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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. Some really cool stuff here. Bravo! Didn't we have a thread like this before? This seems very familiar....? Also, can someone from the COH HC staff comment on if any of these ideas have a chance to be implemented into the game? I don't mind putting in ideas etc but I am curious as to where they could end up. I know the dev team is small and they can't add nearly as much as we hope for so it would be cool to get some ideas as to where these may go 🙂
  2. That's exactly it. It essentially costs a slot and you cannot finish a set in a power. Not the end of the world but yeah...
  3. The T8 Sonice Cannon power - I notice it has knockback. Must it?! One of the most annoying parts of the game! KB! Maybe there could be a power customization option that allows a player to switch it to either knockback or knockdown; maybe it can be done in the same manner as where you select your animations? I am not sure what works or if it's possible...KB is just annoying. My fave toon might be my Peacebringer but if it didn't have all powers changed from KB to KD, it might be my least fave toon!
  4. I don't see why this type of thing wouldn't be possible. As long as it meets the criteria and is high quality then have at it I say!
  5. Yeeeeeeeeeeeah I think we've all said as much throughout this thread...
  6. I guess. I'm working under the premise that HC will get the license to run the game and their Dev team could use the help. HC has a top notch product here and it's comparable to Live. I don't know if the other servers have that...it doesn't seem like it. HC has a very professional product and feel here. If they do add other Devs etc, I'd want it to maintain the quality. I wouldn't want a single thing added if it doesn't meet a high standard. Again, there's a reason most play here. I get others may want some variety but the actual gameplay and quality seems to be better here. 🙂
  7. That's a shame! Well, my daytime job (when I'm not a superhero) involves counselling and part of that is in communication. I'd love to help out the HC team and try to broker a working relationship. Always here to help!
  8. I'm no code expert or anything close so, of course, not all of this will make it here....and as MT noted, some of it probably shouldn't. I don't like the looks of the patron AT and the freeform AT would be a hot mess lol. I do like the looks of a lot of the other stuff but haven't played around with any of it. Yes, adding some of these would be great. It might even be better if the Devs all teamed up and helped on HC! 🙂 A pipe dream, I'm sure but think of all they could do. I do like the look of the Tarantula path, the Synergist, the other 2 power pool powers, Empathy power change and maybe even (with some changes) the Vampiir, Hell Knights, Paladin etc, HC is definitely the place to be for CoH and I know they don't have a big Dev team and they're volunteers - it's just too bad so many talented people can't get together and come up with some wild, new stuff.
  9. Yes, I'm pestering for this again lol. I've never actually played any of these but I am sure some balancing and changes would need to be made but it seems the heavy lifting has been done. This would be epic to see all of this added to HC - an already professionally run game! There are tons of cool powers and ATs added on other servers. Could you not combine efforts and ask to use their code, adjust it and balance it then add it here? There seems to be a ton of good stuff. Stuff like: There's also Wind Control and Holy Light powers but I couldn't find good vids for those. The shotgun power for tanks looks fun too. The arsenal powerset could be adjusted and added here too (change it so it includes missiles, electric tesla looking rod like in clocks etc). I am sure these powers would need to be balanced and maybe some changes would need to be made but they look like a lot of fun and some are different from what we have. It's too bad the Vampiir power creators didn't add an option that allows the ability to transform the character into a bat with a few attacks; maybe even have a second form as a wolf as that was another popular form a Vamp could take. Then I would also ask the Devs add these pool powers that seem to have been ready to go at the end of Live:
  10. A lot of the videos have a lengthy music intro (no reason why) then they go into explanation. Others just have way too much music and no real details. Anyway, there are a few other powers out there that have videos but I THINK this is the majority.
