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16 minutes ago, Abraxus said:

That's interesting.  I typically create characters by visualizing who they are, and what they can do.  The name is usually what comes last in my process.  That said, I have never created a character whose name was already taken when I checked, so I guess I've done well on that count. 😎

It's a bit of a combo for me. Sometimes the power concept appears in my head first. But it still hinges on the name. Two characters with the same power sets but with different names are completely different characters in my mind. Two characters with the same name but with different powers are... weird. Like, are they the same person? Are they related? Why do they have the same name?


Look at it like costumes. If you saw two CoH players with the same costume, you'd think they were part of a team or otherwise somehow pairs or twins or related in some fashion. The costume is unifying the same way a name is. My very first hero back on live, I made a Blaster, created a costume, got him up to level 5 or so and then saw another character with a virtually identical costume running around. Deleted my guy and started over with a Scrapper (and didn't look back, so maybe I just wasn't having all that much fun with my first).


I recently made a miniature Titan Weapons Brute named Jab. If I can get a name like that, the field is wide open.

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1 hour ago, EggKookoo said:

It's a bit of a combo for me. Sometimes the power concept appears in my head first. But it still hinges on the name. Two characters with the same power sets but with different names are completely different characters in my mind. Two characters with the same name but with different powers are... weird. Like, are they the same person? Are they related? Why do they have the same name?


Look at it like costumes. If you saw two CoH players with the same costume, you'd think they were part of a team or otherwise somehow pairs or twins or related in some fashion. The costume is unifying the same way a name is. My very first hero back on live, I made a Blaster, created a costume, got him up to level 5 or so and then saw another character with a virtually identical costume running around. Deleted my guy and started over with a Scrapper (and didn't look back, so maybe I just wasn't having all that much fun with my first).


I recently made a miniature Titan Weapons Brute named Jab. If I can get a name like that, the field is wide open.

I mean...it's like you've never met people in the real world with the same name? 


My name is Mike. 

I mean, Captain Marvel...there's like 19 of them.  Does that somehow bug you? 

I'm sorry but this just sounds really...weird...to me.  Why do you care about what someone else names the character they're playing.  Do you feel less special if they have a similar costume?  Similar powers?  No? Well then...and Im not trying to be a jerk, but it sounds kind of selfish to say "I dont want to be bothered seeing a player with my name" but NOT listen to someone saying "I dont want to be bothered having to look up the sanscit word for "fire guy" just so I can name my character what I want to."  It sounds really selfish to me.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, EggKookoo said:


For me a name is paramount. I won't create a character unless I have a name. Powers are just powers...

Names are really important to me, too.  That's why I spend an hour trying to find something I think is good, which isn't taken, rather than just enter something random or "ill-rad 123" (btw that's the CoH equivalent of your xxDrizztxx - you haven't solved that problem by enforcing uniqueness, you've just made a lot of people give up and use bogus names; it's just as immersion-breaking.)


I just don't particularly care if someone *else* is using the same name.  


This discussion is probably off-topic for the thread, though.

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On 9/10/2019 at 7:59 AM, theta31 said:

Make the character selection screen sortable!!!!

It is.  Just grab the toon and hold it, moving it left or right and it will move through the pages and then you drop it where you want, swapping it over another toon of your choice.


I'd really like to see the code and non-player data open sourced, with regular updates. I can understand if the team doesn't want to coordinate shared development, but at least having a read-only source repository with all the changes being made would ensure that the game won't be lost.


I think my last post was stupid.


I want to see some friendly faces. Most of the faces are stoic or dower or neutral ... none are exactly kindly or at peace, especially not the old age ones.


I'm happier about this post.

No mud no lotus

Badges: Victory: 1345 Homecoming: 1629
Discord: Blue Jay#2187


Bluejays are fierce!

1 hour ago, ThePhlebotomist said:

I'd really like to see the code and non-player data open sourced, with regular updates. I can understand if the team doesn't want to coordinate shared development, but at least having a read-only source repository with all the changes being made would ensure that the game won't be lost.

Umm you know the source was released in April right?


It's my Oeuvre baby!

On 9/9/2019 at 2:43 PM, FeroshaCouture said:

Keep all my current characters. and please make all NPC Costume Pieces available for use. Desdemona and Belladonna Vetrano have some amazing shit!

that bella hair, and basically her entire outfit. I had costumes on paragon chat for several characters that used atleast 1 or 2 of her costume parts. Along with penelope yin, mother mayhem and others. Never a copy but just one or two pieces on several characters. Also want those victoria bot blade gloves.

