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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Yeah. I'd call this somewhat problematic, in general. Plus, as someone who likes and uses knockback, I had to modify this to "player" knockback when I answered, as I'd honestly answer differently for players vs pets vs NPCs. Honestly, the most relevant data here is "How many people voted for each answer." And that doesn't even really show the total number of people interested in the poll, as people can vote for multiple answers, so it's not really worth much to know.
  2. Given you started with me specifically, I'm taking all the "you"s as being me. So let me set a few things straight. 1. I'm being realistic given player feedback about redside since live. An effort like this shouldn't be made expecting a sudden, sustained redside explosion. You'll have a few more people, yes. And possibly - more likely - others who take their blueside characters grey so they can cross over on occasion. But you're not going to see - say - a steady 60/40 or so split, blue vs red. And just a one time thing on short notice... I'd be surprised if you saw much of a blip. 2. I play redside as well. Not as often, no. But I have dedicated red characters. Mostly because it fits the characters. I'm very much a *character* player, not a min/maxer, not a "go for the most rewards" sort. 3. Nowhere in there did I say it was a stupid idea, or I wouldn't have laid out an example roadmap to try to get more impact. Something more than one post that, if I might be blunt, is a very wishy-washy "hey, why don't people do this" sounding post. You want impact, make a solid plan, get people on board on more than one server and do the work. Events that *are* recurring or have been in the past took that. You want a lasting impact, a lasting redside boost, get ready to put the work in, including crafting something you can hand over when you're not around for someone else to pick up. Make it something people go to, and want to keep coming back to. I do however have to mention that I find it somewhat amusing that someone complaining about reading comprehension complains that people are calling this a stupid idea when *nowhere in any post made in response* has anybody said that. Said it's not for them, yes. Said to do things differently, yes. "This is a stupid idea?" Or "Not just not for me, but for anybody else?" Nothing that can even be remotely taken that way without some severe folding, spindling and mutilating.
  3. Congrats. Little challenges like this are always fun. I did one of each AT to 50 on live, an done of each control set... if it had kept going, I'm sure I'd have more "one of..." sets.
  4. .... interesting that you see responses that say flat out "tried it, didn't like it" as "taking you to task." Closest I see to what you describe is Ghost's reply with the "kicking and screaming" line, and even there they say "I tried it for a month and didn't like it." (And yes, alternating the WST to be strictly red/coop one week, blue/coop, would immediately have people complaining about being "forced" to play redside. Having the PVP warzone contact you used to have to see being just inside the warzone gate had people complaining loud and long about being "forced" to PVP, eventually getting them moved out of the zone, and that was a total of a few seconds and a click. People consider the oddest things to be 'forced.') There's nothing wrong with an event. But you have to understand there's a lot about redside people do *not* like - and while yes, people would probably give it a try ... you may end up with more of a backlash of "Ugh, I tried redside and don't like it" at the end. I don't think the end result would be much of a population boost. Possibly a few more people going Rogue or Vig to do both sides. As for why people don't like redside? That's been asked since - well, probably the single-digit issues on live. People don't like the environment, they don't like the "better written" storylines for various reasons, they don't like being beholden to Recluse or Arachnos or treated like a lackey (even if the original devs started trying non-lackey-izing dialog, like Mr. G - who still sounds like he's leading you along, IMHO.) Honestly, I figured AE would be a boon to redside because of one specific complaint - tied to the last line of that last paragraph. Heroes tend to be reactive - something happens, they prevent it, rescue it, fix it or throw it in jail. Villains tend to be *pro*active - they scheme, they plot, run heists, plots, etc. and there's just not much chance to *do* that (again, most of the writing makes you do someone else's bidding, you're hired muscle, etc.) outside of AE. Plus you can be your own type of villainy - from "redside antihero" to "I murder kittens and babies for fun." In the end? If you want to do this I'd say: 1. More lead time. Because you'll need the planning (and advertising) time. Last week of September to not interfere with halloween stuff, for instance. Still close, but it gives time. 2. Find out who does things redside on each server. Coordinate. Get backup people to run whatever you want to run, as well, because life happens. 3. Advertise. Here, yes (and not as a "what if we..." but "Hey, we're doing this!") and on each server board. 4. With #2 and #3, get in touch with the GMs both for help getting the word out (GMOTD, official messages it's coming out) and possibly for help with server events. ("Deathsurge vs Scrapyard, who will win? Neither, we're going to gank them both!") 5. Run it. ... After all, you're a villain. Be proactive and plot. Just - like I said, don't expect a permanent population uptick of much, because there *are* reasons that have been hashed over for years of why people don't play (or stay) redside. Ongoing redside interest means ongoing redside events, similiar to Tanker Tuesday ("Villainous Vednesday" maybe?) and strong, interesting redside VGs to do that. (And I still suspect, just because of the side imbalance, you'll still mostly get people shifting grey versus red-only characters at best.)
