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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. I'm betting they can't discuss matters as it could jeopardize any deal....assuming they're still talking. Also, there is this little pandemic thing going on that MAY have shifted priorities.
  2. I'm hoping the Devs consider looking to players to help. Yes, they have a sign-up etc but it's not easy to interview/add people to the Dev team especially during a pandemic. So, maybe they will open a thread where people can post their AE missions and then Devs can review them and add them to game as radio/paper-type missions. Why don't the Devs just do this because those are pretty basic missions? Well, yes, they're easy but the thought and creativity will suffer if there isn't enough time to work on these. A player can put way more time into a mish/arc and provide accompanying background to it. The brainstorming, writing and thought process are huge time investments. I think this would be a great option because the radios and quicker missions get repetitive especially when you keep battling the same faction. Anyway, here's to hoping! 🙂
  3. Uh...disagree. I'm one of those odd guys who wants cool powers that're fun to play. I know...I've lost my mind! I'm not a slave to recharge and actual have doms that are NOT perma! It's true! Let's start the insanity! In regards to the topic, this might be a simplistic statement but why limit the number of pools we can access? Let players take as many pools as they desire. No, I am not saying allow us to take more powers. So, if you want to take an extra pool then it'll cost you out of your secondary or primary powers. This may allow for some rather different characters that could add a lot of fun in the process. If that doesn't work numbers-wise then how about allow us to still pick a regular power pool over epic/patron? Maybe that'll also allow us to make some creative new builds and ideas. This would also allow us to have Sorcery and one of the other pools you cannot combine with it. No, I didn't do any math and consider if this would break the game so please forgive my simplistic/ignorant approach here. Personally, I am making an effort not to have any must have power pools. Yes, that includes the speed and fighting pool...they used to be mandatory in my builds. Another idea: animation time on Force of Will set is painfully slow. I enjoy the powers but good grief...I don't know how many times an enemy was taken out during animation time which resulted in me hitting an already 'arrested' enemy. Ughsville. There are many pools that I never touch. It seems many use them so that's great. All of my other suggestions seem to have been covered. Finally, my suggestion: The Sidekick power pool set. Yes, this is a pet idea. You can pick the type of sidekick (range, melee etc) and TOTALLY design the look of the Sidekick including name. As you grab upper tier powers in the pool, you could add things like Def or Res or Damage etc. This pool should become available after level 25 or so - you need to have some street cred etc before you take on a ward/sidekick/partner/lackey etc! 😄 Thanks for reading!
  4. I remember suggesting something like this back in Live. Constructing a tribute with the plaque of every toon that hit 50 for their server. Just a name and powerset, maybe, could be noted on the plaque. Alternatively, if possible, have all of that plus a short bio and maybe even the toon's headshot pic. I definitely wouldn't want this as a priority add and have no idea who much work it'd be but a cool idea (IMO). 🙂
  5. I don't think we need one specific path or motivation. People are very dynamic and versatile. Things change. When we create our toon, there is no need to have any alliance or be a lackey. That's what I prefer. Then have missions with a variety of options/motivations/enticements. So, let them start as a blank slate that doesn't need to go one way or the other. One day I may want to help Recluse...the next day I may want to blow him up...one day I want to take over corporations...or destroy a city.... that should be the lure of being a villain - I do what I want and don't need to back it up or be motivated or have a reason other than I feel like it and I want to create some chaos.
  6. Disagree. I really don't like my toons pigeon-holed at all. They can change and adapt and so on as I please - if I was designing things. So, adding more of this is a bad idea but that is just my opinion. Instead, add more missions with some more epic motivations and goals - but there is no need to be robbing a bank at high levels...
  7. I somewhat agree with this but I still played red despite the narrative. I actually don't think it was cool implying your toon is attached to Arachnos or a Recluse lackey or anything along those lines. I do feel low level villains would do a lot of what you listed- have to start somewhere! Again, I would like to see something more grande put into missions but that's what happens with limited resources. Honestly, I place more importance on mission design and play than story. So, add something fun and unique and that milkshake will bring the players to the yard!
  8. Totally agree. Add some more SFs. And PLEASE pay attention to design and make them enjoyable. Most of the SFs are decent but a few are painful. However, blueside has a boatload more of painful TFs but..I digress 🙂
  9. Drat! I went on a big assumption there...I guess I was reminded what happens when one assumes....
  10. Another angle to take in regards to upping redside pop might be to turn some, if not all, hazard zones into co-op zones. That way redside and blue side toons have another venue to team and may cause some players to start redside. Right now, if a player is to start red, the most popular leveling tool is scarce - yes, that's DFB! Sure, they can go to pocket D and try to entice blue players to head there too but that's a bit of a pain at level one and around there. I prefer redside but I am reluctant to have any toon a Villain due to the lack of players willing to go there.
