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Everything posted by PLVRIZR

  1. My pleasure! The seven-tank Team2 finished a kill most +2 MC in 32 min.! Then we got the first two missions of the Unai arc in, for much fun and leveling (those poor Council d-bags didn't know what hit them. Even though he's not my most played tank, my titular toon is always a blast to drive. Tons of herding, what a great time.
  2. My .02 influence. I also rolled an Energy Armor brute, since I mostly tank (see sig) and wanted to see how well it would roll. Picked the glowing pom-poms of death as the primary, to be a single-target wrecking ball. Should have gone @Erratic1's route and made the only unique pairing in the game, with EnergyA + SS, but have enough SS toons already. Here's "FACESMSHR". Hope it gives you some ideas. With 51.9% DDR base included, he's *really* tanky. Numbers are no procs, incarnates or gimmicks. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1789&c=746&a=1492&f=HEX&dc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
  3. ...and due to that fact, you have access to emojis and other tools, avoid that "bad look" 😉😁😝
  4. Agree, 100%. Also agree that slotting lvl 30 IOs will significantly increase your durability. I recently posted my Elec/Elec/Energy build, but here it is again (pre page 5 re-slotting): https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1730&c=759&a=1518&f=HEX&dc=78DA6594594F135114C7FF43A7ACC582500A42A154914D2AB8BC6B041F14121289896B536184C6DA92B620BC8BCBAB89F1C50513F74FE007C05D5CE36E5CE2930B62DC8DE8783A674E7A8549A6FDCDFD9FFDDE99AE9176D7E4CDCE55D05C6BA2E16432D4138EED3212B95D43A9702A128F81AEF28DF1682A1CE9F5F70C0CC5FA8CC40E7A0C0DAF08B6E690E8638750BBB1D388258D6047D4E84D2522BDA1D589DDF184A85D46D4C868E1282FC0D51D8F47839D46783012EB2FB41ED646FA0752F4946F3D6D18348CBE0216A269A5A46330D21BEC881989FED1505738993212A3E554461DDD136EFAD12097A9033F1D409B8E2CFC10F8C6A0E3AB80975C7C3A26D3DE1977D3091CD42D936C1C10D8CF908B7D02630CF9D8CB70CB9D0EA284D1F08C33B9F094611E9E083C6628C22381870C97288C4353C2D0322BF36166D9F097A1147F046618CAF09BE1328571AA2371CA48CA6424E532927219C9022C63B842DE398AB73307BFC4C40E532561AAF09DA15AE2554BBC3B14264FE9057948DA75D2092A5012641560BD387B340BFC2862F0926DA1628B423CE7285729BE5B511C6EA9CE2FD5F9A5965AA9EE2E3915ABFB548C37BA6D32C227A2167B1816625820259064B846614AD4DC25F8C00916E19DC07B81B7F629A4563CEA403C18E3561CA478D58178B192DB5F8C5681E50CD72975853A900AB4C0526E9052993984262A31C3BDDD27C5A776ED4388FEEBD361B733D4639BC056812D0C8DD8CCA05399356A9935F8C2AD35625AE033C33D4A19505306709E9B6DC23981B302671896E0B4C0298607EEF44B9E09E3A8C36B876DF28AA1052F055E3004A8CE0664EAD41AD00CDBC486DB14B7592DAF192779564B312E7042E038431B8E091C6518A78441753382747C2CE5422168EB3209B4561CC9B29D0F3134EAFF7FB8CC2A1DEA655A8BA689CE5986746773886E523455D168D32D652A7F8E8F7D4C3ECE551A5899B614A56660CA617FE7D669D611F834D7C46ECB256D4D34D11BAB7461E67A695DEDF36260D6C2E1125A505D3CA5B32C3679662DFC03D520EBE0 With only one stack of MoT res, no incarnates, no gimmicks, he's really tanky. Lack of DDR keeps Electric Armor from being "Top Tier", like Inv/Shield/Stone, but with Ageless (Radial) Incarnate, it doesn't struggle much, after 50. Also after 50, adding Resilient Alpha and Melee Hybrid, it's just silly:
  5. One option: Since procs aren't affected by the Rage crash, you still have damage potential, during those 10 sec. crash times. Swapping one of the Obliteration pieces with the proc., in both Foot Stomp and Cross Punch and one of the Bombardment pieces with the proc., in Energy Torrent gives you three AOE attacks, with damage potential, during the crashes. Yes, you give up something (either overall damage, recharge, accuracy or end use), depending on which piece you replace, or you could replace a FF recharge proc and get the 6th piece bonus (AOE, Fire and Cold defense) in either FS or CP. If you do that, you could move it to Kick and, while admittedly a low chance for activation, kick away during the crash 😆.
