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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. All good ideas. I lovelovelove the Halloween event, so looks like this year my stalker's going to be one of the scouters, yep! What's the "Golden Dawn" though (Aleister Crowley reference? ha ha)? I've done some Hami raids but that term's unknown to me.
  2. I just got that for the first time for thematic reasons and so far find I don't use it much. How do you use it? Rush from mish to mish and TP the team? Stealth a lot?
  3. This probably well reflects real life. Street fairs and parades and so on are a mainstay of the neighborhood I work in and hoo boy you wouldn't believe the amount of trash people create and litter with when they get together in big groups, especially big groups "having fun."
  4. Neat, I had no idea! Also, take a look at that detail from the atlas, I think I can see the Rogue Isles on there too, "des demonios." And if I'm wrong because I don't know Latin or whatever that's written in, no one tell me. And finally, to answer the question: to be annoying. Everything in this game is designed to be annoying.
  5. I have worked on a single costume for hours. Especially when I ask my wife for her opinion, because she's not as familiar as I am with the byzantine lists of options for options on the options. I think my latest stalker has a single costume slot we spend easily 3 hours on, and she's helped me with more than one for him.
  6. Seems like it wouldn't bee too much trouble, no.
  7. I had a couple during Live (redside is best side!) but nothing super exciting that I can recall. Coming back into HC, I found I was preferring squishie classes and more support-y types and not so much melee. Playing Doms has weened me off that aversion. I really like the way they play that feels very swiss-army-knife to me, depending on how you build - controls, ranged damage, melee damage, you've got it. At early levels I tend to hang back like a blaster, by 50 I feel like I can chew my way through a plate of steel.
  8. Depends on the toon. I made one sort of on the fly then spent like four hours perfecting each very varied costume slot to take advantage of them being free below ten, after running through the tutorial quickly (somehow, stepping into the "real world" of the game at level 1 just feels wrong). THEN I went through the whole setting up my basic targeting macro, tray arranging and P2W purchasing. And are we going to start discussing time spent of the forums looking at builds before I even made the toon? Other times I've just had an idea for this guy with like guns and.... something, wears a hat like so and dove right in.
  9. I'll say no. Currently running around on a stalker, and if I slightly twitch wrong, I interrupt my AS. Not a fan of that, sorry. 😃
  10. This assuming my squishie butt's standing close enough to melee to catch the heal aura. 🙂 But that was one possibility, yeah.
  11. I'm slowly working on a build for a Dark/Kin Corruptor (and will take suggested builds if offered!) and was wondering about the Transfusion heal power in Kin. There's all sorts of procs one might drop in it, such as Theft Of Essence's Chance for +End. But do they do anything for the nearvy allies affected by the heal, with they get a chance for +End, or will it only (possibly) affect the caster? I figure this would be good to know before slotting one and then having to remove it later.
  12. Pretty sure this was my forum handle (but not my@name from the game itself) and even 1st avatar too.
  13. I always send a tell "Let me switch and I'll go/if you'll have me" or something, then wait for a response before switching, to make sure.
  14. Stupid question, but which power is that? Not currently in front of the game, and none of the power descriptions on the Focused Feedback page for Symph use the word "stun" specifically. Thanks!
  15. I have a small black witch's cat character too, hadn't thought about getting that for him. Not that I'm about to start playing hard modes for that though. 😃
  16. I actually enjoyed that, but I did take note that when you don't have lips, "just talking teeth" never looks "right" (see Darkman, who has a line something like "have I become a monster?!", which you can't say if you don't have lips).
  17. I believe I read Alan Moore credited Gaiman in the back of From Hell for helping him out with some historically-correct cursing by noting that "Neil Gaiman has a dirty mouth in seven centuries." Great series, was very very pleased with it. Really happy it's been so popular - maybe Netflix won't kill it after season two!
  18. Often by the time I hit 50 I'm either getting slightly bored of the toon (I'm so sorry my children!), or - more likely - have a new shiny to poke at instead. I have had a fair amount of fun from pulling them out once in a while for a spin or three though. My most current "new 50" was a stunt build with lots of TP powers to jump around the battlefield; now that he's 50 and I have all the slots in place, he's not too shabby! I intend to hop around with him a fair amo8unt for a bit, but I'm already looking at a new Controller too... or maybe a Dom??? The Incarnate grind after 50 doesn't grab me that much, but I'm also not against it if I have a 50 I really like playing. I have an MM I tend to do a lot of BAFs and solo Tips with, for instance.
  19. Ahhhh, got it sussed now. I wasn't setting the level range for the mission itself. Seems a weird fiddly thing for it to reject a mission for, but I've got it now. Thanks for the help!
  20. Frankly disappointed that this isn't a "SOON."
  21. Hm, seems I've missed something? Can anyone drop some annoyingly cryptic teases that reveal nothing concretely yet still get me more curious?
  22. None of these options are correct, obviously.
  23. I've forgotten what this was because I wasn't didn't participate last time. Can someone summarize it for me please? 🙂
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