  5. Well... some people just don't *enjoy* redside. (or gold.) So...
  6. PF does that. You either go "OK, that's just him" and chuckle or want to strangle him. :) My main reason for opposing this sort of thing is simple. I've already dealt with people who have insisted I "needed" the various KB-KD IOs, without ever seeing me play. I've taught groups that no, it actually isn't needed and can be useful - the tanks and brutes seem to love having mobs flung their way for some reason. >.> And I've blocked people who were just being asses about it. I don't want to see that behaviour increase, and I don't want people to ... basically never learn to properly use it because they have some global IO in. And honestly, I've seen *having* that directly affect my survivability - negatively. Example: Dark/Pain defender. Soloing through a sewer mission. I have that IO in Torrent since that defender's typically on MSRs. Not being able to knock things away (which, granted, was more "expectation out of habit") meant the things knocked *down* were still in range of their more damaging attacks - and able to get up quicker to attack me - as well as making me less able to use the terrain (knock something down an incline, where I can use ranged attacks while they try to come back, for instance.) The only place I generally *do* feel a KB-KD is a universally "good" option is in pets - unlike people (who can look at a situation and place themselves properly,) pets just fling stuff all over the place. Pets, to me, should not have knock*back.* (Well, that and bonfire, where there's a decided increase in damage as it gives enemies a nice crispy brown texture...)
  7. Interesting. (And just Sprint specifically or are you including the Prestige Sprints?)
  8. Well, that depends. Are you interested in the heal, or specifically having an AOE heal trigger to cover you and nearby teammates? I'm fairly sure there are a few others that give "heal on attack" type effects if it's just the self heal.
  9. Ugh. Maybe if they could do it as an IO so you could try it out, but it would pretty much kill any use I have for it otherwise. I want them pinned in place away from me, not drawn towards me.
  10. Yeah. Unless you're trying to do it to a War Walker or something, it's not unreasonable for one person to carry another that way. (If you're thinking of something else, Sun, it's basically slinging someone lengthwise over your shoulders - not piggyback where they're hanging on your neck, but arms on one side, legs on another across your back. Distributes their weight fairly well, assuming they're not injured.) But, yeah. Technical issues prevent that in game.
  11. I don't think I'd want some of the escorts - especially the "helpers" - to have high perception. Especially in missions where their death = mission failure. Having some version that locks on to you or a rescuer? That'd be good. (Though given NPC dialog, I know they sometimes start referring to enemy NPCs with "rescue" dialog, too... I could just see this breaking missions.) That said, there are other issues with those NPCs that would also need dealing with - like their speed and their pathing. They make odd decisions. If the engine could handle grappling, I'd be *more* than happy to have a "firemans' carry" or "drag them along!"
  12. Issues with these tests: What *are* we testing for? Nobody's going to do pylon times with a controller. We're not there for DPS. How long you can hold a boss or group? Not everything's based on holds. Highest rank of something you can control? *sleeps all the AVs in MLTF* OK, done, next? Highest rank of something you can defeat solo? First GM defeated solo was by an Illusion controller on SOs back in the day. Next? Time to finish a mission? That's as much dependent on the secondary, pools and slotting as on the primary. Someone complained about how long Mind took to finish a mission a few posts back. They're welcome to try an Earth/FF 'troller. Enemies die of old age. Or my Ice/Emp, which is much the same. But they're great with other secondaries (or on a dom.) So that's fairly irrelevant. There's frankly very little that can be shown objectively - AOE controls having a recharge that's too long, in general, with the current game? Sure. Seeds probably being too short? Yep. But frankly, most of the rest is "I like this," "I don't," or "I don't see a use for this."
  13. I don't even think that's a HC thing. *checks PWiki archive* Nope. I'm remembering correctly. The auction house on live was across servers, as well. So this is not a new thing.
  14. Well, Evasive Maneuvers gives "+Flight Control," so eliminating drifting and such sounds like just what it's supposed to do.
