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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. I really like these 2 & the former reminds me of Death of the endless cept less goth more Grecian or something.
  2. back when the game was live I played around with a Plant/MA Dom called "The First Fire Shadow" themed after the 1st Hokage on the Beta Server, so far it is the only Beta server set combo I revived on Homecoming That's largely because most of the actions involved. Honestly, anything can be considered a Natural build, it just depends on what is natural for the character. It is natural for Aquaman to swim fast and breathe water because he is Atlantian. It is natural for Kal-El to be energized by yellow sun frequencies which allow him to fly, punch reality, and be revived from Doomsday, because of his Kryptonian heritage. It is natural for my Earth/Fire dominator to use those powers because he is basically an earth elemental from the core of the earth. That having been said, having a Control set that you or I could use, would still be awesome. The huge array of web grenades, caltrops, etc, all done to 11. Agreed on the "natural human" control set, I had pitched a martial arts themed Blaster secondary with Bolas in on the official forum a (possibly before ED) Off Topic Yellow sun radiation is as unnatural to Kryptonians as Gamma Radiation is to humans
  3. This has been rather eye opening, I guess I thought Brute base dmg was lower than it was.
  4. I haven't taken personal attacks since i was noob back when the game was live.
  5. I'd like henchmen to stop losing agro whenever I send the defensive follow command
  6. Even limited customization in the form of swapping out character models like thugs for family would go a long way
  7. Thanks again Shinobu
  8. They're implemented as normal power pools. You can pick up mystic flight from the sorcery powerset and get a teleport/flight power. They're available in game now via the same methods of levelling up as all other power pool powers. You don't talk to the P2W vendor - you just pick them while levelling. Sorcery is, the others are not at this time. Are there any plans to complete those sets? I imagine no new animations would be required for force of will
  9. Where can i find more info about this task force?
  10. Could the difference in part be caused by confused mobs?
  11. Really? so a lvl 50 unique would be treated the same as it's lvl 10 version?
  12. Just don't play on indomitable
  13. When the game was live I made: -A Jamaican themed Broadsword Scrapper named "Yahmon/Yahman" not original as this was inspired by the "Members Only" episode of Power Puff Girls where they crossover with the Justice Friends from Dexter's Lab -A Mirai Trunks themed StJ/Fire Brute named "Down Right Fierce" a play on Hadouken from Street Fighter -A Yaruichi/Naruto/Taki themed KM/Nin named "Fight of Your Life" because "Hyperactive Ninja" was already taken -A Raikage/Raiden/Static themed Elec/Shield Scrapper named "Thunderous Brute" because Shield is better on Scrappers -My 2nd or 3rd attempt at a Rock Lee tribute named "Springtime of Youth" *I also ran into a "Zoot Suit Brute", he was aptly named.
  14. I really like that one, well done.
  15. I would love it if we could get Macros to display like normal power icons
  16. Good to know, was that always the case or is that a homecoming choice?
  17. If they were using the power at the same time could 2 people using TP Foe, TP a Boss? If not I hope the homecoming team would consider making that kind of thing possible.
  18. Shudder. Don't remind me of the days my old Spines/Dark would occasionally get detoggled. That was a mess getting back into the fight having to wait for at least 9 toggles to all charge up. On the bright side if I got detoggled most of the time it meant I was dead so I would have a nice long stun for everyone while I got back up. luckily that was pretty rare on a scrapper
  19. Parry powers synergize better with positional def survival sets like SR/Nin better than typed defense sets like EA/WP/INV etc
  20. I would say to go for any Damage Aura resistance set which imo have the most to gain from positional def granting Parry type powers
  21. I had thought to create a ton in the same vein of salvation from perdition.
  22. Only if it is an option for scrapper staff, i don't believe it is an option for Brute Staff so I doubt it is for scrapper Staff
  23. Shields use to get detoggled as well but years of complaints resulted in them getting suppressed instead of detoggled when mezzed
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