinel Regeneration et alia, regular/APP/PPP pools, others that need adjustment up or down)
  2. Revamp AT's (Tanks and Defenders are kinda superfluous)
  3. New powersets (Wind Control, Whip Assault/Melee, expanded Origin Pools, stuff people are suggesting, or even newer/cooler stuff)
  4. Mission/TF revamps (Synapse, Citadel, a lowbie 10-15 SF, Admiral Sutter, more TF's like Mortimer Kal [both unlocking and fun/duration/story])
  5. Graphics Revamp (new engine, zones, costume pieces)
  6. Revamp Incarnate content (no more currency creep, better to simplify it)/New Incarnate Content/Additional Story (assume Coming Storm and the last 4 slots would be tied together)
  7. Reversion of AE to tickets only, remove alignment swapping from Null (leave the rest of him), unlock EAT's as side-specific (give them Galaxy Tutorial)
  8. PvP 3.0 (revert to 1.0 would be nice, but assuming it'll have to be a retool, again)
  9. New AT's (Assault/Armor, Melee[Assault]/Support, something else entirely?)
  10. Restore Cape/Aura/Costume Slot/Costume Piece locks, but make them a transferrable token, so if you HAVE to have X cosmetic at level 1, you can earn it on an alt.

Death is the best debuff.

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