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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Have to look. Are you entering one of the phasing areas? You can lose NPCs there.
  2. The badges don't need to be equalized. One's for a GM, two are basically participation awards. So "equalizing" them would, in fact, make them unequal. Welcome to Earth is for the dropship defeat, which also awards reward merits - like other GMs. One defeat = badge. Just like other GMs. Master at arms = get a hit in during the raid. Be at 10 raids. Not difficult. You pretty much just have to be there on jumping into the bowl and do.. *something.* Everyone has brawl and one attack, by default. Two, actually, since you have the origin power, which has range. You can hop in at level 1, target U'kon and spam that, eventually you'll get a hit in. Even easier for demolitionist. Team plants bombs, you get the badge. You don't have to plant them yourself (or my dark/pain wouldn't have it,) *and* the number of bombs needed has gone down (used to be 25.)
  3. I've seen this done, too. Between magic, dimensions, etc it was basically "growl at each other like strange dogs for a bit, then get it sorted out."
  4. ... with the caveat that that *can* be wrong (showing more hours.) Personally, I miss being able to look at it and see that I'm a Nemesis nemesis sometimes. ;)
  5. They also have an infamous slot crunch if they take both forms. Or, really, even one.
  6. ... and another group, apparitions vs drudges, -1, didn't attack the apparitions. Trying to pick out what the heck's going on here... Edit: Except for one drudge. Who came back. Now PA's not attacking any of them. Edit2: Also seems to have nothing to do with level. Brought a 32 Ill/Sonic in. Similar group and level - 29 Apparitions and Talons together. PA completely ignored them. As well as a group of just-apparitions. Phantasm doesn't attack them, either. Or a Shivan. Power analyzer shows nothing stealthy. Doesn't seem to affect MM pets - they'll attack happily, though they tend to be attacked first. At least they respond.
  7. Further testing, finding a group of even con *just* apparitions, PA attacks just fine... Even weirder. (Have to get a video of this up, because.. yeah.) Found a rooftop with that same combo on it (Talons vs Apparitions,) and Apparitions in the distance - same rooftop. All even con. Same thing happened. Pulled PA over to the group of apparitions, they attacked... but not the LT. And still completely ignored the other group. (Edit - forgot the second link. )
  8. The leaderboards were dropped back on live - those things actually took a *lot* of resources, apparently, far more than we'd have guessed. New stats are - either SCORE or from here.
  9. So, noticed this at least once before, but... Running an Ill/Storm through Night Ward, level 29. Ran across a group of Talons and Apparitions facing off on a rooftop. Cast PA right into the middle of them. Result? PA wanders towards me like nothing's happening, even while being attacked, attacking nothing. Try dragging them through the spawn again - same thing. They're being attacked, I'm being attacked, I even initiated an attack with Freezing Rain - no go. Took down one talon, confused another - the confused talon (facing three Apparitions) didn't attack, either. Inside an instanced mission (one of SIr Lionel's,) versus Drudges - no problem. Everything works as intended. I have no status effects such as confuse on me, so... Did it with another group that was -1 or -2 to me, just apparitions - no problem, they fought. Found a third group of the same make up, PA killed the lvl 29 Talons minion... then ignored the Talons LT and apparitions. Edit: And since we can do this now - (... not the *best* capture, but still. Up the resolution :) )
  10. ... what, you got something against the classics? Like my Mac Classic? :) (... which, actually, I need to see if still boots...)
  11. I'll admit to liking SG-based RP. Usually it means you have something you know is going to *be there* at a certain time, you can develop characters, you can keep a plotline going even outside the game, should you care to - it's great for long-term development. The hard thing is *finding* the people to start with. Elsewhere, I was co-leading a fairly long lived RP group. It was *great* ... well, ok, it got to be kind of a job after a while, partly because I felt obligated to provide drivers, which was not the fault of others, really. I also got feedback after a while that new people felt like there was "too much" to catch up on. I never really found a good way to work around that, even as I tried to keep things welcoming. You *can* do that through things like POcket D... but, eh, for me it just didn't really click. What you might try doing is advertising for some short-term, set plots (mostly as in "we're going from A to B and seeing what people do, for the next 2-3 months or until we finish") and see who's interested. It gives a set environment, definite duration, and brings in people you might not otherwise interact with. You can build up a nice little "rp phonebook" that way, even if it's not on those characters afterward, by finding people whose style clicks with yours. (Basically, think of it like a task force writ large.) As far as the emote thing... well, it's up to you just *how much* of it to do. Latex's idea of "hooks" is probably a good way to start. Or just think of the important bits that might show your character's state of mind at the moment.
  12. There are times losing or lowering costs is a good thing. Having to hope your SG mates scrape together enough for your base builder to add a desk *and* chair? That's a cost that was decidedly limiting. Losing the need for Prestige to base build (on top of other changes between SCORE and here) was good - it really did allow creativity to practically explode in some instances. Losing or lowering the cost of "do I take this power / use this pool" like this though? I'm less for it, and don't honestly buy the creativity argument. That has a direct impact on gameplay and the overall power / difficulty of the game. About the only way I'd go for this is if it opened up at 35 - with the cost of not taking a patron/ancillary pool. Otherwise, people have been working around this for years, even on live, and if nothing else I'd say that's made them more creative... even when going for "theme." IOs also lend themselves to this, and the P2W vendor is just icing. Have a stealthy character you can't fit the pool in for? IOs in an extra free sprint will get there. Trying to fit in a travel power? Several free - though unslottable - options exist, as well as paid (and fairly long duration) temp powers - and so forth.
