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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I did a search of this thread before posting this - Ouroboros Story Arc: Void Sanction (Vigilante Alignment). Initial mission dialog box, last paragraph, last sentence: "We need someone who is willing to go the extra effort to see a job is done right, you know what I mean?" The turn of phrase is "go the extra mile." Further mission dialog after accepting to the above; "My team is called 'Void Sanction', and you can simply call me 'The Major'. This should read "My team is called 'Void Sanction,' and you can simply call me 'The Major.' [Note the single quotation marks contain the comma and the period.] Additionally, same dialog box; "Hero Corp" should read "Hero Corps" [Note the added "s"]. And "codeword" is two words, "code word" is the correct usage. There are two periods at the end of the bike messenger portion, one is colored gold, while the other is colored white. I recommend using three periods total and making them all gold to match the sentence highlight. Same thing for code word on the next mission dialog box: Again, "Hero Corp," instead of "Hero Corps" later in the mission dialog box at the end of the story arc: Last one: Upon completion of the story arc, the souvenir uses 'Hero Corp,' instead of 'Hero Corps'
  2. Apologies, you will also need to click the 'Experimental Graphics Settings" Enabled to see the option:
  3. Cell shading you mean? That feature can be accessed in the Options>Graphics section. It's a bit more GPU intensive, but looks awesome in game.
  4. Try running CoH in windowed mode. I had a similar issue while trying to record b-roll a couple months back.
  5. Oh this works well! The Mace/Shield idea, with a costume that highlights the shield logo being a 🔔. Good thinking @ZorkNemesis
  6. I'd wager that your question is directed at folks in the know, more than likely members of the Homecoming team? If that isn't the case, I will gladly indulge in speculation.
  7. You can have access to what you seek and more.... ... on the Brainstorm shard!
  8. You can try logging out and back in to reset the mission. I did this a few weeks ago without running in to the issue you've described.
  9. I ended up going the route of multiple accounts to frame this shot:
  10. That is funny how you describe the folklore costume contest - in your eyes, the costume contest wasn't good enough and didn't meet your standards.... .... and in the eyes of the folklore costume contest judges, your costume wasn't good enough and didn't meet their standards. 🙊🙉🙈
  11. I think the state of video games in general has changed since this game came out. The market principles behind MMOs, and really the entire genre of video games has evolved in to a platform driven by micro transactions and release then fix as it goes - at least for major studios. Then again, smaller developers have way more freedom in how they market and distribute their products, so its not so bad news. As to your question though, I'd want to see scaling texture resolution and really just an added capacity to support and develop mods.
  12. Pretty simple suggestion, though I'm against it because I enjoy "powering up" so to speak. With each new armor activated, it gives me the player a sense of power which translates to mitigating incoming attacks. I'm not against the convenience though, this would be nice for folks I think.
  13. I just wanted to say how apt that linked image is for the thread discussing red side population 🤣
  14. It is definitely in Ouroboros:
  15. I could've sworn that this badge mission is available through Ouro - Mask Maker Badge
  16. Edit: Nevermind! 😅 - I may have been thinking of Phase Shift.
  17. This brings up an interesting area of discussion regarding badges, and perhaps even playing this game in general. How bad do you want it? That is what it comes down to. If you want the badge, or the build, or the fastest completion time, or the most PvP wins - it comes down to how much time and effort the player is willing to put in to it. Back to the topic at hand though - I am comfortable with the current requirements for the Damage Taken badge set and don't support altering the requirements. This is partially due to knowing what the real Immortal badge used to require back on legacy (think 10 times as much as the current requirement) and partially due to the the relative effort I have to put in compared to other "epic" badge sets, such as Cataclysmic or the 'Master of..' badges. Now, to be fair to your point, it is easier to get the Immortal badge using all available methods out there right now. The easiest being having multiple accounts to set healers to auto on the badger taking damage - but if a person chose not to use all available methods and handicapped themselves to using only damage taken 'while not taking advantage of easier methods' route, it would take a good deal of "normal" playing time in my opinion. As @KaizenSoze so eloquently laid out on the last page of that thread you cited, the badge can be had in around two days of total time: Having played my main and badger since June 28th, 2019: ... and having used the above method (which I may or may not have been the first to discover 😁 said double fire patches), I can confidently say I have taken about 16 million damage outside of the badge requirement through "normal" playing. That may be due to my playstyle (ranged damage dealer) and I tend to solo content, and due to how often I play (3-4 hours a week at the moment). So you're not entirely wrong, but you aren't correct either when you say it cannot be obtained through normal play - it will just take time. At the end of the day, my opinion of my badges is that I feel like I put in enough effort for them to matter to me to collect them. My favorite badges rank among Cataclysmic, Chronomaster, Toy Collector and Bug Hunter. Because I worked hard for those badges using whatever means or methods were required to do so. And I enjoyed it!
  18. Just from looking at the title of this thread, the suggestion is to change the way everyone else plays to match the way the original poster wants to play. Hard pass.
  19. I've just never seen so much xp dropped at once before, was that a mission or task force completion bonus??
  20. I've been slowly nibbling at replays of perfect save files of The Legend of Dragoon (PS1 Classic) and Final Fantasy X on PS Vita. I've also dabbled in Conan Exiles, NMS, and Subnautica. I'm also really excited for the Halo Infinite game.
  21. Whoa that Iron Clad Beetle costume is awesome! @TraumaTrain! And how the heck did you get over 4 million xp @Midnyte??
  22. The first time I have requested assistance or support using the in-game Support Ticket was this past week and I was a little apprehensive. I don't normally ask for help, let alone in a video game. Well I had the hardest time finding the last NPC to rescue in a CoT mission map - after about 30 minutes of wandering and covering nearly every inch of the map, I was about to just log out and try again another day - but I was so confident I had looked everywhere, that I imagined that the NPC spawned outside of the map or something. All that to say that, in around 5 minutes of putting in a Support Ticket, @GM Impervium comes in to the mission to confirm that the NPC wasn't outside the map and give me some helpful hints to find this last NPC. From the moment I hit the support button until after the issue was resolved, @GM Impervium was an absolutely professional. Well later in the week I had an actual case of an enemy getting knocked outside a mission map, and unfortunately my NPC escort would not move along past the spot either due to aggro or because the way the attacking NPC escort script works. Anyways, I had cleared route back to the door and thought maybe the NPC would've de-aggroed by then. I return to the spot to find it still running in circles endlessly. This time, with a bit more confidence that this was a serious enough issue to submit a Support Ticket. I kid you not, in LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES, @GM Kal comes in like... ... and gets the dang enemy that was knocked outside of the map and brings them back in. I was floored - I didn't even have a chance to get a cup of coffee while I was waiting. I thought it was just good timing before on my last support ticket, but this gives me reason to believe that this is a standard response time for player support. Well I was blown away to say the least and I thanked @GM Kal profusely for the amazing player support (knowing full well that these folks are volunteers and have lives like everyone else). Soooooo who would've thought that today, I would use the Support Ticket function for a third time - this time I had a Shadow Shard mission map and one of my npc escorts fell to the bottom so that I couldn't get them without getting TP'ed back to the mission start. As if there was some kind of competition for which GM could resolve an issue fast enough, @GM Impervium comes in to my mission ready to fight! ... and worked some pretty epic claw machine magic... to resolve my issue and let me escort my NPC to the end of the mission map. So again, big thanks to @GM Kal and @GM Impervium!!!
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