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Everything posted by Placta

  1. If you're lucky enough to run a Lost (or Rikti, using the -1 setting) mission set to level 29, you'll get level 29 Lost and level 30 Rikti in the same mission. Fun stuff 🙂
  2. On the other hand, you can – and I have – defeat enough that you're confident there aren't enough left to get to 30 escapees, find somewhere safe, and go take a nap. No need for autopowers or anything. Hell, you could hit Self-Destruct and let the mission complete while you're dead. Let the last few escape and not worry about it. As for Salinger's mission, maybe nix the timer and just fight off a certain number (10?) waves of Red Cap ambushes.
  3. Back when I was learning the game, I remember fighting Trolls and thinking, "You know, those rocks they throw don't move very fast; I bet I could dodge them." Spoiler: I could not dodge them. Took me a couple tries to notice that the rocks' arcs curved and/or they would chase me down. === My first STF after they let NPCs taunt player characters was tanking a master run. We pulled Black Scorpion and Mako at the same time, and I was trying to get Mako's attention but kept ending up back on Scorpion. Fortunately that team stacked so much defense (three colds, two emps, plus barriers – I was hardcapped with no native defense) that the plan not working as intended was an inconvenience.
  4. Becky's sister Eve was a superhero for a few days before turning up dead. Their mother was also a superhero who died in the line of duty. Being a superhero herself has strained Becky's relationship with her father, who doesn't want to lose what family he has left. Things have been complicated by the appearance of the Praetorian Eve, the sole survivor in her family of a terrorist attack. Becky hasn't mentioned Praetorian-Eve to her father, and now she's scared she's waited too long and when the truth inevitably comes out (and she's seen enough Arrow to know it will, in the worst possible way) it'll ruin her relationships with both of them. Still, she's resolved that this is the year. On a lighter note, Vanessa's determined to release one of her inventions to the world. Maybe she actually gets something up to her standards, or maybe she just accepts that something's useful enough that the .01% chance it has of becoming sentient and trying to subjugate humanity is worth the risk.
  5. Hey, when it launched, the bomb badge required 25. My main/badger retired from ship raids after getting it and still had a bunch of leftover V-Merits years later when NC pulled the plug. (Conversion to reward merits wasn't an option back then.)
  6. One time I noted a fellow badger didn't have Avid Reader and told them about Prometheus. They were grateful for that. But builds? Nah.
  7. Yeah, I remember back in the day there was some concern about masterminds meeting participation thresholds for trial rewards, and imagine it's the same issue here. I just did it on my bots/ff (siding with the protesters) and got the badge. I was a little worried in the last phase when I could barely target the TEST officers before my bots took them out, but I guess I did enough in the first two phases that it didn't matter.
  8. The FF (and sometimes Atlas) safeguard has a weird issue where the markers on the map don't match up with their locations on the map (usually, last time I did it it worked fine), but the Vidiotmap I have (from that thread) is quite accurate if you look at the buildings, canals, etc. and match them up with what you see in the zone.
  9. I started playing shortly after issue 9 and hit 50 for the first time around issue 12 release. It took me about a month after hitting 50 to have a full IO build. Nothing special, no purples, missing several pieces that nowadays I would smack myself for leaving out, but still, full IOs, sets wherever it made sense. Made most of the inf selling recipe rolls from task forces.
  10. It would make little sense in this case. I'd never been to this part of the map, it was by itself, and spawn sizes weren't big enough to get multiple Titans in a single group. Not sure what happened. It's amusing more than anything; I've definitely had defeat alls that I wouldn't have minded wrapping up despite missing an enemy somewhere.
  11. Mission from Crimson, part of the World Wide Red arc, a couple missions after the Kronos Titan ambush. Says "defeat all" but this poor Hercules Titan apparently didn't count.
  12. I pulled this off with Self-Destruction once in the before times. I retired Self-Destruction afterwards because I was never, ever, ever going to top that.
  13. Based on the ragdoll physics, they're slowly teleported bit-by-bit somewhere, starting with their skeletons.
  14. It was part of a total revamp of the starting experience for the free-to-play launch, also including the Galaxy tutorial, DFB [1], Shining Stars/whatever the redside version is arcs, etc. I don't know why they made these starting arcs so unlike the rest of the game, and even with the stuff that was replaced being 6-7 years old by that time I think DFB and the graphics upgrade for Atlas [2] are the only good things to come of it [3], but... [1] Also available redside, even if I think I've seen more Doc Q TFs forming, outside its turn as the WST, than redside DFBs... [2] And even there I miss Rikti invasions in Atlas. [3] With special dislike for the Mercy revamp in particular; after doing Lt. Harris' arc on my main/badger I swore off making new villains.
  15. For the ones with two levels, you have to do half of the total of each level. For the example you cited, you need to make 6 25s and 6 30s. (If you need an odd number, the odd one can be of either level.)