  6. Was just at the bottom of the page... 😆
  7. I run the "Big Mobs" tunnel. Use the search function, at the AE mission kiosk. Set diff to +4 and team size of 8. Set Hasten on auto. Enter Mish. Eat a red. Kill Mobs. Eat reds, as they drop. Convert non reds to reds, when you have three-of-a-kind (there are macros to do this automatically, but I don't use them). This mish arc is four identical missions, so finish, exit and revisit the contact. I craft and sell, after every two missions, so buy a crafting table, with your first $10M. You make as much with drops, as with infl from killing....
  8. Fire/* and */Fire = Fire/Fire! Leveling one now and yes, it has the inherent disadvantage of being resistance-only based, but once you get to Incarnate level, you can make anything nigh-unkillable and the damage from Fiery Melee is impressive. I had a Fire/Fire on Live and I know my new project will make that toon look like a joke, considering everything we have access to, today, and the improvements in both the armor and melee sets.
  9. ...but it was called "Baumtown". 😉 I have the retail release map to prove it.
  10. Fun times on the Hess team. Finished a +3 in 44 min. Massive herding and carnage, unfortunately my lens cap was on, so no screenies, this time...
  11. Was not on Beta, but bought the retail version on launch...pre-I1. Still have the game manual (and welcome map...with Baumtown, Overbrook, Venice and Woodvale as zones) and remember the monthly subscription. This thread is a reminder that it *was* a different game, geared to keeping you on the "hook". Long slow grinds were the intent. I fondly remember herding entire maps, but don't miss the tanker powers that kept you stationary (literally immovable), as in Rooted (Stone) and Unyielding Stance (Inv). Once I learned that the mutant store was the closest store to the Yellow Line tram station in Steel, almost all my origins became that. Getting safely to those DOs was paramount! No travel power until 14 sucked, big time, mainly because Steel and Sky had separate train lines (as previously mentioned). Finding "friends" to transfer influence was always a crapshoot, but I paid a 10% transfer fee, so everyone won. I guess I didn't make enough early on to recognize the 99,999 limit, because I remember transferring millions, at a time. Did get burned a couple of times... Much prefer the game of today, and its near infinite flexibility.
  12. I'll just post my shield/mace, since durability is your concern. This build, without procs or incarnates, has 60/51/55 positional defenses, with a fairly affordable build (four of the sets are Multi-Strike x 2, Crushing Impact and Perfect Zinger). Hope this helps: https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1857&c=780&a=1560&f=HEX&dc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

    Tankers and -ToHit

    I *always* one-slot taunt with the Perfect Zinger psi-damage proc 😆
  14. You're right. Just got my Rad/Axe Tank (Lemme Axe You Somethin) to 50, so off to remake Powder Keg (will probably wind up PWDRKEG, anyway 😆)
