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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I feel bad I never did get around to trying to submit more past the one, but life's been hectic.
  2. That's not a half-bad idea. I'd say I'd be in for that except my work schedule is wonky and I usually miss out on Prime Time things.
  3. Gonna be as safe in there as the MAGI vaults, right?
  4. ... I feel that somehow this thread has lost focus.
  5. Hell, we've been asking for new Lore pets... these would work great for that. I had a lot of lag from the event as well, but then again, there were not one one but two leagues in Skyway when I did it tonight, so that's no doubt the problem. Also had a lot of trouble with my buttons, but since I was on a Def, I was able to get by with rockin' a few auras and button-mashing until I got past that "foes zoning in that you can target but can't actually shoot at yet" problem. Sort of reminded my of a heavily-attended MSR from the bad old days when my rig wasn't enough to handle full graphics. Still was fun enough though. I just wish it didn't literally fall on every day of my work week. I suggest in future setting these for at least one week in length.
  6. Permanent ski bum in the Chalet, because I like winter.
  7. Man, touched a nerve there or something.
  8. Ah there it is. I normally have to ignore tiny text as it doesn't show well on my screen. Thanks!
  9. So wait, this is still going on? I thought it was just a one day thing? How long is it going to run for?
  10. Needs a proc to be really invisible, +def vanishes in combat, the various Runs are cheap and don't require a power choice, what's not to love right? 😃 It's a very skippable power based on everything I've seen.
  11. Really makes you wonder why take Infiltration to begin with? I have it on one toon, I think the build I borrowed uses it mainly as a set mule.
  12. I had to drop out of a Night Ward PUG just two nights ago because I got an important phone call. I feel bad for getting wrapped up in the call whilst everyone else hopped into the mish and then bowing out after like two minutes of radio silence from me when I realized I'd left them hanging. Sorry everyone!
  13. Surely the story of all that could be salvaged from the dumpster fire of chasing micro-transactions though? Not that I care too much, I'm not super big on Incarnate content anyway, but...
  14. Figures one of the days of the week I'm rarely on (and online) that there was something fun going on. Didn't see this till just now! *shakes fist*
  15. I believe someone did some in-depth investigation of this and found that yeah, it only possibly procs off the first target. I think this was in one of the proc monster threads under the Doms tab or maybe Defender???
  16. My favorite is whichever one I'm playing right now. So, I guess although she's already hit 50, my current is my tank Catawampus Turncoat (Rad/Sav). I'm almost always playing squishies, so a tank is a new thrill for me. I love wading into the middle of mobs and not, like, getting squashed like a bug within a split second. I ran my first Tin/Whatever TF without dying once, and have waded through a kill-most ITF that was something of a real workout for her, but still came through with flying colors. One thing I've found as of late is that I have little patience for having to run from target to target playing melee, so her being Savage Melee means Savage Leaping from one victim to the next, no waiting! Very easy.
  17. Hey look it's me there, Catawampus Turncoat! Wearing her beachwear costume I made just for future BAFs. I put the "large skull" option on her Shoulders for an "arms floatie" look.
  18. Yeah, that's possible, sometimes my connection has been a bit dodgy. But still the first time ever I saw this.
  19. Is that the secret? I've wondered why some do, some don't.
  20. Derp, I forgot about this post I made. I dunno what was going on, but it only lasted that one day. Yeah, it was just on movement, not power activation. But it's been smooth as silk since. I don't run with any key binds, unless the usual WASD count as well. All that said, I do wonder what caused it and why I haven't seen it again since. And sort of paranoid that after posting this it will return.
  21. I haven't seen that... but I do miss speculation about what falvor the shield is that day, it's true.
  22. Sooo, just like how my recent T3 Incarnate power is going to cost me all those components as well as 26 million Inf? Yeah, I hate that in other games. 😃
  23. Pretty sure that ultimately a vampire's blood thirst is metaphorical life stealing; blood is symbolic for life, especially in a Christian society. I see vampires as fully magical/spiritual creatures, maybe like ghosts? so there's not much done with the science side of their living off blood (which is indeed actually fairly rare in nature: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/blood-real-vampires-animals ).
  24. The Oklahoman on Excel runs MSR and more really well on Excel, from what I've seen (come to think of it, I don't think I've hardly any "badly run" raids by any one of any sort on Excel). Still though, yeah, it would be nice if these were more wide spread.
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