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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. ... ? Fighting has three. Punch, Kick and Cross Punch, as well as Tough and Weave. (And, honestly, has synergy between them that makes each attack more potent as you pick up the others. Which may be an idea to fit into the pistol set. Not sure just what *kind* of buff there... )
  2. First thing, need a fifth power for your pistol pool, but it's been something that has been asked for in the past. While people will probably discuss the powers, I don't think anyone would argue with *having* it. Only other thing is a question of ... flavor, I guess - "I can't believe City of Heroes never had any real arcane powersets, even with MAGIC being one of the origins. I mean, various Marvel and DC heroes and villains are either mutants or aliens with natural magical powers, so there's no good argument against the other origins making use of the mystic arts. Hence: Arcane Blast and Mystical Aura! " For the most part, COH keeps the powers... fairly neutral, letting the players decide where the abilities come from. (Even "obvious" ones like blades and rifles/guns I've seen explained in other ways - like "spellguns," which explained why the bullets in DP are curving all over the place, for instance.) So while on the one hand, yes, they didn't have any arcane powersets, on the other hand, they all were. 🙂 I also see you copied the old T9 nuke text about being drained of endurance for a while. While I, frankly, still like those - and this sounds like one that you should have that option, with a power boost to the nuke in return, most T9 nukes don't do that now. (And, honestly, I kind of like the idea of blood pact. If you're giving a cost like that, though, there should probably be something else with it - "the pact puts you into a state of frenzy. Your accuracy may suffer, but your attacks come faster as you try for that kill..." or something.
  3. Well, if you're allowing temp powers, at level 15 you can go to bloody bay and get a Shivan, which has decent-ish -res as I'm recalling. Buying "summon reinforcement" is... half a mil, but it's something else for the enemy to shoot instead of you. If you're getting money thrown at you, you can get the 10 mil summons (tank/ranged damage/support/etc - one at a time.) Of course you'd want a lot of ... now I'm forgetting the name, the poison knives. If you were *really, really* patient, you could turn XP off, join MSRs just for the pylons which should net 10 "have a cookie" vanguard merits each time for non-members of vanguard. 250 of those (I think? Maybe 500?) get you an HVAS (which unlike the shivan doesn't expire until you exit the mission.) While we're being really patient, at level 10 you can run the first SSA in Skyway, which can be finished - any AT at level 10, really - in 15 minutes or less, once a week it's 20 merits, then 5 each time after. Use the cash or mertis to get what IOs you can. Edit: The temp stealth from patrolling in BB (half an hour each time,) and if we're at 20 the temp combat invisibility, would also make some parts easier. (Heck, some missions if I'm feeling bored I'll drop a shivan at the beginning, stealth to the end, and work on killing things to the middle.) Warburg gives a phase shift (30) as well, not to mention the nukes, so if we're at range (or level +5,) that's ... what, Citadel on up? I mean, it can get kind of silly, honestly...
  4. I ... think you'd be surprised at the experience and what people can untangle, if you look at it. Heck, the progress done during the "dead" years was via reverse engineering what was out there. Part of the issue isn't just code, but that the tools needed to do some things aren't available, as I recall.
  5. Well, you mention Posi 1, which doesn't have an AV, so that one, sure, I suppose. Looking at lowest level or just "while naturally in the level range?" (given, especially low level, you'd likely be leveling, of course - do you have to *end* it in the same range?)
  6. Nope. You must twirl! In fact, I'd like to see it make the enemies around you start twirling too. We could rename it from Whirlwind to Swan Lake. *nods* This is obviously a completely serious suggestion.
  7. ... I need to work this phrase in to conversation somehow.
  8. As a Kheldian, you get special arcs from 1-50 dealing with the Kheldian war. You face Voids, Quantums, threats to the existance of *you,* and the like. But as far as the rest of the world's concerned, it's pretty much a shadow war. Yes, there's moonfire, and I *think* a bit of dialog somewhere - was there still a mission where redsiders got a Q-gun? - but not much. So, how about introducing the rest of the playerbase to the war in an appropriate way? Lore-wise, there are only a few points where this happens (Dr. Winslowe's Cosmotron goes from being "limitless energy!" to "oops," for instance, and a Nictus plan to forcibly implant Nictus into various leaders is thwarted by Kheldians visiting said leaders, taking up residence and fighting them off.) But we could make this work for the playerbase as well, while keeping it somewhat of a "shadow war" feel. These would be open to blue, grey and redside. (Sorry, goldsiders - lorewise there's no reason for any of this there. If these trigger during Prae arcs for Praetorians, they'll show up once you pick red or blue side.) Setup: We know already that the Council provides Quantum weapons to various and sundry groups to use when they encounter Kheldians. (These show up as Quantum gunners when you team with a Kheldian.) Well, these weapons need to be stored *somewhere.* Any time you have a "Confiscate weapons" (glowie hunt) or "Stop/disrupt weapons deal," including safeguard/mayhem missions, those glowies have a chance (probably 5-10%) of containing a Quantum weapon. (Percentage can be adjusted, there are a *lot* of these after all.) This does two things: 1. A clue shows up talking about this "odd gun you found." It seems really complex for something that just blasts energy... 2. A badge placeholder shows up with 20% progress. It doesn't matter what mission it is, or what level. You have a chance of finding a Quantum weapon. Once it happens five times (with the clue slowly expanding,) you get a badge and some arcs will unlock, going a bit farther into the Kheldian war. Specifically, heroside you'd start investigating the weapons, eventually shutting down production in one arc. Investigating more about N-fragments and what they're doing with War Wolves, Galaxies and Voids. And finding and shutting down a Void Hunter training establishment (which would be *fun* for Khelds as yes, I can see a *lot* of void hunters in that last mission...) Redside, well, who needs contacts. You decide to look into these weapons and figure out just who they can be used against (sorry, no, they won't do extra damage against player Khelds.) Investigate the shards - perhaps even with a mission you get to play as a War Wolf (before your body rejects the shard for whatever reason - may have to be a branching mission with a yes/no choice there.) And take down - or take over (another branch...) that Void facility. Khelds will already know this stuff through their own arcs, so likely would get alternates coming from their contacts to shut everything down. Obviously the story arcs can be fleshed out, added to, etc. as this is a pretty rough idea right now, but I think it'd be interesting to give non-Khelds a peek into this little behind-the-scenes war. (Edit: Yes, I want at least one, possibly more full strength, Nictus-spawning Cysts in that last mission.)