  11. I think players will start to gravitate towards redside when blueside fatigue ramps up. This would be the hands off approach but will it be enough? Maybe. Redside does not need any type of overhaul or revamp. The design is better than blueside but it is gloomy. Honestly, I feel if you added unique content to redside, it may help a bit. I feel my suggestions in the AE forums (add well written/designed/fun player made arcs to the game) could be a quick fix. I also feel the game is quite repetitive with the same factions and the big bosses look like their factions (more often than not). Add player-made content that is unique and not in game. Add it to the redside as a pilot project - maybe turn the arc from AE into a short TF or a Death From Below style mission that is exclusive to redside only. I think a DFB style mish would definitely bring more to the redside. Again, I will emphasize adding new factions and characters that are well written and have supporting info to add to the Homecoming wiki. This would require less dev time and resources as there are a few talented players out there that have crafted unique content in the AE. OH! I hope this is obvious but I do not mean any type of farms or the such to add into the game as canon. 🙂 I will also add that I'd prefer any of these types of adds (if this route is taken) might be better off as sandox type content. That way they won't unravel, change or interfere with existing canon. Yes, I am again saying and emphasizing UNIQUE additions to the game. Many villains, factions and missions have been around for well over a decade. Change it up already! 🙂
  12. Ok so it's the end of May and the pandemic will be plaguing us for a while. I know the dev team isn't that big (how many devs are on the team anyway?) and there is some player fatigue. This is fully expected but maybe the AE can help. I mentioned it in a previous post and not sure if it's possible - how about porting top notch AE into the game? They can be radios, story arcs or even TFs. I think there are a handful of players that pour in a ton of work on their stories/missions and they could write some additional stuff if needed. Then these could be added to game. I mentioned this earlier but it was part of a list of ideas. If I could push to implement one idea, it'd be this one. I think radios and other quick missions are popular but they're quite repetitive. CoX had many years of small dev teams so a lot of the content is repetitive, looks the same and lacking - I know this sounds a bit mean but that is not the intent. Limited resources = limited content. Let the players do some of the work with creative etc. I'd also like to really emphasize making them unique and different. New factions, main bosses that look DIFFERENT than the rest of the enemies and are unique (I don't know how many times I've mowed down a main boss in a swarm of enemies and didn't even realize it cuz he/she looks just like the rest of the mob). Players can create their own factions/mobs/AVs/Heroes etc and do full write ups. This would add for an influx of creative and new ideas which would be a big help (I think?). I really can't be bothered to play any AE missions that involve the factions we see over and over in game.
  13. Well, there are tons of ways to go through your billions. -One that I never see mentioned is why not kit out a friend's toon for them? A high end build can easily take care of well over a billion INF for you! However, humans are greedy and I can't see too many doing this. They'd rather drop a billion on an exclusive badge or something. -Players can hold their own costume contests (used to be pretty common) Additional items that could be added to game? Tons of ideas but the dev team is probably limited and can't focus time/energy to helping you spend your billions. Honestly, I am playing more during the Time of the Pandemic! and have thought about INF sink ideas. Honestly, I'd prefer the devs work on game items like new TFs/SFs/trials, ATs, powers, missions etc. Players have a few options to spend their INF.
  14. So, I've been thinking about some of the stuff here and I really think an AE contest to add actual content to game would be great. I think players would submit their short arc/missions (they would have to meet a set criteria) and then the Devs would pick the top 10 or 20. These would get posted and then players would get to vote for the best 10. The winning 10 would have their arcs added to CoH as radio/paper type missions...and become actual canon. I think this would add significant interest to AE. This contest could be held twice a year. I would really like to see different and new materials/ideas/enemy groups/main characters added this way. It's 2020 and I have seen the same old groups for way too long (nothing wrong with them but there needs to be a something fresh and new added). Anyway, the game is in dire need of some new content and until the Homecoming team acquires the IP license, this might be a nice, easy way to add content. I would liken it to the level 25 rogue/vig arc that was added last Fall or so (hopefully with more interesting enemy groups and bosses).
