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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Here's my thought on that, though - at least as far as drops. Yes, buying a pack sucks... what, 20-25m out of the in game economy (assuming seeded, yes.) I don't tend to buy those. 🙂 Whether through merits (the way I do now) or drops, though, more people would have access to them. Which means people would look at the AH and - aside from a couple - probably want to sell them for inf. Which would indirectly allow *more* inf to be taken out through those fees that otherwise wouldn't have been. Which might be totally out there. *shrug* I buy the IOs at 100 merits (which... hami raids, is pretty common,) sell it on the AH and buy what I need. So that's INF that would not otherwise have been taken out via fee... while still making me perfectly happy with being able to pick other stuff up (with more fees.)
  2. That would be.... I don't know. Honestly kind of a useless question, since there are so many variables. Not everyone cares to *be* "fully IOd out," so what would their answer be? And per year/month/etc? What about how much time they *have* to play? Number of alts, time in other things they enjoy doing (RP, base building, etc.) And honestly, it affects nobody. If you have one character you play, it's going to be IO'd out just by things *dropping.* I have dedicated RP time, time on 50s doing 50-ish things, time leveling alts... yes, I think my couple of 50s (three, with a few in the 40s, at 100 characters) are "IO'd out," as much as I care to, but others would probably say I should spend a few hundred million INF to tweak this/that/the other. I don't care. *shrug* The number of IO'd alts you have, or anyone else has, doesn't affect me. So where's the "don't care" option? 🙂
  3. The flip side of this is that at 10 you get dual builds opening up. And you can skip the "team only" powers and dip more into pools on a solo build.
  4. Yes, Empathy corruptors are an option. For my take - if you're teaming all the way up, go defender. You'll get the emp powers sooner and make more of an impact sooner. If you're just getting rushed to end game... *shrug* whichever you prefer. I'd probably take a different blast set just to aid in debuffing.
  5. They can still be inf sinks if the drop's rare. Didn't say to take them out of the AH. 🙂
  6. Honestly, the ATOs, packs, etc. should drop. Extremely rarely, but they'd be nice to see as drops. As far as the winter-Os... they're what I spend 100 merits on, sell, and buy whatever else I need, with rare exception (I'll use Avalanche's chance for knockdown or, more rarely, the melee chance to hold, for instance.) The bonuses aren't that interesting to me. Maybe the slow resist for, say, my Khelds' dwarf forms since they have so light of an attack chain, but I can snag a winter's gift for that too.
  7. Yeah, I went through every way I could think of testing it on my psi stalker when someone mentioned it in chat. Even took a quick look at the old COD to see if another name was mentioned, perhaps, before checking the other powers. The ones I mentioned do not come up at all.
  8. Depends on what you consider nothing. It's still a nice tool for those who want to make sure to catch certain arcs without having to ouro them. For those people, that's definitely "something."
  9. So, log on. Type in [Telekinetic Blow] in chat. Or drag the power and throw brackets around it. You can't get the power info by clicking on it like you can with most other powers - including others in the psi melee set. Holds true for Psi Blade, Greater Psi Blade and Boggle, as well.
  10. Yeah, this has been asked for since live. Actually we got the current lock after asking for locking the tray ... swap, which makes me think they didn't understand the request. But yeah. Would love to have this. As a separate lock option, though.
  11. I've never gotten why people think "or they are aliens" is somehow breaking or incompatible with the origin system. It's essentially a "nationality," not a power origin. It's like saying the system doesn't fit because your character is from Brazil. Alien comes in with a ray gun? It's an alien with tech origin to its powers. Alien comes in that's really strong like the rest of its race? Alien with natural origin, and so on. Now, there *are* plenty of issues with the origin system, sure, and there are many mixed concepts it drops the ball on. On the other hand, it has so little impact... *shrug*
  12. I believe it's in an ancillary power pool for... blasters? At least one other AT.
  13. If I had patience and talent to build good, themed bases..
  14. Seems like good levels to learn how to use and play with, or around, knockback.
  15. ... Patch note. "All enemies are now in buckets." Marcone victim in the Isles: "Way ahead of you."
  16. Null's fine for disabling it, AFAIC. I'm assuming the inability to TP without LOS is something to do with the binds. And yeah. Shades pretty much get the full TP pool other than team teleport.
  17. Teleport does not need line of sight. THe macros may, but TP itself does not. I've teleported "Between" and "around" things frequently. Now, *YOU* need to be able to see a destination (like the other side of the wall,) since you're picking a destination, but there can certainly be stuff in the way. (For instance, I'll often use this on Warshades - who have teleport built in - to TP up on a catwalk right above them and mire/eclipse or stick a hold on something right away.) Also, the hover was put in because people didn't want to "have" to take hover to not immediately fall when using this as a travel power. If you want to get an idea of what this was like, get a stone tank/brute, get Rooted, and start teleporting through the air. Yes, it could stand improvement. Yes, it's a bit hack-y. But removing it is probably a bad idea. Maybe "if you're within a foot of a surface, don't activate" or something, though. And no replacing long range teleport. 😛 (Mostly because I don't want to lose it on my 'shades.) Wouldn't argue with replacing/combining recall/tp foe to make room in the pool though.
  18. I was riffing off of Smoke, from Fire control, with a touch of set flavor.
  19. From the understanding we were given, there are four things baked in so deeply that no, they can't be changed - AT, primary, secondary and origin.
  20. An absence of shadows: 12 merits
  21. The Peace Slayers:
  22. There were others on live. Right now, though -
  23. Think I have a lowbie PB for the first two. WIll try to remember.
  24. I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding this phrase.
  25. I think the main issue is if water is really a "surface" or the type of surface it is. While I wouldn't argue with it, I don't know if it's able to be done technically or not.
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