  9. Part of the issue with that (aside from people I think misremembering how "difficult" they actually are) is that they're very much tied to the Kheldian backstory. It would be like saying "well, just give everyone Kryptonite bullets." Great when one of the Superpeople show up, but otherwise not much use. Qs and Voids are there with specific anti-Kheld weaponry that doesn't do much to non-Khelds. (And yes, I'd like to see the Nictus damage show back up, not just more NE.) Though... what might be interesting as a tie-in somewhere... we *know* the Council arms buyers with Quantum weapons. Have the occasional "stop weapons deal" (red or blueside bank mission,) or missions where you're finding weapons (like the early Hollows one) have a chance to also find Quantum weapons. Find enough, get sent on a mission chain, eventually getting to find and break up a Void Hunter training camp or something. Getting these wouldn't matter if you were a Kheld or not, and it would make the whole Kheldian war saga not wholly invisible outside of Moonfire.
  10. I'm all for more options. I probably wouldn't use it, but given how long I fought and argued before Sonic got changed for this same reason (I don't get migranes, but it affected *me.* So my friends who did get them... ouch. One had the same issue with.. think it was willpower.)
  11. *old Warshades and Peacebringers wave hi.* >.>
  12. Should I worry that mine have gone plaid?
  13. Ahh, yes, the legendary jedi mathematician. *nods*
  14. No! *chases after topic with a baseball bat* Come back here, you... 🙂
  15. Yeah, I miss them too, but I doubt we'll see them again. I kind of miss having a nice high "quantum/void/cyst" kill tally list on my Khelds.
  16. Well, that's on you and you're reading. I put it more as "but I make it easy on myself," not "YOU SCREWUP!"
  17. At one point, I had binds for both /screenshotui 1 and 0...
  18. Heh. Reminds me of going to check it out when in beta. Seeing mobs fighting each other... and *actually doing damage* instead of the shadowboxing they were doing before that!
  19. ... funny, they always seem to when I'm fighting them. Granted if you miss the guy keeps running. But then, I make sure I'm not at x-anything when I'm running it, and tend to do it solo. (I'm-a keeping my 0 escape run going.) I don't really find the escort here all that annoying. There are places I do, specifically because of the AI (Warburg, anything with stairs, anything with an escortee who also can... er... fight,) but as far as escort missions go, this one's cake. It's mostly straight lines. They follow fairly well. But, yeah, the 15 minute timer is mostly the gripe, here. There are so many ways to just cheese it and go AFK (bring a stormie, if you've got a taunt or confront, get a jetpack, kill all but one minion in the first wave, pin them somewhere, go get a snack.) For what in general is a really fun zone (I *like* running my magic characters through it,) it's ... watching a timer at the end of the last mission. Just not that interesting. Very soloable, yes. Just not interesting. (Oh, also AI related. The taunt thing? Did that. Watched the red cap run around trying to get me, run up on the wall, miss a shot... then run for the hills somewhere. I didn't see him for 2-3 minutes afterward. That's just dumb.)
  20. If it isn't breaking or exploting something ("hey, I'm 30' taller and mobs can't hit me") I'd still point it out and ask that it get added in officially so others can possibly enjoy it.
  21. Yeah, I think this falls in the same category as things like the flying disc and "why don't we have vehicles" - having to rework powers to work with it. Not sure if it would work as a "travel power" or not on its own, though. Two different beasts.
  22. I guess my response overall would be "Hey, devs, please continue to make thoughtful and tested changes instead of just slapping things together to see what sticks."
  23. I would still like to see a tiered badge for the "prevent 30 fir bolg from escaping," based on the number of escapees.
  24. So here's what happens when you customize colors on a Peacebringer.
  25. I think you're looking at it from the wrong side. It doesn't sound (to me) like the OP is talking about minimums, but maximums. And to me, honestly, it's already in the players' hands. "LF1m, small (5 person) team for content."
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