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Here's my wish list... I realize I can't have all of them.  But since you asked:


I want the game to get an engine update.  If the game played with much better AI (like the bots on Overwatch (TM)), gameplay changes, etc, The game could be livestreamed with people interested in the turn-out.  It would grab new players.  A lot of my friends I invited to the game, and it's dated now.  The only fanbase will be the old fanbase and a few newcomers.  That's amazing, and exactly what I wanted to happen.  But since we're talking what would we like to see, I'm throwing it in the hat.


I want to see all of the longer TF's get the positron changes.


I want to see an overhaul on powerset proliferation.  Don't gate it, blow the barn doors wide open.  Regeneration (from blasters), Energy Aura, Ninjitsu Tanks!  A lot of great changes were made to already existing sets/powers during the proliferation.  Let's get rid of the underplayed outdated stuff.


I want to get rid of all of the powers that aren't really that useful.  You know what they are.


I want to see new content, new powersets, and new skins for old items.  


An updated color palette with more color sliders.


Facelift on the old zones.


New Hero designs.  Let's retire the old freedom phalanx, and add in a new hero set for the rebirth of the game.  Throw in a story arc about how the shutdown was all a part of a nemesis plot because the heroes got too strong for live.  For the love of all that's statesman, please finish the unfinished story lines.


More single player story lines/task forces.


More DFB style queueing. 


Allow AE style missions that are amazing get incorporated into the game itself.  Offer players a special badge/title/etc.


More fun things in game.  A lot of people used to spend literally HOURS AND HOURS building a character with extremely specific look and feel, use emotes all the time to change powers, etc.  I had macros on macros on macros.  And it was some of my most fun play in the game.  Add in something silly.


Finally, I know Jimmy already confirmed it... but I want to see the holiday events return.  And a new COH holiday when the game was official.  Date doesn't matter.  You get the idea.





Posted (edited)

1. Just keeping the game alive is a huge accomplishment.  


2. If possible maintain the donation based non-profit model.  However, some form of in game incentives for donating would be great. 


3. Expand, whenever feasible, game features - powersets, costume pieces, base items etc. 


4. Anything that keeps people playing, and possibly drawns in new players, should be pursued.  Events, rewards for getting new blood signed up, etc. 


5.  Merch.  Coffee mug. 



Edited by Number9
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Posted (edited)



Also I feel like the Dire Wolf in the Beast MM set could be a bear, missed opportunity to have a bear. Bears are dope.

Edited by wcubero383
  • Like 3
20 hours ago, EggKookoo said:


Third, and I think they did something like this in live and if I understand right is currently implemented in HC, if you have a level 1 alt collecting dust beyond a certain idle time, its name becomes available for use. I think this even applies to levels above first but the idle time increases. Not sure about the specifics.




It was run in live for a little while, but then the data mining showed that the number of names released was minimal and they stopped running it.  They have the code for HC, but one of the devs said they are not running it as of this time. 

  • Like 1

- Definitely not having to recreate characters again.  Which I would assume would be the case being that this would all carry on as is in the event of being legitimized.

- I would have no issues paying a subscription fee again, if it meant that new content would be created, story lines completed and incomplete features were finished.  Otherwise I have no problem with the donation model.  If this was to occur I'd like to see a multi-account plan since my wife and two kids play as well.  

- Absolutely no micro-transactions for Pay-2-Win nonsense.

- A way to export my character data if I want to do so.

- Potentially provide a way for players to look up their old characters from the old live data.  It could be a website where one could search using names, servers, ATs, etc. to try and find their characters.  From one character you could see the other characters made by the same person.  I had over 30 characters on Infinity and cannot remember all of them.  Setup in a way to hid all personally identifying information.

Aside from that I am happy with the servers as they currently are.





Cross-server teaming. (Add server origin [invisibly] to character names so SuperdudeKnockoff becomes [server.]SuperdudeKnockoff and he can join a TF on any server with [otherserver.]SuperDudeKnockoff.)

6 minutes ago, psyqyq said:



Cross-server teaming. (Add server origin [invisibly] to character names so SuperdudeKnockoff becomes [server.]SuperdudeKnockoff and he can join a TF on any server with [otherserver.]SuperDudeKnockoff.)