  15. Tank. (surprised? 😆) Haven't remade him on HC, but I had a Fire/Fire/Pyre tank on Live that was just ridiculous.
  16. This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7 https://github.com/LoadedCamel/MidsReborn Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Mutation Tanker Primary Power Set: Dark Armor Secondary Power Set: Kinetic Melee Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Force of Will Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Speed Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Dark Embrace (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (5) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (7) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance (7) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime Level 1: Body Blow (A) Superior Blistering Cold - Accuracy/Damage (33) Superior Blistering Cold - Damage/Endurance (37) Superior Blistering Cold - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance (40) Superior Blistering Cold - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (50) Superior Blistering Cold - Recharge/Chance for Hold Level 2: Murky Cloud (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (9) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (9) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance (11) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime Level 4: Kick (A) Accuracy IO Level 6: Obsidian Shield (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (11) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (13) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All) Level 8: Mighty Leap (A) Winter's Gift - Slow Resistance (20%) Level 10: Combat Jumping (A) Kismet - Accuracy +6% (13) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed (19) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) (19) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points) Level 12: Taunt (A) Mocking Beratement - Accuracy/Recharge Level 14: Tough (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (15) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (15) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance (17) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP (17) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3% Level 16: Dark Regeneration (A) Theft of Essence - Chance for +Endurance (31) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage (31) Superior Avalanche - Damage/Endurance (33) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance (43) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (46) Superior Avalanche - Recharge/Chance for Knockdown Level 18: Cloak of Fear Hamidon Origin:Enzyme Exposure (29) Nightmare - Accuracy/Endurance (31) Unspeakable Terror - Disorient Bonus Level 20: Power Siphon (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up Level 22: Oppressive Gloom (A) Absolute Amazement - Stun (23) Absolute Amazement - Stun/Recharge/Accuracy (23) Absolute Amazement - Recharge/Accuracy (25) Absolute Amazement - Stun/Endurance (25) Absolute Amazement - Chance for ToHit Debuff (27) Triumphant Insult - Chance to Disorient Level 24: Burst (A) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage (33) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (37) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge (40) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All) (46) Fury of the Gladiator - Chance for Res Debuff Level 26: Weaken Resolve (A) Accuracy IO (27) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff Level 28: Focused Burst (A) Gladiator's Javelin - Accuracy/Damage (34) Gladiator's Javelin - Damage/Recharge (39) Gladiator's Javelin - Chance of Damage(Toxic) (40) Gladiator's Javelin - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge (48) Gladiator's Javelin - Damage/Endurance/Recharge Level 30: Concentrated Strike (A) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage (34) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/RechargeTime (37) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime (43) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime (46) Superior Gauntleted Fist - RechargeTime/+Absorb Level 32: Repulsing Torrent (A) Superior Frozen Blast - Accuracy/Damage (34) Superior Frozen Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance (36) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown Level 35: Weave Hamidon Origin:Cytoskeleton Exposure Level 38: Cloak of Darkness Hamidon Origin:Cytoskeleton Exposure Level 41: Gloom (A) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage (42) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/RechargeTime (42) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance (42) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (43) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime Level 44: Unleash Potential D-Sync Origin:D-Sync Conduit Level 47: Darkest Night Hamidon Origin:Enzyme Exposure Level 49: Hasten (A) Recharge Reduction IO (50) Recharge Reduction IO Level 1: Gauntlet Level 1: Brawl
  17. Kick takes the Force Feedback chance for +Recharge proc. Doesn't fire often, but when it does, it's something.
  18. Here's what I run (Electric/Electric/Energy/Ionic...went all in with electricity 😆 https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1730&c=759&a=1518&f=HEX&dc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umbers with one stack of ATO Res. With Incarnates (Resilient Alpha, no inherent DDR so Ageless Radial and Melee Radial) it's just silly sturdy, with a heal and end management... Deals out reasonable damage (for a tank) too. I ran with a 54/8 team last night, three or four missions herding Carnies and was never in danger. Lack of DDR (when Ageless is on cooldown) keeps it from being Inv, SD or Stone top-tier, but he's just a hoot to play.
  19. Yeah, we finished the whole first run and dispatched Clamor in 23 min., so thanks again to Ronin for organizing and Col (who got the LFG star-swap) for actually leading Team 1. As I have said before, if you haven't respec'd your SS tanks, having Foot Stomp (I ran my titular toon, last night) for Yin, or any other exemp down to 25, is absolutely wonderful 😆
  20. ...mostly due to lack of DDR. I love my WP/Fiery Melee tank. Actually used him as a fire farmer...to PL my Spines/Fire brute into the primary farming role. He rolls through 98% of all non-HM content, without blinking, but I wouldn't dream of lead tanking him on a +4/8 ITF or 801 AE.
  21. Just dinged 50 with a Rad/Axe and even without incarnates or completely min/maxed sets, can tank 98% of the non-HM content and Battle Axe is a completely different experience, compared to live. I love SS and Battle Axe is probably now my second favorite, well, secondary.
  22. To me, there is nothing in this game quite as satisfying as foot stomp.
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