  13. Yeah... built my system a couple of years ago and even then, trying to find a case with an optical drive opening was... difficult. (All the LEDs and tempered glass you could shake a stick at, though... neither of which I cared about, and of course they kind of forgot little things like airflow in a lot of them.) Regardless... yeah, most modern systems shouldn't really have an issue with COH.
  14. You're aware that there are *other* levels between -1 and +4, right? And that nobody has to build characters to your liking, or that doing so or not has any impact on how well the character's built? Or, for that matter, *how* anyone wants to play at any particular time?
  15. 100% subjective. I'd say play them all. You have 1000 slots per server after all. :) (Try an ice/ice Sentinel. It *will* eat END early-ish on, but does well later.)
  16. Couldn't you just /t yourself? Fairly sure it works (local or global... ) Edit: Just double checked. You can just /t yourself. Or create a channel of your own and call it "my test" or whatnot and send output there, I suppose.
  17. I'd still go for a menu option or slash commend being available for the same reason ironjoe states, but I wouldn't be against this - especially as someone with a lot of alts. The option's there already, just swap what it already is set to by default.
  18. There's ... so much that could be improved with text and such in this game. Stuff like clues or plaque text I'd love to look back on - but can't. NPC text vomit as soon as a mission's entered (mostly an AE thing.) Having a way to go back and *read* these things would be great. But.. yes, 100% to this.
  19. In all honestly, this was probably the fastest and easiest fix for something "broken but not breaking the whole game." Less time to change a level than tweak and rebalance the encounter for lower levels.
  20. I'm going to second the "Check art and multimedia section." I don't know if anyone down there does overlays like you're talking about or not, but that'd be the place to ask. I think "legally" (not a lawyer, etc.) about the only thing anyone might trip over is if there's any NC "property" as part of the overlay, or anything regarding Homecoming. I don't stream, either :) but if you're describing what I'm thinking of, most tend to be layout, placement and color? *shrug*
  21. When'd you first see this? Any specific mission? (I'm assuming you mean things like the boxes that do the narration in Posi 2 before you go face Dr. Vahzilok. )
  22. Yeah, I've only run CoP a few times but that's been going on a while. (Yes, I end up forgetting to report it by the time I'm done for the night, personally.)
  23. (Top's mostly snipped for space.) Part of the issue with teleport, as well, was people doing things like sticking people in guard towers (before the exits were put in) and teleporting them up to the top of skyscrapers and dropping them (before the anti-one-shot code was put in.) So there was more... impetus to put that popup (and other options) in. Group fly doesn't do that - it's mostly inconvenient to annoying, depending on who you ask. (And can, of course, cause issues with powers.) I'm not 100% sure how a decline *prompt* would work for group fly, given the mechannics (and that you can wind up in and out of it frequently, though there is the "always set," I suppose) but a menu option? That, I think, would work out better, personally.
  24. After seeing another thread (on top of in-game arguments) about masterminds and group fly - this time from a MM being told to turn it off - I decided to throw out an idea, the kernel of which was blatantly stolen from one of the arguments during an MSR. :) A pet pool. I was going to say "a mastermind pool," but I could see controllers/doms wanting some of this to go with *their* pets (yes, Mind, I know, you don't get one - or, everything's your pet, but wouldn't be affected by this. Take two fresh chocolate chip cookies.) So, what's the issue to be solved? Unwanted group fly when a MM is running it. Yes, "you can see Null," but that's not always a feasable solution (see: Everlasting MSRs and Hami raids, where leaving the zone means you *might* not be getting back in. Not to mention wanting it on for some things, off for others.) I don't know if it's mechanically possible to add an "only affects pets" switch to the existing power somehow (again, via null, I'd assume) but just in case, well... But we can't have a pool with just that, obviously. So, a roughly fleshed out pet-travel-and-control pool. Not sure if it should just be visible to pet classes (mm/controller/dom,) or if that's even possible - feel free to discuss. Names... I'm not married to. Just making them different from other pools with similar powers. 1. Pack fly. Because, group fly, but only affecting the MM and pets. Low, because if this is what a pet class wants for a travel power and they rely on their minions for damage and their HP... they shouldn't be penalized for it, so available at 4. 2. Gather the pack. Dual role here. One, team TP, but for pets. Two, "Assemble the team," but for pets, because yelling "Get BACK here!" sometimes isn't fast enough. Just cast it at your current spot. 3. Team Targeting. Combination of Assault and Tactics... again, affecting the caster and pets. Given how mastermind pets also lose levels as you get more of them, they can use the help. Since you can't slot for additional damage in Assault, this'll take end, tohit, and tohit sets. Yes, it stacks with Leadership, if you want that end cost. No, I don't think it's a big deal, because VEATs. Being a pool power, it's still less powerful than what they have (or would be by default, I'll let someone else mess with numbers) - but it's one pick here. 4. Pack defense Maneuvers, for the MM and pets. Doesn't affect the rest of the team, other than having a healthier MM. 5. Pet heal. Wide-ish AOE pet heal. Get them all, since it's top tier it should also be a fairly healthy heal (heh,) perhaps with absorb. Since some, but not all, sets get very inconsistent heals - AOE, single target, fast, slow, both - this gives some options to MMs that have a secondary like Poison (with a slow, single target heal.) Nope, not throwing numbers out, I'll let someone else argue over those. This is more a concept. Enjoy.
  25. If there's news they can talk about (since they're most likely still bound by an NDA) they'll announce it. I doubt it'll be missable when they do. 🙂
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