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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Your description of it is longer than the story itself.
  2. Isn't there already a channel for AE? I put it on a couple of characters and never saw anyone use it though. It's like redside - there, but no one goes there because no one goes there.
  3. By the way, has anyone yet mentioned the Croatoa groups, especially the Fir Bolg? Love their look but there's no story other than "they're spooky, let's you and them fight!" I mean, just look at the wiki entry... Having already done a bit with them in the past for AE, I nominate myself to expend their story. You're welcome, devs! 😃
  4. Arachnos is far too entrenched in redside to just see them fade away, that'd be like saying let's do a BLT without bacon. So I'd say upgrade them.
  5. When I'm not at work or busy, I'm early hours too.
  6. As I posted in another thread just now, I got 3 more AE slots by submitting a support ticket, and was told there's more where that came from, free for the asking. Go for it!
  7. I got three more via support ticket and was told I can always submit another for three more again.
  8. Wasn't always . I never really played blue side once I went red on Live until near the very end when first Incarnate content piled up the population in Pocket D, and then after the game was cancelled but not offline yet. But today? Yes, Always, will be.
  9. Allow me to show you my pet peeve ha ha: Halloween hotel leeching. They can walk away from the keyboard while I click the doors to get things going, then get a chance at the pie when something drops. This is like inviting yourself to someone else's farm, and then they can't make you leave. Imagine if you could do that in AE, people would screeeeam.
  10. Judging by what I've seen of the population lately, this is becoming an issue. Everyone can get anything they want in the game, and they have, multiple times now. Hell, even I have about two pages of 50s, I only had 2 back on Live. So stop. Don't farm, or do too many farm-like activities - Peregrine Council parties for example. It's like Halloween (and ToT at the hotel): it can be fun to have one big candy-orgy of excess occasionally, but eating like that all the time makes your stomach hurt. Don't rush through anything, no speed runs. You can start from a MIDS plan, but then throw caution to the wind to do what sounds fun. I usually hate playing with toggles I can't run till I'm like in my 30s (Endurance issues), like Tough, Weave, so out they go! I always find I feel very useful when I get to use a rez on a fallen player even if it doesn't happen too often, so who cares if I can't set-bonus myself into the stratosphere with it. Take the rez, placate, group fly, anything you want. Supercharge your flamethrower so you can use it every group if you like it. Weird builds are a fun thing to sink your teeth into, if you can find one that appeals. I've started two semi-petless Masterminds out of sheer cussedness because I like the idea of wading into combat with two lions at my side, and I am very re-invested for now. Lead teams if you don't. Write MA arcs, play MA arcs, there's tons of great stuff out there. Writing them will be very frustrating and time consuming believe me. 😃
  11. I do about half the time. The other half the time I really want yet one more power pick, so that makes it an easy cut for me.
  12. Eh reward creep isn't something I think we need.
  13. You've just given me my flounce when I decide I've had enough of this game.
  14. Well I was over there last night around 1 am and saw no campers, sooo...
  15. So is crime, and yet here we are fighting back!
  16. Pretty to look at, but I was never able to manage the geysers in the Pocket D winter zone, so there's no way I wanna play that game, or to try playing that game, when a team is waiting on me (that's not "being in such a rush"). I stopped attempting the TFs because the few running them were in "such a rush" and exhibited the worst aspects of "what do you mean you don't have all this memorized and took the Incarnate TP power, I shall now roll my eyes verbally and dramatically*" What I do recall of them, they were indeed too long. *No, not a quote, but the meaning was direct.
  17. Huh, news to me, but I've never had Kheledian. I tried to move 'em about using a few different TP powers one my toon (Savage Melle, Shield, Combat TP, Spring Jump), but nothing doing. Maybe I shoulda tried porting pets into them instead. Kheldians out there? You now know what you must do. 😃
  18. I've filed two complaints on this in the past coupla days and so far haven't gotten solid responses - I'm willing to wait a bit while they hash things out behind the scenes though, so I'm not throwing them under a bus yet. But yeah, they park on top, leave an AoE on auto, pets set for Attack, then walk away and wait for someone else to come along and summon. I really wish I could gently push them off the platform like civilians can nudge players on a sidewalk. 😃 I've also one-starred the toons so I can avoid playing with them, just as I did with Halloween ToT farmers of similar tactics. (Funnily enough, I haven't seen hardly any of those folks in the near-year since. I presume people are dual-boxing this and funneling the rewards to their main accounts.)
  19. Hate the MMS if you want, but you haven't lived until you and your flying formation of killbots swoop down on some foes. (That said, I do not use it in missions)
  20. So, didn't take notes on the first sorry,but for the second:
  21. Leviathan on that is going to make for a really nice set, that's a good call and the look is also great.
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