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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. I get the impulse to ask. But I would never assume that everything other servers have will (or even should!) end up on homecoming. One giant hurdle is that unless the other servers have made similar efforts as the HC devs to unravel the original spagettti code, and are using an identical organizational structure to maintain all of the refactored code, then no, the heavy lifting has NOT been done. Because everything would need to be translated over from "slapped together in 32 bit spagetti code" to work in HC's 64 bit code. Shinies are shiny, yes. We likes the shinies, yes. But I strongly suspect the codebase between Thunderspy and Homecoming are essentially incompatible at this point. Doesn't mean ideas for new things can never be added to Homecoming. But I'd bet taking anything to put in here would very likely be "rebuild the shiny thing 100% from scratch".
  2. It's possible you may go Wild and Crazy with recharge far beyond what I do then. I don't mind using an atttack chain with 5-6 different powers in it, whereas others focus on having Insane amounts of recharge to continually pump out their very best (and usually semi-expensive) AE attacks pretty much nonstop. I could certainly see something like that causing you to burn through END at a far faster rate than I do. I'm also typically doing story arcs, not farming maps, if that might also factor into it. I have some travel time between mob pack #1 and mob pack #2.
  3. MTeague

    Pet Names

    Just, if you name yourself "Gourdian Not", watch out for anyone named Alexander.
  4. I think the game TRIES to to this, in some of the AI. I can't tell you how many times I've had runners flee down the hall and stand right in the center of the next group of mobs. I've seen this with Family, Malta, Arachnos, Outcasts, Sky Raiders, and Longbow for sure. But as long as you don't follow them in? And as long as you don't attack them while they're standing next to their buddies? Nothing aggros. It makes me a bit sad. The AI is clearly trying to chain aggro, but must be forbidden to, at a code level. I suppose it's for the best. Not everyone has an Immob or a Slow, and some things like Slag Golems and War Wolves just can't BE Slowed or Immob'd. I'm sure it would destroy many characters if aggro did chain like I keep expecting it to from the EverQuest days.
  5. I've never had a character at lvl 30+ who had ongoing endurance problems. Never mind Incarnates. But I do slot IO sets as I level Would stronger set bonuses be nice? Perhaps. Do I think they're needed? No. But I will say the VAST majority of my characters are using a Panacea Proc, and a Perf Shifter Proc, and usually one Perf Shifter:End Mod to go with that proc. And I do slot for the "end discount to all powers" set bonuses, from Unbreakable Guard, Reactive Defenses, Annihilation, and Preventative Medcine, whenever I can work them into a build.
  6. Sappers and Malta in general, are a cakewalk for Controllers too. Observe the spawn, figure out who has to die first. Apply your favored control (most espically Confuse, if you have it) and the sapper is out of the equation entirely, if not shifted to your side. Now you do need to plan your kill order, and you may not be soloing +4x8. But "mez them first" also eliminates the problem.
  7. Just about fell out of my chair. I'd honestly given up hope on that one. I acknowledge that'll be a sensaitive one. Many people may be quite unhappy if they lose access to incarnate powers, during, say, the Maria Jenkins arc. Or Doc Quaterfield. And I should also acknowledge, I have no idea if that's even on the table. MY definition for "non-incarnate content" may not match the dev's definition. Other standard boilerplate applies. I think it's great that it's being looked at. Whether or not anything ultimately changes.
  8. No Mind is *very* appropriately named. About the only way to make it more fitting is to rename him "Dies A Lot".
  9. Naturally this is a special code to confuse people, and "Rare Arcane" holds only Common Tech salvage, right?
  10. There can be a bit of a confidence issue / feeling unsure of what the proper protocol is when you start a team. The long and short of it? There are no rules. It's up to you, the team leader, to choose. The best thing you can do, is advertise up front how it will work. If you plan to just go round-robin, doing one mission from each team member? Advertise that. "Mission Team LFM, taking turns whose missions" If you plan to focus on just a particular story arc? Advertise that. Esp if the foes kick it up a notch: "LFM for World Wide Red arc, Malta Malta and More Malta! Ends with a Kronos Titan!" If you plan to do radio missions? Advertise that "LFM for Brickstown Radio missions and Bank mission!" Etc. If you set the expectation up front when you're advertising, no one's surprised, no one is "Oh but I thought were were gonna do" and no one will be all "OMG Malta? Screw this I'm outta here". If that was a deal-breaker for anyone, they just would not have joined. Also, don't feel shy about calling it when you're done. By tradition, I always ask if someone else wants the star first, but I can count on one hand the number of times people took me up on that. ex: I was doing Bricks Radio missions and the Bank Mission. We did 4 radio missions (I already had credit for one first), and then we did the Safeguard Mission. We wrecked face in the Safeguard, we got the Explore Badge and did some side missions. The stated goals were achieved. I was done. I asked if anyone wanted the star. No one did. "Okay, thanks all! good team!" and I disbanded.
  11. It is far faster to start a group, than to look for one already in progress needing a few more members. I never post "lvl 32 Blueside Controller LFG" or "lvl 42 redside Widow LFG". When I feel like teaming, I'll usually spend a few minutes observing what groups are being advertised for, as I check the auction house. If none are going on, I'll start a team.
  12. Bit of a pity. it really would be nice to see more options like that. it must play 17 kinds of hell with the code for them to rather vigorously shut the door on that.