Lots of VOIP options out there, and lots of them are free.  In fact, the Discord server for Homecoming has multiple voice channels available for use.  You just have to join, and they are there.


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What was no more, is REBORN!

  • The same "Pay What You Can" monthly model with maybe a $5/month minimum suggested donation.
  • The same business model you have now -- transparent costs, run as a pseudo non-profit.  There is no game for me that is worth $13 / month.  But I see this game worth $30-$50 per year.  I'd happily donate that amount, even if no additional "content" was ever added.
  • The ability to still be able to have volonteers to add content or clean up game code / art / website etc.
  • PAY THE DEVS AND ADMINS FOR THEIR TIME   --- but make their work hours be flexible as much as can be agreed upon.  This is a game, not a national security job.
  • "Content as you go" --- fund big content updates with donations that exceed costs before actually working on it. Post your targets and currents.  Make the community responsible for making content happen.
  • Continue engaging the community in determining new content priorities --- but ultimately the decision resides with the Homecoming Team.  Make this clear to all. 

Really want to emphasize how refreshing the current business model is.  The rest of mmo world have such crap business models. 


High difficulty, high reward small group content. The equivalent of old WoW Heroic dungeons. (Or really any Kunark error EQ dungeon.) 


Free access


The ability to attract artist to provide the missing element of animations and graphics

New story content


You know what I'd like as regards access?


Make the game as it is, now, Free to Play. All the way up through Market Crash and Sentinels.


Add new content that's also Free. Including new archetypes and zones. But also make some 'Pay to Play' stuff.


Make it a Subscription option at $14.99/month and use the entirety of gathered cash to pay the people working on it and for server maintenance with no profits going anywhere. No CoH2 funds. No money going to Missing Worlds Media or NCSoft or anywhere else.


If only 3,000 people signed up for Subscription status that would be about $45,000 a month. Go ahead and knock off $5,000 for Server Costs each month and bring it out to 12 months that's $480,000 to pay the employees working on the game's new content. 


Heck. Frame it as "Monthly Donations" of $15 to keep adding content to the game. I would put at least 2 accounts on my Debit Card and they would remain there until you stopped allowing me to pay.


I'd like

- new content advancing the game story

- new power sets

- new EAT

- upgrade the engine where possible

- new costume pieces, especially more and better faces and hair.


I am would really like new powersets, and to be able to put Ice patches in my base altho this is a minor request. Also new AT's would be awesome too, and yes I know you build the sentinel from screatch

When I am good I am very good, when I am bad I am better

On 9/7/2019 at 3:21 PM, LorannaPyrel said:

* New Content, across all levels
* New Powersets
* New Costume and Powerset Customization Options
* New Incarnate Abilities
* New People To Meet And Game With! ^_^



This, very much this.


Some more pets options for Master Minds like Dragons, Dinosaurs, Titans (Godzilla monsters theme or Greek mythology either one), more Sci-fi types pets similar to robots like an elite police force similar to Astral Chain, different breed of soldiers like Mass effect, or the Yautja race (the Predator). And if possibly some rework on some of the existing pets like improving the design on them and changing the Beast Mastery pets summons skill to summoning different animals instead or at least give some actual powers like the Dire Wolf and the Umbra Beast.

Posted (edited)

Besides, chances are slim you'll ever run into the character with the same name as yours.

I never have so I just don't care, I'll alter my Hero name by a digit or alpha char to get it register-able.


They could be on any Server and may play a month or two then move onto some other Alt as I notice.

or even quit playing CoH and try Fortnite or something.


Just have Fun.

Edited by maidmercury

To be perfectly honest, I'd be more than happy with Homecoming just as it is. :-) Never thought I'd be able to play CoH/V again, so this is wonderful to have found.


In a fantasy wish sorta area, I would definitely enjoy new powers, archetypes, zones, etc. Content in general, though I am well aware of the time and money costs that making that sort of thing would be so not in any way gonna insist on that. Lol.


The only thing I'd in specific love to see in the completion of the Incarnate system. CoH got only a bit over half way through that system and I loved watching it develop. One of the best end game progressions, mechanically and storywise I've seen in an MMO.

But again, even if nothing changes, I'd be totally satisfied with Homecoming as it is. Just so long as it doesn't also go away. :-)


Thanks for everything you all have done and continue to do!

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