  15. 1. You do not "only have to do it once" if you're switching between content where you may want it in one instance, may not in another... as stated. This is part of the reason for "it would be nice to have it as an option or a slash command." 2. Read 1 and 3 again. It explains it. 3. There are numerous powers that *require contact with the ground* to work. And yes, I'd want those in an MSR, but not necessarily in other content. Hitting the "group fly bubble" changes movement suddenly, from "I'm running around herding" to "well, ok, now I'm slower and floating, even once I'm past the bubble." And if you've been doing a lot of content, *as already stated,* you may think you've disabled (or enabled) it only to find out you have not. ALso, you're aware there's more to an MSR than just chasing the dropship, right? That would be why people may not want group fly on an msr. Besides, with that you've given a *great* example of WHY having it as a settings option or slash command would be great. Melee without flight (I'm going to use Electric armor because of grounded as an example) may well want "no group fly" in the bowl, given it's their status protection, and to switch *right there* to enable it FOR attacking the dropship (where that mez protection isn't an issue, but vertical movement is) - and that little bit of time dropping to Pocket D and coming back, plus travel to the dropship patrol area, is enough for the dropship to be taken out. Slash command or setting? Flip, done. There's also just plain "immediate cessation of people complaining about masterminds with group fly." Which I'd think would be welcome all around.
  16. They're not wrong to tell you all salvage of a certain quality (common, uncommon, rare) is in the same bucket. It is. If the price "went up" from one bid to the next, you happened to get the last of what was listed at a certain point. Also making it harder for people to do anything like that is the fact the market isn't server based. It's spread across all five servers.
  17. 1. There's no indicator of if you've done so or not. Not an issue if you have one or just a few characters. It is if you have multiples. 2. Related to (1,) it often becomes an issue when doing multi-team league zone events - MSRs on Everlasting, for instance, where if you leave the zone, you *may not get back in.* 3. Also, and to me this is where a setting or slash command would come in handy, you may not want it in some situations, and may want it in others. Say, not wanting it in an MSR, but wanting it in the Hamidon raid that comes straight after.
  18. I just checked both Mystic Flight and plain old Fly. Both still have the drift. The only time Fly does *not* drift at the end is if you have Hover running at the same time. In that case, it will just stop instantly.
  19. As I've said before, that or a slash command would be *grand.* Set it up without having to leave a (potentially rapidly filling) zone, on the fly if you forget to swap it - since you *can* not want it in one situation and want it in another, after all.
  20. Part of the problem with these sorts of things is that (as I recall) there's nothing in the engine, or the engine has (or had) a problem with "grappling." Things can't pick up and hold other things - something like Hurl just makes up a rock as part of the power graphics/animation, it doesn't have you pick up a nearby garbage can, for instance. (It also keeps us from having melee pools that involve grabbing/picking up, some potential whip attacks, and is one of many things tied to stretching when it's suggested. Or for that matter, even a "hug" or "arm on shoulder" type emote, much less power.) And I know the "swing from nothing" would end up bugging some people - ok, reach something offscreen in the city, sure, but over the ocean or in a hallway, it would look weird - but that's more "personal preference" than "reason not to do it." (Granted, I'm one of the people it would bug, but that's also just me.) If this *could* be done, it'd be an upgrade that would allow other things (as mentioned before) as well. For that reason alone I'd kind of like to see it.
  21. Yeah. Kind of have to add my voice to the "While AOE holds should have recharge looked at, Seeds isn't the yardstick to use." (And for me, mass confusion > seeds simply for the lack of aggro on MC. Granted, this is offset a bit on Seeds side by either being on a dom and having attacks that early, or being on a team for other players to absorb some aggro, but still.)
  22. You *can* play at below -1. People have outleveled missions that were causing them problems since issue 0. You could also, technically, set mobs to -2 by setting it at -1 and taking an Ultimate inspiration for a level boost, I suppose. (Well, several, depending on how long the mission was.) There's ... easier, and then there's "I want to feel more powerful," thus guides on capping defense, recharge, etc. The two are *not* the same. I mean, take - say - an MMA fighter. He's put into a cage match with ten other guys, more or less equally skilled. If he defeats them, he feels powerful. Now drop him into a cage with a bunch of ten year olds. He'll still manage to defeat them, but probably (hopefully!) not feel as good about it. (Fwiw, neither really apply to me personally. I don't tend to (intentionally) cap or perma things because I *want* more of an element of risk - winning through that way is satisfying to me in a way that "I'm untouchable and can nuke things every three seconds without ever being hit" isn't.)
  23. Don't think I've had her do anything but die if she did this. They don't come back to find me. And you don't have to keep her alive. (Unlike Lady Jane....)
  24. Sounds like a good way to get kicked off teams, if noticed. Better rule to follow - "Don't be a dick." If I'm confusing something that would buff the other side, typically I'd rather have it buff *me.* If you're killing that first, as far as I'm concerned, you're working to actively harm the team.
  25. We have "classic recreators" already - though with even more strict rules (simulating having to take Fitness, etc.) So it is being done, to an extent...
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