  13. I can only give lukewarm endorsement to a new set of generic gun-related names. But if you can get it named Battle Waffle? /ENDORSED
  14. It definitely requires telling the Cottage Rule to go take a walk. It would require awarding a free respec to every character with Assault Rifle, because it looks like which Sets can be slotted into which powers would be changing. Critiques: I'm not sure Beanbag should just be gotten rid of. While I don't use it, I do use a few "Not Dealing With You Right Now" powers on most of my blasters. Now, usually, those come from your secondary, but not always. Dark Blast gets a Cone Immob and a Hold ion thier primary. Psi Blast gets a Foe Immob and a Disorient and a Knockback in it's primary. Dual Pistons gets a disorient option in Suppressive Fire. I'd be more on board with Beanbag just havin increased damage but keepng the stun. I would be extremely unhappy if you remove Ignite from my AR/MC Blaster. It's wonderful in doorways and the Frozen Blast Immob proc can keep mobs in it to cook, and it can do quite a bit of damage that way. Even more so if your secondary comes with an Immob, like Fire Manipulation/Ring or Fire, or Tactical Arrow/Glue Arrow (though admittedly, I suspect there are not many AR/TacArrows out there....)
  15. Darn It. Now I have to redo slotting on my Fire/Fire/Fire Sentinel! If it's sapper immunity, it's worth it.
  16. Moar Power animation choices Branching paths in AE missions, perhaps using the "Moral Choice" buttons, but some way to provide multiple "win" paths with different dialogue for each one. Ability to talk to any contact in any zone who you'd outleveled, and auto-link that to Flashbacks/Ouro system. It would auto-exemplar you down so long as that mission is the active mission, and release the exemplar when you exit/turn in the mission. Ability to invite to TF's in progress, either with warning note that you will receive no rewards, OR, some mechanicms to sliding-scale the rewards based on % completion. No badges should be awarded to anyone who wasnt' there for the Whole Thing. "Partial" respec system. Choose between "Full Respec" (what we have now) or Partial, to move individual slots from power to power, or drop-a-power-pick-a-power (moving any slotted enhancements to the bin below) drop-a-power-pick-a-power would still of course need to enforce all relevant "you must have at least two powers from this pool before selecting this power" restrictions, so you'd have to drop those BEFORE you could drop enough T1/T2/T3 powers in that pool Speed up Teleport animations to be as fast as Speed Of Sound / Jaunt. Some option to decline the auto-hover. would be okay if achieved with selecting "Teleport" as a power, gave you TWO powers "Travel Teleport" and "Combat Teleport" and the combat one didnd't include auto-hover. Not unlike how "Staff Mastery" gives you the three "Form of" toggles. Would also allow "Combat Teleport" to be shorter range, if that was desired by the devs. If /enterbasefrompasscode will always be a thing, or if it will be removed but replaced by something virtually the same, I would removed Long Range Teleport from the game and add something like Burst Of Speed from Martial Kombat to the Teleport Pool (most travel pools do have an "Attack" option). Support/Melee OR Melee/Support AT Allow Martial/Reach For The Limit to be slottable and take To-Hit Buff Sets. More Story Arcs like First Ward / Night Ward. More content like that means you don't NEED higher difficulty settings. It ramps up the difficulty the right way, not just bullet sponges but mobs that do more things and stress groups harder.
  17. I've debated mass-transferring my reds to Everlasting. So far I'm keeping them all on Excelsior though. Our redside pop isn't ... that bad... and I sort of don't want to feed the "Great Sort" feedback loop. But the lure of likely having lots more poeple with fully written out backstories is ... strong.
  18. You say that, as if it were a bad thing. 😉
  19. I recently respecc'd my Spines/Regen stalker to add in Unleash Potential, as a weaker healing boost, but to have a solid +DEF component with it, and tend to alternate between them. I won't argue if you guys insist on buffing my regen toons but I don't feel weak on them. Admittedly, they're not Brutes, and Scrappers/Stalkers are often not expected to tank in the same way. But they both solo +2x4 no problem, no matter if it's council or malta or circle or carnies.
  20. And there must be an Autumn-O set for Sleep powers named "Turkey Coma"
  21. This is the only way I can see it working without mad screaming power creep. You can already purple-ize almost everything. Adding in Spring-O's, Summer-O's and Autumn-O's, would be way over the top UNLESS, some kind of limit like this. I'd also be interested to see some of the Season's hit power types not previously purple-able. Like, @Greycat's idea for Spring being Rebirth and Renewal. Maybe one of the set should be a HEALING set. Not just healing bonuses, but a set you can only slot into a power that takes Healing/Absorb sets. Maybe we can work in a Resist set, and a Defense set too.... but, as @zenblack says, you can only slot one season... if you want your Spring-O's, you can't slot Winter-O's, etc.
  22. That's my view point. No harm in having made the suggestion though. This IS a forum dedicated to that. And it's entirely possible the devs may agree with you. I'm not the final arbiter. My goal was just make sure the devs consider a counterpoint. If they do do a boost, but make it clear it's only for this, and there's other lines they don't want to cross, a "this far but no farther", they have every right to do so. "Sorry MTeague, you're just paranoid" is an entirely valid stance for them to take, too.
  23. Acknowledged. And fair point. But I do think there would very rapidly be a perception that "not getting the extra reward" is in fact a "reduction" for anyone else. Perhaps I'm wrong. But I've played a lot of games over the last 30-odd years, and I've seen an awful lot of min/max obsession that way.
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