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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. Somehow I never realized that the transit in Praetoria didn't give the commuter day job. I always assumed that it would. It does seem like an oversight to be lacking all these day jobs in Praetoria.
  2. Yep. This is why I only shitpost on my second account.
  3. Just get the 45's. Don't worry about replacing them until you have planned out an IO set build and then replace them with those. The tiny difference in performance is not worth worrying about until the REAL difference in performance from sets can be used. Imo, I wouldn't even bother replacing the 25's or 30's until you reach level 50 and respec into a set build.
  4. I'm not doing commissions at this time since I want to keep a hobby a hobby, and don't want the resultant pressure. But if you tell me what you want I may do it anyway for free instead. No promises though!
  5. I flew up to just watch the sky for a bit yesterday. Truly beautiful. I find it peaceful if a bit somber. I'm glad the memorial characters are there to enjoy the view too. Their inclusion kinda makes me think of Valhalla or something.
  6. Either way, it's not worth it to spend valuable programming resources to just benefit the fat cats of the 1%. We need some Universal Basic Inf (UBI) for all of us poor superheroes just trying to scrape by. We need to occupy AH. Let the voices of the 99% be heard!
  7. Clown MM? The gimmick is that it is one power to summon all your pets at once, and they all show up out of one tiny car.
  8. Use some grenade powers (like the hand grenade temp power). Thrown bombs are a ninja thing to do too.
  9. Roboko: After her lack of success in her primary programmed mission of blending in with young people to extract information for marketers, the corporation behind her creation was forced to try and recover some of the R&D funds sunk into her. They decided to make use of her dangerous design flaws and shoddy workmanship to militarize her for Hero duty. This results in a generous tax write-off for the corporation and positive PR. The various Mk's of her body have different characteristics and slightly different powers as a result. Due to low fund allocation towards her development program, she only has enough server resources to run one at a time though. Vampire Bro: He has a lax attitude towards "job schedules" and "shift start times" so as a result is unable to hold down his part time jobs for very long. To continue funding his lackluster studies at Cap University, as well as providing his beer/pizza/4loko/xbox/jaegerbombs/longboard/drip money, he started taking "advantage" of the many "opportunities" in the Rogue Isles to earn some cash.
  10. The free crit from stealth is only really useful solo, but it is incredibly awesome solo. It feels so cool.
  11. So that's where the Netherworld is. It's in the kidney.
  12. Via hotkey. Like control click or something.
  13. Aren't they improved? Cole has uberer versions of normal powers in that solo story where you trounce Arachnos as him.
  14. Iirc this is done via pure superadyne. The impure stuff they sell to outsiders has the size effect of turning you green a la troll.
  15. If it makes you feel better, people in game are way less belligerent compared to here. Come to think about it, I also post here so what does that say about me? Tab works on mysterious ways.
  16. Only if there is also an "afk" badge for being the last in queue to hit the button after making everyone wait for at least one minute. 😋
  17. They also randomly don't exist if someone logs in nearby.
  18. Would a two badge solution as proposed by some in this thread be the solution? Going through the no incarnate challenge setting should have recognition as well (ignore whether or not it is good to have challenges via removing abilities for now). It does still make a new badge that is not practical to get solo but then you still have the MO badge to get at least.
  19. I guess having popular content creators play the game? That seems to be the in thing right now.
  20. It is a piece of (usually) leather used to remove the burr from sharpening a knife. Sometimes it is embedded with a fine abrasive compound to accelerate this process and also polish the edge beyond what the final stone gives you, but that is optional. You take strokes with the blade facing away from the direction of travel, occasionally switching sides on the blade, to work off the burr.
  21. Isn't it the same gameplay wise? You can think of the badge as being moved to a new difficulty level beyond what the old "Master Of" was, but you can fight them at the exact same difficulty as before under the same parameters.
  22. I think you can actually. If you all log and do not quit team or quit tf, you should all be able to pick up from wherever you were last. What helps here is that you are playing with an SG, that is family to boot! Schedule coordination would actually be possible.
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