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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. Travel Suppression in it's current form was entirely due to PvP. It's the only one I can remember for certain. It was pretty much to stop ATs with very high damage (Blappers and Stalkers mostly) attacks from jumping past you doing a ton of damage and being out of range before you can respond. If you didn't see what took most of your health in one shot, and cannot target them because they are no longer in range you cannot respond (well apart from whining on the forums about broken travel powers). If it were a PvE change as you seem to think then it's totally failed. You can still kite with impunity (if the mob doesn't leash). You can still pull by attacking and hiding in cover. Changes to address this in PvE do exist but would have little affect on PvP. (Melee mobs gettting ranged attacks, originally some purely melee mobs had no ranged attack. -Fly in attacks from protazoans, they had ranged attacks but if you had fly you could pretty much ignore their melee attacks.)
  2. Looking bad, go for it. I don't mind looking bad. (And you can look through my other posts (on other threads) and see that if I'm shown to be wrong I'll admit it). And frankly while I'd love the world to love me, if they don't it's their loss. I really don't much care how someone at odds with my PoV who I have never met/played with sees me, and I certainly won't be losing any sleep over it. You have yet to prove my opinion wrong, I'm not sure you can. You can assert that things I believe to be true are in fact untrue and if I present facts you can show them to be untrue. But to show me that my opinion is wrong you would have to change my opinion. And frankly insulting me and calling me out for things I haven't in fact done isn't going to do the job. Something else I'm picking up from your replies: Changes to the game to facilitate PvP != The PvP Community. "The PvP Community" are those people who enjoy PvP, maybe they enjoy PvE as well maybe not. You might even potentially include devs whose responsibility is with PvP changes. But the community doesn't actually include the changes themselves. That wasn't what you said. You said that I blamed the PvP community for the removal of something. I might say that I blame Cryptic for adding PvP and then messing up the game to make it work, I didn't, but arguably I blame them. But where did I blame the PvP community? Nor am I sure as to where I insulted anyone, (I just read back through the message chain and I didn't in fact insult anyone), didn't blame anyone. Didn't in fact do any of the things you say I did. So shall we go with another "internet thing" and say I won the argument because it's the people who respond to arguments with insults who are the losers... 😛 That said the only person around here that I can see flinging (potential) insults at groups is you: Some of the nicest people I know are hardcore PvP fanatics (though admittedly not in CoH). As a rule what someone enjoys doesn't make them into specific types of people. People who enjoy PvP are people who enjoy PvP, nothing more nothing less. Anyway, onwards: In a perfect world there would be no difference between the two. Learning to play the game one way then learning a different way to do things is one of my issues with it (PvP). I'm not suggesting open world PvP, but having to play substantially differently because PvP powers work differently. And yes I am aware of the difference between fight players and mobs... players are more fun generally. But powers should function identically whether facing a player or mob and currently (well last time I played PvP) many/most didn't. From what has been said it IS a simple issue, it can in it's current form be abused. I thought this thread was to try and get a solution to these issues other than just removing it. Flat out disabling it while you're doing MoTFs (or while on TF/Trial, not actually done a MoTF yet (recently) to recall how you set one up) or in PvP zones (and in the arenas if anyone still uses them), would be a major step in that direction. Would only affect those in a position to abuse it and wouldn't affect those of us who use it to get to our bases (or our friend's bases) quickly (and without c/d). And I'd be quite happy if the changes also included a short cool down (like 5 mins) and/or a short interrupt. It's the ability to jump to a specific base with the passcode that I don't want removed. When this gets fixed it will hopefully be an example of a dev listening to the community to affect a change that doesn't penalise those who aren't abusing something but prevents said abuse. Who actually reported the abuse and what play styles they enjoy should be immaterial.
  3. You could do it sort of by changing trays with each press, but I think it'd be hard to use. So something like: /macro <name> "emote none$$cc 0$$pow_exec_slot 1$$gototray 2" Tray 2 would then have a similar macro in the same slot: /macro <name> "emote none$$cc 0$$pow_exec_slot 1$$gototray 3" etc. But I think bind_load_file is almost certainly easier to deal with.
  4. To be fair I never had an Intangibility power (apart from the one in Dark that caused enemies to become intangible, which I never took because it tended to screw teams up, and in those days soloing wasn't done at +4/x8), so I doubt I'd have noticed any change to it. But I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers the travel power nerf. 😄
  5. I now want Titan Staff Fighting... 😄 Or better yet Titan Staff Fighting/Sonic (so I can have The Hu as well... (The Hu Band)
  6. Where on earth do you get that idea from? A post that I expected to be taken as a joke, and a minor rant about how little I like PvP and somehow that is me saying how I blame the PvP community? I don't enjoy PvP in this game! I'd rather it hadn't been added. I have no expectation at this point of it being removed and kudos to the people who enjoy it. I won't tell you not to, or that I think less of you for doing so. I just won't partake myself. Not being a PvPer I have no idea if it's game breaking or not. But perhaps in future rather than exercising your forum PvP you ought to check what people have actually said.