  11. My wish list? Well, the player contact generated/Dev approved pseudo AE contact is up there. Next? Add all of these. I've never actually played any of these but I am sure some balancing and changes would need to be made but it seems the heavy lifting has been done. This would be epic to see all of this added to HC - an already professionally run game! There are tons of cool powers and ATs added on other servers. Could you not combine efforts and ask to use their code, adjust it and balance it then add it here? There seems to be a ton of good stuff. Stuff like: There's also Wind Control and Holy Light powers but I couldn't find good vids for those. I am sure these powers would need to be balanced and maybe some changes would need to be made but they look like a lot of fun and some are different from what we have. It's too bad the Vampiir power creators didn't add an option that allows the ability to transform the character into a bat with a few attacks; maybe even have a second form as a wolf as that was another popular form a Vamp could take. Then I would also ask the Devs add these pool powers that seem to have been ready to go at the end of Live:
  12. Oh I have no doubt it's a long road. I think players are stoked about getting to play CoH again but there's only so long players will stick around before they move on. I made lots of new pals here but they're on breaks as it's the same old, same old....even CoH can't sustain if content isn't added....well, there will always be the die-hards but ya... So, add the cool stuff from other servers and combine efforts. I have no idea if these various teams are able to operate together or have any desire to do so but one thing is clear: they all have the same goal in mind which is to keep this game thriving. If the various Dev teams are splintered across various rogue servers then there won't be any huge improvements or adds to the game. Combine, work together and add the good stuff that works.
  13. Since our current Dev team is small and limited in what they can do, I wanted to propose one idea that's a bit different. If the HC team acquires the rights to legitimately use the CoH IP then they should reach out to the other rogue servers and see if they're willing to come onboard to the HC team. I see some of the other servers have added various things so why not get that material here, review it, balance it and add it to the HC game. HC appears to be the one server that is closest to Live and the only one I want to play on. However, I have seen some promotional material for the other servers and the powers, SoA Tarantula path, ATs....they seem really awesome! Now, I haven't played them but that's a lot of material right there. It'd be an awesome add and allow players to have a lot more stuff to do. Adding all of that in a single issue would be bigger than any issue the Live team provided (or close to). There. My wish 🙂
  14. Oh I'm not writing them off at all...I just wouldn't create content for current story lines and characters. They have enough. Others can do that. I did a bunch of AE arcs on Live and they were quick, fun, up-tempo and has all original characters. I received a lot of compliments for them and it was something new. Yes, I think we're saying the same thing here as well. I acknowledge my initial post wasn't the clearest - I was kinda thinking about the idea as I wrote the posting. Anyway, I think it's safe to assume the players would like to see some new content to play. I don't think the Dev team is very big so here's a way to let the players help. Again, I have no idea if this idea is feasible - I'd love to hear about that. I don't want to keep thinking about this if it's impossible to do lol
  15. I No, no. The intent would be to allow ONLY the well done missions into this separate contact. Part of the pre-existing guidelines would mandate the stories and arcs be compatible with the current lore. My initial thought is that they would be sandbox type missions or mini-arcs that would not conflict with current Lore and be self-contained. Since they're at the radios level of missions (quick, fun, fast and done type missions...hit it and quit it type thing) then it'd be pretty easy to different stuff. That is where this could shine. You could create and write up all types of new factions, EBs, AVs etc and incorporate them into the game. I mean seriously, are you not kinda tired of all of these enemies we've seen for 8-16 years?! I would definitely push for all original missions but that's just me (new enemies, characters etc). It would make these random radios/papers etc a bit more interesting and maybe challenging. You say there are tons of great AE missions. Well, if they work with the Lore, don't conflict with the game, Lore etc and there isn't any copyright issues etc then why not add them?! My idea is to add the great AE missions to the canon and Lore and not have to port them into the proper game. Just have a new contact that is tied into the AE system and will only show those missions placed there by Devs. Now, I've gone on about this idea but I don't know if it can actually be done. Anyone? Is it just that easy to do?