  15. If it is possible to create your own maps...then wow...that would be awesome. CoH has way too much repetition in mission maps. If we can make some slight changes to these, it'd be awesome. A different section for farms. I have no idea how a farm becomes a Dev's choice.... If you make a non-farm category then maybe show how many times a mission has been played. It may help others pick one? A cut scene maker would be awesome but it might be a bit too difficult for many players...? Finally, if there are some awesome missions then put up a poll where players vote on them. If a large number of votes are cast and certain missions are clearly superior then maybe add them to the game - as possibly radio missions or paper missions. Maybe a TF or arc? It'd be a nice way to fill that void of content addition. There could be prizes for winning missions that graduate to regular in-game/ canon. Tons of great ideas here. Bottom line, have stuff in AE that is different from the rest of the game....or a little different. I say this because the last mission content add (I think it was the last) was in early Fall 2019 - the rogue and vigilante missions. The writing was decent but it really did seem like a lot of meh and same old. It's a supers MMO and we're fighting MORE thugs?! Not compelling and not interesting.
  16. Is there still a plan to allow for asymetrical designs to the shoulder pads in the costume creator? Like the ones that have been implemented for gloves.
  17. I really appreciate all of your help - as well as all of the others chiming in. I cannot say I completely understand the math to the PPMs but I am getting the gist. I may have this wrong but HASTEN will cause a decay to your chances of 'procing' (do I have that right?). If this is the case then why have HASTEN in builds? Next thing I was wondering was in regards to defence. If I raised it to 11.5% on everything, other than Melee (14.5%) and S/L (11.5%), would it make much of a difference? I notice on Myshkin's build, the defences are in the low single digits - is the difference negligible when it's this low? Also, what your attack chain be in a spine/rad tank?
  18. Thanks for this and all of the other responses. Great info! So, you mention your Tank can tank with those resist numbers and decent Defence. In my procmonster Tank, all of the defences hover around the 8% mark. This seems so unnatural to me! Would this toon fare as well? Tanks have lots of HP and he can take a lot of hits but will a few big alpha strikes knock him out? I am also wondering if the proc monster would be better as a Brute? Same type of build etc. This proc monster approach has me all kinds of intrigued.
  19. Good evening! Long time player, potential first time Tanker. I've always opted to play Brutes but this proc monster thread scratches me right where I itch! Namely, something new and creative...unique...and so on! I've done a TW/Bio Brute and he is NASTY. So, I want to give the Rad/Spines Tanker proc monster a go (maybe). I had some questions: 1) Has anyone been using this build in PvE for an extended period of time? If so, could they mention the survivability and could it function as a Tank in all situations? I've been fiddling with the build and have the Resistance softcapped in all areas other than Cold (58.8%), Negative (77.4%) and Psi (41.6%). The rest is 90% or more. Would that keep me rolling in pretty much all PvE content? 2) If I'm teaming 99% of the time, wouldn't it be better to put Gaussian's Build Up proc in Tactics? I rarely team with less than 6-8 players so the player multiplier on that toggle would up the chances or Build Up...? Or am I not getting the proc forumula? 3) Would it be wise to put the Overwhelming Force KD proc in Quills? It'd be definite mitigation. Or any other KD proc into Quills. 4) If a power does, say, Lethal damage, why would you want to put a Lethal proc in it? Isn't it redundant if the proc effect is the same as the power damage type? 5) Overall, would the proc monster be nearly as survivable and more offensive when compared to a more traditional build? Any input would help and be greatly appreciated. This is a neat topic for game and I'd love to launch into a Tanker once I get a better understanding of the topic 🙂
  20. Oh that is too bad. When I started this game, I jumped right into it...not having any idea about builds, slots etc. I think most find a builder essential so maybe one day it can incorporate building as well 🙂
  21. This and the entire system seems awesome. I had this as a suggestion a while ago - or something like it. Mid's has been awesome but there should be something more official that ties right into the game and updates. I never understood how a character builder wasn't included from the start with the original dev team. Oh, am I correct in thinking this will be like Mid's but always current and tied to the game directly?
  22. I will also add, I hope any new content has a different/new feel or is just different and new. 🙂
  23. The new name is kinda meh. I thought the original name was more fresh and different than what we have in-game so far. The name I'd like to see: GALVANISM. It is defined as the therapeutic use of electric currents. That is pretty much what the whole set entails...yes?
  24. The Shadow Shard ones are just painful. Citadel is awful. These are the ones I just don't do anymore...never say never but maybe one day. There are a few clunkers out there in addition to these but I do like the game a lot. I enjoy almost all of them with a good team who likes to communicate and have some laughs. I will say, I find most of the TF/SF etc a bit awkward and not so smooth. Fun to play but they could be so much better.
  25. Ok, you two have convinced me. I'll keep Fearsome Stair and skip Maiming Slash. I was thinking about that before too but I just don't enjoy FS. I'll give it a go! 🙂
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