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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Right now, Warwolves are throwing presents instead of parts of the floor, which is fun!
  2. This was my experience for about the last year if the original run of the game, once incarnate stuff was added. I could literally log on, find say a hundred folk in one server, and like 80 to 90% of them were 50 and sitting in Pocket D. These days I see all sorts of "LFM for running missions in X, any levels welcome."
  3. I took Repulsion Field on my FF MM for lack of anything else. I mean, I guess I could have taken Hasten but I really didn't feel like he needed any help there), and other than that very occasional panic button.... (I hate panic button powers anyway).
  4. I started too late to ever see any Perez Park sweeping, but just the other day wandered around in it with a 50 for the badges, and what a nice early map that is! Maybe some areas should get stocked with "level-less" foes that will provide a reasonable fight to any hero or villain, like the Rikti during invasions.
  5. Like with all events, it would be to hold it something like 3 times a year, or to make it year-round via an Ouro echo or something like that.
  6. Woo, talk about taking a hell of a lot of time to get done, without any chance whatsoever of hard feelings! And then how long would each "elected position" last? What if I get elected and then annoy a few players, do they get to recall me?
  7. Trying to cram my AE stories into the limited space back before shut down really taught me the value of concise word choice. It's a good skill to have in today's ADHD world. You'll need to put your character's War&Peace elsewhere.
  8. I haven't played a lot since Tuesday I think, but it did seem to happen to me a lot. The funny thing was it would kick my right out and shut down the program. The launcher thingy was up, but CoH itself had shut down completely. Had it happen to me like 3 or 4 times that night, always when doing something like hopping the tram to another map.
  9. The only soloing of TF-type stuff I've ever done was done back before shut-down. I had found and followed a good build for an Ill/Rad troller that was packed with enough recharge to perma the the Phantom Army. I ended up running thru the Baby New Year and Lady Winter stories a ton because I love the winter maps and the build allowed me to feel relaxed enough to actually risk soloing (I generally get too tense when things get really tough,. and that's not why I play this game). Going back to the OP post, this was obviously because Rad allows me to debuff the foes enough to render them toothless, not the other way around.
  10. The pro vs. con of incentivizing red-side's been chewed over pretty well here, so I won't go into that. I will note that the red-side Patron pools were in the game long before there was any way to cross over for your hero to get them, so they can't have been kept separate " to encourage players to play red-side." Coh and CoV were separate games at first. I would imagine that they're done with patron arcs to get you to engage more with game lore, by aligning yourself with one of the top villains. (Hero-side maybe could do something similar, although I dunno if heroes would try and encourage side-kicks as much as villains might.)
  11. I accidently wandered into the red-side one early on and was all like "oh yeah, this..." I poked around a little and then left. Such things could be easily repurposed to useful things by the HC team, it'd be fun to imagine.
  12. I think those are the Bit O Honeys of the superpack trick-or-treat bags too. Still, from what I've seen those enhancers tend to sell for closeish to 20 mill. I've bought all of one pack so far myself as well (I usually have a list of things I want to buy and so don't feel the breathing space to splurge) and I pretty much just broke even right there.
  13. They're for sale at a set price in the /ah window. I forget what they're under, 'salvage' maybe?
  14. I didn't just mean the changes, I mean all the changes to each and every new server out there. HC has made its changes, I understand the 4chan one has made different changes, and I'm betting others have also made their own changes to boot. Is it worthwhile to keep up on changes made on that one server for a hundred folk? Five hundred? And imagine looking something up there "This change came about in 2005. Then it was updated in 2019 by the HC servers. The 4chan server made this change instead. Tom's Server went this direction instead, while Bill's ignored the issue and reverted it back to the pre-2005 version." And so on. And yeah, who's going to do it? So far, no one, but you're welcome to! 🙂
  15. Time is an awesome set though, sure. but that's kind of a shame as I just leveled a Beasts/FF and found him to be a lot of fun, although he did start slow. I proc-monstering his Beast attacks (Call Ravens, etc.) and the powers I didn't skip from FF, as has been discussed elsewhere on these forums. Then I took a fair number of the Patron Pool powers I wanted to try because I never had before (being Beast, it felt apropos to have the sharks from Leviathan Mastery), and then proc-monstered those as well. I didn't take Provoke, as I'm either too busy debuffing with the proc-monster powers or making everyone fall down with Repulsion Bomb (also doing its own proc damage) - so I'm not bored with FF!
  16. Oh, that's a great idea. Now I have to think of a reason I'd want to aggro so many Riktis, outside of getting to participate in something like this some day. Then again, I have to build a real solid tankermind (I know it can be easily done, of course).
  17. The old Wiki is meant to be a document of what the game was up to when it left, those were all "official" changes to what the game was. Homecoming (and every other new server) are adding "unofficial" changes to the game, so they're not reflected there. Imagine trying to keep track of them all, for one thing.
  18. Yeah, had to log into the game to make sure that was still there, which fortunately it was.
  19. Gorillaz remix of Feel Good Inc.
  20. Not every damn hero is Superman, there's Batman and Spider-Man, for one, both of them could be hurt by guns.
  21. My latest MM is Capt Sam's Space Zoo, which is a Beast of course. He's also a bubbler, so there you go, problem solved. But now all your MMs have to be bubblers. (I will also note that "normal animals" are not necessarily as fragile as people are. And those "normal soldiers" get to fire their guns at Golden Palm a lot before he gets close, too.)
  22. WB! We had trick-or-treating, so I'm pretty sure we'll get the Winter Lords too.
  23. I'm actually in a Christmas-themed SG, and I coulda sworn the leader, who apparently loves building bases, and Christmas-themed bases at that, has some in our base. But I've only been in there once so far.
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