  16. I'm not sure if this is possible but it seems like it totally would be. I also posted this on another thread and probably should have come here. So, here's the idea: Have a new contact that is connected to the AE. As in it is in the AE system but not located in-game anywhere near an AE building. This contact would not contain any of the AE content other than what is added by Devs. It would eliminate sifting through not so great content and farms. Why do this? as a bit of a cheat/work around having to try and port AE missions to regular game which can be a lot of work (so it seems - I have no idea. I'm not a coder). Anything added to this new contact by the Devs would be the best content submitted and then put into this contact and would be canon. Devs can review AE missions and then pick the best ones. Then have only those chosen missions visible on this new contact. Maybe the contact could be called Pandora's box. It would sit outside of AE in some random location. Use it like you use papers and radios. Essentially, this contact is the AE but the only missions it shows/provides are the ones approved by the Devs. Would that save having to try and port AE missions into the game and regular contact? These would not be as robust as the regular game but would contain a ton of new content that is made by the players. All the Devs would have to do is approve it and drop it in the contact list. No other work needed. AE mission creators could then just make content, ensure it meets all of the criteria (laid out in advance by the Devs) - if it hits all of those marks then it can be reviewed by the Devs and considered for being added to the new contact/Pandora's Box. I would suggest adding any original characters and content would ALSO require full write ups that would be placed in the Wiki. This may also allow players to team up and create the missions, the backgrounds, detailed Wiki additions and so on. This would add a lot of content and maybe even add some pretty cool stuff! Each month the Devs could post a list where 10 AE missions are posted on the forums (if they meet the pre-established criteria) and then reviewed. If they're good then they're added to the game. If not then the creators can be told no, not good enough or make some changes and apply again next month. This would limit the work for the Dev team. Each month there could be 2 or 3 missions chosen and added to the new contact/game. I have no idea if this is feasible but if it is then it could really help add some new missions to the game. I know lots of people run a lot of radio/paper/random missions. Personally speaking, I am doing a lot of the radio/paper missions over and over and would love to see this added.
  17. Honestly, I think it can be made easier than that. Have a new contact that is connected to the AE. As in it is in the AE system but not located in-game anywhere near an AE building. This contact would not contain any of the AE content other than what is added by Devs. Anything added by Devs would be the best content submitted and then put into this contact and would be canon. Devs can review AE missions and then pick the best ones. Then have only those visible on this new contact. Maybe the contact could be called Pandora's box. It would sit outside of AE in some random location. Use it like you use papers and radios. Essentially, this contact is the AE but the only missions it shows/provides are the ones approved by the Devs. Would that save having to try and port AE missions into the game and regular contact? These would not be as robust as the regular game but would contain a ton of new content that is made by the players. All the Devs would have to do is approve it and drop it in the contact list. No other work needed. AE mission creators could then just make content, ensure it meets all of the criteria (laid out in advance by the Devs) - if it hits all of those marks then it can be reviewed by the Devs and considered for being added to the new contact/Pandora's Box. I would suggest adding any original characters and content would ALSO require full write ups that would be placed in the Wiki. This may also allow players to team up and create the missions, the backgrounds, detailed Wiki additions and so on.
  18. Incarnate is the system in place for your toons. THey're the powers you start acquiring at level 50. They make you a lot more powerful and the system was put in place towards the latter part of the Live game. So, when you get all of these powers, a lot of the level 50 content is a breeze. You don't need to know all of the details of the proc system. It's not that complex. I hope you're using the Hero designer to plan out your toon. I can't make a toon without it - no chance. I won't do it! 🙂 A lot of the IOs are less pricey now. You can make very good builds on the cheap. Use merits on the odd overpriced IO so you don't have to collect the $ for it.
  19. I think there have been a ton of posts regarding AE and using it to add content. I'm willing to bet any content there will not be sought after unless it becomes canon and is placed in the game somewhere. Devs have already said it's not as easy as porting things from AE into regular contacts etc. That's too bad as it would be an awesome way to add a pile of radio missions (paper etc) to the game. I know that's not exactly what you were suggesting. I think any Dev's choice etc would not get much additional attention.