  16. By default the backslash key is bound to open the menu, and \Q will bring up the options for exiting to character select/login screen/desktop.
  17. PI's small, and Crimson's not far from the ferry, TUNNEL, and Ouro drop point. Now, Crimson having you go talk to Indigo in her remote corner of FF... And as much as the devs did learn, they still did things like put Jenni pancaking Adair in the Nowheresville neighborhood of Talos and you have to go back to her in person twice out of three missions. In issue 17.
  18. There is definitely a merit adjustment coming Soon™; the devs said as much last month regarding the Ouroboros five merit minimum for badge change. I would guess there's a new benchmark because everything's so much faster now and completely gutting merit rewards is in nobody's best interest, but we'll see.
  19. Standing around gathering for a ship raid, with Rebirth destiny on auto for healing badge credit. But I wasn't getting healing badge credit. Then we move out, and I get to the first pylon and I can't attack it, either. Oh. I had Afterburner on. (Back when Afterburner made you OAS and could be left on indefinitely.) -- I also did the train thing. Also the Day Job Accolade power from Master Architect (Architect + University) is a self-rez that only works in Architect missions. Took me way too long to actually realize the last bit of that. Aaaand the supergroup colors thing. I had a tank whose hair was supposed to be a dark red, and looked that way in the tailor, but when I was actually playing, her hair looked awfully pink.
  20. I thought I was done at 1335 (still no Bloody Hands or Reformed + gladiator, and I'll wait for Legatus), but TIL I could get Pirate in Bloody Bay (99 the first night, ouch), and this is a much more satisfying total (Pirate has a gladiator).
  21. The movie posters showed up with the launch of the summer blockbuster event, the very last bit of content to go live under Paragon. According to one blog post I found, they were user-submitted designs.
  22. Badge missions/arcs. Some of these you might be able to join others doing, but it's easier if you can do it yourself. Pt 1 (Lvls 1-29) Pt 2 (lvls 30-50) Dimensional Warder: Dominatrix and Infernal can only be fought in missions from Maria Jenkins. The A Hero's Hero and A Hero's Epic arcs required for other badges contain both. You can only enter RV from your home side, so to fight the Arachnos AVs there you'll have to go hero/vigilante: Arachnophobic (Recluse) Poltergeist (Ghost Widow) Sandblasted (Scirocco) Shark Hunter (Mako) Wrangler (Black Scorpion) Justiciar (all five) These badges related to the alignement system require you to become, or be, a hero or vigilante. They should be obvious, but I'm listing them here for completeness: Heard the Call - Maintain hero alignment for 7 days Fearsome - Maintain vigilante alignment for 7 days Streetwise - Complete vigilante alignment mission Above the Law - Complete vigilante morality mission (can also get by switching to Vigilante via Null) Ascended - Switch from red (villain/rogue) to blue (hero/vigilante) Descended - Switch from blue to red Come Full Circle - Get both Ascended and Descended
  23. As a hero/vigilante, you'll get the Outbreak version and can do Isolator that way. (It occurs to me that a rogue could maybe join a hero/vigilante running the mission and rack up credit for Isolator so they get the badge when they switch. I'm not sure.) But Contaminated only spawn in Outbreak (starting heroes only), that one mission (usually only accessible to heroes/vigilantes), and RV (the dev troll option).
  24. For all of these badges, you can earn credit as a villain/rogue, but the badge will only award if you're a hero: POWER ACCOLADES (Note: If you have the villain equivalent listed in parentheses, you'll get the hero version without having to meet its normal requirements.) Task Force Commander (Invader) Received the Atlas Medallion (Marshal) Portal Jockey (Born in Battle) Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member (High Pain Threshold) Archmage (Demonic) Conspiracy Theorist (Headline Stealer) Geas of the Kind Ones (Force of Nature) Vanguard (Megalomaniac) DAY JOBS City Official (City Hall) Commuter (train stations) Dimensional Explorer (Shadow Shard) Intern (Portal Corp) Law Enforcer (police stations) Shop Keeper (stores) And accolades requiring one of the above: Entrepreneur (Shop Keeper + Day Trader) Police Chief (City Official + Law Enforcer) Scientist (Professor + Intern) Security Chief (Law Enforcer + Banker) Traveler (Commuter + Dimensional Explorer) LEVELING GLADIATORS Assuming you're at least level 30, you'll get all of these as soon as you switch. Nebula Elite Buckshot (level 10) Button Man Gunner (level 20) Fire Thorn Caster (level 30) ARCHITECT Heroic (complete a mission of heroic alignment) EXPLORATION Multidimensional (Hydra Dimension missions) DEFEATS Isolator (100 Contaminated; the only way to work on this as a villain/rogue is to pop the one in the RV train station 100 times. I... wouldn't do it that way if I had another choice) There's also some that can only be done/are much easier to do as a hero/vigilante. I'll throw that list together in a little bit.
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