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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. And yet, no matter what you plan, sometimes the bear gets you. Having rez helps get the team back on its feet faster, no waiting around while someone hoofs it back from the hospital which is somehow always thrree-fourths the way across the zone.
  2. So, a fresh install of the Mids version 3, but once done will using the update option pickup v3.0.1.9 for me?
  3. I know this has been mentioned before but I can't recall what came of it. I like the idea too though.
  4. I still like that one Dark power... I can't recall which one, but it's a fear cone where your character balls up their fists and pulls their shoulders down a tad and gives the enemies a hard glare they're never going to forget. Strip out the skull from that and that would be a good one. For all I know, that's already in one of the Psi powers; I don't have too many psi-users). Regardless, +1 from me too.
  5. The soul of wit is brevity. But I know I'd start using bunches of longer names too, partly because probably every three and four-letter combo's been done by now.
  6. Wow, those last two are really good in very different ways.
  7. Solid point on Parry. "Useful", sure, but also dull. This isn't inexplicable: I dislike having to throw away three power choices on boring background stuff when I could be choosing more neat-o pew-pew-pew powers (plus I'm already running lots of toggles). I also get tired of the same power choices made over and over again across so many toons, such as every squishie taking Scorpion Shield, merely because they make a lazy shortcut to Easy Street. (This means that yes, I am not building for a Min/Max orgasm, which, also yes, I realize makes me the freak around here. But even that doesn't negate the fact that the build is still perfectly playable.) You can also build towards the same goal other ways. The build posted above struck me as light on the BS attacks, so my suggestion was to help free up some choices.
  8. Being a native red-sider, I used to have to go the other way, "I want to roll a Defender, but they're so wimpy! This damage is pitiful!!" 😁 If I can learn, you can too!
  9. IIRC there's a RWZ contact who gives an endless cycle of Rikti-based missions that are about radio-level of storytelling, so that's already sort of thing. Makes sense there'd be no radio there but that the Vanguard would be giving them out, right?
  10. Because they're scared of REAL villains!
  11. *cracks knuckles* OK, time to look stupid! I'm running a BS/Energy Aura right now, and I know a little bit about stuff and things, so lemme see what dangerously wrong advice I can offer. If nothing else, maybe some actually knowledgeable person will come along and point out what a fool I am, and then both you and I can learn something. All the below just comes from my perspective and style of play, character concepts etc. and I fully recognize this might all clash with yours. I see you skipped Slice. I've found it to be a very useful and early cone. I'm not sure you need that many slots in Parry; I mean, set bonus, sure, but... I'm not 100% on how useful Parry beyond a slot or two, and nobody in my own recent thread answered that question for me (possibly because forum people generally don't react to threads about the "uncool power sets" like BS). I tend to use Parry to fill in a hole in my attack chain as the chance avails itself or if I think I might need all the help I can get in the current fight, but I don't generally rely on it, so I'd feel odd about giving it so many slots. Is Electrical so bad an armor that you need Boxing/Tough/Weave? My recent EA build didn't touch 'em and so far at level 33 I'm doing ok. That just might be my grudge against them talking anyway, but... Not too sure you need the Leadership powers either - drop those and the ones mentioned above and you suddenly have room to take Slice! And other attacks. If you want to examine my own thread, you can find it below. My build's pretty close to the later one Carnifax posted near the bottom, iirc - I don't have my MIDS in front of me to double check, but I don't recall making too many changes. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/24696-broad-swordenergy-stalker-build/ FYI, I checked it in-game, Parry gives you +15% to melee and lethal for a handful of seconds. Useful enough, but doing only minor damage, it didn't seem worth it slotting for that, just enough so it wouldn't be too likely to miss. YMMV of course.
  12. I'm currently taking my time leveling up a Broad Sword stalker and there's not much AoE in there at all, just a couple of thin cones. I've done fine with being a single target damager, but I have to admit that having some AoE creep into the set as I leveled up felt like something of a relief, if nothing else because it's fun to manage a crit on three targets at once. Which, come to think of it, sounds like a real good argument for wanting AoE for stalkers. But still, you can easily still live and do your thing without it.
  13. Redside was my home on Live (before the population drop and the All-Incarnate-All-The-Time madness swept up the end anyway) and I've got a stalker I'm currently revisiting the Isles with solo as well. Once or twice I've hopped over blue to gain a quick level or two, but otherwise, justa nice leasurely re-exploration, just taking whatever mission's on offer that I feel like. Some of the mission-givers are insulting yes, but not all of them, I feel that's an overly broad brush. I'll also note that the tips I've run have been very "You encounter [situation]. You could be a right dastard and do X, or maybe be less of a dastard and do Y," so I actually haven't felt too talked-down to yet myself. Mainly I've done tips, Doc Buzzsaw and Dr. Graves so I dunno maybe I just ran into better ones?
  14. I haven't fought her since live, but I don't recall her ever being any kind of royal pain, so maybe I only faced her at lower levels. Or got lucky and dropped her HP too quickly.
  15. It doesn't seem to me that one needs to organize a mere five or six things, but I wouldn't stand in anyone's way if they implemented this. I do like the macro idea though. I always think about making such for my various characters, but... just never seem to find the time.
  16. So that explains why I've never seen this giant spider before - it blinded me!
  17. I'd never really thought about it, but since they can set it for just present throwing, they should be able to theoretically set it for any number of things. Throwing nothing but (lamp) shades would be funny. 😃 And I'm sure there's a character concept for someone who throws nothing but those cement gargoyles.
  18. Anyone know how wide a base those things have? Zone-wide, 100 feet? I hoard them.
  19. Huh, I had no idea. Maybe I've never done that one before. o_o
  20. How did you get those eyes? Is that part of the aura?
  21. I have that same issue on a toon with that same hat, or a hat much like it (it's been awhile). For me it worked out because the scalp color wasn't too different than the hat color so I imagine few people notice it. Then again, I didn't take the cell-shading effect in consideration, which makes it look much worse huh?
  22. Huh, I could have sworn I saw someone running around with that name. Maybe they tricked the censor by swapping out and I for an L, that sort of thing.
  23. Do you? I often take Kick instead of Boxing when I start up the Fighting tree, even if I don't use it much, but from what I've seen when I do, the weapon stays out.
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