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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. Hmm playable Sapper as an AT... that would scratch my itch TBH... 😉
  2. Thanks guys, I found the original thread with the list of viewers and assumed because they were 9+ years old they weren't as good as something produced more recently. Then got Piglet (as above, thank you) and realised that Piglet seems to be pretty much a re-skinned Pig Viewer Pro. (I'm probably wrong and it's an entirely different program under the hood, parallel evolution and all that.) Still not finding what I was looking for, I wonder what I used to find it back then... maybe process explorer... have to go look some more thanks... 😄
  3. I want a Sapper backpack. 🙂
  4. Apart from TFs/Trials I do pretty much all content on a three man team... Mostly as I multi-box them and don't want to deal with other people who don't want to play at my speed (or somehow take offence that I want to play three characters at once). I do TFs/Trials as and when I feel like it solo (in a team), eventually I'm going to do some of the harder ones on my own (ITF I managed on live not managed it yet on HC).
  5. While levelling my fire/rad team (controllers) I found the Brickstown zone event (kill prisoners/freakshow/super prisoners) handed out I think PPD Grenade Launcher (similar/same as the Grenade Launcher in AR), massively improved levelling speed in my small team. (You can get it certainly from level 30+ and the mobs you fight are always even con (like ToT/GM/etc mobs) so I wouldn't be surprised if you could do it earlier. I had the wedding band on Live with my DM/Regen scrapper, picked it up around i3/i4 and I think I still had it when the game shutdown
  6. Take up multi-boxing then you're your own army... 😉
  7. Not just cones but (PB)AoEs too.
  8. I'll lay my cards on the table here, I played the CoV beta, and played CoV at launch until my MM was in the late 30s (about three months) and then I largely stopped playing CoV. I've never really gone back to it. I find the themes depressing, the maps gloomy (which I suspect is the intention of their design, but I don't like them). And I really dislike being evil. I can do bad, I can kill people for personal profit and I don't necessarily see myself as a hero (though the game does). That all said if they implemented your suggestion I'd be back... maybe not as full Villain but certainly in something like it... 😄
  9. You can do it entirely within the rules, just add the autocast to movement keys. So pushing forward puts hasten on auto and moves you forward. moving left, puts clicky mez resist on auto and moves you left. Only issue with this is if you either don't use keys to move (CTM or Mouse Chord) or if you just follow your buff bot around... 😄 Or as above but to other power slots. edit:- @Thread: I don't think you should need to jump through hoops (macros/binds) if it's possible to make any clicky in game that has enough recharge to be perma, perma then it should either be changed so that it's not possible to do (NERF IT (/jk)) or allow it to be made auto without said macros or binds).
  10. Quick Chat is a Popmenu that is supplied with the game. Most people will use it (if they use it) for changing their notoriety, it also lists all the various emotes so you don't have to remember them. You can also call it with "/popmenu quickchat" I primarily use them for the notoriety changes but one thing that has been annoying me is even though you can make them keyboard friendly the quickchat supplied with the game isn't. So I changed that - for Notoriety at least. quickchat.mnu With this when you open the notoriety menu from the above button you just need to hit "n", then the letter corresponding to what you want to change... the keys that are used as shortcuts are clearly indicated as such in the menu. To install: If you have any other popmenus installed the above file just needs to be placed in the same folder. Otherwise you need to make a folder tree: Game Root (Were Tequila.exe is.) Create a new folder called "data". In "data" create a new folder called "texts". In "texts" create a new folder called "English". In "English" create a new folder called "menus". Place the above file into that folder. eg: You need to reboot/relaunch the game. You can further edit the file for instance if you want all the emotes to have this feature (I don't care so I didn't). If placed correctly (as above) this new popmenu will replace the in game one, to "uninstall" just delete the file and relaunch the game If you want to launch the quickchat menu with a button you can do so like so: (this will work with the existing menu too) /bind <key> "popmenu quickchat" You'll get the menu popup at your mouse cursor.
  11. Turned on Nightlight then launched game. Game looks okay and appears to be working (I'm in PI outside a mission). Tried turning it on/off while running the game, also no issues. Game client is fullscreen/borderless running with ultra enabled (+cell shading). I'm using a GTX1060 6Gb, I'm using the most recent version of Win 10, (it updated three days ago). Didn't try f.lux (don't really care for the way the game looks in night mode, don't find blue light any worse for my sleep patterns/life than any other colour light). 😉 If you can post your specs/setup as well it would give the devs more to work with.
