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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I think also there was some construction added to Port Oakes over on red side for the same effect, "yo8u know, if we ever do get around to that."
  2. I've seen more than one Spock in the game before, but this one's a first. Well done too, and sadly, timely too.
  3. I think Snarky's gotten into the cooking sherry again.
  4. So you come in here asking for secrets but won't spill any yourself?! 😀
  5. Can we get those ice machines added to the list of possible missiles for Propel to throw? Heck, any of these things, really?
  6. Great look and name too! Now I wanna do this a Spines AT, just make him spiky af.
  7. Must make you feel like a real doofus, getting shown up online like that.
  8. Oh yeah, that's been one of the fun parts of it. Run into a Council cave map, tab then BAMF. No matter how far up on a walkway or down around that wall, or inside that room with the slit window you are there! (I can't recall if I spelled it out, but I've made a macro for each of my bamf powers that takes me to my targeted foe.) I started this project on a scrapper, but switched to stalker because I wanted the extra oomph that a Crit From Hide can bring, so I wouldn't feel I was too gimping myself. I got that toon up to about 35, and even if he wasn't a Crit-king, he was still pretty playable, I look forward to checking that brute build when I'm at my computer with MIDS.
  9. I now have that Miracle slotted in True Grit, something I should have actually done at an earlier level. I haven't found Combat TP to be an End drain, but it does have like the furthest range, the others feel awfully short-ranged to me, so I sometimes use the CT to get close and then Shield Charge. Regardless of all that, I'm having a blast right now. The early levels were a bit rough with End usage overall anyway (see above), so I ended up not even running half my toggles. Imagine if I had been fool enough to also go the Tough Weave route! But I'm about 38 now and that's starting to recede fairly well. As a general PUGger, it hasn't really made too much of a difference either (another reason I'd like to keep skipping T+W in my builds from now on).
  10. I see calls for that lots of times. Rest assure, it's safe!
  11. Part of that is because it's over in like three minutes or so.
  12. [Imagine I had cut and pasted Lord Recluse's speech that loops on the Grandville screens here]
  13. I recently posted a stalker with four different TP powers ("Bamf Melee") and I agree. Melee often means having to run around to reach that next target but wait nope, they're already dead, on to that guy over th- oh, dead too, how about -- nope, dead; etc. I also advocate using binds or macros (more my style) to make jumping about all that much easier.
  14. I actually don't have too much problem finding low level stuff do join in on, and I can always lead a team myself if I did. This would be a theoretical negative outcome if we came up with such tokens - which might then argue against them, if doing so means we then have to also change something else. One change to something is fine, but other changes you have to make to compensate for that first one indicate it wasn't a good change.
  15. To try and keep this on track, I've been wondering anyway: has anyone actually gone over to beta and played the revamped Mercs MM yet? How's it play now?
  16. Good question. Is it making things "too easy" letting more of them sell Insps somehow? I mean, they're bartenders, they should all sell things.
  17. Nothing in particular, but pointing out that by then you have a semblance of your best powers and a few slots, plus the ITF, does make a certain sense to me. Thinking about this more though, I do wonder what it will do to how often below-the-token levels content gets run. But I do know that in the era of P2W Double XP etc., that's already a bridge burned - or not, I always get to do a DFB or three.
  18. Don't let the forums here fool you - most posters here are very min-max focused and tend to ignore anything that's not, but the forum posters tend to be a small minority of players. Most of us stumble along with only a vague enough idea of all the ins and outs and still manage to do just fine. 🙂
  19. I still haven't really learned how to do that - which yes is on me - so that would be something I'd like to see. Maybe keep it strictly a mouse-over thing only, or something you only get by clicking on "info". (Now watch, someone's going to come along and tell me that IS one way to find it!)
  20. I did, but here's why: I don't chase any of the Incarnate stuff, past using dropped threads and whatnot from the Incarnate missions. I don't think I have a single post-50 build that's ever gone all the way up to +4, I just end up playing a newer toon and the old one collects dust. So, all these Emp merits - and I had a lot, I have about ten 50+ toons, three had over 200 Emp merits alone, wow, and another 3 around a hundred - would literally have gone to waste, for me, once this change hits. If this also sounds like you, then maybe it would be worth your while to convert these while you can. Or maybe I'm blind to something here, so pay attention as people post after me and see what they have to say then weight the options for yourself. 🙂
  21. At least with a scrapper you can offer a "pobody's nerfect! 🤷‍♂️" in chat and they'll forgive you. Because, you know, you're a scrapper.
  22. I would like to point out, my pedant sense is tingling!, that this assumes they don't attempt to look any further than the end of their own noses. I would like to think better of them, and that they do consider what the unwashed masses of our fair city and unfair islands have to say. And maybe sometimes they just act randomly too, who can say. Devs move in mysterious ways. 🤷‍♂️
  23. How about one token per level, and they don't apply once you hit 40, or maybe 35?
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