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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Coincidentally I just created a new toon yesterday with one of the beast heads, and was sort of surprised to find that you can't even mess around much with the face scales of them. I started trying to play around with them and if I found one was useless, I set it all the way to the left for easy visual reminder for m7yself. I think all but the top two or three are useless. I'm guessing there's good reasons for all of this or the mods of yore would have done this already. Like maybe the horns don't have a base that would extend fully into the animal head so they'd float in front or something (and hats are their own full head, not just something stuck to your head head like goggles say.
  2. I generally don't lead because I've seen a lot of teams lose people if there's any sort of delay, such as being slow with the recruiting (like three minutes of waiting and people can get bored and leave; less likely for TFs though), or me trying to guess what level of difficulty the mission is set for (gung-ho brutes leaving after one mission is set too low is something I've seen more than once. But I do play at odd hours and know that there's enough people out there I could just go ahead and ask and get a full team. I've considered doing it (my latest fifty needs a couple of TFs for the Taskforce Commander accolade). I have led a few DfBs, because anyone can do that, ha ha.
  3. ... I have no idea what people are complaining about here, I see Posi runs all the time, haven't done a DFB on my last three toons, and you could always form a team to do whatever you want the way you want out of the "crowded areas around Ms. Liberty," surely you can find one to seven more players to go with you. Hell, stand there and say stuff like "new to the game? Lemme show you the real content not endless DFB runs!" and enjoy your teams.
  4. But if you think of servers as fire hydrants... well, dogs cause problems too and I don't care to follow this simile any further.
  5. He knows his role there is just performative security, like taking off your shoes at the airport. Mainly he's just there to intimidate all the civvies from going inside.
  6. Why don't Beast MMs have the above as possible skins for their pets?! And a swarm of bats instead of bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?
  7. I don't really see any appreciable diff, but I don't use it on my phone.
  8. If they're the new shiny I wanna play the most when I log in. If I wasn't feeling bored the last time I played them (I am just not into melee grunts since HC came back, but I do now have a stalker up to 40, so that's new). If I just love seeing the look for this new action figure I designed in the costume creator, you know, in action*. When I get compliments on the look of this new action figure I designed in the costume creator. When I don't feel pointlessly squishy playing them, or too frustratingly pointless period (such as say not doing any damage, not getting any chance to hit, etc.) *This gets to one of my central premises to why CoH is fun: you basically get to design an action figure in the costume creator, and then play with it.
  9. Is my big hitter power charged back up yet? No? Damn it! How bout that other one? Or that one really cool thing? *punches grey-con Hellion into the sun* I'm sorry, what was the question again?
  10. I don't know if there's any copyright concern if it's both offered freely and for an otherwise pirate game, but there might be something in the talks that would preclude such, especially if they ever get an agreement that HC itself is the only "recognized" outlet sometime in the future, sure.
  11. Is there a reason to be so? I mean, a good change shouldn't be something one has to fight against unless you're just stubborn. In theory.
  12. Pretty sure this is all by design to function as an INF sink. I mean, this happens to me too and it galls me to find out something's been sitting for sale on some forgotten toon for months and still hasn't sld, but ultimately this doesn't affect my bottom line all that much, and the game needs INF sinks anyway. (Also, not to playstyle-shame here, but are there players who never use the market?)
  13. Sure you could, except I really want to be able to whip my tail around and snap it at someone with the Martial Arts set, which I'm sure is one of the sets they will lock out. But if @Tyrannical is right about that body rigging, it's probably a moot point anyway.
  14. I ma have teamed with that guy once! He or she was farming through some high level map and inviting anyone who wanted to come stick around; I died a lot because I didn't want to just door-sit, but I wasn't even a 50 yet. Their toon's name was iirc "a small bunny," and the chatter was indeed hilarious. I think he told me all his toons were named on some variation of that.
  15. I've asked for this before. Some people have said it wouldn't work well with stuff like Martial Arts kicks, but me, I think that would be awesome.
  16. That's funny because my cat-themed Dom named hers Cat Toy!
  17. If any of this leads us back to the rotten ol' "do these handful of missions repeatedly forever to have any access to any of this stuff" then no, no no. Everyone sitting in Pocket D with their 50s trying to get those precious few drops from those very few extant Incarnate TFs basically killed the game for me back in the day, because I couldn't find anyone to team with unless, you know, I was running a 50 and wanted to go sit in Pocket D (there are a few more details to this story, but they're unnecessary to understand my point).
  18. This. And yet also I feel the need to stick up for PUGs - those cute widdle faces! Oh wait, that's the dogs. I mean randomly-filled teams. I don't have any friends in the game, I PUG all the time and it's hardly ever been rough!
  19. I haven't taken it on any toons yet, but I had been, I thought, finding myself on PUGs with a lot of Grav players because it seems I've seen an uptick in Wormhole "activity." Does it have the same animation and effects, more or less? (I've been paying special attention because I've been playing my first real Grav and trying to figure out the best where-and-whens to use Wormhole, in fact).
  20. Yes, because I keep finding myself doing that and noticing out of the corner of my eye how mobs run up to wail on me and just go flying without me having to lift a finger, it's wonderful.
  21. What everyone here has already said about those lightning powers. I had an MM I sort of casually soloed with a lot wander over there just before he hit 50 and he lost all his pets really quickly. Often. But I've also been on teams that do the usual steamroll too.
  22. I never had one Live and have had two on HC; the first was a troller that somehow I never super connected with and never reached past 40, now I have one on a Dom who's hit 50 (and whom I really should get around to adding to my sig). It really says something about how useful Singularity is that it outshines the fun of a power that allows you to throw forklifts at people's heads (bonus points for throwing them at people's heads after your Singularity has thrown them high into the sky).
  23. Don't forget lower-half snake bodies! I know they're of limited use, but I'd kill for one of those. If anything, I think I'd go for more content, more TFs, stories put into the under-utilized, off-the-beaten-track maps. I know that sort of thing takes a lot of time to write, implement and test etc. but it also seems a lot more achievable for a group of fans than, say costume parts (although more of those too).
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