  12. Just one point: You don't need to do Mender Ramiel at all, you unlock Incarnates automatically at 50 and earn Incarnate XP as soon as you train up to 50. My own take on a cheap farmer (followed your ideas but went with a different build (mainly based off one of the hardcore farming builds but with cheaper IOs)) has unlocked all the incarnate slots and reached vet level 3 and now have Alpha and Destiny at t3. I'll need more vet levels to get more t3s. Was fun following your guide (in principle) I always like to read about why people do thing one way as opposed to another way, helps me work out a build for myself in future. So thanks for the guide.
  13. To cut a long story short, I'm looking for a usable binary of a pigg viewer that works with the modern HC client/win 10 machines. Ideally able to extract files. I don't need/want to make new piggs. Tried Piglet but couldn't get it to compile and as I'm not a coder/programmer even though I can read the errors I have no idea what they mean. Found another that at least from the instructions implies I need some of the server code (or something), but goes way beyond what I actually need it for. I want to find sound file names (preview sounds) for a personal sound replacement mod, and text views (in game popmenus, etc). So does anyone know of either a precompiled win10 binary of piglet, or some other working pigg viewer? But no Porcine porn.
  14. I have some recollection that the UI is based on some subset of html (not 100% sure), I dug around through the piggs years ago looking for things that I should proably not have been looking for and found some of the UI stuff then and that is what my memory is telling me... 😕
  15. Never mind my in game friends (don't worry I don't have any) this'd be great for stockpiling even more junk in several extra bases. Not sure how many SGs can in a coalition together but this would be a cool way of maximising your storage... 😄
  16. Well I think the game only supports up to "BUTTON8", so you won't be able to map directly to anything above anyway. Best I can recommend is to assign those buttons to keys and map those keys instead. I don't have a mouse that complicated (or using whatever software Corsair use) to test with though so it'll be a little bit of trial and error on your part.
  17. Or Fire/Rad controller. They can't see you, they can't hit, but if they could they do no damage. They're slowed to a crawl and unable to regenerate. And three murder monkeys are snacking on their shins... On top of which they're unable to stand up...
  18. In all honesty you could say the above about most of the crafting screens/systems. Only today I was trying to craft some purples, I have a lot of AE tickets so I was buying the Rare Salvage from there, but the recipes window and the AE "Shop" window are the same so you can only open one at a time...
  19. I thought it was books inside the Midnighter's Club or is that different one?
  20. Then if you don't take down two Kronos quickly enough could they turn into Krogoths? 😉
  21. For buttons that the game supports (somewhat) look here: http://www.shenanigunner.com/CoH-CoV-Technical-Guide-v276.pdf Appendix C. Note not tried these in HC but I never had a huge amount of success binding anything beyond button 5 in game. I'm using the G502 Proteus Spectrum and using the 9.02.65 version of the software. I have the mouse set to use the on-board profiles (I don't use auto-detection as I only play a few different games and I pretty much use the same keys/buttons in all). I use /bind <key> ctrl+lbutton "<commands>" quite a bit. Mostly for Teleport type powers.
  22. Actually I knew that as I have seen you mention it before... I just have a thing for playing with words... 😉
  23. If you do /bind_save, new characters will indeed load with this new default. However if you hit the reset keybinds (red button) the game loads defaults from within the .piggs it doesn't load up the player created keybinds.txt. Generally speaking if you're having issues with binds not loading correctly it is best to Reset Keybinds (red button) then load up the default with /bind_load. This seems to work better than just /bind_load. Probably because it resets keys that have been unbound somehow to "nop". If binds are really screwed up I personally always do it this way then physically edit the keybinds.txt (in notepad etc) to find out what is going on. However I don't know why the OP is having the issue he is having. Does the F5 key not work on any item in the base? I know for sure the base portal won't be changed when using it. (Though I think there is an error message.) On your new installation with no changes to the binds (so absolutely default (or hit that red button)), type /show_bind F5. If it comes up with "Key F5 binded to: attach_cycle" (it's a system message), then you know it's not simply a missing bind. If the binding is fine (that is it reports F5 being bound to attach_cycle) do you know for sure that your F5 key works? Do you know for sure it is working in game (I have no idea why it wouldn't but it's a possibility). Try opening options and binding F5 to something else, preferably something that you can see happen in game. Jump would be a good one. Does the game register the key being pressed? That is can you bind it to anything in the options dialog? Once bound (if it works) will it allow you to do whatever it is now bound to in game?
  24. When you find something you play more than anything else. I doubt even on my farmer will I ever reach a point where I have more merits/etc than I can ever use. There will always be alts.
  25. I agree with you. But I suspect that the disparity comes from the fact that they never finished adding loot boxes, if there was a larger range there would no doubt be more varieties of IOs that would cover those areas that aren't covered now. Hopefully the HC devs can expand the range in the future (hopefully through some other mechanic than loot boxes).
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