  7. Hence why I said I'd be happy for it to have c/d and interrupt. From a purely PvE and mostly solo (or multi-boxing) standpoint I find it extremely useful. And while I stand by my assertion that no good ever came from PvP in this game it mostly intended as a joke when I suggested it was removed. In all honesty it's over 10 years since I was annoyed about specific nerfs, I don't even remember what my BS/* Scrapper secondary and I played her for over 500 hours. I know that my (other) scrapper came out of several PvP aimed nerfs worse off than she went into them (DM/Rgn). ED. Global Defence Nerf. Travel Powers Nerfed to prevent PvP abuse. Repeated /Regen nerfs, as a level 50 scrapper when CoV launched I could solo EBs within two issues I had to take the Heal Self from the PP just to have enough healing. But yeah as stated above I really don't recall specifics now more than ten years later (I had to look at the What When Guide in the Guides section just to pull up these). Didn't like the idea of PvP before it was introduced, didn't enjoy playing it for the small amount of time I played it with the CoV launch (mostly because friends did and were into it), haven't touched it since the relaunch (and won't). For the record while I was never very good at PvP I did a lot of PvP in other games (WoW, EVE, GW2 (In GW2 I joined a PvP guild because I enjoyed it so much))
  8. No you're quite right I misread what you said and was looking at five attacks of 500 damage each.
  9. And while we're at it re-enable PhysX and not just a tiny subset of it.
  10. Unless it's changed since I last saw it we already do. One of the full helmet options. I know for a fact that you used to be able to make a clone of a Paragon Protector as I once had a character that was.
  11. Who is talking out of their ass? I said before PvP was introduced that it would detract from the game, nothing I have seen since has changed that view. Many of the things I have enjoyed doing in the past have been nerfed or completely removed to foster "PvP Balance". If the devs had either not added PvP at all, or had just said that PvE balance trumped PvP balance just think how much work on things that matter to the majority would have been done. At least two issues were pretty much devoted to PvP or PvP balance. And at the end of it all PvP is still not remotely balanced, and QoL features (whether intended or not) must be removed because it prevents death in PvP... of course I'm pissed off. edit: On a lighter note I'd be happy with just being able to /slash command a replacement Base transporter with a small C/D and Innterupt, it's not the speed of use that makes it so useful its the lack of a 30 minute C/D, not needing to buy it and the fact that on leaving the base by base transporter you end up back where you started. Can be used to pop to the base to level up/sell/craft/etc and pop back to whatever you were doing before.
  12. Hit point cap at 50 for controllers is (unless it's changed drastically) 1606.4, so in either scenario you die. Hell it's touch and go if a def capped (0 res) scrapper would survive that scenario. (On the test server with nothing slotted at 50 you're about 1220.82HP, Mids suggests that with an IO build picking as many +HP sets as I can I still can't hit that cap. I didn't look at using Incarnate buffs.) From a pure maths standpoint you of course are right. However if it's a real world scenario how do you get more than the aggro cap to actually attack you? So 17 of those even con minions are able to beat on you. And only one (if aggro and targeting caps from ParagonWiki remain correct) isn't debuffed or mezzed. In this scenario that one minion is unlikely to kill me. Put me in an impossible situation and I'll die, put me in something that could actually happen and I almost certainly won't die. Real world if I'm just standing there letting things beat on me I'm dead and as I don't play a mathematical simulation I'll continue to prefer recharge bonuses over res or def, and res over def.
  13. Easy fix then... remove PvP... 😄 edit to add: (At around the page 10 mark when I add this edit.) This reply was intended as a joke. I neither need nor expect PvP to be removed. And was a reply to this specific text (as above). I don't hate PvPers (though some piss me off). Nor do I think as a whole PvPers are the spawn of Santa. I personally don't enjoy PvP in this game. I personally would rather the game had remained purely PvE. And if any of those statements make me a bad person in your eyes then fine.
  14. 100% Agree... I'd also quite like to be able to set a default body slider setup,..
  15. Do we really need another Hasten thread?
  16. I use walk to turn off all my toggles. Much easier than writing a generic macro/bind to do the same thing. I would obviously prefer it to remain as it is... 😉
  17. Back when I first played during live (EU Launch i3) I made a Dark/Dark scrapper, I didn't take Stamina. I literally couldn't get through the first respec trial my build was so gimped. So no, don't put something as useful as a repsec behind a trial. Perhaps a difficult non-incarnate trial could be added that allows you to pick a respec as a reward but that shouldn't be the only method to acquire it.
  18. I don't see an issue with having it, you can already do it with fancy binds. And it doesn't do anything to prevent botters. Maybe with the state of the game code it's harder to do than we suppose... it wouldn't be the first thing we were told wouldn't be done for one reason only to find out later that the code was too much of a mess to understand...
  19. I only really notice missing a lot at low level or fighting Rikti/Forcefield Drones. Which can normally be fixed by popping some yellows (and by which point you have big trays). Is it really a problem with even con mobs? Or is the issue that more and more we seem to be fighting +4/x8?
  20. One of the big reasons playing a villain is a joke.
  21. A power that gives the Ninja Run buff to speed/jump but doesn't do anything to how you look. An additional "Prestige Sprint" (pre-order run) power (like Dash, Glide, Power Slide... etc) for Ninja Run & Beast Run.
  22. +1 And a passive 20% Bonus to recharge for everyone to say sorry for even thinking about removing Hasten... 😉
  23. I know this, I triple box */Rad & */Kin controllers, 400% recharge is easy... 😄
  24. I have never understood why people say that 45% defence reduces the incoming damage by any amount. It reduces the chance that you'll be hit. The damage that does get through will hit you at full power and you don't a huge health pool to soak it with. And I acknowledge that unexpected events are a risk (ambushes especially) but with the exception of a few highly passive secondaries (eg: Sonic & FF) recharge overall for a controller is more beneficial than defence. Obviously we're not going to agree on this which is fine, the OP gets the benefit of both our experiences.
  25. TBH that was why I was hedging my bets, it is a very long time since ED hit and I might have mis-remembered it, and as I only started playing in i3 I didn't have as long before they started nerfing everything... my poor regen scrapper. 😢
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