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Everything posted by Doomguide2005

  1. Created Neurostatic for the SG. Currently an 11th level Emp/Electric and looking for an invite, hopefully the next time I can get online.
  2. Awesome, well done. Rubble bounced appropriately by a "tier 3" defender 😁 And not even a /Sonic
  3. I believe all 3 can be very survivable. Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses. A player familiar with those strengths and especially the weaknesses can also make an already strong build even tougher.
  4. This, the base at 50 is 149ft ... so they could be seeing you interact with a previous mob and then they have a lock on as I understand it even if you've reHidden
  5. Generally Super Speed plus a Stealth IO is usually sufficient in PvE. Or Stealth IO plus a power like Steamy Mist or Shadowfall.
  6. Yes, please use CM. While on my Emp/Fire on a team with another Emp against lvl 54 Arachnos I died several times by getting mezzed. Began to wonder if they'd skipped it. Nope just weren't using it. Blinded I could deal with as I was running Tactics. The other thing to keep in mind is AT's that normally have mez protection may lose it or have gaps while exemplared.
  7. As others have said it takes a bit of time to get your traps into play, but with capped defense (and Seeker Drones) you can get some of that time back by leading the charge/taking he alpha, then moving on quickly as the mob is finished off. Your traps after all work even if you are in the next mob or three away laying the next bunch.
  8. My Earth/Storm rarely uses Hurricane, but will quickly get the whole mob stunned by stacking Stalagmites, Thunderclap and Fissure. Not the fastest perhaps but not much is fighting back as I follow up with Seismic Smash, Arcane Bolt, LS, and Tornados, etc. with Stony hammering away as well.
  9. I don't PvP and I'm totally unfamiliar with Savage Melee so I can't really give you a build but: From what I recall from Live having both SS and SJ were common (movement/jousting). The thing that'll be painful for SR is PvP players will have and use +perception powers/inspires (tactics, yellows) especially compared to mobs. Not only will that cut through any Stealth you may have but it also carves up pure defense sets like SR (i.e. each +1 of To Hit effectively reduces your defense by an equal amount). And unlike a Resist based set that first hit may take you deep into the red. So while Elude isn't needed in PvE it may mean life vs defeat in PvP. And I know there's something called Elusivity that comes into play which Elude adds to, but my knowledge of that mechanism is basically zilch since it is a PvP thing. Hopefully another poster can help out there and with a build.
  10. Fairly certain Psylenz (or other leaders within the new sg) haven't closed the doors on adding other interested folks. Call out in channel or send a tell and join the fun. That's what I plan on doing.
  11. I have no doubts. Currently leveling an Earth/Storm on Everlasting and leveled two, one each on Justice and Pinnacle back on live. Partly why I'm thinking of doing Plant with Thermal is I've done a lot of Storm (but it is so tempting 😁)
  12. Don't know if I'll ever be able to run with the sg (off times and limited hours for gaming) but we're going to build a Plant/Therm and maybe Plant/Storm. Vicarious reading only goes so far. 😄
  13. Or maybe a Fire/Sonic (Clarity for mez protection and the resistance debuffs)
  14. While control is binary (as in controlled/not controlled) as I recall, the magnitude of the mez wears off over time with each application wearing off individually. So it may start at 3, then degrade over time ... 3, 2.9, 2.8, 2.7, etc..
  15. True and why I say the net recovery is what I look at shooting for 2.5 or greater. The only sure way to know with certainty is calculate how much end/sec your attack chain is using up. If your end consumption is higher you're going to need more end recovery to have 2.5 net recovery. Mids' far as I am aware also does not account for the Performance Shifter proc. And clearly if you're burning through end too quickly slowing your attacks will slow end consumption (which is effectively raising your net recovery). Same if you use something like Conserve Power. End consumption falls and your net recovery increases. Your end consumption is most useful to me as an indicator of a lack of needed end reduction slotting in the 'always' in use powers (toggles primarily) in a build when I'm looking in Mids'. But even then if the net recovery is high (or has plenty of click recovery powers) it won't matter to the build it can deal with the higher consumption. PS: My Claws/SR's end consumption was 1.36 end/sec, her recovery 3.92 pre Incarnate and 4.1 with her Alpha on (Musculature Radial Paragon) . She could attack non-stop pretty much forever.
