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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. That's it pretty much for me too. I like the idea of them, but I find the game moves at a more exciting pace for me when I'm on a team, and I've never been able to stay in an SG. So I could solo them but rarely do.
  2. I haven't spent hardly any time there since it debuted. I found it awfully tough to start new characters over there, and from time to time still find myself getting dropped within a couple of seconds by some of the bad guys there who show up in later blueside content or whatever. "Tough" is one thing, "getting ganked" is another and just not that much fun. It did look fantastic though (I've been back for a couple of those Valentine things, with toons who were high level) and I liked some of the ideas in it, but I don't think I'll ever start another toon there.
  3. I've been idly thinking about a semi-petless Beast MM that would have just the Lions, the middle-tier of pets. BEE MASTER there already checks a few boxes I was considering though, like Thermal for the secondary, and Arcane Bolt for additional DPS, but I haven't looked into it too far as of yet. How does BEE MASTER play? Did you level normally or farm to 50 to skip the worst moments of leveling or what? Anyone else have a secondary to suggest perhaps?
  4. Manually, I couldn't get the MI installed for some reason. I know I do still see maps, just w/o the badge locations. What all else might a map show or not show that would tell me this is the original and not some other-modded map?
  5. I often think "Ooooh, this one's going to be THE ONE for me!" And that statement should also spell out for you that I was wrong. I have been having some fun revisiting old 50s lately too, finishing up a build, or realizing I never fully IOed them or something. But still, so far, there is no ONE.
  6. "Snow Bunny" ans "Ski Bum" work better, perhaps.
  7. But I just re-installed and it's not working. Brand new fresh install on Wednesday. I did also notice another map was working properly, but I can't recall now what it was. Steel's busted too.
  8. The map was working maybe a month ago? FF is gone now, Croatoa, but strangely Bricks was still working. Also, saw someone in chat mention his Atlas was quacked too.
  9. Yeah, that's why I was still using Tequila. Still don't know why the maps stopped working, didn't see them up in Croatoa either.
  10. I could have sworn I had read it was lasting a few more days, as I said. But checking back, no, they said the 1st, it was all just a sweet fantasy too good for this dark earth...
  11. Anybody else have this problem? I noticed Atlas wasn't working, now FF isn't, but yesterday I was on St, Martial and it was fine. Since I had the time to work at deciphering opaque instructions, I went ahead and installed the new launcher (I was still on Tequila) and reinstalled Vidiots, but here we are; the above was what I saw also, still, after the new installation.
  12. I did still see a few players go red during the GM fights. I've had really badly slotted toons before myself. 🙂
  13. If they broke something, I could bear that, but they haven't said what happened here, afaik. Did they say so somewhere?
  14. Yeah, except the window decorations! *gets yanked off stage by a giant hook* But thanks for the bases, that was very fun!
  15. Really Devs, how to you make Halloween worse?! Next I suppose Baby New Years' going to look like Baby Huey or something too.
  16. I seem to recall being able to set them all or none with a percentage from the Options somewhere, but stopped doing it when I decided that was just looked like vegetable soup on my screen.
  17. I managed to squeeze in a Kane right before I left for work last night and was hoping to get in a few more, but <I>noooo...
  18. I thought it was supposed to last to like the 2nd or something. Sigh, I mean, I'd have felt this same sense of ennui even if it had, but having to suddenly gone is even sadder. 'Specially since we barely got the decorated windows this year. (Did we get any? I never saw one)
  19. How come I can't set my MM pets for Seagull Mode???
  20. I didn't see any in PI which I distinctly checked whilst doing some GM scouting for the league. Really disappointed about this! Yeah, it's still small potatoes, but these were some of my favorite potatoes...
  21. Sure, knowing I can't be around on the 31st, NOW I start looking at these notices and seeing I could have done some tonight on the 30th, but, nooooo... ETA: manged to get to the Goblin Castle this morning, it was worth it! Thanks for the open invitation and treats!
  22. Maybe the devs can give her a repulsion field that pulses every 30 seconds or something: time enough to get in and click on her and start working on your costume or leveling, then get pushed out of the way to make room for the next throng.
  23. Oh hye yeah, I haven't seen those anywhere this year. Was I just blind? And weren't the last 2 weeks supposed to be all-nighttime-all-the-time?
  24. That's a very good point, thanks for that. I don't mind being team leader and now even league leader, I guess, but I so often find myself in one or the other without even being asked! I guess that's still better than suddenly being 29th level standing next to a GM.
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