  20. First off, Devs, thanks for maintaining my fave game! I see it's a pretty thankless job. So, a big thanks to the entire team. In regards to this thread, I think I'd like to see minimal changes for the proc mechanic. I got my first 50 tank and it was entirely due to the proc mechanics I could implement. It's a cool little 'x-factor' you have in the game. I like it and makes some builds exciting. I have no idea how many you have on the team nor do I know your level of expertise. So, I'd prefer to see new things added with less attention towards reviewing/altering existing material. I understand there's a need to fine tune under/overperforming parts of the game. Cool. No need to revamp the rest. Non-incarnate end game stuff has become easy. Fair enough. It's also not a ton of the content. I'd leave it as is and then make the future endgame content tougher and appropriate for incarnates. I would suggest having new missions added with new contacts that're tougher than what we have - so, in the style of radio missions. I saw how difficult it was for Piecemeal to put together his current arcs so maybe nothing that complex unless he has it down and can get that done a little easier now. In short/TL DR: add stuff, don't review too much existing content and try not to make significant changes to procs. 🙂
  21. Piece, glad to see someone step up for the Redsiders! I am wondering, was creating this mission arc so time consuming because you put in some new features into the mish? I would prefer to see more content (missions, TFs etc) over powers and the such so I'm curious as to how difficult this process has been for the current Dev team. It seems these arcs may have been TF/SF worthy? I'm also constantly knocking at the door to help out the Dev team. Maybe one day. I have ideas!!! 🙂
  22. I don't have anything detailed put together but I will add one comment: whatever you add, don't have it attached to any character of faction. I do like the red side patron pools but being somewhat subservient to them is not great - having a pool named after them and then using their 'powers'. I used to enjoy the pet powers but being stuck on the same theme or a theme is annoying. I don't want any real attachment to these NPCs - it's even worse when the toon changes back to Vigilante or Hero and has these arch-villain powers. I guess what I'm saying is...have them more generic and if you have a pet to spawn then make customizable or generic or give it the ability to create the look in the character creator.
  23. Oh yes, I caught it and did jump back on to edit. Whoooops!!!! lol Yes, I think the SIDEKICK system should be a separate thing too but I don't know if the Dev team is large enough to implement a new system like that. My original thought was to have the toon complete an arc that made them so heroic or so infamous that someone would want that toon as a mentor. Then it would unlock the SIDEKICK power pool. I'd be just as happy to have it as a larger than average power pool option which unlocks at level 25. As long as the actual power itself is fun and an enticing option. There are so many good options here on this topic, I'd almost want to remove the limit on the number of power pools you can access.
  24. I have yet ANOTHER suggestion for an Epic Power Pool set: SHAPESHIFTING. I know this could re-purpose a lot of what we have. I picture this in the same vein as the Kheldian shape shifts. So, when you access the SHAPESHIFTER Power Pool, you can pick a form. Once you have the tier 1 then you can click on the power in your tray and it opens up the options for that creature (like the squid form etc). I didn't flesh this out further because I don't know how far the Dev team could take it. So, maybe the entire pool is open and you can pick whichever creature you want to shape shift into. A total of four different forms and all can be slotted if you like on each attack for each form. The forms could vary and if we're re-purposing existing materials, one option could be a giant Hellhound...or something like that. It would have a few attacks and maybe a special power here or there. Another form could be a snake creature (we have those all over the Isles). Maybe a giant bird? Maybe the Kheld lobster could be the look of a super powered bear creature? I really don't know what the Dev team can do but these shapes might be fun options and add a unique take on a toon. I do enjoy my tri-form Peacebringer a lot and that's my inspiration for new forms. Maybe a four armed giant could be one form? Perhaps a centaur? Maybe something like a transformer where your toon can turn into a fighter jet or mini tank (if it's a mech-type toon, it'd fit the theme big time). Perhaps one could be shrinking - toon would become very little and have better defence and so on. Lots of options and this pool could have like 10 different choices - take all 10 or take none! 🙂
  25. I posted this a while ago but I would really like a SIDEKICK power pool. For this pool you completely design the look of your sidekick so you have complete customization over the look. So the tier 1 could be the ability to call in the sidekick and the SK would have basic attacks (implement MM tools here for your tray but may involve additional options). Tier 1 would have a variety of options and you would pick 1 path for the SK (a blaster, healer, tank, scrapper - so the sidekick could also compliment your toon). The subsequent powers would be to enhance the SK on whichever power route it was on (so maybe an additional 4 tiers and each tier would add a power). Finally, this pool would unlock ONLY at level 25 - no new toon gets a sidekick! C'mon! TIER 1: -customize the look of your SK -pick if the toon will be a blaster/corr, defender/healer, tank/brute, scrapper The subsequent tiers would be the ability to enhance the SK's powers or add powers. Each SK type (ex. blaster) would have it's own subsequent tiers unique to that class of SK. The key difference here might be the ability to customize your SK. This may happen for MMs one day so who knows. But, I think this would be a cool Power Pool and it's optional to anyone. 🙂
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