  16. I don't tend to look at end consumption on my builds. I look at net recovery. Your net is what pays for your attacks/attack chain. Your consumption doesn't really account for your actual usage because it doesn't account for what you're burning with your attacks. I shoot for a net recovery of 2.5 end/sec or better or figure out what your attack chain uses over time (which is more math than I care to do, generally) 1850 health on an /SR scrapper is solid but can go significantly higher. My Claws/SR on live was sitting at over 2100 hp with a regen over 32 hp/sec for comparison.
  17. Oh man the memories. Imagine what 4 to 6 AR/Dev could lay down for mines. Imagine that in the entry and extending back down the halls what it would look like when those blasters pulled as many as they could down and into the carpet of mines (60+ mines) from some multilayer room. Glorious carnage!
  18. Adrenaline Boost is a very large boost to recharge i.e. +100% and a high end build can keep it perma on an individual. It also makes the target quite resistant to recharge debuffs (and some other move related things), provides a +500% regen and 800% buff to recovery. The latter two being enhanceable. It's how teamed Emps could essentially ignore the nuke crash when that was a thing and often not lose toggles either (when that was still a thing). I could fire off my nuke and look down a few seconds later and see my end bar mostly full and climbing.
  19. I tend to fall in with the first two posters. I'd have both unless my power choices were seriously squeezed.
  20. Either will work. Ice blast has a good bit of control with the -recharge, slows and holds to help both AT's while leveling. Both have to concern themselves with mez while leveling (which the above will help indirectly). As the builds mature I think the biggest difference will tend to be the mob size they're best with. Ice blast is relatively single target, Storm less so. Storm also has more options for -resist, in particular through Freezing Rain. I'm personally fond of Storm, but also have severe altitis and probably would end up making both starting with Storm
  21. Looks fairly solid, a good start. Probably want to try and squeeze more net end recovery out of the build somehow. It's currently sitting at 2.01 with Maneuvers running. I like to shoot for 2.50 or better, You do have two of the +end procs which should bring you up to around 2.40 since they aren't accounted for in Mids'. You only have 4 of the LotG def/+recharge so you could drop another in Elude. Speaking of Elude you are already at the Incarnate soft cap so why pick up Elude ... pseudo travel power, your favorite foes like to drop cairns or look like big floating eyeballs, PvP?. Ideally I'd look to get Lucky into the yellow/red for def. Not real critical but it's why your DDR isn't a smidge higher. But outside of trying to gain just a bit more net end recovery the rest is more of the OCD purely subjective perfectionist material.
  22. While in game testing trumps all Mids' will also tell you. Call up the power and mouse over the effects tab (away from my desk top so I think this where to look) . It should give the value and if it doesn't stack it will say "this effect does not stack from the same caster" if memory serves me correctly.
  23. I'd have to go digging for the thread but there was one 'thought' experiment thread about /SR on the live scrapper boards about building for move speed without using SS. Lots of GotA and other sets, double slotted sprint, swift etc.. and it was definitely a very quick character. Probably you could do something similar with Electric armor (or any set with a Quickness type power) but you'd be harder pressed to find room for the GotA set +runspd IO's with resistance sets like Electric.
  24. 😁 Thought I'd come to this thread and find a thread about a character named "Failed Experiment". There is a lot of very good advice above. As for endurance usage I'll usually mouse over the net recovery bar in Mids' and be looking for a net recovery of 2.5 or greater (making sure all toggles are 'on'). I find this generally makes it quite hard to run out of end. Conversely if it's under 2.0 the build will probably suffer from running out of end (and between those numbers it's likely to have to keep an eye on the end bar or find itself running dry in longer fights and/or eating the blue inspires often.
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